>it's a Truman marvels at the success of his high school best friend and starts weeping over his own lack of accomplishment before once again quaffing from the bottle episode
It's a Truman marvels at the success of his high school best friend and starts weeping over his own lack of...
>It's a Truman decides he's gonna lose his virginity at a polish massage parlor episode
How's he gonna cope with this not fixing anything in his life?
>It's a Truman can only look back on his 20's and say "Whatever" episode
If he masturbated or had a sexy time everyone would have seen it lol
>it's a Truman goes to sleep praying to god that he doesn't believe in to take him in his sleep season
>it's a Truman spends the whole day on Yea Forums episode
>it's a Truman has a mental breakdown because his 20s are almost over and he barely did anything with his life episode
I hate that episode
seems like they always play these episodes these days
Well, he glanced in the door's direction in the previous episode. That's got to be foreshadowing, I'm sure he'll do something next week.
>It's a truman attempts nofap again but fails after 3 days and cranks it 4 times in one day before staying up all night racked with guilt and praying to God for forgiveness knowing he'll return like a dog to it's vomit
heh, when will he ever learn
>it's a Truman turns to transsexuality because the positive feedback he gets from the hons when he talks about how he's experimenting with crossdressing is the most substantial social contact he's had in years episode
I hate this arc
>its a truman builds a dopamine response to a girl he over fantasies about because he doesn't talk to any other girls and this causes him to completely obsess over her despite her having a boyfriend
>Its a trumans ex makes it a point to tell him that she had sex with her new boyfriend episode
>It's a Truman creates a new loli collection in his tax return folder but he doesn't realize that his wife hasn't finished filing episode
dude we're watching the real truman show, not the spin-off about his more successful cousin
>it’s a ‘Truman sees too many blacked threads and ends up staying awake until 3AM photoshopping his highschool ex/crushes into blacked photo sets’ episode
Wtf are they on hiatus or something? They’ve played the same episode three nights in a row
>it's a Truman shit his pants and wasn't able to fully wipe it out in the bathroom episode
>runs into a girl he knew in high school
>turns out they're going on the same train, to the same stop
>Truman rides with her for 20 minutes, chatting casually, but constantly pretty sure he smells like actual shit
The sponsorship deal with Walmart was a mistake.
>It's a Truman got drunk and ate dozens of ultra-spicy buffalo wings and has to spend the entire following morning crying on the toilet while inserting milk-ice-cubes into his arse to soothe the pain episode.
That often play this one on Superbowl weekend.
>it’s a Truman rolls over onto his poop bag in his sleep and wakes up with his back caked in shit again episode
At some point you’d think he’d learn his lesson
>it's a Truman hates himself and wants to die episode
That’s at least an underlying theme for most of the show
>it's a Truman decides to make something of himself but ends up wasting the day fapping and does it again tomorrow episode
>It's a you decided to take a beginner video class in high school and one of the assignments is to research a type of shot so you research shots framed by doors and when it's your turn to present you just stand up there autistically talking about symbolism and stuttering out an explanation of the plot of The Truman Show so they understand what the shot is representing and everyone is visibly uncomfortable including your teacher who has to explain what the fuck you're talking about and what your shot is supposed to be and when to use it (and also the shot you picked from The Truman Show isn't actually framed by the door but you still wanted to include it because you wanted to talk about symbolism so you get BTFO by your teacher who tells the class that the Truman Show shot wasn't actually framed by the door) episode
You guys still watch this shit? It's been nothing but a depressing downhill spiral for the past 15 years at least.
>its a truman spends the night reading erotic fanfiction about his favorite teen TV show episode
what channel's that on
fuckin m-my guides not working just tell me
>It's a Truman swipes right on every tinder profile and only matches with a bald tranny and a golden retriever episode
>a golden retriever
Truman should take what he can get
In my opinion it's never been a good show. Who the hell wants to watch a show about someone who was emotionally neglected as a kid and predictably turns into a total loser later in his life. It might become interesting if Truman decides to turn his life around, better himself and stick to a plan on how to change his life instead of falling back into his old habits after a few episodes of good progress, It's getting depressing and I'm considering not watching this show anymore.
