/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #34 - Cybernetic Hands Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

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Figma when?
Remastered OVA when?

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>I've seen Alita Battle Angel 167 times and it keeps getting better every single time I see it!

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It's Yoko

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Sad, isn't it? I wonder if he posts that pitiful YouTube clip, too.

The part of the movie where Hugo stops calling her Alita and switches to "Ally" if for you, okay? Enough.

Alita would be a great franchise to base a video game around.
You have a character who progressively unlocks memories of her past martial arts experience, so RPG mechanics would naturally make sense. The panzerkunst itself lends itself to an action gameplay. Scrap iron city and the surrounding badlands would make a nice, small open world environment.

The old ps1 game only released in Japan really got the basics : it had bounty hunting, it had motorball, and it also closely followed the plot of the original manga. A modern day alita game made in the spirit of the old ps1 title could be vidya kino.

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why was the fact that this hand-carved body was completely destroyed and left in the sewer never brought up in the movie again after it happened?

How do you raise a daughter to be like Alita?

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You have to be based Christoph

So how is it performing in Japan and China? Any solid numbers in? I'm on the edge of my seat here waiting to see if we will get the sequels

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The movie establishes that she doesn't remember her name. Alita is the name Ido gives her in remembrance of his daughter, Alita. The movie never actually states her real name. You really think a fan like Cameron is unaware of her Asian name variant? I'm willing to bet in a future sequel when she regains more memories, she remembers her real name (Gally/Yoko). Also Hugo in the movie nicknames Alita "Ally" which is clearly a reference to Gally. Maybe it coindinkly helps her remember her real name in one of the sequels.

Some pretty good comments under shitty Captain Marvel's new TV spot. The effect is working, guys.

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Well I mean Ido had to leave the underground in a hurry and afterwards everyone was so impressed with the Berserker body. Just got pushed out of mind I guess

The same reason that Dr Ido left trash in the scrapyard that was no use. It was trash at that point. Why the fuck would they bring it out? Nanotech body was superior anyway.

Bros you might not believe me but Alita is on track to be the first trillion dollar kino

The media and James Cameron have agreed to make the narrative it out to be a flop to make it fair for other movies

My theater treats this movie as a powerlevel-romance flick, I saw nothing but sappy teen romance trailers before it (and the mandatory marketing saturation Captain Marvel trailer).

Everybody loved it tho.

On track for a 63 million-ish weekend in China.

I have no idea about Japan.

All of the roundness from Brie Larson's jaw went into Alita's eyes

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I didn't mean literally bringing it out of the sewer, but they don't mention it again despite its extreme sentimental value to Ido

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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The sentimental value was gone at that point. It was garbage. Not many people keep garbage even if sentimental about it. It had served its purpose. Time to move on.

So how much of doll Alita is practical? Clearly part of it is, since this prop part exists. And it's way too detailed to be a stand in for CGI.

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You forget that Ido was kind of treating Alita like the daughter he once had, even going as far as giving her his daughters body, name and room. He only kept the body originally because he couldn't let go of his daughters death.

Yeah, good point. Maybe it connects to his conversation with Chiren earlier on, about "letting their daughter go." He had held onto that body for years and now he was able to leave it

Makes sense that Ido prioritizes his living adoptive daughter rather than keeping obsessing over the spare parts to his dead one. Her broken body only has artistic value, so I guess he could part it out. It's not like it's going anywhere.

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Meant for I don't know why user or a janny deleted it.

I guess this is leftover from the manga. In the manga, Alita's original body was built for Alita using scrap parts. Many parts came from the victims of the serial killer (who's just the girl with blade hands in the manga). In the manga, Ido doesn't have an ex-wife or a dead daughter. Chiren is an OVA addition, and his daughter is a movie addition.

Goddamn, that's beautiful. It's like an intricate ornate artifact. Would pay good money to have it as a display if I actually had any money.


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She looks so cute and sexy.


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Deleted because I didn't crop it correctly. And to answer your question I think they had to make a practical doll just to see how it would actually look in motion.

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Um delete that this is a Christian image board.

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Alita: Underage Spaceport Sexdoll

I really love the doll body but the berserker body looks generic as fuck in the movie which wasn't the case with the mango

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What ?
Unironically what did he mean by this

Im going to see Alita tomorrow. How much will I be in love with her by the end of the film? I have a way of getting obsessed with things. I'll be okay, right?

