/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #33 - Equipment Analysis Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Previous Thread:

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Links for Equipment Analysis article for OP pic related.




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>tfw no Alita gf

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Tell me where the most cost-efficient place is to read the mangas. I cannot torrent.

>I saw autistic pone posters shitting up the Ocean of Piss with undiluted autism and I thought "That's my dream!"

Nice poster!

8th for /comfy/ thread

peep the article links here for info on the poster


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4th time seeing it tonight; it keeps maintaining its appeal I think we got a winner here. Fuck the haters, they'll come flocking to us and realize their error when it's too late to see our communal wife on the big screen.


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I want Alita to succeed so other 90's waifus get kino adaptations too.

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I'm genuinely in love bros

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Me on the left

She cute. Does she have future as an actress or something?

How do these things work? How much can they do?

>at least 2 weeks wait for the deluxe manga collection to ship
It has to arrive in less than 4 weeks!

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Too old. She's 13. Yoda won't allow it.

Did anyone else notice towards the end of this scene when Alita and Hugo turn around to leave there is a dude in the audience behind them chugging an up ended 40oz of beer?

She was born without arms or had them amputated or something.

I sold my entire Alita collection in 2003 for pennies (sad, not sad)

I think i'll need a cyber-penis to penetrate alita, uhm

No neural interface.
Low life with low technology.

They interface with her stump nerves through skin conduction, and provide her with feedback in the form of either light electric pulses or haptic feedback. As the user practices with them the brain remaps to control the new limbs and recognize them as part of the body.

Look into how they cure phantom limb sensation to get an idea of how this last bit works.

I'm kind of shocked that they can apparently make prosthetic limbs with opening and closing fingers that are operated by nothing but stumps. How does that even work?

Am I remembering right, did Ido say he was Hunter-Warrior 31337? I saw it for the 5th time today, faggots. Should I see it again tomorrow, you autistic retards?

>I saw it for the 5th time today, faggots. Should I see it again tomorrow, you autistic retards?

Yes you cocksmoking piece of shit. Have fun! Enjoy watching this fine movie!

That's a lot of times to see it my OCD friend.
I plan to see it once more in IMAX, but that's it.

I didn't notice if he was #EREET but that's pretty funny if he was.

Depends on how much of a stump you have. Some nerves and parts of muscles for fingers may remain, so a prosthesis can use elecrtical signals on those to operate fingers.

She's adorable and I'd love to fuck her with the prosthetics on, but where the fuck are her tits?

why is the manga so hard to find

why is that cat crying

It's neat ain't it?

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do you think she uses those things to pleasure herself at night while thinking in chad?

She’s like 12 dude...


Will do. Thanks, pussy bitch.

Now that the dust has settled
Joi or Alita?

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Atilla is a nigger and so are you


Why are they dressing her up like a 19 y/o superthot?



Last Order
Mars Chronicle:

You might want to set browsing to vertical so you can also zoom in on pages depending on size of screen you're using.

Both will love you with an intense fanaticism.
Only one can fuck you without giving you a disease.

He actually saves this as copypasta!



That sword is badass. I want one. I love the rocket hammer, too.

sorry i really dont like anime but I will tolerate it for this one alita

how new are you?

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Must be the UK.

She's only 13 user

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Why are those arms different from the Alita premiere arms?

Such a qt.

Takes one to know one.

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>jack off instruct(or)ions


the alita arms were made specifically for her for the premiere

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Because life is pain

I prefer berzerker Alita, she has a nice ass during the motorball game


perfect wifing age


She's a growing young woman and needs new arms at least once a year.

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Same. I love her doll body very much, but it's more for hugs and loves with that one, like a nurturing paternal type. Her berzerker body, however, is also for hugs and love but also with an erection, I feel.

>Why are they dressing her up like a 19 y/o superthot?
Pizza Gate

How many times has everybody seen 'Mai Waifu: The Movie'?



Does she have a navel piercing?


Just got back from my third viewing bros. I'm in love. Theres so many little details/nuances that I missed the first couple viewings.
The problems are very obvious... the dialogue at some parts are pretty bad and the last 15 min are very rushed.
Everything else is fantastic. The CGI is top notch, when they were wiping her tears you can see the skin under Alitas eyes stretch! Hands down best cgi character ive seen interacting alongside live actors...Rosa Salazar did an amazing job, truly a performance capture not just mocap. This movie needs a sequel!


