Goth Scarlett Johansson

Goth Scarlett Johansson

What role would she fit perfectly in while rocking this aestethic bros ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

bedroom slave

curing my phimosis without any steroid cream

Big tiddy goth bride

gutter punk suck my dick

a fridge

the witch from the VVitch

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Why do Jews make the best goths?

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That's really becoming, certainly more than I'd expect.


Michael Jackson


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any asian role

She had a breast reduction. I no longer give a fuck about her

kill yourself

if you genuinely think like this, it's you who should kys

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Bartender in Lobo, starting Frank Grillo as title character.

Because the vampire myth is based on Jews. Holy water (Jews hate Catholics), crucifixes (Jews killed Christ), stabbing through heart, no reflection, garlic (Jews eat hummus). Never trust one! They'll suck your blood. Fuck Israel.

fuck off pedofag

but that would imply she no longer has tits at all, you dumbass

>What role would she fit perfectly in while rocking this aestethic bros ?
A goth girl, probably. I'm not really sure why you guys ask retarded questions on purpose.

Evil Jewish poltergeist biduk

this ain't it

she just looks like an edgy pin-up circa 2003

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I don't know why you're replying to me. I guess too many memes broke you guys.


Cause you're saying she'd fit the role of a goth girl

jewess milkers


Yeah, because that's what OP asked about. Are you just replying to the picture and not the words?

Not elegant enough for Morticia Adams.

OP posted this picture presumably as an example of her "rocking the aesthetic" and I'm telling him this ain't it.

>still can't tell me why he included me in this
How long am I going to have to wait? Are you also being retarded on purpose?

I told you here
Are you being retarded on purpose?

I never said she'd fit the role of a goth girl in that picture. I guess you don't know how posting works. Better luck next time.

>What role would she fit perfectly in while rocking this aestethic bros ?
Sucking the cum right out of my dick 20 times in one day.

sure that totally isn't what you meant

go find an excuse to be bitchy somewhere else

Looks like best Rogue.

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iDeepthroat Reboot


near dark prequel (as diamondback)
rip bill paxton btw

pic btw

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I never noticed until recently,, but she's also in Terminator 2, Aliens and Lethal Weapon 2.


They tend to be pale.
That's pretty much it.

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>obvious hesitation marks all over her forearms

You should check the legs.

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3 of the actors playing vampires in near dark were all in aliens the year before
goldstein (as vasquez), paxton (hudson) and henriksen (bishop)
dunno if it was james cameron's influence (he later married near dark's director kathryn bigelow) but their experience of working together definitely added to the on screen chemistry

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ONS and get the fuck out, is the only option. I'm not getting stabbed

Ha, coward.

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They should've made her Rogue in the Xmen movies.

>Goths make me diamonds
>Get really upset seeing cutmarks/scars
It's an impossibility, isn't it?

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I'm sure there's plenty who don't.

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I fucked a chick like this for a while.
It was pretty disturbing desu, she had marks all over her arms and legs but was hot so I tried to ignore it.
I'll never understand this gay shit though. Why would you ever cut yourself? Even in my most self-destructive moments I'll only binge on food or drink to excess, maybe do coke once in a while.
Cutting doesn't seem like a way to blow off steam but add more of it than anything else. Plus you look repulsive over time.

Because when someone sees the scars, they immediately go "Are you okay? Do you need help/someone to listen to you?"

It's attention-seeking in a very unhealthy way, because they're not sure how else to get help.

t. dated 5 cutters

Also remembered my female cousin who was a nurse, she told a patient who was a cutfag the proper way to kill herself. LMAO

Most goths don't cut lol

She had Borderline Personality Disorder, it's a very common symptom.

ayy lmao

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>Big tiddy Goth gf thread
>No-one is posting big tiddy goth gfs

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Goth Scarlett already existed and was called Ancilla Tilia

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Okay okay.

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The Frozen Autumn are kino

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That's not nice, to remind us.

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mfw she's a politican now
her nudes are all over the interwebs

I think she retired from the politics. But she was fapkino anyhow, still is. Can't believe I lost all the picsets I had saved

Eh I'm happy enough knowing she's breeding, pumping out more delicious pale goth girls.

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great way to get fired, probably bs anyway

I wish I had a thick goth gf.

