Why did everyone laugh at Jerry's haircut? It looked good

Why did everyone laugh at Jerry's haircut? It looked good.

Attached: haircut.png (900x588, 820K)

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you almost forget he's a jew with a haicut that cool.

It's a child's haircut, it doesn't suit him.

it looks retarded tbqh

he actually looks respectable there

he just combed his hair, its not a hair cut. Seinfeld just doesnt hold up

its a goy cut, its a jew only joke

It just doesn't go with his personality.

Jerry always used to get the bouffant, so people were just a little surprised to see him without one. It wasn't a bad haircut though.

It blew my mind as a kid when i learned that "Jerry" was wartime slang for nazi germany and germany in the world wars and that Jerry represents Germany in the war.

Then it made more and more sense.

Goerge represents italy, mussalini and the stereotype.

Kramer represents the japanese, bizzare and funny but cool.

the show viewed this way will blow your mind.

Who is Elaine?

Why was George laughing? He's bald.

Newman is Poland. Jerry is constantly annoyed by his presence.

one of them represents russia i guess

Kramer is not cool. He's extremely annoying. I wish a pack of rabid squirrels violently raped him.

jery get ipad

I think he's cool.

just imagine woah

Wow, what a nigger. 50 years ago we would've had you upside down with a fucking fork in your ass.

I hate you so much.

What kind of haircuts actually look cool bros

Kiss my ass, nigger.


They did, user. They did.

Attached: Michael Richards.jpg (640x480, 68K)

>They did.
This makes me so happy.

The show actually traces the rise and fall of Hitler from 1936 to 1945 corresponding seasons to years. Events in the episodes tie to historical events of each year. Jerry usually represents Hitler, though sometimes Estelle Costanza is the Hitler symbol. Part of the reason Jerry ended on season 9 was that with Hitler dead after 1945 there was no more good base material to work with. Larry David has spoken about this interviews. Jerry does not publicly acknowledge it.

>not Russia

>larry david leaving the show is the jews that died in the holohoax
deepest lore

Attached: 1524312854984.png (646x720, 13K)

My doctor has that same haircut. Also Jewish.

Elaine must be france?

the actor is acutally a french jew right?

it's not jewish enough, he looked like one of the subhumans, the goyim

Anyone else too ugly for short hair? My head looks like a freakish potato.

>that final episode where Germany, France, Italy and Japan all laugh and don't intervene while watching something bad happen and record it instead, leading to them all ending up in jail

Just like how ww2 ended!

This. the reason why he's obsessed with superman is because the creator of superman called it a jewish power fantasy

>The jail ending mirrors the post war states of the axis powers

Now he buzzes his hair because he realized the jew-fro mullet looked like shit. Either that or because he's actually going bald or because it's just easier.

He's a 60 year old man and he's going bald

Damn, bro. That makes a heck of a lot more sense than the retarded bullshit I posted.

Newman is definitely Russia as he inherits the world once the others are gone, elaine is france

Fun fact Jerry was adopted and is not Jew by blood

Just get a typical fuckboi disconnected fade with a quiff like me, girls love it. No jk, I'm a khv, but I do have nice hair. Multiple hair stylists have told me I have "model" hair

this show is peak boomer, it isn't even fucking funny

Imagine being old lol what a loser