The old body went from something that gave him back a daughter to nearly killing her because of his selfishness

It's why he was profusely apologizing to her after they save her, after which he puts her in her own body, letting her be her own person

Final numbers:

USA: $100M
Foreign: $125M
China: $175M
Japan: $30M

Total: $430M

Sounds about right?

that looks so good

weta really does incredible work sometimes

>but the berserker body looks generic as fuck
I dunno. I disagree. It's very close to DX:HR aesthetic, but far more refined, and I have a good appreciation for DX and cyberpunk in general. It's very sleek and aesthetic in my opinion. Not to be confused with beautiful, which the doll body is by far. But I think they both look great.

To be fair in this case the berserker body was one of many made by the URM, not something solely unique. Besides, I have a feeling the real creativity is gonna come in with all the armor additions, like what we saw with her motorball armor, or her leather get-up.

Add another 25 million to other foreign markets.


I liked how both Ido and Chiren eventually prioritize Alita over their longtime obsessions.

It would probably take as much time fixing that body as making a new one

S-sure...you'll be fine.

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450 million is good.

So does the hardcover deluxe edition of Gunnm on Amazon cover everything? It looks like it only has 5 books to it, but wikipedia lists that there are 9 volumes. Are they just doubled-up in each book? Wiki also lists some other series, like Last Order and Mars Chronicle. Are those included in the deluxe edition also? I'm so confused about where to start here...

me on the right

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>Final numbers:

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It will make $2,787,965,088, beating Avatar by a dollar

Christoph's just done with her shit. Good reaction pic.

>per Fox the film has so far not only broke even but made a surplus of almost 100 million
Alita 2: Battle Boogaloo when?

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Thats way off. A better estimate would be:

USA: $10M
Foreign: $12M
China: $17M
Japan: $3M

Total: $42M

Too bad Alita needed $7 trillion to break even. Sucks there on't be a sequel now that Alita flopped.

As does Hugo.

I think it will go higher desu

If China had an ~$80M opening weekend it could hit $500M. But it's only at $60M.

Domestic numbers might not breach $100 mil - while there is definitely a solid core audience that loves this movie, there are plenty who have been turned off, either by her design or the cheesiness of the movie (full disclosure I love it).

As for Japan and China, it's still too early yet to tell, as it seems the actual numbers keep rising higher than expected. Plus going by google translate and Japanese twitter, most of the reception in Japan seems to be real good. It's just competing there this weekend with some popular Japanese flicks and fucking Aquaman. Also I think SpiderMan: Into the Spiderverse? Not sure though.

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500m is sequel point

When discussing the outfits alita wears throughout the film. Sentence ends with: her head, or messing with buttons

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Give us your breakdown.

USA is not gonna hit 100mil. Sitting at 50 million right now according to box office mojo. It's only downhill from here.

Anything above 400 million is sequel potential. 450 million is very good potential.

Feel free to combine with Goose.

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lmao. No. $1.2 billion is more like it.

I really liked Alita but it has serious issues with jampacking way too many arcs in one film and not giving them the opportunity to breathe. Its a shame because i love all the arcs, i just wish theyd have decided to put about 1/5th the plot in this movie, expand a bunch on what they actually show and save the rest for sequels. I think thats the main thing killing this kinos sales. Its a massive exposition dump.

>she's not trying to pull a T-shirt over
What? Phat teen tiddies? Because good lord they're big for her age and frame. And that's a good thing.

Were are you gonna get $50M from altogether? $25M extra is pretty good, since it came out everywhere else.

In the biggest market South Korea, it came out 20 days ago. 2nd biggest UK, 16 days ago.

yeah for all of 1 second

Nova is kind of a dick isn't he?

The problem is that Cameron wants to do a trilogy covering the first how many ever volumes of the manga, so a shit ton of plots had to be mashed together and condensed. Otherwise instead of seeing three movies you'd be looking at a cinematic universe cancer shit show.

I mean we're also talking about James Goddamn Cameron

He can probably push a sequel through even with only modest box office returns on Alita

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Nah, the people who actually show up to watch it love it. It's the advertising that's lacking.

It'll hit $60M after Sat/Sun's numbers are in.


Yeah, pacing is an issue. Depending on how keen your attention span is, it usually takes at least another solid watch to take everything in. And that's mostly due to the visuals and the action.

But the other big issues include the fact it's just a prologue (which I'm ok with as long as we get good sequels), and the fact the cheesiness of everything. The dialogue can be very cheesy, especially if you aren't use to anime dialogue, and that can hurt reception. People still point to the bar speech and the entirety of the Hugo romance subplot as the issues. Especially his second death falling into the clouds.