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I love her maaaaaaan

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Goths are for breeding.

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What would you do if your daughter turned into a goth, anons?

Support and encourage her, and give her money to buy clothes.

Support her and love her, that way she'll turn out fine.
My sister is goth and she's only been with one guy who she's going to move on with, probably because my father has always supported us.
I'd do the same.

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Do what Merry would do, fuck her before anyone else does to prevent cuckoldry.

Porcelain skin + blue eyes = the best goth girls

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something they find dead, like an old appliance, and then they bury it

>tfw phimosis but too coward to ask the doctor for cream
I swear I'm socially retarded

You mean photoshop

I finally got the nerve to see a doctor about it and they said there was too much scaring for cream to work anymore and I had to get jew'd
Don't leave it too late

Here's the issue I'm 29 years old. Like I said, retarded.

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>this ENTIRELY thread

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Updated Moticia Addams

Based x-men revolution fan
I spent too much time as a young teenager watching those earlier seasons on youtube. Cosy times

Sorry, user.

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gtfo with this 2004 shit

lol no

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you better keep it up

looks cute and all, but what's the deal with goths? i don't get it

They're pale and gloomy.

>could not get the foreskin over the head for more than 8 years
>literally almost passed out when telling it to my dad for the first time
I asked for full circumcision to just be done with it once and for all (did not even know a cream existed). It's not too bad but I wish I asked for only a partial back then.

its called ploomy. where have you been?

>Yea Forums

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US president James Garfield was assassinated by Charles Guiteau in 1881. Guiteau's autopsy report indicated that he had phimosis. At the time, this led to the speculation that Guiteau's murderous behavior was due to phimosis-induced insanity

NC-17 Joanna Angel biopic

>we could've got pale goth Domino Mew
>stuck with dyke huntress instead

I hate her homewrecker hairstyle, I miss the fringe

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what are you sum kinda racis' white boi?
blacks have to be shoved into every character every role in every movie because muh diversity

my gf

I was so fucking pissed about that, Domino is mai gothfu but no, we have to get yet anther fucking hideous nigger instead.


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She's a FOF and actually lovely irl. Spanish and lives in the UK.

I actually didn't mind the sheboon as I thought it was a pretty good racist joke. Its funny as hell how all the virtue signalling are actually parody, but nobody realizes it kek

I'm just upset that we didn't got her in the role and a proper Domino, and the Huntress is so close yet so far

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>Its funny as hell how all the virtue signalling are actually parody
Yeah, no, they aren't. It's just that the whole thing is so retarded you SEE it as parody. I 100% guarantee it was not intended as such.

when i was 13 the doctor gave me a cream which didnt really work but on the next visit i pretended it did because it was too emberassing
but through constant daily masturbation i managed to pull my forskin down when i was 17 imagine the smell so i didnt get jewed

>Yeah, no, they aren't. It's just that the whole thing is so retarded you SEE it as parody. I 100% guarantee it was not intended as such.
I unironically can't tell if it makes it better or worse

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S-Stop guys
I cant fucking take this thread anymore

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so cut yourself

Short yourself out and go get a goth gf user, go find one so pale that your skin looks like a arab's in comparison.

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adams family remake

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I don't get it either, my ex had a lot of these and kept covering them up with tattoos.
Then again she had some odd condition where she couldn't feel temperature changes on her skin either so she'd go outside in the middle of winter without a jacket on.

A corpse in an oven.

why the fuck would a goth girl wear a Belphegor shirt you subculture-blind fuckhead?

Rogue in an X-Men porn.

Why are birds so adorable?

Scarlett Johansson Dolce & Gabbana silk lace dress and silk and lace bodysuit. Repossi 18k black gold earring; International Silver nose clip; David Yurman sterling silver and diamond band rings, VBH 18k oxidized white gold and diamond ring, David Yurman sterling silver and diamond ring, Bottega Veneta 18k black gold and diamond ring, VBH 18k white gold and diamond ring, De Beers 18k black gold and diamond ring, VBH 18k oxidized white gold and diamond ring (on right hand, from top); De Beers 18k black gold and diamond rings, David Yurman sterling silver and diamond ring, VBH 18k oxidized white gold and diamond ring, David Yurman sterling silver, hematite, topaz, and pavé diamond ring, VBH 18k oxidized white gold and diamond ring, David Yurman sterling silver and diamond ring, David Yurman 18k white gold and pavé diamond ring (on left hand, from top).