>actor reveal
When did this become a thing?

is she ready to fight with Refn

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What will you do when Alita gets pulled from theaters?

Why does Alita wear autism shoes?

>Alita cost $550 mil to create
>Alita advertising totalled $850 mil
>Alita needs to see more then $1.5 billion at the box office to break even
>Alita is projected to see $225 mil total at the box office over the course of it run in theatres


>buy a silicone love doll
>replay the movie with some naughty bits added

>550 mil
the production budget was 170.
marketing probably around 200.
it wont break even anyway, so why make shitpost memes

1. Now I hope this does well enough so they'd adapt the rest...

If they do, I'll probably be an old man by the time we get to Jupiter.

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>Alita cost $550 mil to create
Alita was cost 550 billion dollars

Where are you getting these weird numbers?

Did they come to you in a dream?

how the fuck you spend $850 million in advertising for a shitty vg cut-scene

Alright lads, just got back from date night with my wife. I give it an 8/10 and even she liked it.


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I think to look two more times.

Marketing was probably 1/2 that.

This "action" figure is over 2 feet tall, if you know what I mean.

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Alita and Iria, among dozens of others, prove why for some inexplicable reason, Japan has never had an issue with strong female heroes. Sure a lot of them use their sexuality, but ain't that part of being a woman? A lot of them hardly even involve male love interests.

Stop spreading lies, user.

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Not that one.

These are though:

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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The west has tons of strong waifus from movies, comics, shows and videogames. Only recently feminists ruined them.

They're never going to do any of the space stuff. Even the original series is a huge project.

Then again if we did get Last Order it would probably all fit into one movie because it's mostly pointless tournament fights that could be done in a few minutes each (and skipping every fight where Alita isn't present).

1/6 scale.

Alita is over 12 feet tall?

This one is 55 inches tall.

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This has been bothering me for a while now but...why does her body have boobs protruding? What did the engineers do that? Surely it offers no tactical benefit

This movie was horrible, wth is up with all these threads
Biggest bait ever

Why would a man want a plastic doll when they could have a real women?


under the "Health and Household" category
free shipping hahaha

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I don't get it. Saw this today and hated every second of it except for the action, which there was not nearly enough of. I enjoyed the manga. What gives? Why is everyone acting like this is the second coming?

Yes she does.

And I was called a pedo for mistaking her for a girl of majority age.

The berserk suit adapts to whatever form Alita thinks she should have.

fake and gay

I saw it with my wife and she loved it but uh she also out of nowhere mentioned she wants a daughter now

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Loving how the critics hate this movie but the audience score is through the roof. Critics "loved" TLA and the audience hated it.

>why would a man want a cartoon/CGI imaginary pre-legal female companion when-

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Something about how her brain interacts with the nanotechnology that adjusts the body to her self image is how its explained in the movie.

Wait for blu ray

It's an adaption nanomachine body that adapts to fit whatever Alita's subconscious sees herself as

It starts out a completely plain body then reconfigures to that form

>Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59%
holy fuck how lonely and horny are you guys?

>when its primarily 30-45 year old single masturbators who go to this movie

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Go away Brie.

*takes half your stuff, makes your kids hate you and destroys your life*

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>Alita eats
Wait does that me she...?

Because everyone has different standards and expectations. I'm sorry for your aspergers, user.

Maybe because the magna is for ten year olds: "Ew! Eyeballs and brains!"

Kiddie stuff.

I want Alita to fart in my face while jacking me off!

Well bros I just got back from seeing this in IMAX 3D.
I have to admit I had low expectations, not because of the critical response but because of how weirdly enthusiastic all of you fags are about it.
But I was pleasantly surprised, I really liked it a lot. The mo-cap and the action scenes were incredibly well done. Alita looked great and the way she fought was very fluid and natural looking.
The pacing was a bit weird though, and some of the other cyborgs looked ridiculous, especially during that first fight in the alley.
Ido's rocket pike was a cool concept but it was executed poorly in my opinion. It looked way too slow.

Really liked it though. I would consider seeing it again in standard IMAX instead of 3D.

