spooky edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

feed wony


Attached: FST9iecakAA6XOL.jpg (1440x1080, 278.63K)

Attached: wony lsf.webm (1296x1008, 2.93M)

help her jesus

she's back in korea

Attached: FSOW0N9aIAA1IDd.jpg (1504x1128, 362.15K)

My wife song hayoung

Attached: pure.jpg (827x827, 109.17K)

yejibros are we in support of starving wony?

Girls are back in 2 weeks

Attached: bvndit5.png (1350x900, 1.74M)

Attached: 1643880476368.jpg (555x714, 32.41K)

Attached: 707faf87-1997-4c40-bf8e-5fbd1c241faa.jpg (1000x667, 140.51K)

brutal kaz mogging

Attached: [EN_JP] [퀸덤2_7회 예고] 이 악물고 준비한 〈댄스 유닛〉 무대, 1위의 주인공은_ _ 매주 목요일 밤 9시 20분 #퀸덤2 EP.7 0-18 screenshot (1).jpg (1920x1080, 177.62K)

is it halloween yet

Attached: 160037253379892.png (515x758, 536.86K)

brutal mogging by wony, lesserturds can't compete

Attached: 1651972860963.jpg (768x1024, 235.75K)

Attached: 1645682657788.jpg (1080x1800, 279.61K)


Attached: 1652109678089.jpg (640x800, 183.7K)

dinner and drinks (followed by THAT) with Basedeon

Attached: 3oarnfaojfy81.jpg (1440x1800, 295.89K)

Attached: 280061640_162106709616183_2215042953606247258_n.jpg (1440x1800, 508.34K)

Post J jamming

weren't there more members than this?

feed her cum

Lia's face
Yeji's body
Ryujin's new black hair
Tuna's tuna

cute guys

>generic roastie crush
we don't need another (g)-loonaglowly

the chimpanzee is superior to that stacy

starving wony is temporary
even buddha starved himself for a time before he realized it was not the way

Attached: 1646264690301.jpg (458x1024, 86.32K)

>brutal mogging by wony
wonypedos we still are hurt by this defeat

Attached: 1646385583286.jpg (1246x1268, 342.23K)

Attached: FSUGv2GakAUgYrS.jpg (1536x2048, 558.92K)

tranny whore

Attached: e316e728-a4c1-4429-bf34-7366fcf99c31.jpg (1000x667, 227.34K)

the days of korean producers are dead.
kpop is dead.

Attached: 1639021380614.jpg (837x1200, 162.9K)

we hate swedish trannies and mnek here

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Attached: 1634679846312.jpg (900x1200, 236.01K)

Attached: ef915f5dedfd07f382d461baa6954f88.jpg (1020x1360, 590.25K)

stop listening to trash

long live kpop

>brutal kaz mogging

Attached: LSF IVE Cackle.webm (1868x1052, 1.48M)


Attached: 1606575283913.webm (640x800, 901.55K)

2 more, their concept photos are out tomorrow

Attached: bvndit6.png (900x1350, 1.85M)

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he is so ugly

Attached: 1629515026627.jpg (1374x1183, 122.26K)


Attached: 1644600243196.webm (1280x720, 1.65M)

>bandit fans

Attached: 1652109880993.png (950x770, 750.83K)

kim lip is a beautiful lady freaking moroni

Attached: lip_wife.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

*cleans out wony's fridge at 2am*

Attached: 1651695351954.jpg (1364x2048, 346.45K)

name ONE good western produced kpop song

wtf I thought it got posted twice by mistake then noticed different resolution


chimp was cute, the only one that didn't look like shit next to wony
wony mogged that cross eyed bitch out of the melon top 100
wipe your tears

Attached: 1651894165966.jpg (3840x2160, 1.2M)

naiseu ipseul

miyeon wide open for business

Attached: yozebqy0efy81.jpg (1184x789, 70.26K)

it's hard to accept but roastiepop groups are the only hot and interesting groups

stayc and ive are the precious exceptions



She’s cute

wow crypto is dumping well..

>vegetables on the pizza
>carrot cake
>corn chips
worst basedeon date ever

stop listening to western trash retarded roastie

>w-w-wipe your tears!

Attached: 1636824761967.png (334x352, 225.13K)

Our girls will make it

Attached: seung8.jpg (800x1200, 116.94K)

kpg's fav girl

EXO - Tempo

Attached: 3d413a0b-ac68-4a6c-a268-2a4c0e84c97c.jpg (1000x667, 164.5K)

brother should have bought wonycoin

nothing but uggos posted so far. make room for a true babe

Attached: 2018.10.08 Eunbin 'Bad Papa' 배드파파 EP.5.webm (1280x704, 2.9M)

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love dive

post extra cheeky liz

im saying that kpop is dead because of western producers, wtf are u talking about

that tranny also plasticmogs and fridge mogs her

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holy shit. chaewon is what winter was supposed to be. she's perfect.

it may be temporary but still the entirety of her time as an idol

Attached: 162205080429.webm (1004x720, 2.92M)

our girls killed it at kcon ngl

Attached: 1610152594112.jpg (2048x1536, 655.45K)

dont do this

I like yiyeon

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kpg's fav girl mentioned

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/biz/ in shambles

matured thic thigh I love


Attached: simyeong6.jpg (1440x2048, 370.18K)

gidle and dreamcatcher just released all korean made albums and got their best results yet


>*listens to trash*
>wow it's trash!
>kpop is le dead

why not, she looks so healthy and cute



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Love bomb

RM is the best rapper in gaypop. Definitely unoppo-

Attached: C20AB9D8-F55B-45A2-A17E-7F5717F1FB4C.jpg (1636x2048, 610.1K)

How do girl groups handle periods?

floptranny is seething !

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savage aespa >'

its just a general statement that most new kpop groups are western produced now (nmixx, lesserafim, ive)

only cause they hire nugus and not the same ones who work for the top western artists