Oscar-bait Beethoven Biopic When?

Who would you cast?


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Cuba Gooding Jr. because beethov was BLACK!

been done

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that was mozart
and, yes, he was black and whitewashed by history

Michael Fassbender or James Norton

Idris Elba

That would explain why no one ever caught him, they were looking for a white dude when I was black all along! haha you should totally look for a still living black mozart

it was already made
what we really need is J.S. Bach or Haydn biopic.

It's not worth the effort, normalfags only care about pop or nigger shit


>Beethoven Biopic
A white male? I don't think so.

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There's only one man based enough for the role.

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Was it any good?

Brie Larson literally lives in Yea Forums's heads for free.

Boom. You'll thank me later.

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Scriabin biopic when?
>VERY short, just over 5 feet tall and acted arrogant to compensate, his hands were small too
>very effeminate man which he attributed to the fact that he was surrounded by women in his youth (his aunt who cared for him was obsessed with him), he was VERY friendly around everyone (including men)
>seduced and kind of raped a 16 year old girl
>didn't attend the funeral of his first born child
>left his first wife for another woman
>obsessed with philosophy and theosophy, thought he was God (in the Hindu sense I suppose where everything is God) and once tried to walk on the waters of lake Geneva and preached to fishermen
>died from an infected pimple on his upper lip under his moustache, probably caused by shaving
>his final work, Mysterium (unfinished), was a piece that was to be 7 days long, to be performed near the Himalayas in a circular glass dome full of perfume and dancers and where he would perform as the soloist pianist-philosopher and bring about the apocalypse where the human race would be wiped out and replaced by a "nobler race"
>that's right, he actually tried to end the world

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Absolute madman.

>A 31-year-old pianist has been jailed for life inHong Kongfor murdering, dismembering, salting and then microwaving his parents.
>Henry Chau committed the murders on March 1, 2013 and was sentenced on Monday following a 20-day trial during which horrific details of the crimes emerged.
>Mr Chau reportedly spent six months plotting the killings and in the month leading up to the murders listened repeatedly toAlexander Scriabin’s frantic, semiquaver-packed composition,Vers la flamme.


>love story


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What the fuck

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Dear Diary, Today I have a new hero.

also the one with Diane Kruger
>my dick when ludwig lift her skirt