was it kino?
Was it kino?
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>Brie Larson
Does this little dude live in Brie's toes now?
do you wish that was you?
is she getting royalties for this?
I remember seeing this commercial as a kid and thinking you had to put the pill under your toenail.
shit i thought i was the only one
I broke my big toe once and the nail had to removed, I did it myself, the root goes a lot deeper than you would think, the bone was practically exposed by the end of it. It was pretty kino
i once ripped off the entire nail
>those side effects
This. All those kids thinking you can pop open the toenail like a trunk.
i should go to bed
taking a pill to cure your foot fungus doesnt sound kosher to me
Same here holy shit.
What is with so many commercials having sentient talking germs (sometimes with families) getting murdered? Something just not right about it.
A couple of my toenails turned black and then fell off. Then they just grew back.
Why not trim the fungal nail off if a new one is safely coming in?
>tfw had to rip off side of pinky toenail today because it kept splitting off
is that toe brie larson's first role
That's the best thing to do with a necrotic nail. If a nail is yellow and squishy it's a lost cause. Time for a scalpel
I once removed a wart on the bottom of my foot with a pocket knife and a pair of tweezers. I was about 10 at the time, and it never came back.
i still remember the otc stuff that would just freeze them off
I got a blister the size of my heel from wearing steel cap boots for a day. Poked it with a needle
i miss the days when mom used to bite off all my warts
biting off your own toe-hang nails is true kino
anybody self circumcise by biting thier own forskin off?
gotta stop that smegma some how
no but i got angry the other day and pulled really hard on my penis now it hurts and i thinkk i peed blood
That was like 4 or 5 side effects compared to the 20 or so you can get from modern pills.
We talking about verrucas here? I remember using a pair of scissors to cut mine off / pry it out, didn't work very well. Stopped getting verrucas when I was a teenager though must have been walking around some filthy places barefoot as a kid.
Have you removed hangnails before? It's Literally the fucking worst. Had some on my fingers for years, and I got tired of them merely existing. I ended up ripping them out causing my finger to look like a less exaggerated pic related.
Ugh, no. What kind of freak do you think I am?
checked and keked
holy SHIT
Is this the captain Marvel thread?
I smashed my pinky in the garage door when I was a wee lad. And by smash, I mean I somehow managed to completely shut the door on it. That nail turned black within the hour and fell off by the next day. A finger without a nail is a weird sensation. It ain't right!
I remember seeing this commercial as a kid and being turned on by the little fungus goblin
It's a Jewish fantasy for what they will eventually do to all white people.
my toenails have trippled in thickness and resemble talons more then toenails now. ive let them go to far i cant even use toenail clippers on them. what should i do
Is going to the doctors for the pills the only solution to foot fungus? I've heard that soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar and water every day does it too, but you have to do it for 6 months without missing a single day. Any validity to that?
buy flipflops and wear them inside as much as possible.
scrub your feet more often
One time my dumbass was wearing open toed sandals (like the adidas ones that n*ggers wear with socks) and I was standing at just the right angle in front of a door at a gas station to where I swung it open and the bottom edge of the door tore half my big toenail off
that shit hurt like a motherfucker and I was only 12 or so, so I couldnt handle pain very well yet
But will it go away or just not get worse.
Btw, I'm talking about toe nail fungus, feet don't get itchy or flaky.
Go to your local podiatrist immediately, it might be free depending where you are - I go to see a lovely Belarusian who expertly cuts and buffs my foot-finger nails.
I have a pretty fucked up big toenail where every like 4 or 5 years it just grows big enough to the point it falls off. And there's already a band new toenail under it
Is the new one pristinely neat or already warped and distorted? I lose a couple of big toenails each year and the quality of the new ones varies wildly.
Starts out neat then gets all big and stuffas time goes on
I've gotten into similar states as a direct result of being a lifelong nail biter. I won't see any replies because I can't look at this thread any more.
does it work?
needs the little yellow fungus demon
Fungus needs to be treated, it doesn't matter how 'clean' you think you are or how much you scrub, once it gets hold you need to obliterate it with drops or pills. I had a nail fungus and no amount of washing would get rid of it. The only thing that worked was using some drops, it killed the fungus but also the nail dropped off as it was basically dead, which didn't hurt but looked weird. Grew back all white and health in a few months so it was ultimately worth it.
i remember brie from her first role as bronson on childrens tv in australia
But really though why didn't she get it treated if she knew she was going to red carpets and shit?
Is this one real? Holy shit.
treatment is a tool of patriarchal oppression
Quick everyone let's call him a niggers when he's not looking
let's have this be an old commercial thread