But if you can embrace the cheese and accept Cameron dialogue, you will love this movie. I certainly do. Just saw it for the 5th time tonight.

I suspect Nova had Hugo chipped for the entertainment value of it. How else did he hear their conversation on the tube?

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>It's the advertising that's lacking
Imagine if Fox actually decided to do advertising for this film, it would probably have much better box office numbers right now. They probably figured it was going to flop at the box office and so didn't want to spend a lot of money on it or advertise it too much and lose out on millions of dollars. Given how well Alita is doing by word of mouth alone, I can see them green lighting a sequel and doing actual advertisement for it. Maybe give the sequel a slightly smaller budget to be on the safe side and offset the cost of marketing.

The bar speech was fine. Very effective, in fact.

Burgers are getting very cringey. Maybe that is why they worry about cringe so much.

I see a shit ton on youtube but that might just be targeted ads.
However, I do still see a lot of alita ads on TV

Why are news outlets so eager to see her flop?

I was thinking about that. Not to make a blanket statement here, but society seems steeped in irony at the moment. If you attempt to be sincere or honest and open you will be derided. Marvel movies are a great example of it, since all the quips and jokes boil down to petty self-awareness, laughing at the fact that they're in a movie with men in tights fighting ridiculous enemies.

You can't embrace the fantasy and world, you have to be self-aware about it first and be able to joke about it. Like, haha, of course this anime movie is garbage, noone *actually* thinks its good. I'm sick of this shit.

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Alita was marketed. Just because it's not marketed as heavily as Captain Marvel and Endgame doesn't mean it hasn't been given the A-list marketing and press tour.

This is the same excuse we got for Solo - that movie was marketed well enough too, except for the media gaffes about having sex with robots. Solo's problem was that it cost twice as much as it should due to the re-shoots, and releasing it right after the shit-show of The Last Jedi.

Because they will be eager for whatever Disney pays them to be eager for.

I think part of it is that her behavior and mode of speaking has a divide right at the bar scene, in that scene she seems much more confident. Banter with Zapan, mocking his face and hair, and of course the speech itself, even her actions are in contrast to what we've seen from her before.

During that scene she acts one way to Hugo ('thanks SO much') when he stuns that one guy, which is more what we're used to from her.

The speech is meant to be cringy though, that's why they laugh at it in the movie.

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This was pretty neat to read.

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It's as the mouse commands. White roasties do it for free

Are the people actually talking about what age a robot should be before you want to fuck it

When do China's and Japan's official numbers come out?

Believe me I'm fine with the bar speech, I get why it was done. Alita, being an "angel" fallen from "heaven", was there to redeem iron city. Even if her intentions were to get into fights to trigger her memories, that speech serves to recognize her innocence and naivety in this harsh world. She reminds those scum that there is still good to be found, they just have to embrace it like her.

Plus it's just anime as fuck.

I've never thought it was cringy, she is just so naive and honest that she didn't see how her plan could fail. If she asks, of COURSE they will help her

>her heart alone weights three hundred pounds
weird flex but ok

the robot is a preteen girl, in effigy

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They have orders from the Mouse to keep all attention in the direction of Captain Marvel starring the first woman in cinema: Brie Footcheese.



It's finally watchable! GO GO GO!

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How did Pacific Rim get a sequel?

Better yet, how is getting Pacific Rim 2 possibly getting yet ANOTHER sequel?

Yes, the bar scene shows off Alita's weakness as much as her strength. She can't punch her way to the hearts and minds of Iron City by picking fights in bars. She does gain the respect of the Hunter-warriors, but she's preaching a message that's too optimistic for their jaded worldview. They're not going to follow her, because they know she's shining too bright and will be eaten up. It's like if Wonder Woman came into an outlaw biker bar straight out of the trenches to recruit people to fight with her - they're not going to follow her just like that.

Some people think she was doing this to get the killer to notice her, but I think her attempt to recruit the hunter-warriors was sincere. She just was so disappointed that she couldn't get her berserker body, that she used whatever means she could to stop the killer.

The daughter body is so elaborate and cool, it looks really elegant like ivory.

The berserker body looks more sleek and simple, like you'd think a warrior body would be, it looks like some advanced plastic/polymer, it has a 'muscley' vibe, like sinuous.

Such great design.