>its a Truman spends all day lying in bed hugging his pillow pretending its his onetis episode
Anyone else find these really boring?
>It's a Truman violently slashes his body pillow with unmitigated rage and then proceeds to stuff the evidence in a garbage bag tied to rocks and throw it in the river episode
It turned a bit dark for my taste tbqhf
>It's a Truman let his marriage-crazy girlfriend piss on him and he swears he can still smell it on him 2 days later episode
I kind of wish this series would just get canceled or the writers would do something radical to get our main man out of this scenario. Seeing Truman like this every day is almost unbearable.
>It's a Truman let his marriage-crazy girlfriend piss on him
God I wish I were Truman
>Its a Truman wakes up and realizes that he wishes he had a marriage crazy girlfriend episode
>It’s a Truman finally saves up enough money to buy a farm outright and live happily ever after
Glad I don’t have to watch the same syndication as you loser :P
you guys are making me feel like there's something wrong with me for not still enjoying this show. Am I missing something?
>It's a Truman's friends all have girlfriends and they want him to find someone and take him out clubbing to get a girl but the girls ignore Truman but hit on his taken friends episode
>It's another Truman stays home all day fapping episode
>Truman spends the entire episode playing grand strategy games or city builders
How are they going to end the autism arc?
>that episode where Truman is a 26 year old man who gets really horny and lonely one night and finally works up the courage to post pictures of his ass on craigslist begging to be topped and gets a few replies and finally goes to this one guy's apartment at like 2 in the morning and gets really sketched out and gets his ass eaten, his cock sucked, and then gets absolutely pounded I mean ankles-resting-on-this-guy's-shoulders-while-he-thrusts-and-I-yelp-with-pleasure pounded and swallows the guy's load and then drives home and tries to forget it ever happened?
>It’s a Truman goes to a brothel, but is too shy to contact any of the working girls and sit moping in the corner until the staff asks him to leave for creeping people out
That episode was pretty harsh
>it's a Truman wanders around downtown, going to libraries and cafés in the hopes that he'll magically meet someone he can have a genuine friendship with
the worst kind
>it's a Truman acts absolutely confident and charming while texting up girls but completely ruins the first date because he hyperventilates and becomes mute episode
it was funny the first two episodes but now it's just boring, it's not realistic anyway
>it's the episode when Truman took a vacation to New Zealand, and while in Auckland discovered that prostitution was legal, so he went to a brothel and lost his virginity to a hot half-Maori girl, then fucked a few other prostitutes during his time there and learned not to put pussy on a pedestal, then when he got back home got back into the dating scene, met a nice girl, and is now in a stable relationship with no one ever suspecting that he was once well on his way to wizard status
Weird arc, really glad it worked out for Truman though
Damn user how did you manage that, you literally just have to walk up to them and they'll take your hand and lead you into a bedroom
That's weird I could have sworn in the episode I watched Truman fucked some whores and then tried to date normal girls but had no luck as he hadn't really changed at all, sucks cus he then realised he has to rely on hookers for his whole life
>Truman does this for 8 seasons
>its a Truman has to take a train ride home with a hangover episode
Nah man, that's how Truman was concerned the arc was going to turn out. In reality he was able to put all of it behind him upon his return home, and the experience had oddly boosted his confidence, fooling the normies. He did have to destroy the journal he kept during that trip, however. Plus, he sometimes worries that his fiance will manage to find out about that chapter in his life.
Never underestimate social anxiety
>it's a Truman tries to kill himself but they save him just in the nick of time and he doesn't realize that they will never ever let him die
>It’s a truman goes on his first sex holiday in asia, but just feel disgusted by himself, cuts the vacation short and goes home contemplating suicide episode
This show is weird lately
>it's a truman goes to the bar and talks to a really cute nice girl who's some sort of artist and they end up talking while the local football team buys truman booze and he takes the girl and they have sex a couple of times and truman thinks how easy it all actually was and how it's now going to work out but then spends the next three years without having sex again episode
haha like why doesn't he just do the same thing again
>it's a truman realizes how he completely fucked up his life and tries to make himself feel better by getting really drunk again even though that's what fucked it up in the first place and getting drunk every day just makes things worse episode
God, I need to do something with my fucking life
perhaps truman turned to hedonism when he might be more happy with epicureanism
fucking hell I don't understand how you guys keep going
B-but we've had SOME good times watching it... Right?
