/ahg/ - Arthouse General

Post your submissions for the 2019 Patrician Essentials chart in the discord

previous thread - /ahg/ discord: discord.gg/nZFMgn

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Other urls found in this thread:


bump ;_;

>discord link in the fucking OP
Your thread deserves to die

lick my willy

all these movies look like they suck. I don't recognise a single one I looked at all of them

lick my willy

Kill yourself. And I thought we can finally have a decent thread.

Talk about films instead of complaining like a faggot

I'm the user who first proposed the creation of a new chart.
The previous thread should already have enough submissions to create one. I suggest making it and then adjust it according to the ensuing discussion.
Linking a discord is only going to derail any conversation, and it would also limit the input of anons who happen to see the thread on the main page.
I would do it but today I will not have time to dedicate to it, so if by tomorrow nothing has been made I will take it on myself to create it and post it.
Have a nice day.

Yeah because inviting people to discuss films in a shitty discord rather than in the thread is so much better for the general right
Fucking zoomers

I meant post here about films instead of complaining you fucking retard

Well there's already heated chart discussion in the discord so you better git gud bud

I'll leave it to you trannies then. Have fun.

>Next level Arthouse
Is this bait?

Everyone who uses Discord is a disgusting retard.

I've never been proven wrong.

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>he didn't recognize Blow-up

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If La maman et la putain aint there the chart is shit

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Moses und Aron is presumably a film of the opera

straub & huillet are cinematic antichrists

Anus Films lol

One hit wonder

>21 posts by 12 people in 4 hours
Just like these threads lol

seems like discord killed it

Is this arthouse horror?

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rip this general
it's going to be discord injokes and no one will post here because they can get an instant meme reply in the new big internet honeypot

what kills it is retards like you complaining about discord instead of enganing in discussion about films

what kills it is retards like you complaining about retards complaining about discord instead of engaging in discussion about films

t. retard

Okay so I will try to do better.
I rewatched La Règle du jeu yesterday. I had not really liked it all that much on my first watch but wanted to give it a second chance since it is held in such high regards. Even though I liked it better this time I still can't say it completely won me over. It has some standout sequences and I generally enjoy the humor but overall it seems way too literary to me and has so much exposition. Anybody wants to enlighten me on the film?

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What does /ahg/ provide that /lbg/ does not?

Been meaning to watch it for a long time, maybe I'll get to it

i recommend getting a copy of the other 1971 Lear by Peter Brook, its an excellent foil to the socialist humanist soviet production.

No it's shit

>not a social media hugbox like lbg
already better

Are there even /lbg/ threads anymore? I posted semi-regularly in them when they started but last time I checked they were complete shit because of autism, namefag drama and D. W. Griffith posting. Arthouse and foreign films get discussed so little here it wouldn't really hurt to have both /ahg/ and /lbg/ anyways

yup thread is dead even before it started

Congratulations on murdering the thread OP.
There's still time for your redemption, delete the thread and start a new one, no discord faggotry this time.

On a side note i've been thinking about watching land in anguish and black moon, whats Yea Forums opninion on them?

I recommended Young Aphrodites on the thread yesterday, and was replying to someone before it got archived. I copied what I wrote in hopes of responding to the user again. Here's what I wrote about Zazie & Black Moon:
Along with Koundouros, I'd recommend, if you haven't already seen that is, Malle's works. Zazie dans le Métro is probably my favourite of his, doesn't take itself seriously at all, which is a refreshing quality when looking at the milieu it was released in. Quite straightforward, not laden with deep meaning as some of his other films. Beautiful composition, rivaling at points with The Conformist.
I mentioned another Malle's film in a previous thread, Black Moon. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it alongside Zazie, polar opposites one could say. Where Zazie satirizes the French society as a whole in a brazen way, Black Moon turns the focal point to the self, the house representing dasein. Critiquing or maybe just shining light on the world view some adopt which causes a divide between sexes, as well as how this can cause the feminine within wither away. The twins representing the ideal union between anima and animus, the eagle bringing "freedom" causes the counterpart to dissolve from the amalgamation and reach for the unobtainable mode of being. Feminist ideology being that which grants freedom, but in order to "obtain" it, forces the subject to cast away the masculine, causing a rift in the perfect balance of the feminine and masculine within oneself. The yin and yang fractured by the imbalance. That's my take on it, if you haven't seen it, I recommend those both.

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Discord server is as dead as the thread, you guys have nothing to worry about. I'll try my best to post screenshots once in a while

You faggots couldn't resist. This general's already dead.

there's less people on the discord that there's posters here so not really but putting the discord link in the op was a mistake and gay

Reminder that Vox Lux was the best movie of 2018

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I really liked it but I feel like there should have been an act during her 2nd to 4th album releases like an extra 30 mins of all that.