It's marketing was also a bit spread out since it was originally a Christmas movie before it was (very very wisely) moved

The hardcover contains the original 9 books re-split into 5. It doesn't have Last Order or Mars.

Wow we got stuff like pet semetary and godzilla, made me feel bad for some of the parents with their like 10 yr old kids

>stop the killer.
And trigger her memories as says


No thanks, I'm not homeless.

I can't believe how much I liked this movie.

I mean it has a fair share of flaws, but I actually was pretty engaged and want to see where it goes. Alita is surprisingly likable. Hugo is awful though, I hope he stays dead. Shit actor.

btw was that Edward Norton at the end as Nova? Did anyone else think it was James Cameron the first few times we saw the character?

I'm sure that's all been discussed to death but I avoided these thread like the plague until I saw it.

How does James Cameron keep succeeding with bringing likable female leads to the big screen where all the other studios fail? Based Jim. Much more excited about the Avatar sequels now.

Fuck off retard, that shit isn't watchable

New angry alita face for all you fine /abag/ fellows too

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It's fitting that the daughter body is gone because at the same time he gives up on keeping Alita in a box and gives her the real body, he realizes he doesn't need to hold onto his daughter anymore.

does he fuck it afterwards

>btw was that Edward Norton at the end as Nova?

>Did anyone else think it was James Cameron the first few times we saw the character?
Yes, not me though

>How did Pacific Rim get a sequel?

It made 411 million dollars and did well in China

>Better yet, how is getting Pacific Rim 2 possibly getting yet ANOTHER sequel?

It also did well in China

You fit right in to these threads, believe me. Now get into the sequel hype with us as we wait with baited breath for the final box office numbers. Here's to China and Japan picking up the slack.

the berserker wasn't unique in the manga either, it's classed as a terror weapon and banned

Watched this in IMAX 3D, film of the year.

someone post Alita in the black leather pants

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Well Solo was also complete garbage, I saw that opening weekend and told everyone I could to stay away.

every thread until FLAN

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USA 80
Foreign 150
China 90
Japan 30

Net result: Loss

But it made no money if you factor in the advertising budget.

How is it going to make $90M in China when it already made $60 in 3 days?

>had one of those choco orange given to me
>found the first wedge disgusting but still ended up eating it all

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>don't you want to help me user?

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Let's ponder who knows better in this situation, random internet comment person who literally has no idea what it's advertising budget was or any other financial considerations it was working under, or people who actually made the movies

Is the ps1 game playable if you don’t understand Japanese?

Was it the good kind? One particular kind of orange flavoring ester gives me headache and doesn't taste good at all - I've noticed it in some kinds of orange flavored chewing gum and medicine. But I love these orange flavored chocolates, so I think the orange in them is more natural - or just a different ester.

>I came to ask for your help
>against our common enemy Grewishka
>he's being protected by the system and continues to rampage unchecked
>and now he's after Ido and me
>so I'm calling on you, my hunter-warrior brothers
>let's band together, and defeat him once and for all
>cue laughter

Can someone make a version of this with Alita and Captain Marvel

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The trailer made me think that Ido was going to die, and it was his blood that she had smeared under her eyes. I think what happened was better.

I'm not sure, I haven't tried. I think you'd have to play with some walktrhough on your phone next to you. There are some walkthrough and partial translations out there, but there's just on text format.

Imagine being the kind of degenerate who considers this 'watchable'

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Yes. Power 80%. Charisma -15%. That was the point of the scene, wasn't it?

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Иди нaхyй c этим дepьмoм.

Go fuck this shit.

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In the manga he doesn't have any protection, so Alita is asking everyone why they're just letting the guy with the highest bounty in the city run around unopposed. When she realizes that they're all scared of him, she starts the bar fight unprovoked and kicks everyone out. It makes Zapan's hatred of her make more sense.

It was charming, user.

Thanks bro! But already watched the rip this afternoon (thanks china!) - btw it's clean and DVD quality.

Decent flick, but definitely not worth the price of a ticket and concessions. I'll let everyone know about the VOD links as well.

Yes I like the scene and how it plays out. Only the 'hunter-warrior brother' part is a little to far for me, does she really think she has earned the respect to be considered one of them already?

The fact she could kick the crap out of a room of them answers that, user.

Brute force was all they knew or respected.

Ok mangafags I have a question
Does alita get a new body in the manga afterwards? Do poweelecels increase or she just recks everyone with ease?

