This was terrible

This was terrible.

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only things that ruin it is when the story stops focusing on the detective and starts focusing on the killer. that, and the fucking stupid sappy 80s melodrama ending. i'm not saying the ending should've been edgy, but the shootout honestly looks like shit and the ending is cheesy as hell
killer story was somewhat interesting but i would've preferred if the entire movie was from the detective's point of view. the first act is probably mann's best 80s film output, and peterson is amazing

wouldn't say it's terrible. It was moody, very blue, melancholic, a contrast to the usual up-tempo funny 80-action.

What in petersons acting did you like?
I found the acting in the film subpar other than the killer who did a great job.

i like peterson a lot so i'm a bit biased. his performance is quiet and he doesn't talk much, but he really uses his sad eyes to his advantage.
i only really know peterson from to live and die in la, which i really love. mann specifically hired him because of that. i actually would rather watch to live and die in la over manhunter anyday, that's a better example of an 80s film that doesn't feel like an 80s film.

Kino as fuck serial killer

>tfw Yea Forums memed me into watching this

Really liked it. It had a lot of tension. Yeah, the ending was kinda over the top. I liked the interaction with his family in between, makes him seem more grounded with more to lose.

you are fucking terrible. Manhunter is pure unfiltered kino.

You are terrible

Thief is his only truly great film

I remember thinking Red Dragon was ok.

Was i wrong?

Ever heard of low budget? Mann performed a maricle making this thing as good as it turned out to be.



no, it wasn't. the ending was lack luster but other than that it was brilliant. the killer was amazing.


better than silence of the lambs and red dragon. Brian Cox was better than Anthony Hopkins as Lector

>but the shootout honestly looks like shit
most shootouts were shit in the 80's


too stylistic

dream much will?

Manns best 80s output was Thief you dolt

Hi Doug

>budget: $15 million
this was fine for the 1980s, Beverly Hills Cop had the same budget and 48hrs had 12 million

The shootout was my favorite part of the film

Lethal Weapon also $15 million

It is interesting how unmemorable this movie is in comparison to Silence of the Lambs.

On the bright side, it has some cool songs.

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None of you got your dick sucked while watching this film and it really shows.

I just got done watching this 15 minutes ago, what the fuck. I was also about to create a thread about it being kino. Is this some kind of Truman show fuckery? Cinematography, soundtrack, acting, insight in to serial killers and forensic investigation are all kino, the only thing I didn't like is the rushed shootout at the end.

If you don't like this kino, you have a serious case of plebitis.

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For real, and not every movie has to have an epic John Woo shootout either

you are an abomination

Reminds me Point Blank where the director just goes nuts because the script isn't all that good

it hasn't aged great, but its still pretty watchable, and the mood and tone are still great

Got to watch this in high school very kino week

red dragon is still pretty good. fiennes is an absolute kino actor.

>walks down hallway
>gets shot


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Very much so.