>It's a Truman watches movies where the main character travels a lot, talks to people and usually gets a date with a girl there, then Truman tries it and gets ignored or given disgusted looks by people and just wanders around the place alone and goes home after a few mere hours
> it’s a Truman gets approached by communists selling a newspaper and is too beta to leave the conversation or argue
> listens for like 10mins and even buys the fucking newspaper
> same girl see’s him again a week later, talks more and invites him to a literal communist party public meeting
> Truman goes for some reason closest thing to a date he’s ever had
> talks with lots more people, everyone goes out for drinks after
> keeps coming back because Truman doesn’t want to disappoint commie-girl
> one thing leads to another and eventually becomes so involved his family disowns him
> still not a communist at heart, but he’s in too deep now, and has friends and a reason to leave the house other than groceries
Fascinating plot line, I honestly can’t tell the writers politics, and it’s obviously going to end in tragedy, this isn’t sustainable. I bet the season finale will be Truman getting beaten by cops at a riot for a cause he actually doesn’t care about.
Fuck the commie out of that girl user
>tfw Truman keeps doing all these things even though he has a gf, lots of friends, career prospects, and is in good shape
The episodes where he makes progress are kino but then he never really stops doing the dumb depressing shit. Why do the producers try to maintain the status quo this much? It's like they have one leg in success and the other in failure so is he just going to go nowhere?
>it's a truman tries to change the stores where he buys his daily booze but in the end just manages to make every cashier within three kilometers think he's an alcoholic episode
>it's a truman gets serious about trying to get early retirement and benefits based on mental illnesses and realizes that's the most purpose he's had in his life for years episode
I think they gave the actors the direction to give Truman judging looks whenever he purchases large quantities of alcohol at the same supermarket.
>It’s a Truman is so paranoid from being hurt he pushes away the only person who ever got close to him episode
Dark turn for the show, wtf
>It's a Truman sits on the bus and a cute girl gets on board, their eyes meet and she smiles at Truman episode
>Truman spends a week thinking about her and contemplating future life together
>He then punches walls in the shower and screams into his pillow, despairing against his crushing loneliness
You think she'll appear again on the show?
I heard that she was some random extra and their eyes meeting was just a coincidence. She will propably never appear in the show again or play a meaningful role in Trumans live.
Dang. She was a real cutie. Looked pale and soft for touches.
>It's a Truman works overtime and extra days to distract himself from all his other problems and his coworkers always make jokes about how much money he has like he cares despite Truman barely ever buying anything
>Truman spends another 5 hours masturbating to drawn images of underaged girls
>what about the honeypot?
>no good chief, he didn't even respond to the message our agent sent him
>dear god, the training on this guy must be something else
>I know chief, he saw us coming a mile away
>what did he do instead?
>it's weird, he ignored the message completely, and instead went on a completely different website and posted a picture of the actor ryan gosling looking annoyed
>get me the president
I believe the directors once said in an interview that they want Truman to really know a person before he rushes into a relationship. "falling in love" with strangers only based on their looks and not on any character traits apperantly isn't the message they are trying to convey.
Not really. Truman clearly has never been truly happy for a day in his life and everything he ever did was just out of obligation or boredom. That episode where he was asked to make a collage for school about his hobbies, the things he loves in life as well as what he wants in life and he genuinly couldn't come up with anything sums up the show really well.
>Let's play Jeopardy!
>I'll take Movies for $200, Alex
>The Truman Show
>What is, an alltime great movie ruined by a terrible lead actor?
>Correct! Pick again.
Don't a lot of cults recruit like that?
I think the writers might be making a statement
Does Truman only play Pharoah (1999)?
I just want to to know how y'all split the tab
Isn't this a Seinfeld episode?