Power levels*

In all honesty, I hope Cameron allows the manga creator to petition for a new animated TV series. Cameron owns the rights currently because he needed the OVA rights to use characters only in the OVA. New animated TV anime can't happen atm without Cameron's say so.

To be honest, I'm not sure how good a Second movie would be. The staff pretty much beat for beat used the OVA as a reference. Since there is nothing animated past that, they'd have to force the staff to read the manga, and figure out a good beginning/middle/ending point narrative for a sequel. I can easily see them fucking it up.


In the manga, Motorball has rules that limit how much power your body is allowed to have, so the Motorball arc has her put the Berserker body in a storage locker somewhere. It's mentioned in the next arc that her shady-ass manager sold it without her permission at some point. The next arc starts with her trying to find it again. Without spoiling anything too much, she fails.

She gets several different bodies, some of them upgrades, some of them downgrades. Saying more than that is spoiler territory.

Every time she gets a new body it's usually because somebody fucked her shit all up and she needs to pick up her pieces and rethink things. This happens quite a few times.

Can we just have a moment to appreciate this man? For 20 years he's been slaving away to create Alita and bring her to life. He's made the highest grossing films. He's pushed film technology to its limits. And he's done it all just to make his waifu a reality. He has changed the game with this movie, people are only starting to realize it. We should all be inspired by him.

(Oh and of course, we should be thankful to Yukito Kishiro for creating Gally in the first place, and for bringing us Gunnm).

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she gets like 3 or 4 bodies and gets stronger every time, yes. she's becomes an unkillable broken character by the end

Monday probably.

They just need Kishiro on board to guide and craft the story with them. He seems super happy about the whole movie, so I'm sure he'd be on board. And given this is Cameron's passion project, I think he'd be ok with that too.

I agree.

Am I the only one who didn't lile Hugo and was glad when he got ripped to shred ?

Just saw it in DBox and was worth the $20. The vibrations made me feel my ass was being literally kicked during the fights. I AM NOT A SHILL.

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Just play Metal Gear Rising

Far from it, seems to be a consensus really. Just a matter if you appreciate it for its character building moments and importance to Alita's arc.

>Hugo is awful though, I hope he stays dead. Shit actor.

They sort of didn't develop his backstory in the movie. OVA and manga go into his childhood and his brother, and his obsessive need with wanting to go to Zalem. Alita wasn't even really a deal breaker for him towards the end.

But yeah, he stay dead.

>In the manga, Motorball has rules that limit how much power your body is allowed to have,

As a Formula E fan, this pleases me. That exactly what they do in Formula E - power limits from the battery system. I just hope they'd drop the gimmicky Fan Boost feature.

except the head and the hair don't move in unison
its like a bad videogame

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sounds good
I'm going to try it for my 6th viewing

I’m pretty confident Jimmy Camaro already has the next two sequels detailed plot summaries and storyboards condensing stuff from the mango. How many years has he been jerking it to Alita?

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The body is utterly wrecked beyond repair, and more importantly, he’s letting go of the past.

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did the movie show him ambushing people with an axe then tearing their spine out? boy's an organ trafficker

He made Hollywood billions and all that happened was them giving him a slave contract so he can direct 4 more Avatars. He wanted the movie to happen before he dies so he had to pawn it off to a Mexican.

I wonder what the REAL version of Alita would've looked like if Jimbo had directed it. Maybe when Alita 3 comes out. And that's if Hollywood doesn't make him do Avatar 6-10 after 2025.

Personally I tend to turn the DBox effect down to minimum until we get to the Motorball scenes. Then it's max effect.

I do appreciate that an actually talented movie guy is a huge shameless weeb.

Jimbo will be in the Smurf mines till he's 105.

Last Order is basically just ever increasing >ALITA IS OVER 9000 powerlevel wank, yes.

It didn't show the spine scene. They sorta toned down his body jacking. Also toned down the dog death scene.

But there is word of a 3 hour+ Bluray cut.

Is the soundtrack any good?

Let's not even talk about Last Order, that one is the bad one.

That's a good question, but I'm honestly not so sure how much different it would be... maybe darker and grittier city not set in Latin America? Maybe not Rosa as the actress?

Otherwise the script is still the same one he wrote, just trimmed down to fit into a 2 hour format. It's not like Rodriguez wrote something completely different.

Everything looks and sounds great. It boils down to if the story works for you or not.

Its ok. Junkie XL just doing his work.

