I'm putting together a team
I'm putting together a team
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Wait is this a national commercial? I thought this only appeared locally all this time.
Just one more mission...for old time's sake...
I'll join now
Did you know that despite making up only 13%-
...Only 13%? Whoa.
Is this guy still alive?
Many of these types of commercials try to trick you into thinking they are local so you will trust them more. You would be surprised how many commercials that you assume to be local are actually huge nation wide companies.
the female anus makes me monkey horny
Shaq + The General = commercial kino
I'm in.
fact: shaq refuses to shill for products he wouldn't himself use
he turned down starbucks cause "black folks don't drink fancy coffee" but gladly accepted to be on the fruity pebbles box
I'm in. I can't just keep sitting on my couch while life passes me by.
You said you wanted a soft spoken man in a cowboy hat?
Say no more, partner.
We'll deal with the government. You have enough to worry about.
Another fun fact: Shaq is one of the greatest rappers alive
>The zoomer hardwood floor
>The boomer plush shag carpeting
>video unavailable in your country
WTf SHawq
blame (((vevo))) shaW is based
I'll supply the funds
Try a bottle, and trust me...she'll like it too.
based free money
Kek, the Red Man is finally getting his revenge for those smallpox blankets
This right here. Thought this was a local commercial.
Time to call in the big guns. IRS isn't gonna know what hit it.
Get connected
I'm in.
I'm in Dude
I'm in if you stop believing in god
She cute
A Team?
He's a big hunk
This, chicagoland
Just say the word
International even.
>I think I got one left in me. For old times sake.
Anyone need a lift?
I'll get us the wheels we need, but I'm bringing a friend...
Who else /chapter13/ here
Well, are you insured?
Honestly, do people have to pay the fee still during taxes for not having health insurance? I’ve been going back and forth with my coworkers for the past two weeks
Penalties end this year, user.
Barry McCockiner
That’s what I’ve been saying! But for some reason my foreman still put a payment of 200$ towards his 600$ fee. I also don’t think he’d get refunded for it for his confusion
And William Shatner as Denny Crane in that lawyer firm TV AD in texas
It ends at the end of this year. So, for one's 2018 taxes, penalties exist.
Oh shit makes sense now thank you.
You won't have to worry about injuries anymore..
no problemo
>116.73% APR
i can never not laugh
You've made the right selection.