>(((they))) remake Addams Family
>Morticia is a nigger
>so is Wednesday
>Puglsey is white for some reason, but he's gay so its okay

there is quite a bit of overlap between goth and metal. My goth club had goth nights and metal nights and both nights had a lot of the same people


Because a lot of goths are into metal? Are you retarded or just a discord tranny?


My anal cock sleeve

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>implying some black girls can't pull off goth

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A half cyborg villain in the Alita sequel.

Pic unrelated? Because she's clearly mostly white, and she still can't pull it off.

I love pale women with black hair.

not a goth

What do you guys think of this goth?

Not as cute as this goth

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Discord tranny detected

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>Because she's clearly mostly white
What, in what world is she mostly white?

She looks good. 9/10 would bang.

Reminder that American McGee's Alice adaptation might happen

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Sorry, but as much as I hate trannies I have to agree that black women can simply not pull off the goth look. It's not just even about their lack of paleness, blacks just have gross characteristics that go against the smoothness of pale white women.

Goth blacks are a joke.

Sorry to hear you are gay

>not liking men-looking women is gay
Sorry, but it's not my fault the average black woman looks like a poop-coloured monkey. It's also no secret that men from every single race think black women are the least desirable appearance.

The world were most of her ancestors are white?

>American McGee's Alice adaptation happens
>(((they))) cast a fugly nigger as Alice

>being this gay


Have the Chinese even blackwashed a character?

This is a thread for goth girls, go boast about your zoophlia somewhere else, degenerate.

>no argument
Sorry black-fetishist or black woman who is delusional about blacks being unable to pass as goths. I won't lie, it sucks blacks are the ugliest humans, and I don't envy them, but sooner or later you'll have to accept the truth.

>intestines are in chronic pain and almost never shit
>don't want a doctor to shove a camera up my ass

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my waifu Lexa Doig has some goth pics

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>waifuing a literal whore
Kek. I'm gonna pay your whore waifu $5 and nut on her whore face.

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I really want to die but I would never cut myself, I would feel like a bitch too if I did cause I'm a grown ass man

Cutters don't want to die, it's a cry for attention.


She could pull me off though hehe

She's cute, but she's no goth.

nancy pelosi biopic


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name of girl?

dang haven't seen that pic in eons

what a fucking loser

For you retards too scared to talk to the doctor about issues. Totalbiscuit unnecessarily died of ass cancer because he had consistent bloody shits FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR and didn't tell anyone. Please fucking talk to your doctor if there is something wrong with you that doesn't go away for more than a week or two.

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goth girls LOOK great, but the whole "nothing matters" attitude is in direct contradiction to how much effort it takes to achieve the look
I like loser girls

Goths don't have to be nihilists, in fact most aren't, they tend to be very spiritual and romantic.

I'M a nihilist

Kill yourself then.

literally takes effort, motivation, and desire

Holy shit she looks so ugly like that

She always does though. Disgusting jew.

No it doesn't. Just lie in bed until you starve. Easy. Do it now.

First thing that comes to mind seeing this is Elvira but she doesn't have the tits to pull it off.

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>pointing a gun at your head and pulling the trigger is more effort than feeding, clothing, washing and maintaining yourself day after day for decades

good lord, you guys don't know shit about nihilism

We know you're full of shit if you claim to be one. Real nihilists kill themselves, you're just a whiney faggot.

no they don't
you're pretend whining for (You)s
>Nietzsche himself, a radical skeptic preoccupied with language, knowledge, and truth, anticipated many of the themes of postmodernity. It's helpful to note, then, that he believed we could--at a terrible price--eventually work through nihilism. If we survived the process of destroying all interpretations of the world, we could then perhaps discover the correct course for humankind.
Nihilism is rejection of falsehood

I'll have a double decaff with a shot of caramel and a bran muffin to go please.

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Yea Forums is nihilist

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Is that some Nietzsche shit? Shut the fuck up

>nihilist refers to nietzsche
kill yourself, fucking idiot

Nihilism long predates Nietzsche you pseud.