>think Capeshitters will ruin these threads
>it's actually discord pseuds

yeah this pisses me off every time i see the image. literally entry level

What's your favorite film by this mad man? I know it's not his best but I have a soft spot for Los Olvidados

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Belle de Jour

because of this postwall kike?


No. Portman was awful in it.

Gotta agree with you there even if it's an obvious pick

Viridiana or Obscure Object

why would you watch something purposefully incomprehensible? you could rewatch die hard instead


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I can enjoy both.

riveting discussion

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that's what you get for going anywhere you know people from Yea Forums post but have names attached
fuck everybody who posts on Yea Forums

im gonna kill you after i kill the person who made that chart

u get a normal discussion holy shit imagine talking to people

the entry level chart has stood the test of time for a reason. it's not supposed to be all encompassing

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What is arthouse?

>random blackhat

I prefer his Mexican work over his French period. I also really like Los Olvidados but my favorites are probably Simón del desierto and Subida al cielo. Unfortunately most of his Mexican films are only available in very bad prints

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>using "kino" at all whatsoever
>especially outside of this fucking shitty website
why is everybody but me a faggy meme spouter?

>he doesn't know

none of you actually like these movies

Do you really think so? I'm sure even you would extremely enjoy some if you gave them a chance, try Eraserhead

>discord shared in OP
>thread half dead
imagine my shock!
anyway, anyone seen any of Sandy Ding's work? Been trying to find a torrent of Night Awake, and want to know if it's actually worth looking for.

Something that doesn't have a major distributor, thus doesn't get noticed. Often these films have odd themes and are hard to interpret so they aren't that marketable and as such, rely on smaller venues.

No one knows who / what Sandy Dong is and no one cares. Stop pretending to be into obscure films. You're impressing nobody.

He's good.

I'll check his stuff out then, thanks.

lol Audrius Stonys rated Kill Bill 5/5
why do directors always have such shit taste

Imagine unironicaly thinking people here watch things they don't like for validation.

Is it really that obscure? A guy i know in the IT department of my collage mentioned him one time i think.

If you find a good torrent, post it here.

lmao source

The discord is shit. There isn't a single girl to orbit.

audrius_stonys on lb

surely that can't actually be his account

why not, he's not the only director with an embarrassing lb account

Directors have the worst shit. Have you seen the BFI director's list? It's literally 0/100. There isn't a single obscure film in the entire thing. Directors are mid level at best.


Sadly the critics' list is no better. The only people who know anything about films are in forums dedicated to art house.

Some major directors have a surprisingly good taste and obscure film knowledge, Scorcese for exemple.

It's not that, it just seems fake
I've met the guy a bunch of times and he doesn't seem like to guy to have an lb and especially not one like that

if you guys can't find Night Awake I can up it for you but it's going to take a while

but he also has rated a lot of obscure Lithuanian films, so what it's a Lithuanian guy impersonating him to smear his name or something?

Scorsese is so fucking shit though. Even my mother knows him by name.

Well, it's only natural that the final list consists of mostly well known and acclaimed movies but I'm sure if you looked at some directors' individual lists you'd find some more obscure movies.

idk maybe it's one of his film students playing a prank or something

Are you trying to false flag or something? Your mother knowing his name doesn't mean that Scorsese isn't a literal film encyclopedia.
Without him many films would not be recovered and restored again.

who are some other directors with lb accounts

Okay. I accept he's doing good work recovering films but as a director he's shit.

i think he misunderstood and thought that you implied that scorcese is an obscure director to know

Scott Barley

he's a cuck
probaly posts here

Night Awake would be brilliant if you can upload it.

also nice digits you beautiful, fallen disaster

Oh man, if you upload Night Awake you're officially based.

the only 'obscure' lithuanian films he has logged are his own, and some bartas and matelis

idk how long it will take
do you have a discord or email address I can send it to? I can also send you his shorts in the meantime

I fucking love him just from the fact that he saved one of the first arthouse film of my country from being lost forever, "Limite" (1932) from Mario peixoto if you're wondering.

did someone just say they needed a discord invite


You don't even like Taxi Driver?

that's not true, I found his profile looking for this film letterboxd.com/film/the-dreams-of-the-centenarians/
and there are many more
why are you defending him lol

is that the one the kid made when he was 19

Not him and not trying to ask for too much, but can't you put a torrent up or something?

i'm not defending him, i'm just trying to figure out if it's him or not

Not that dude but you could upload all that stuff in the Discord linked in the OP. People would be very grateful.

I'm sorry I don't know how to do that I can only try to upload it and if the file is too big I have to up it another way

not feeling like joining discord, just give me a throwaway email and you can share the link
if it's too much effort just ask there instead I'm sure coop or someone else has a sc account

i think he was 21 or 23 when he made this movie.