54 million US dollars in China now by Sunday at 10:00 a.m. 12 hours left in the day and another 10 million dollars coming easily. 63 million opening weekend for China officially confirmed. That's more than Ready Player One opening weekend in China. It's usually very uncommon for a 60+ million opening movie in China to not make AT LEAST more than 130 million. Literally the most consistent ones to drop off are the Marvel movies outside Infinity War. Let's keep this trend going!


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and you shall give her one

Any estimates on Japan yet?

No idea yet.

But the cool cyborg designs are the best part

I remember writing a research paper in college about advancements in bionic arms thanks to my obsession with manga like Alita. Though I think most of the stuff I read about was in the US. This is by some UK company.

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who else /flan/?

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Just want them to fix the face. Then I wouldn't even be thinking about it, I'd just do it.

it still won't breakeven; i.e., bomb

Shit taste.

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Would you fags get out of here?

Hey manga readers. Is Alita pure? Or she becomes used goods?

Squeal away, little troll. : )

>needs $3.7 billion to cover production costs and marketing
>box office won't even see $190 mil

No way. The ones that were just faces patched onto robots looked really bad to me. Especially the spider woman that Ido was gonna ambush. That shot when she was on the wall and fucking hisses at Alita made me laugh out loud it looked so silly.

Well I went and saw it. I guess it was okay but pretty basic. Its like an action flick for teen girls?


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She becomes a tree.

she stays pure
pure cancer

I mean, she wants to fuck Hugo, they really hammer up their relationship in the film, moreso than even the OVA. So, she's not totally used, but scarred from what happens to him.

It's fucking better than the manga so far you liar

just need an alita cosplay outfit

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>she wants to fuck Hugo
What makes you say that?

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I hope they keep his karma research. His need to defy fate is always fun.

teen girls, and lonely 30+ men

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>no woman will ever look at you like this

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>you are the most human person I know
What the fuck did he mean by that? It seemed like a weird line for the movie.

This is very interesting to watch. It's gotten "better than expected" numbers in literally every area it's opened. They expected 28-35 million opening weekend in the US and it did, what, 41? Now, in China, they projected 50-55 and it's pulling 63-65? It's almost heartwarming, in a way. I'm pulling for this film, I really am.

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Yeah, I think it's just an extra trying to do weird shit to get noticed/can point out to his buddies later, and the film crew not noticing.

For almost as long as Cameron has been trying to make this damn movie, I've been wanting to go to a con as Desty Nova eating plates of flan. Too bad it got put on the back burner and I haven't done cosplay in ages. Even had a friend I thought would be a good Ido. Actually, a friend of his might have made a good Alita.

Guys, there's a fucking mobile game now. Any good?


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I'm starting to dig the Dua Lipa song.

I have the feeling it will be named Alita, give it to her faggot.


that was cringy as fuck. I wonder if that came from the manga

you could just post actual Alita cosplay

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Honestly, if it keeps beating expectations and pulls at least 400 million, Cameron and the crew will definitely see people want a sequel. Lots of love going all around. I mean, Alita merch is selling out on Amazon, Alita is one of the most tracked box office films in a long time, people want it to succeed.

It was originally projected for 21 before they increased it close to release

Hugo was a bitch and he also died like a bitch

Though, it still would really send a strong message if it hit 450 million, that's the ideal number, the sweet spot.

I want a screencap of that shit. Its golden. Like wtf were they thinking? No way Cameron missed that. I thought it kind of looked like what would go on in the background of a manga panel so maybe they intended it.

Didn't sound cringy to me, she is worried about being a android and Hugo just says that she acts and is more "human-like" than many people he knows.

She is likeable and very honest with her feelings, that is really human-like, traits that are valued in humans.

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I think like 6 times. Will go at least once more with a friend (maybe more depending on how long it's in theaters + if I get off of work too early).

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Yeah I couldn't really tell if the viewer is supposed to like him but he was kind of a piece of shit and never really redeemed himself in any way.

I actually met this cozplayer at a con and asked her to go over to a friend who had a bootb because he got me into the manga. Sadly she didn't have the blade since she made hers out of real metal and it wasn't allowed in the con.

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>if it keeps beating expectations and pulls at least 400 million
It won't even be close to the $4 billion needed to break even.

