Cries for 50 minutes cause a movie isn't promoting a race war in the aryan homeland of fucking California

>Cries for 50 minutes cause a movie isn't promoting a race war in the aryan homeland of fucking California

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>70 minutes into a movie
>a black character shows up on screen
>he doesn't die and nobody calls him a nigger
>IMMEDIATELY get angry and turn it off

These but unironically

Got a little angry just from this post

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>goes home to masturbate to interracial gangbang videos

Pretty much yeah.

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>guys this movie is not diverse enough
>-how about an Indian woman or maybe an Asian ma-
>I’ll call Tyrone

>aryan homeland

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>100 minutes into movie
>entire movie is unironically anti white propaganda
>I start rubbing my hands together
>a fire between my hands begin from the amount of rubbing
>yess... yessssss.... glorious!!!!
>posts on Yea Forums saying white pepo BTFO pol BTFO
>dialate my hole

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That's the fucking point you underaged redditor


Absolutely based

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I enjoy his reviews.

>watch film about the subjugation of some foreign land by colonial European nation.
>the Europeans are violent, ruthless and murder/rape everything in sight
>claim that "the white race" is superior to others, therefore that conquest and violent treatment of inferiors is warranted


>watch film set in modern day usa
>black character is violent and rapes a white woman

Serious question - why do white men make these kinds of videos, instead of having sex with white women and impregnating them?

A combination of of "alt-right" ecelebs being massive autistic fuckups that don't practice what they preach and the practical real life fact that having a woman and kids isn't worth it.


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There's no such thing as a white man. There are white boys and black men.

Its not a question of choice. Thats the whole point. Where do you think all this rage and social/sexual frustration comes from?

Do you think a white man, happily married with 3 kids, while having a good, secure job with good health insurance cares about "saving the white race"?

This is reserved for the losers and the rejects. Granted, its a two sided problem. Upwards social mobility is impossible nowadays, without a highly technical skillset acquired in university (non-scam ones). Furthermore, thanks to post-GFC capitalism, employers can terminate without a weeks notice and health insurance is a scam too. Add to that, that women dont want to settle down and have kids until theyre 35 (with only tall and rich men), after having fucked hundreds of men.

This is where this "white genocide" bullshit comes from. These men dont know how to express their rage and their frustration. They blame the next best thing, which their primitive brains points at, "niggers".

because having kids doesn't stop immigration. it also doesn't stop nonwhites having 4-7 kids per family

is that a fucking oompa-loompa?

it's a leftist

I'm very suspicious of any of these faggots who advocate for getting married and having white children, especially considering their documented personal problems and the type of person they know consumes their content.

Well some of us Alpha Brains point the blame at "kikes".

Yeah fuck those kikes for giving us free will


Free will doesn't exist and people don't posses their own agency.

Black Pill's videos are really vain though

He thinks a latino cop in Falling Down is "Anti White Propaganda"

Basically anything where minorities don't play masochist is anti white to them

Based and thispilled

>These men dont know how to express their rage and their frustration.

I'd suggest the sheer repetitiveness with which it occurs on Yea Forums is proportionate to the limited catharsis to be had from it. That and autism, obviously.

You know the saddest part? It's that believe it or not one day california was actually a aryan homeland, the jewel of the crown of the US of A, it makes me so sad bros.

nigga what?

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