It's done by the same guy who did the Mad Max: Fury Road soundtrack, if that means anything to you. Also, to modify what this user said It's a matter if you can handle cheesiness and anime dialogue (not throughout the whole thing, but certain points can definitely come across cheesier than others).

Her two next bodies in the manga are downgrades compared to the Berserker body. First, she gets a Motorball body that fits the limitations of the game. Then, she recieves the Tuned Body, a cyborg body built by Zalem's secret services, that has access to weird gadgets like small bomb drones that look like insects.

Then, when she goes to space, she's upgraded to the Imaginos Body, an improved Berserker body that uses Desty Nova's super magical science to be even better than the original. From then, it's DBZ-tier power creep.

So many shills for this piece of shit

Ooof. That gets a yikes from me.

I could see Cameron successfully pushing for an R rating, and that would be a game changer since it would let the movie to be hell of a lot darker. You can see that they're struggling to keep it PG-13. The source material is super gory and grim and they've clearly had to kiddify it a fair bit to get that rating (which I assume is a demand from investors).

Other than that, I don't think there would be much in the way of major changes since I assume Jim kept Rob on a fairly tight leash when fucking his waifu.

Jim loves the shit out of Rosa. He's said she was more important to making the movie work than the tech.

I think the soundtrack is solid without being exceptional, although it does have a couple of moments. The end in particular is pretty good.

It's one of those ones that doesn't really work to listen to outside the context of the movie

At the end of Last Order Alita is so stupidly overpowered that it seems inconceivable that anyone or anything could hurt her. Yet in that same series two different guys still made her eat shit.

Admittedly Rosa's face game is strong. When you look at the mocaps, it's not the CGI doing the cute expressions and gestures, it's literally just Rosa doing it.

Last Order was literally shonen shit. At least Mars seems promising albeit wont be finished for another 10 years.

He is the archetypical boyfriend that doesn't deserve his nice and cute girlfriend, with the cool bike and all.That makes the viewer the nerd with a crush in this triangle.
It hits home.

>"When you see how big a heart Alita has,"
Did he do that on purpose?

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I REALLY hope that Cameron pushes for an R rating for the sequel. I know the current film is struggling along domestically, but it needs that edge again to push it over I think. It's needs to embrace a gritty and vengeance minded Alita full stop.

Fortunately, the author remembered he was writing Gunnm and not Naruto in the 20 last chapters of Last Order. Mars chronicles is so much better than LO.
I actually laughed when, in MC, a character mentions the ZOT tournament, and there's a little asterisk telling you "see BAA:LO, chapters 21-106". That's the best summary of Last Order anyone can come up with.

That's the thing, that aspect had to be tone down. Instead of being an organ trafficker, he's a cyber parts jacker. He ambushes and jacks people of their cyber limbs and such. Hugo is a tad bit more sympathetic in this version, though he still uses Alita as his ticket to Zalem. He just gets a bit of a redemption before he finally takes his fall.

what's your excuse?

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Next time I go to my local supermarket, i'm going to buy flan, because of this faggot.

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Cool u da man homey

What is flan? Why does Edward Norton love it?

That stupid fucking tournament went on for literally twice as long as the entire original series, and it was just a meaningless side show that should have been like 5 chapters max.

I love Alita as a whole but fuck Last order.

I'm not sure. I feel like the PG-13 limitation might have challenged them to put a lot of effort into the movie's "OH SHIT!" moments.

Plus on the surface the movie has a family-friendly adventure kinda look to it. They're not going to turn down money from family film-goers.

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You read Last Order for the deep lore dumps and share in our suffering through the endless tournament arc, this is known

I actually did this already...

Forgot how good the stuff is

Attached: flan of victory.jpg (731x777, 200K)

>live in a ghetto
>Get your daughter the fanciest looking body available

Literally begging to get robbed.

Flan is justice.
Flan is truth.

its a little custard blob with caramel sauce
Absolutely delicious and underrated dessert.
Not to be confused with savory flans.

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Tournament arcs are a Japanese tradition gaijin piggus.


I can see what you mean about the challenge. On that end what they did get away with was great, like the guy getting put through the grinder machine. And I get the monetary incentive for a PG 13 rating, can't miss out on that family market.

But still, I think to have that staying power, the next movie needs to embrace the grittier aspects of the manga. Or at the very least, move away from the young adult movie undertones. No matter how much I love this movie, I can't escape the feeling that it seems like Hunger Games or something at times. Although I think that's mostly Hugo's fault.