>it has been going on for four seasons
>truman ends up buying booze in a completely different neighborhood
>two months in and cashiers recognize him already
>truman even has to go to the other side of the city if he wants a drink at a bar
>he's not even 25 yet
>it's a Truman gets staggeringly drunk and passes out at 7:30pm and wakes up excessively early with dry mouth and a headache so he chugs gatorade until it's time to go to work episode
Gettin' real tired of these repeats, they play this episode multiple times a week.
> It's a Truman paces in the empty house for hours, naked except for headphones, listening to his ex's moans from a loop of the audio clips that she sent him a couple times after she was done masturbating
> episode
H-his what?
> It's a Truman's attempts to go out more, engage with people, do physical activities, keep being reduced to an exhausting, empty drone by his depression, and he'd rather stare down the barrel of that than even consider antidepressants episode
Please reconnect with your family, user
>it's a truman realises he has to wait a week to buy anti fungal skin cream because the doctors visit used up the last of his welfare.
I though the poverty story line was supposed to end when he finished the university arc. Might have to stop watching if it keeps going like this
>Oh it's the episode where Truman drops out of community college for cs after the first semester since it was a scam and he tries to get a certificate instead and he gets 97+ now but he is still forced to be in a min wage job because you have to have 5+ years experience to get a real job and truman is just flipping burgers while questioning his sanity episode.
It did not like this episode
I don’t know that episode
>the episode where Truman's bad habits catch up with him and he gets diagnosed with hypertension at a way too young age, fuelling a deep health-related anxiety that makes him consider suicide over the hell that is constantly fretting over whether or not he's gonna have a heart attack/stroke today or not
Truman really needs to learn to stop dating crazy girls in his friends group it only ever amounts to him wanting to kill himself.
>It's a Truman finds out he has diabetes so he goes out shopping and buys some healthy food and puts on a brave front but he is secretly scared of dying and is panicking and wondering if he has the willpower to change himself for the better and his goddamn best friend hasn't answered the phone in 6 days episode
I honestly don't know what Truman's so worried about. Unless the producers do some kind of asspull for ratings, he's not gonna die. Just one of those typical "momentary struggle to appreciate life's true worth" arcs.
>it's a Truman wants to get into crossdressing becasue he thinks he'd make a cute trap episode
>wakes up every morning planning on going to CVS to get Nair and makeup
>faps to cuck porn in bed and the urge goes away
>polish massage parlor
the what?
>that episode where Truman cheats on his girlfriend with two older guys from grinder
>gets a cold two weeks later so convinces himself that he has HIV (even though the Grindr encounter ended before anyone even came, and all Truman did was give a half blowie)
>has a panic attack in the shower thinking that he's gonna die of AIDS
Truman should probably get checked out. A year later he convinced himself that he had a brain tumor, too.
Oh fuck this one hurt
>It's the episode where truman works up the courage and gives out his phone number to a girl on a train and then worries it will go wrong and it'll get spammed only to hear nothing back for a week episode.
Not why the writers made truman do it, will the plot point lead to anything?
>Its a truman wants to join a gym, but doesn't think he'll go without a friend to talk to and none of his friends can afford to go with him episode
Think he'll bite the bullet and pay for them?
>the episode where Truman finally gets over his ex gf/oneitis that he dedicated the entirety of his 20s in pursuit of, only to be left cold and emotionally disconnected from everyone around him that attempts to get close
>it's a Truman looks back at the last few months of his life, jumping from being a NEET for six years trying and failing repeatedly at uni, to being a successful programmer at a multinational company due to a stroke of luck - or perhaps simply the fact that he finally decided to grow up some balls and send his resume and was immediately hired by a consulting company-, living in the other side of his country, far away from the shithole he grew up and lived in for all of his life episode
Really enjoying the part where he looks on facebook at the people that made his life like hell in middle school and realizes he's more successful after four months on his job than they'll ever be.
/fit/ here
you're pathetic
I still can't believe he puked on her while drunk on the first day of their meeting after two years of non stop online chatting. What the hell was he thinking? Now it's been six years and he's still not recovered from it.
Truman should realize that the 5+ years of experience thing is a meme that HR puts because they want to weed out applicants who have never coded once in their life. He should probably put some projects on github and start sending his resume asap.