Didn't even have a credited role in a movie till age 25

>didn't even have a credited role in a movie till age 25
>starred in Fight Club, Troy, Seven, Inglorious Basterds, World War Z, Legends of the Fall, Snatch, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Oceans' 11-12-13, Moneyball, Interview with the Vampire, 12 Years a Slave, The Big Short, 12 Monkeys, 7 Yrs in Tibet, The Tree of Life, Burn After Reading, Babel, World War Z, Assassination of Jesse James, Killing Them Softly
>will star in a Tarantino movie and a James Gray movie this year
>has one of the most successful careers as a producer in the industry with his company "Plan B"

How the fuck did he do it, Yea Forums?

Attached: bradpitt.jpg (1280x1920, 375K)

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That's a pretty uneven filmography the

In fact it's making me think Brad Pitt is the closest to a true 50/50 coin toss about whether a movie featuring him is gonna be great or garbage

You should ask Harrison Ford instead.

I'm 2 years away. I think I can do it bros.

ok millenial.

theres something between great and garbage

You're 23? Or 53?

(OP here) I think the movies are listed are at least good/watchable. Lot of them are great. Skipped a few mediocre/weak ones from his filmography.

even more amazing is that he's generally a mediocre to bad actor.

Nah he's great

You listed World War Z lmao

I liked it


he's never given a great performance and he's downright bad in quite a few of them.

I'm 21 we'll make it.

Attached: 807012.jpg (200x242, 6K)

He's a mediocre actor. He lucked out by being insanely good looking and having good on screen charisma.

Yeah its called mediocre. Sums up his filmography pretty well

>but he was in x!
Yeah well he was also in Kalifornia
>but he was in y!
He was also in World War Z
>but what about z???
The Counselor etc

I think he's actually underrated as an actor because of how good looking he is.

His performance in Fight Club, Burn After Reading, Snatch, Benjamin Button and Moneyball are great..
(should've won Oscars for Money and Fight Club t-b-h)

Yep. Same with Goose.

is "Plan B" his wish that all of his adopted kids were aborted

I have a thing for his more comedic roles like Inglorious Basterds and Burn After Reading.

Stay mad, INCEL!!!!!

How does one start a production company? It seems like a super straight forward job from the outside. All you would need to know is what makes something watchable and then have money right?

Yeah I guess. It helps that he's rich and has contacts in the industry

lol so the "Plan B" was getting divorced, then getting married a second time and adopting a bunch black/asian kids....then getting divorced again

alpha as fuck. at this point hes up there with De Niro and Pearlman

Attached: 1509040135795.png (515x733, 339K)

He's still worth 240 million so who cares

KEK all these losers hating on the ultra-chad Brad Pitt is so funny

Him apparently. 2 divorces and a bunch of ethnic dependants and a biolical kid that got turned into a tranny at an early age Model for success tho right

Who gives a shit. He can still fuck 20 y/os every day till he dies and spend his millions. Let that roastie exwife handle the kids.

Ah to be 16. Good luck out there man. Remeber: never try to improve your character and only value objects of impermanence

Ah, to be 25. Doesn't matter what you think right now user. The brainwashing will eventually wear off, hopefully. I'm much older than you.