how woudl you handle facing a ramsay-rant, Yea Forums?/
How woudl you handle facing a ramsay-rant, Yea Forums?/
laugh in his ugly cockney wanker face
Being a chef and working in a kitchen with a high falutin head chef my normal response has been "yes chef"
But when I was accused of lying about something I had said only seconds earlier I decided I had enough of the showboating and abuse and quit on the spot
On a Saturday night with 200+ people booked I might add
They tried to prevent me leaving at first
Words were exchanged
he'd rant at you harder and harder until you gave in
bear in mind he's 6,5, former football player, triathlete veteran
I'd cuck out and just be one of the guys going "y-yes chef"
what did they accuse you of lying about?
Beat the shit out if him or pay one of the countless drug addicts who work most of the time kitchens to kill him for 100 bucks.
I wish some would tell him to just chill.
What kind of retarded contract do you have where you can just quit on the spot?
He lives in a free country user.
I would act like we were having a normal conversation and respond to him calmly. I work in a kitchen and this always makes everyone chill the fuck out.
Literally kill myself in front of him. See how you handle that one bitch.
When you're a chef you know pretty quickly if you've done something wrong. You have to be mature enough to swallow your pride and take whatever bollocking comes your way for your fuck up. But when you've done nothing wrong or are taking the blame for some dipshit's mistake, that's what can get you fired up.
what a retarded culture
how the fuck do people accept 'bollockings' that are completely unessecary without punching the boss
its like they are proud of just cucking out yes chefing
I asked if he knew why someone - a Chinese girl with a major fucking attitude problem who refused to communicate I might add - on the section thought tuna was needed for a function that had been booked for upstairs, we had sliced up a lot for this and then learnt they had no tuna on their menu
So I wanted to know why the girl thought this and we had wasted all that time and now had a gigantic pile of tuna we'd never sell before it went bad
He claimed I'd said he told her, getting emotional and yelling and showing off in front other staff throwing his weight around
I'd been getting fed up with the place for a while.
The abuse.
Not being listened to
>I think we need to order pumpkin, we have a second dish on the express menu using it tomorrow
>we're not ordering any fucking pumpkin
>next day get a txt message asking me to pick up some pumpkin and come in early to prep it because they've run out
The Chinese girl.
An Indian guy who half the time gave you the impression he was intellectually challenged and the other half of time was a very sneaky and self aware conniver.
You don't work in a restaurant if you don't have a drug problem.
I'm not in China so they don't chain us to the workplace
You know if you deserved it or not
sounds awful. sucks that certain careers become a lot less desirable solely because of the kind of people who typically choose them. I'm glad I remained an amateur chef.
Eh it's not that bad if you're too high to understand what's happening anyway
I would honestly cry like a little bitch
That's just every fucking pajeet in hospitality, slacking off, palming off work to other people, doing a shit job and crying they don't understand and then doing the same thing 5 more times
That's what sociopaths like Ramsey want
Don't give them the satisfaction
>heh...yell at me will ya? well take this...!
I would keep my head down the entire time he's screaming and not say anything. If he starts egging me for a response I might start crying.
Literally just look at him in the eye and respond calmly and his facade evaporates
I would start sucking his cock.
I can hardly look people in the eye to begin with. If someone's aggressive I'd back down like a bitch.
implying former soccer player makes you intimidating
Nobody chains anybody anywhere. But china has contracts which are worth nothing that's why nobody cares if you just quit in the spot. Normal 1st world countries don't let you do that. You would know that if you actually had a job before instead of larping on 4channel
I'd respond the way the director tells me since it's staged fuckery
I would look him in the eye and cynically nod affirmatively to everything he says like I'm enjoying and agreeing with the lecture, at least that's what I usually do when I have to take shit and am in no position to protest
I wouldn’t take it personal like faggot Americans.
>former football player
what's he going to do? dive in front of me and call an ambulance for his scraped knee?
No you wouldn't you soft cock
I would listen to him intently and take heed to any advice or instruction he would give, but the moment he makes a personal insult or attack to me, I would leave immediately and completely ignore anything he said thereafter.
>leaving a job at the top restaurant
>getting treated like shit and utterly disrespected as an individual is okay because you get money while it happens
I don't mind if he says I'm working poorly, I can take criticism and I don't mind being retrained or disciplined, but the moment he disrespects me as a personal and human being is unlawful (I don't know what it's like in your country, but it's illegal for a boss to demean and insult and treat his employees like shit here) and poor managerial practice.
sounds shit bro
glad you got out
Dumbass. They can't enforce contracts. Almost all office jobs have a 1 month or more notice period, but ultimately you can choose to just not fucking go in. What the fuck are they going to do?
>I don't know what it's like in your country, but it's illegal for a boss to demean and insult and treat his employees like shit here
It’s a decent thing, but I feel like it limits leadership and encourages mediocrity. Sometimes you need to fire everyone up or to make people push back in order to achieve a result. Obviously, it doesn’t work for everyone, some people people underperform in such environments, but the same kind of people tend not to achieve great results in their occupation.
make you unemployable because you cant say you worked in a place you just walked out of.
Have fun with your next job, I mean, eternal unemployment
>so why did you quit your last job? Wait. I called your last boss and he said you just quit on the spot. Gtfo
>What the fuck are they going to do?
decline to give you a positive reference
i would quit, nobody deserves to be treated like that by their boss - such a disgrace that he got the fame he never deserved.
U mad
>muh "larping on 4channel"
>he doesn't know that most states are right to work and you can actually quit on the spot, and also be fired for no reason
punch his lights out
Again, this relates to not live in a 3rd world shithole such as yourself
This is the only answer, the only way to win is to traumatize him to the point that he wants to quit his job.
The jerk store called...
Or tell him to ease off the hair plugs
Murder his entire family
Tell him he has me mistaken for one of his employees and if he continues to threaten me I will defend myself with a firearm.