What does he have in common with Hollywood?

Why change his stage name to Hill?

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Other urls found in this thread:

jews created hollywood in LA after thomas edison forced them out of east coast

once again, whitey blaming about shit THEY caused.

Why do Jews pretend to be white? What are they trying to hide?

dubs confirm.

look up Canaanites

It’s the exact opposite of that. They literally are white and just like to pretend that they’re some kind of special secret club.

Yep. When you call them out on this, they go back to being white.

>khazarian demons

nice try , shlomo

So he can be blank when it benefits the blanks, but go back to being blank when it benefits him.

>telling lies
In a game of spot the jew you make it too easy!

Almost every jew in entertainment does that tho (except the based and redpilled ones). He's just being traditional.

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

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everytime a "white" protagonist is cast for a new show, i look him/her up and they are always jewish

Just imagine that orgy. Think Donnie and Bill Eiffel Towared a couple roasties?

Why do Jews get forced out from every place they go?

Holy fuck Hillary looks amazing here

Why do whites invade, enslave, corrupt and genocide every place they go?

Because he is a filthy fucking *text redacted*

Why is almost everyone who changes their name in the media non-Jew

Who's that with Bill?

Because they are superior.
Why did you avoid my question?

>superiority = psychopathic slaughter and rape
No thanks

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gas ?

What? You meant to say "jews", right? The Ashkenazi type.

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Pretty sure Jews have committed the fewest atrocities of any group that’s ever lived

>still avoiding the question
You're a total retard if you think whites are the only one. They all do it, it's human nature. Whites are just better at it because they are the superior race

minus killing Jesus right ?

Then why are they forced out from everywhere they go?

What did Jonah Hill mean by this?

Jesus was a jew


that's a good metric to use to absolve Jews I guess

have you ever read mein kampf?

Because being a minority is dangerous as fuck, especially if you live under Catholic or Muslim rule. There are very few cases of minority persecutions where they did anything at all

>only one
I guess you're the retard because I didn't say that at all. But white people are the best at being psychopathic savages so explain that. It seems to me other races and ethnicities have more empathy aka humanity


>There are very few cases of minority persecutions where they did anything at all
So I guess you could say, they dindu nuffin?

this, unironically.
t. actual, non-self hating, jew

damn you so retarded it hurts to read you

You realize the people who persecute Jews have themselves been kicked out of tons of places? Your beliefs are a contradiction. I know your IQ is 50ish so I’ll clarify: that means you’re wrong.

Not an argument!

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>But white people are the best at being psychopathic savages so explain that
Everything whites do are on a bigger scale because they create greater technology and tactics, and they have the power and skills to take over larger areas and larger groups of people. Others are less developed and can't compete, they can't fight back. Whites could have wiped them all of the planet if they wanted to.
>other races and ethnicities have more empathy
That's where you're retarded kiddo. Whites are the only ones outlawing slavery, rape and genocide, and creating safe prosperous societies. They bend over backwards for the outsiders that desire to destroy them from within.

Ah, catholicism. The religion of self-flagellation. Is that why you are so bitter?

>bigger is better hurr durr

the only race to voluntarily give up slavery
if you could choose which race invaded your country, which would it be?

>whites kicking out whites based on religious disagreements is the same as everyone kicking out Jews for unspecified reasons

If whites weren't superior then white aggression would have never been an issue to anyone.

>conflating extremely diverse cultures and histories into a white "race"
simplifying much?


It’s the same exact thing. You are a doublethinking imbecile.

You're going in circles, brainlet

look at the post i was replying to
that user used the broad definition of "white people," so i responded to that point
the fact that you implied otherwise reveals you as acting in bad faith

Are Catholics a race?

Shut up fag. Fatass incel lol


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calm down
no need to get salty just because you were called on your bullshit
maybe next time don't be full of shit

>reveals you as acting in bad faith
Yeah, you're exactly right I was just wasting your time

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*yawn* well that was fun I'm going to bed now

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prove it


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hill = berg
t. knower

gotta be up early for school?

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