Comrades, this is your Captain

Comrades, this is your Captain...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Americans

based and REDpilled

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Is the joke that they're both communists?

I love her bros

russians hacked the ELECTION and it's a good THING

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He's Lithuanian

Trump is a Jewish puppet regardless so it doesn't even matter anymore

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the vilnius school master...

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hail hitler

the nazbol gods are awakening

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Communism is no joke.

Let‘s play a game, winner gets to see Montana

More tea, anyone?

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Hitler hated marxism almost as much as he hated jews. I'm convinced the "socialist" in "National Socialist" was nothing more than a means to lure in former/would be gommies. He even talks about how they would use red flyers for their meetings as a way to fool normie workers and trigger the Marxists/Jews

fuck off kike shill. trotsky was a kike that was killed by shake stalin. aoc is gonna kill all of the kikesi n the zog goverment.

gas yourself you kike

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This is now a Soviet Union music thread

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What the fuck are you talking about retard

Das Boot>HFRO>Crimson Tide>Ice Station Zero>Hunter Killer>that Liam Neeson one>that shitty Matthew McConaghy one

sheik stalin is going to come back and pogrom all of you kike mamzers

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>that Liam Neeson one

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Stalin surrounded himself with Jews while simultaneously causing the death of millions of white people. He also maintained Lenin (a Jew) and Marx (a Jew) as the ideological mascots of the Soviet Union

lol shark eyes retard

stalin purged the kikes after the 1930s he went full 1488 on the trostkist rootles cosmopolitan kikes you chuckle fuck

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The very first comment says it's got nothing to do with Russia or the Red Army™ which makes sense since this is a Murican movie after all

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That's why he kept Lenin in a monument in a glass casket and used Marxist rhetoric until his death. He could have steered it in a nationalistic direction if he wanted to. He was also a Georgian, not even a Russian. He was a mobster masquerading as a revolutionary

die screaming trotskyist kike

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I don't understand why you're calling me Trotskyist, essentially everthing that happened from Nicholas' death (and even before) to today is awful.

based nazbol retard

he´s the most redpilled user in this entire shiet thread. also the captain fucking defects to america in this movie and lies to his crew about it. they risk their lives just to give that old traitor a lift.

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and i'm about to say the N-word

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you are a trotskyist kike because you oppose the doctrine of nazbol

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it's sung by the red army choir you fucking retard watch the credits

>that american, jonesey, is a fucking nigger
wtf did he mean by this Yea Forums

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Please read Mein Kampf or listen to the audiobook like I did
The Bolsheviks were antithetical to everything Hitler believed. It was also the ideological brethren of the Bolsheviks that set up the degenerate pedophilic homosexual and Jewish disgrace that was the Weimar republic.

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fuck off kike

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Even if you try to rationalize Ramius' treason by arguing that the Soviets were the bad guys, he was still a filthy traitor who risked the lives of his entire crew so he could run away and go fishing in Montana. Not an honorable or noble man.

he was obviously attempting to uphold the doctrine of MAD first and foremost, he didn't really give a fuck about going fishing in montana that was merely a fringe benefit

marko ramius was a true socialist in the every sense of the world

The worst part is he fooled his crew into thinking he died a hero.

anybody watched this? It any good?

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Can't she ever just act professional?

Moar plz, she cute :-3

Sam Neill wanted to live in Montana, not Ramius.