I was convinced it was Cameron until he took off his eye mask

Then I thought it was Sam Rockwell

Then I looked it up

And to think that I used to hate him for bringing us Rose and the furry smurfs. Thank you Based Jimbo

It's totally possible to for a movie to be really fucked up without excessive blood and swearing though. I want to see more disembodied brain stuff. The manga has a ton of that.

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It's supposed to be generic. It's mass produced tech during wartime built for a specific function and not aesthetics. Plus the wearer can presumably mold it however they like to fit whatever role it's needed in.

Her doll body was hand built and designed for a girl who would be using it her entire life and likely never using it for violence (hence why it eventually falls apart). It WAS built with aesthetics in mind.

wtf is happening to me, bros? I am NOT a fucking WEEB god damn it. I'm supposed to hate this movie and the character but I'm in love.[/Spoiler]

Our guys liked it


The war starts here.
Weeaboos versus capeshitters

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This is the first time I've sat through a movie with a cute female protagonist and haven't felt the urge to look up porn of her afterwards. Thanks for breaking the cycle.

I'm glad James Cameron made anime real so we can have a big budget live-action adaptation of true violent anime kino.

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We're on 4channel, we're all weebs here.

Based & HungerPilled

>This thread

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The dessert of winners

Through dick, unity.

Not sure if the author was trying to ride the wave of the shonen hype of the early 2000s but man what waste. The fact that Mars chronicle won't be finished for years is just the icing.

what's with the innocent friendly dynamic here? I thought they were enemies.

MD Geist is literally only good because the designs. The actual story is crap.

My mangafag friend told me that last order is better than battle angel
Any chance it gets made into a movie?

If i remember correctly
Nova has stolen Alitas brain, and is keeping her in a fantasy world where she lives in bliss for 2-3 months

None because you didn't go see Alita.

>Nova has stolen Alitas brain, and is keeping her in a fantasy world where she lives in bliss for 2-3 months
so he wants to capture her and turn her into his waifu?

It completely backfires, as it only makes Nova want to stay in the dream world with Alita as his cute daughter. Not even Desty Nova can resist Alita's cuteness.

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I saw it though
But assuming the sequel gets made, where does it end?

This movie was bad funny. The plot was so rushed, I couldn't explain why the villains were after Alita's boyfriend. The choices that some of the characters made left me thinking if the script was ran through a translator 50 times and then back into english.
The best parts is when a dog is killed by a villain, and then Alita slowly takes that dogs blood and wipes it on her face. lol why? it wasn't her dog, and its just awkward.
Then there was a part when Alita sheds a tear from her face, and before it falls to the ground, she cuts it in half. like thats not symbolic, thats just fucking funny.
Then when her boyfriend dies, then they save him, and then he ends up dying after they give him a new body anyways was fucking funny too. Bad movie, but funny.

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>last order is better than the original
Your friend is retarded. Also, there's about zero chance LO will ever get adapted into anything.

Subverted expectations

From what I understand the original manga will be covered in 3 movies. Last Order would come after that if at all.


Why is it bad? It's far larger than the original, so I assume it sold well?

Isn't this whereAlita is reexperiencing when Ido named her and Nova changes the name during the dream? iirc in the Japanese version the author has Nova replace Gally's (Alita's) name with the western translation "Alita" as a joke.

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Should i read the manga or watch the anime ?

I wonder if the success the movie is enjoying in Japan will lead to another anime series being produced. Modern anime is beginning to stop looking like shit like it has for 20 years, and is starting to come back to being aesthetically pleasing like it was in the early 90s. A Gunnm anime made in 2020 could be kino as fuck.

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The anime is just two OVAs so if you watch it you'll miss out on 80% of all content.

they call the scratched up cat alita in the jap version

Yes, that's when it happens.

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>I couldn't explain why the villains were after Alita's boyfriend

Only the jilted bounty hunter guy and his two pals. He got his fees fees hurt when Alita dropped him off the peak of the hunter-warrior dominance hierarchy.

Noone else is after Hugo, and Nova just wants to be entertained.

What are some good-looking modern anime? Only ones I've watched this past year have been Tonegawa and Mob Psycho.

Posting a picture of actual retards after typing all that

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shes just so happy to be there
wouldn't it have been a bit more realistic and cuter if she began to look nervous and overwhelmed?

Watch it again. Seriously. It feels so rushed first time but on second viewing it all makes sense.

wtf? seriously? the part where hugo gets a big bounty on his head and alita has to choose between her duty and her peice of shit boyfriend isn't in the movie?