Really cant say this enough either. If you feel something is wrong with your health, fucking see a doctor before it's too late and you get told you only have 6 months left.

no fucking shit, you arrogant fool

he was also anti-nihilism, he was just the most productive on discussion of the topic
he was an existentialist, which is the exact opposite

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Me on the right

as someone who has had a camera shoved up their ass, it's not actually that bad. They put you under and you don't feel a thing. Didn't even wake up with a sore butthole.
Honestly, the only part that sucks is the prep, because you have to drink a massive quantity of liquid laxative for an entire evening the night before, and the only stuff you're allowed to eat or drink other than water is Gatorade and jello. I sprayed blue water out of my ass like a fire hose for about five hours.

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that's a lotta religions

Goths tend to be very spiritual but they don't tend to follow any specific religion.

>girls tend to follow lots of bands but they don't tend to listen to any music
no shit

You realize girls are far more likely to follow a specific religion than men, right? Also if there is one thing goths love more than moping around and wearing black, it's their music.

just pointing out that it's all bullshit

FaceSitter 3000, starring her and I

Goths tend to be Catholic or raised Catholic at least.
Ankhs are seen as symbols of everlasting life and many goths are obsessed with the life after death and/or vampires.
The wiccan pentacle is a meme but at least it has the symbol of the moon which goths obsess over (pale and surrounded by darkness).
t. goth

>Goths tend to be Catholic or raised Catholic at least.
I don't think that's at all true, there are plenty of English goths for example.
> obsessed with the life after death
This is true enough, but it doesn't always (or usually) come from Catholicism or even from a religious upbringing, and goths seldom follow any "real" religion and would be best described as new age or pagan.

>English goths
Supposedly the trend came from England and then spread to the US and Europe (and then later into Japan)
But notice the ones with the black rosaries are probably not the English types.

Now that's some delicious paleness. Extremely yummy. Do you have more of this beauty and/or a source, please?

Asking for a friend: Do goth girls get turned off by fatties more or less than regular girls?

yes, very good
absolutely disgusting

elisabeth rohm's part in american hustle

More. Goths tend to be very into Romantic notions of the body beautiful.

I think English goths appreciate the aesthetics of Catholicism, natch they don't necessarily know or care about the religious significance of a rosary but they know that a black crucifix looks Goth.

Bummer. My friend is fit now but his torso is filled with stretch marks. Thanks for the reply.

Stretch marks don't necessarily matter, being fat and not taking care of your appearance do.

I've never seen a fat goth now that I think about it. A lot of them (female) wear corsets to appear skinnier if they ever do gain too much.
Being turned off though, it probably depends on the person.
I personally don't even know any fat people in real life so this is a strange question for me to answer.
There's a bit of a trend that a lot of goths are also vegan so that kills off a lot of chances any would be into fat people who tend to eat a lot of fatty processed foods.

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I'm a giant fatso, this is your chance to ask everything you ever wanted. 5'11 (181 cm) + 374 lbs. (165 kg.)
>inb4 kill yourself
>inb4 stop eating
No u

In my experience it's the normal weight goths who are abnormal. They're almost all overweight.

Cara Mia!

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>Then again she had some odd condition where she couldn't feel temperature changes on her skin either so she'd go outside in the middle of winter without a jacket on.
Sounds like a typical woman. You can guess temperature without actually feeling it.
That's assuming she wasn't full of shit.

How good a job do you do wiping, on average? Scale of 1-10. It's anonymous so be honest.

Lily Munster, of course.

this is the right amount of chubby. w h e w

Jap lolitas are best goths

10 (i.e. paper is "clean" after wiping). Why would you leave the restroom without wiping thoroughly? I used to wipe with my right hand before but around ~320 lbs. I changed to my left hand due to dexterity loss.

So were not going to talk about her massive five head? Okay.

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>big tiddies
>already have darker eyes and hair

>sea witches

she actually has a sloped, triangular forehead

And it is hideous. She needs bangs.

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Is your left arm a foot longer than your right arm?

No, but when you start getting fatter and fatter you cross the threshold where fat starts accumulating in your upper back as well, reducing the range of motion your whole arm has when reaching backwards (including scratching your back), to the point where the muscle can get a mini-cramp almost immediately and becomes uncomfortable. It's still no excuse not to mind your hygiene though.

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