When did functional strength go out of fashion Yea Forums? Why does everyone on film and tv now have to look like a roided up gymrat?
When did functional strength go out of fashion Yea Forums...
I think I read somewhere that 18 year olds peaked in upper body strength (I think it was like how much could they curl) in 1984, we've been getting progressively weaker ever since.
>Why does everyone on film and tv now have to look like a roided up gymrat?
Oh yeah? You think read that somewhere? Fascinating.
Farms strong > work strong >>>>> gym strong
t. NFL scout
Kurt Russell himself looked roided in some later movies. Same for Stallone who looked something like this and then blew up in size for the 90s. 80s bodybuilding innovations quickly entered the regiment of actors in the 90s and now everyone's on roids for their shirtless scenes.
nope. the trend clearly started with and continues with movies that target a male audience. women are impressed enough by natural six packs and square jaws. hugh jackman pre-roids was big and lean enough to attract all female viewers. only men give a shit if a hero is bigger than that.
Well, that solves it
>Why does everyone on film and tv now have to look like a roided up gymrat?
because they can,
>no, no the reason why Kurt (or me for that matter) didnt have a 6pack is because he chose not to
Sure buddy.
Yep, the strongest people in the world, strongmen, don't use weights and train by farm work and manual labour.
that's average dude. because more people used to do manual work. Of course most of us sedentary slobs are going to be weaker than our dads. it doesn't mean the strongest guys aren't stronger than the strongest guys from before
>functional strength
Literal the most meme thing in the fitness world
>implying lifting heavy isn't functional
>implying the person who curls more than you with more reps and less rests between sets isn't fuctional
>implying the person who diddly 5pl8s isn't functional
Steroids became part of the scene. Look at Sean Connery Mr Universe vs Arnold Schwarzenegger Mr Universe.
strong but fucking ruined by age 30 body, Every farmer I know has hips, knees, shoulders and back all fucked. Especially if you work with sheep.
also the weaker are surving longer “thanks to” vaccines. The human race will be as weak as hell in a few more generations thanks to modern medicine. Riddled with cancer, deformity and weakness.
>functional strength
oh boy
He's clearly talking about average people lad
Anyone can get far stronger training with weights than they can from manual labour. Progressive overload.
I don't think NFL drafts 30 years old
What exactly is functional strength?
If a guy can curl an insane amount but can’t do more than 10 pull ups, I suppose that makes him unfunctional.
What if he can do over 30 pull ups but he can’t run to save his life?
What if he’s an excellent runner but if you ask him to carry heavy weights and walk long distances like a soldier he’d pass out in the first couple of miles?
What if his combat fitness (carrying heavy loads for long distances) is excellent but he can’t throw a punch and he gasses out extremely quickly in a fistfight?
What if he’s a natural streetfighter but can barely bench his own body weight?
And that’s leaving out motor skills. Someone can be strong, tough, run fast, but still terrible at catching/throwing balls, dancing, or have shit reflexes.
Seems to me that to have a truly “functional” body someone needs to be at least basically competent in all the fields mentioned above.
I'm sure physically weak people could already survive just fine by 1984.
And cancer usually appears past the breeding age, so its very hard to naturally select against it.
Genetic engineering will solve all our problems
Sure, they can, but most people in gyms don't know what the fuck they're doing
Go home Joe
while farmhand picking up the hay knows exactly which technique is the best for their abs.
He's right. Average normie goes to the gym for years without getting much stronger or bigger because their training is garbage. They just go in and hit the same weight everyday. There's no organisation or principles involved.