80s/90s anime was the peak

if its not ugly today its naval gazing neet fan service about catgirls, maids, school clubs, etc

>nervous and overwhelmed
Gally is a lean, mean killing machine. She gets ladyboners from this stuff.

Yes it is in the movie - the bounty hunter frames Hugo for murder. Nobody else cares about him. Except best boy Tanji.

Violet Evergarden and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress are considered good lokking modern anime.

Early 2000s had some good ones.

You have a subreddit to go back to.

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All that rotoscoping tho

I hope we soon leave the era of shitty isekai.

>They just need Kishiro on board to guide and craft the story with them
prepare for every single loli to be bullied to pieces

>New animated TV anime can't happen atm without Cameron's say so.
That's not how licensing works

>What are some good-looking modern anime? Only ones I've watched this past year ha

After the Rain/Koi wa Ameagari no Yō ni

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I know this is gonna piss some of you off and for that, I'm sorry, but I'm watching the Korean stream of Alita right now and it looks really, really good. 10/10 audio/visual.

I don't care whether people see it in the theater or not, but I do like discussing kino. So in the interest of creating more dialog for this film, I'm going to let everybody in Yea Forums and Yea Forums know about the stream over the next few days.

Trust me, it's for the best and I'm sorry if that makes you irrationally angry, but that's life.

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cute eyes.

for friday and saturday the movie was literally 1 review away from a fresh rating

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It does in the case of animated works.

Cameron has rights to anything "animated" for Battle Angel as well, because he wanted to use characters from the OVA. He's been camping on it for a while, which is why there hasn't been another attempt at an anime series.

Provide me with webms of Alita's puppy in trouble look after Ido stops the bar fight!

Is nova the best mad scientist character in all of fiction?

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who in here would be pissed off by this

>humans are a taller, more slender version of neanderthals (and other hominins), with larger eyes and sharper, yet more neotenous (childlike) features
Anyone else imagine an alternate universe where thin, bug-eyed anime humans like Alita wiped us out instead, and we'd look to them like neanderthals look to us?

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Have you seen the scene in the bounty hunter bar? She isnt really shy or afraid of conflict.

We're not gonna make it guys. Alita won't fly again.

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Farnsworth is my pick because he's senile and able to rent ultra-porn

Nobody cares

So you're that same fag who keeps parrotting this made up bullshit every thread. I just want you to know you're retarded.
FYI cameron doesn't need the animation or tv rights to use chiren. you don't have a clue what you're dribbling about

He really is.

faggots who would watch some shitty camrip stream wouldnt go to the cinema anyway.
either because they are immoral, or because they are poor.
Either way nobody cares, brainlet.

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best I can do

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cool, I'll check it out

Who the hell is this fuckboy and why is he kissing Alita/literally taking her heart?

I just watched alita for the third time in 3d imax
I don’t even like the movie that much, I just want to see more of alita
But this has got to stop. No more anons.

Get a load of this fucking casual lads, giving up only after 3 viewings


it's desty novas son who has the psychic power to read the history of any object he touches, he was going to repair her and then fell in love with her on the spot

4x here. I'm only taking a break because I can't keep spending $20 on beer for the extra comfy each time I see it.

That's Kaos.
He's the wasteland's most popular radio anchor, Nova's son, and also a gigantic faggot.

>Captain Marvel shills aren't rea-
Also stop samefagging and replying to yourself

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Doesn't every CG-heavy blockbuster automatically get one of those generic, by-the-numbers video game versions right after release?

Those are all but obsolete these days, video game production simply takes too long, even for shovelware tie ins

It hasn't been that way for like 5 years. Movie tie in games wpuld just get phone apps now

infernal hails to based Cam.

feels like something that was true 10~ years ago but not now

why not post this once alita stops showing in cinemas, that would make most sense

to the untrained eye, to current 2 threads with the most reply have nothing in common
based Jim

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Cheers, guess I really was 10 years behind on this stuff

hopefully it might renew the popularity of alita and give us a manga-based game from japan within a few years though

Alita will be vindicated.

Friend and I just watched the ova. Wouldn't really recommend it unless you're curious to see where the movie took it's influence from. Definitely read the manga tho.

I watched glass 3 times too and I don’t want this to overtake it

This but I also like the movie. I want to go see it again today but I'm worried I'm getting addicted

just see it again you big baby

its ok user, we understand.

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Please don't bring your cringy reddit/tumblr memes here

the mouse always wins

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