This is going for 10 years already. wtf

This is going for 10 years already. wtf

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Cam is the only funny main character.

Shame only the first two seasons were truly great. 3 and 4 were still watchable, but after that it's not worth it.

I watched a few episodes of this, and my sister said this guy wasn't a closeted gay. Is that true? He seemed like the gayest character on that show.

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Hailey, Alex and Lily are all ugly. wtf, they were cute children.

The son is gayer tbqh

Sarah Hyland is slowly dying from some kidney disease. The state of California ruined Ariel Winter by granting her emancipation at 15 because her mom wouldn't let her fuck old men. And the Vietnamese one was always ugly.

Ariel Winter ruined Ariel Winter when she got that fucking breast reduction. Making milkers smaller should be considered a crime against humanity.

based and true

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Everyone is gay in that show.

luv milkers
luv pints
luv me wife

'ate breast reductions
'ate immigrants
'ate liverpool F.C.

simple as

Is that why Sarah is fucking everything she gets her hands on?

The JUST, resignated face of Ed O'Neill....

You guys are fucking morons. But it is real ausfalia hours on

That video where her tit falls out is nice tho.

Sarah Hyland is naturally beautiful...

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Why do half the faces look shopped on?

It's what will be held up as an example of a 2010s American family in the future.

1.) what's moronic about wanting to keep milkers immaculate
2.) im 'merican and its 3:55am here in west texas you jabroni

I know exactly which one youre talking about and I think that was actually taken post-reduction. She's still got some hefty milkers but she had some giga-F-cup tier dumpy tits before

>being disgusting with your food is funny and cute
Fucking Americans.

It's hard to tell. I'm not even sure how old she is in it. I posted it a couple of times on /random/ and people screamed mods but it never got deleted or got me banned.

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a "modern" family is two gays, one obese, adopting a chinese baby
this is your future america?
where is /pol/ when you need them?

>her cups literally runneth over
GOD why is this new generation of w*men so fucking thicc and enticing nowadays? I drive past a high school every day when I get off work and I swear to god some of those girls are stacked like fucking 20-something year olds rather than 16-18 year olds

>where is /pol/ when you need them?
usually larping as white people somewhere

Is Cam the ginger faggot or the fat faggot?

How much of a virgin do you have to be to choose boring Ariel over tiny fuck doll Sarah?

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Post it

He's gay for sure.

Show us the darts honey.


Christ the heavy photoshop isn't masking the ugliness for most of them.

>Kim becomes a hollywood powerhouse from realty TV
>Kylie becomes the youngest billionaire ever from being famous on Instagram because her sister is a famous realty tv Star

How can one family be so dominant in the lowest forms of media?

Not getting banned m8

Redditors are pathetic

I love that the two middle girls (Sarah and Ariel) are chain smoking thots!

It's funny too, cause when Ariel took her mom to court, her mom said she still needed a mother cause she kept catching Ariel in her bedroom giving blowjobs to guys when she was 14.


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B8 harder. If it's so important to you, post some porn first and I'll follow.

>giving blowjobs to guys when she was 14.

You guys can keep Ariel and Sarah, I want to make Sofia Vergaragle on my Julie Bowner.