Are you insane, Yea Forums?

Are you insane, Yea Forums?

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Why do you ask?

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Add another one to the list.

probably. not because of that, but yeah probably

>insults customers
>still expects them pay

if I say no she's not going to molest me and put a rock in me is she?

I wish I had saved all those Joker pics people were spamming a month ago because this kind of bold statement requires one.

That's lena dunham.

What’s insane is thinking modern Western women are oppressed, or that destroying a man’s life by lying about sexual assault is okay.

Holy crap, a talking whale!

>user: Anyone who is not a racist is insane

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seething incels

Even so, Shitmer’s probably done something equally as insane behind closed doors.

I'm a TERF. Fuck trannies.

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It wouldn't surprise me that much of she liked young girls, but there's not really any proof of it.

Based I say, Based!

Honestly feminism is just wanting equality between men and women, everyone is a feminist they just don't know it.

based as hell

oh shit, my bad, it's late and you're right, wrong roastie


we truly live in a society

Women have never been oppressed. How can half the population be "oppressed". If women were superior to men they'd be the ones who run the world, but they're not and they don't.

redpilled as fuck


Maybe back when they were called suffragettes, but now third wave feminists have developed a desire to take men down as a whole.

How old is this article? 3 years?

just ripe enough

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Women shouldn't be allowed to vote. That was a huge mistake.

I don't want equality between men and women.
2nd wave was arguably more batshit.

The feminist movement attacks masculinity, but only in men. It has no tenants other than reducing people to their gender, claiming gender doesn't exist, and then throwing a shitfit when they get called out.

Why do we allow these people to rule over us?

Compared to most people I'd say so.

Jared Taylor for president. He'd prolly get ass ass inated tho. I'm surprised lil Donnie hasn't been killed yet t.b.h

Radical Feminists aren't much better than trannies desu. They're pretty much the same: ugly and unfuckable retards.

I feel like women definitely get short stick when it comes to certain jobs. It's not that they aren't capable, it's just that they aren't given the opportunities.

Isn't she a rapist?

Because they're smarter and more competent.

Dumb neckbeards are incapable of anything but whining and diabetes

Absolute gentleman.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit