>tfw came up with a fantastic and hilarious idea for a kino
How do I get started in screen writing Yea Forums bros?
>tfw came up with a fantastic and hilarious idea for a kino
How do I get started in screen writing Yea Forums bros?
I’m a screenwriter I can help u what’s the idea?
Sharpen your pencil
Unless you are Jewish, sorry buddy but getting into Hollywood is almost impossible. As an indie filmmaker? Sure if you know some locals.
email me i can get you in touch with someone at BET development: [email protected]
get to starbucks with your typewriter you dum casserole
My idea involves giant set pieces and CGI creations. Local wont cut it.
Can I just convert?
What's the idea? Post it you fucking retard otherwise FUCK OFF
Nice try
Unless your family already has connections or you can convince some studio head to let you suck his circumcised dick the chances of anyone even reading the title of your script are basically zero.
You're probably better off just writing a novel or something.
>Learn how to use Maya
>Make your own visual effects
Saved you several grand
Gimme your idea you peice of shit
I once came up with a great idea for a buddy cop movie and it turns out it's already real and quite popular, with just one minor difference. Oh well.
NO! this isnt OP
I am op
There's an entire studio that makes rip offs of popular movies. If yours is a comedy you can easily do just that.
Didn't director of Bright rip off some game anyway?
Stop pretending to be me.
I am OP.
Pitch it to Netflix, they'll produce any old shit.
this, say you an Obama ar tight and you be aight
Download celtx for formatting. The rest is down to you.
Writing a screenplay would be a pretty good start.