Name your fav movie trilogy.
Name your fav movie trilogy
Cornetto trilogy is probably my favourite comedy trilogy too user. But I'll go with Linklater's before trilogy.
Hmm. I'll allow it.
absolute kino
Haven't seen these user. Will check them out.
3 is the weakest movie but I like the way they kill off Ripley and the alien so there's no possibility of making any shit sequels and flogging a once good franchise to death.
thing and mom are great but pod is terrible
>series that has five entries and two spin-offs
I don't think I'ever encountered anyone else with the correct opinion. This is truly an historic evening.
Never heard of them. Romcoms?
disagree. it might not be as accessable as the others but that makes it underrated. the only problem is that it might have had stronger leads
Not technically a trilogy (yet), but the fist two Creep movies are refreshingly original. Especially 2.
the three colors trilogy
The Gamera trilogy.
Christ on a bike.
The only great trilogies are the ones with just one story over three parts
Dumb contrarian. The Before trilogy is incredible.
post yours
suck my dick nerds
The world will end on March 23, 2019.
Hey this is a trilogy thread, they only made two Mariachi movies.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico's blind shootout is pure kino
Man, you're dumber than a box of rocks.
Alien 3 is atrocious, not "weak". Fuck out of here with your garbage taste.
well duh
it's a good movie, but not a good alien movie
shit taste central
Post your fav then nigger.
Basic but based nonetheless.
Prison Trilogy
The edgy teen choice
Thanks for illustrating my words
for me, its shrek
Haven't seen these yet :(
One mediocre movie, 2 bad ones.
The Unbreakable - Split - Glass trilogy
Can’t believe none of you have mentioned Malick’s fantastic Badlands trilogy yet
John Wick
Batman vs Superman
Badlands, Days of Heaven, Song to Song
Richard Gere’s character in Days of Heaven is Sissy Spacek’s son from Badlands
Meanwhile the little girl grows up to become Rooney Mara’s character in Song to Song and romance Goose’s suave musician, little suspecting that he’s the reincarnation of Martin Sheen’s evil killer
A truly powerful generational saga centered around the “Badlands” that is America and its music scene. I loved the part where the bounty hunters we thought Kit killed in Badlands 1 returned to shoot his lover’s son near the end of Days of Heaven, setting the stage for the final confrontation in Song to Song