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no way that's official

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Is this from ???

Be honest, do we have a chance of a sequel?

Hugo's character is interesting, and of course, all the good writing in the movie could just be hatted off to the original manga. He was so dead set on this dream of getting in to Zalem, a place that we really don't even see, 'cause it doesn't matter if we see it or not. It's propped up like heaven to these guys, the almighty dream. Nova just using these puppets and selling a false hope. Hugo will stop at nothing to get there and when he learns it's all false, he does what he told Alita at the beginning, he'd climb his way up if he had to. He was so consumed by this dream, he didn't realize the life he could have with Alita, and that was his downfall. He falls through the clouds, halfway to heaven and back to hell. He slightly redeemed himself when he thanked Alita for saving him, not his literal life, but his heart. She gave him his heart, but not in the way she originally offered him. God, I fucking love this movie and the original source material. How many blockbusters nowadays bother to put this much stake into it's core story and not dumb it down?

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The break even point is $400 million, not $2000 million

Ido hit that didn't he?

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I am pretty sure the break even point is $400 trillion. You seem to be missing a few zeros.

Alita's berserker body was of an adult woman right so that my my erection okay?

AnimeAngel also did a nice one

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Nah, that's from a trailer. Quality on that release is horrendous.

Maybe it would make sense if the movie had a focus on human-android relations, but it seemed a bit out of place considering Alita never really is shown to struggle with being an android in a world of humans, and no one treats her much differently because of her robot body.

How long before the Nigri?

That's what I thought. I am hoping a good rip comes along soon. We need a good webm of the disappearing burrit.

You'd be surrpised what people sacrifice for their dream.

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I thought for sure he would end up being found by someone else in the scrap scrapyard, similar to Alita, forget who he was (similar to Alita) after revival, but end up fighting for the wrong side at first a la Winter Soldier.

If it hits at minimum 400 million, yes. Anything lower is very iffy to no.


This movie gave me hope for a berserk adaptation, strangely enough.

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I missed the general somehow, but you should all know Alita did a $6M+ Saturday, is blowing past expectations in China, and could unironically hit $500M+ global.

>Comparing this movie to Winter Soldier
Um, what. Get that capeshit out.

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Yeah, maybe she is just worried about Hugo's plans for the future, I mean, maybe he would like to be a father one day, and I guess androids can't really have children. Well, even sex is out of the question, but I don't know if she knows about that when she asks him that.

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It's a good film, but I meant the character, dipshit.

>flopfags getting increasingly deranged and desperate
I love it

You illiterate fuck, that's not what he meant

I agree a lot. Upon third viewing, Hugo's arc (movie only) made sense on its own, and I actually appreciated it more. His dialogue makes more sense taken as a whole through the whole movie rather than as individual scenes. This whole movie just plays on archetypes and elements of good storytelling through metaphors.

Sorry sweetie, your "aleeta" needs 5 billions for a sequel.

Nope, from one of the international trailers.

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> teenage boy 17?
>"teenage" girl 300+ years

Not making a big deal out of it or anything, but their relationship is is actually kind of weird when you think about it.

Does the manga ever say how old she was originally?

Thanks installing.

It's not weird at all. Mentally she's still a teenager, her brain entered some kind of stasis or something, like Cap when he was frozen

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Twice with friends

Fuck it, I'll try it too.

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Okay guys I really don't get it. In some of the posters her eye proportion doesn't look that distracting. It can look good even but then watching the trailers the eyes seems out like it's a bit bigger. Why is that?

It needed more quips for the RT bloggers. It failed to spoonfeed the deeper themes and plot points so those spilled all over their laps. And I don’t recall it doing anything to make a viewer feel smug or superior. Triple fail.

TLJ was the nail in the coffin of trusting movie critics, Alita hammered the nail in.

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I am pretty sure its $6 gorrilion actually.

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I mean, he even shows Alita his dream on the top of a church. I think Cameron likes Zack Snyder or something, 'cause there's a lot of religious symbolism in this movie.

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Please do something about that fungus

Berserk hasn't even been adapted into a decent animated series. How the fuck could a series of movies work? Well, the 90s anime was decent, but low budget and ran out of story. The new cgi one is fucking trash.

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Enjoy your phone AIDS.

