Why does this cute robot create so much rage, hatred and vitriol from Disney shills?
Why does this cute robot create so much rage, hatred and vitriol from Disney shills?
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She and her movie were engaging and original, something Disney hasn’t shat out in well over a decade.
>disney shills ha-
The real question is why are SJW trannies like OP trying to pretend this is a Yea Forums movie despite Alita being an anti trump mexican?
>Japan's billionth Robot Pinocchio story
>this is the level that Mouseshills have to sink to
You should be more worried about Captain Toe Fungus's constantly sinking revenue predictions.
Why do they love it so much? Is it because Salazar share the same anti-trump sensibilities they do?
Dont forget reddit. She makes them absolutely S E E T H with anger.
Reddit loves Alita, actually uniornically loves it
Yeah I totally believe you shillbro
it is literally red-dit the movie
that is why there is a general for it. because the shills prefer their hivemind safe spaces, so they make echo chamber threads that never go away.
The Evil Mouse pays 15 cents for each post against Alita.
Disney's slaves saw the real hero and are now shaking with fear for their Captain Mushrooms.
>Is an outcast/different because of her looks.
>Feels alienated from those around her
>Only has a few people around her who she trusts, because they accept her for who she is, because of the person inside.
I'm fine as long as it helps Disney bombing. the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Calm down OP. I've been providing links to the film everywhere so that Yea Forums can watch it. It is as good and now everybody will see and agree.
It's finally watchable! GO GO GO!
Just gonna throw this out there... if you watch this or any of the other rips and like it, you are only doing yourself a disservice by not seeing in theaters. That's both for the experience and for the fight for sequels.
Hey now.
They've only made like a couple.
toooooo sweeet!!
gonna watch this shit in t-minus 1 hour 3 minutes.
i'm gonna spread these around Yea Forums as well. thanks user
Thank you, Senpai.
Post screenshots.
>Disney shills
Why is every popular movie thread about Disney? Why can't people just talk about movies they like without bringing up Disney every fucking thread?
Mental midget.
Possibly its because the new anime movie train would be scary for a company still committed to the Superhero one. If quality anime properties start taking over the box office disney is preparing to release a whole lot of unwanted shit and they don't hold that any licenses for anime properties. I'm betting this anime movie is an exception to the rule of shitty anime movies but if it does well enough prepare your assholes for copycats.
Dude, I was gonna see this in the theater tomorrow afternoon, but since you're acting like a whiny bitch, I'm just gonna watch the camrip. Way to fuck the film over by being a pussy, sorry you ain't getting a sequel.
she is NOT a robot, she is a cyborg!
You are fooling no one, user.
The thumbnail suits you.
Her movie was created with classical storytelling in mind which is generally feel good and uplifting, it has a rthym to it. Feels like a good old film. Disney don't like this and subvert shit for subversion sake now for example star wars saga films should generally follow the heroes struggle story arc but they don't really have an overarching story to them at all and are character and emotionally driven now in order to appeal to a feminine audience.
Black panther had a WTF third act, usually a character who loses gains a lesson, a mentor or strength in order to beat his nemesis. Trying order to appeal to black rights empowerment activists, he had a ghost dream with his daddy where he said no I will show u dae wae, pretty much being like I had the strength all along something they know will appeal to the blm crowd
Having your mentor show you da wae and realize you had the strength inside you all along is a perfectly valid training sequence. There are good and bad ways to do that though.
I may be a huge fan of Disney films but I have to admit, I was more excited for Alita: Battle Angel then I was for Captain Marvel.
Killmonger was based and beat his ass so bad that I think he needed more than a moment of self realisation
>faggot on Facebook tries telling me it's bad because critics didn't like it
>point out that critics hate anything they can't take at face value and show the audience metacritic
>asshurt fag blocks me
Why do basedboys feel so threatened by Alita
They're scared Alita will steal Captain Marvel's thunder
The entire marketing campaign is based on how women get told they can't be heroic and cool but Captain Marvel will btfo the patriarchy. a female action star playing a month beforehand takes the wind out of those sails
I'm watching the new stream on Putlocker right now (you can find it anywhere you torrent) and it looks 10/10 audio/visual. It looks really, really good.
So if you're interested, but don't want to waste all that money on a ticket, just look it up and watch it at home. You won't be disappointed by the quality.
pot calling the kettle black
Imagine being this assblasted lmao
>choppy framerate and rotating chinese hardcoded texts
she makes roasties seethe
>I just learned what reverse psychology is
>lets try it on Yea Forums
Imagine being a Mouseshill and defending a multibillion dollar media monopoly on the internet for free