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Alita needs 6 gorillion to break even. Sorry sweeties, no sequel for your bigoted and sexist anime movie :)
Now go watch Captain Marvel like the paypiggies you are.

I have a Galaxy S3. It's immune to disease.

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>I mean, he even shows Alita his dream on the top of a church
Fuck, didn't even put that connection together. Damn, that's a good one. I hope to get a detailed breakdown of the symbols and the motifs in this movie sometime in the future.

I'd be pretty interested in Jordan Peterson's take on it, considering his total infatuation with Pinocchio and the Hero's Journey

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>Look at the bright side
>At least your tears work

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Where are these numbers coming from? It has to make at least $225 googolplex to break even.

Seeing just three times, I notice something new each time, whether in the dialogue or the visuals. Like Hugo realizing his dirty work lead to the arm he stole off the top player being added to the guy. Fucking love it. It's actually a very tight script with set ups and pay offs. I have no damn clue how the critics aren't appreciating it more.

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This is awful and worse than the earlier HD cam.

It's better visual quality wise but the frame rate is frequently fucked and it's absolutely plastered with advertising garbage

This was so on the nose, how did you not notice it first pass?

I actually don't know why. I was just distracted by other parts of the scene, I didn't make that connection. But at least I finally noticed it. It's nice that it's even in there.

She later gets with a bro-tier chad who looks like Guts. And Nova’s twink son later molested her insides.

Eh my shitty bargain bin tablet isn't compatible. From the reviews isn't seem like I'm missing out on anything however. Though looking through the play store, there's actually a surprising amount of Alita content or stuff that is blatantly based off of it.

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>$225 googolplex
That might be a little low. I think break even is closer to $230 (write zeros until you get tired, take a break, then write zeros until you are very tired)

Alita a hundred times

Here you go, senpai.

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Cameron was impressed by Alita, this movie is his passion project, he do give a fuck about this movie because it was something that he's really like. If there is no director or producer who is a big fan of Berserker than this movie will be a total shit.

Alita, no contest.

Post your folders.

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share some pics of our girl please


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>no one treats her much differently because of her robot body.
Constant bullying from Tanji notwithstanding?

>maybe she is just worried about Hugo's plans for the future
That's sort of what I got too. And she's a teenage girl with insecurites, even if she by that point is fully in touch with her instinctual bloodlust - that is just her training.

That folder is most likely of little substance. Try having a real waifu folder.

I feel like Berserk would be hard to do a reasonable movie with. It took three just to get through the Golden Arc. You'd really have to rush through all the Band of the Hawk stuff to presumably get through to the fall of Griffith in one movie.

It'd have to be a TV show if anything.

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Are cyborgs human?
Is reproduction an essential component of the human rulebook?

Yeah, I noticed that too. What I love about Hugo's arc is how he subtly changes from beginning to end until his final payoff change at the end of the line with that moment of finality.

In the beginning you see him become infatuated with Alita when they first meet, but he doesn't think much of her at first. He keeps his infatuation with her separate from his work which is aiding in his desire for his ultimate goal. At this point the two choice "fork in the road" hasn't converged yet, they're still two separate paths not even connected.

But the more he associates with Alita and the more she opens up to him, you begin to see him changing little by little as the two paths DO start to converge upon each other, and his infatuation with her and his work for his goal begin to get intertwined as his actions have consequences that come back around to him. But the whole time he's still rationalizing and justifying in his mind what he does is fine and necessary because Zalem is all that matters, or so he convinced himself.

There's a key point of dialogue for him, when Alita crawls into his room. It's stated very off-hand and it wouldn't matter to most people, but he says "I used to think I knew what I wanted, but ever since you came along, I just don't know anymore" (or something close to that effect). This is the moment now where his two paths converge and he needs to make that fork in the road decision.

Fast forward a little and we see that on the surface, he does make a decision, to be with Alita, but to do that he has to cut ties with his past life. Unfortunately he's in deep and it's not so easy. He has to run from it with Zappan being the metaphor of his actions and past coming back to haunt him and he runs from it. In the end he (nearly) dies, and his first death is its own metaphor unto itself.

Even if you're unable to reproduce, you're still human. I mean, even people who are born sterile exist today.

But this next part is my favorite. He is given that proverbial second chance from death, but with a new burden and catch, that he has to live as the people he used to tear apart. In this moment, he was faced with a dire choice, stay and die since there was a bounty on him still (so he believes), or run and take this chance to get to Zalem now because few men ever cheat death and nothing else matters now. So he goes, but Alita comes to bring him back from "the light" which is Zalem and save him, but his indecision is what finally costs him his life, and in that moment as he's hanging by a thread, his final moment of clarity comes and he reflects that by saying "thank you for saving me". He made his final peace after realizing and accepting he fucked up.

I absolutely love his arc now as it's a classic tragedy story.

Whew, didn't mean to go on for so long, but I've been thinking about this for a little while now.

Yes, cyborgs are humans. Reproduction doesn't define being human.

Why won't he tell them about despite being 13% of the population?

>the absolute flop is literally confirmed in literally every market
>desperate shilling continues

just... why

I only started it 5 days ago. It has various things in it - promotional stuff, fan art, manga scans, movie screenshots and clips, fresh oc from anons, etc. Basically anything and everything that has Alita in it that various people have been posting since the movie released I've saved.

Attached: 1550722073150.jpg (320x240, 50K)

The ending to the movie reminds me a lot of Cameron's The Terminator. She just lost her lover she had throughout the film and the film leaves with the big threat looming. It's not a happy ending, but chilling. Can see why Cameron loved the original books.


All of this plus . This layers of this film is fantastic.

Attached: end.png (1280x536, 715K)

Two. On the second time, I brought my mom. She liked it.

Attached: abag.jpg (377x487, 62K)

Yeah, all of this too. Hugo has just as deep of a character as does Alita.

His fascination with Alita begins as just a little inkling of interest in the girl herself, but mostly her robot parts and that she's from Zalem. Like he shows her Iron City, he hopes she will show him how to get into Zalem. At least that's what keeps him interested in hanging out with her at first, against he disapproval of his friends.

Attached: 1550701070906.jpg (1365x936, 164K)

It's exactly like Lineage 2 but with an Alita skin.


What Volumes are contained within the movie

Stay safe, cyberpupper!

stay safe cyberpupper

>There's a key point of dialogue for him, when Alita crawls into his room. It's stated very off-hand and it wouldn't matter to most people, but he says "I used to think I knew what I wanted, but ever since you came along, I just don't know anymore" (or something close to that effect).
I don't remember him saying anything like this and I've seen it 5 times.

Right. At the forefront of all his actions and (presumed) thoughts is Zalem, the symbolic "heaven" to which he believes he can buy his way in. Alita begins as a mere *potential* means to an end until they begin to develop more as characters towards each other. That's when things get muddy.

Same as the OVA, so the first few.

Here, the fully human, 100% fleshy Alita you ordered is ready, sir.

Attached: 3d printed organic alita.png (1860x1400, 3.85M)

Every /abag/ thread plus shit loads of stuff I have scrapped from the net. Here have a rare Alita for your collection.

Attached: alita-battle-angel-chinese-movie-poster (27).jpg (500x500, 60K)

It was when he was putting his shirt on. Might have been "Everything was so clear before you came along. Now I just don't know.". Words may be different but the intended meaning is still the same.

Stay safe cyberpupper.
Also recommended me a cool Alita poster.

Parts of the OVA perfectly and the first two and a quarter manga volumes. Sprinkle in some motorball and minor subplots, you got the film.

Reminder that Disney will soon own 20th Century Fox and if there ever is a sequel for Alita it will be a Disney production.

I want to cuddle with these bunny Alitas.

Attached: 14378821.jpg (330x480, 32K)

>I've seen Alita Battle Angel 167 times and it keeps getting better every single time I see it!

Attached: beetleguise.jpg (4367x2995, 1.18M)

After Alita tells Hugo she was hoping he might stay, she says she understands though because it's what he has always wanted. Then he says everything used to be clear until she came along

Attached: spin.webm (1067x600, 2.23M)

I love how you keep spamming this pic everywhere and nobody even bothers to notice.
What a sad and empty life you must lead.

It would be great if WETA went to the trouble of animating the motion capture of blown scenes so that we have Alita/Zapan/Grewishka, etc blooper footage.

Attached: alita-battle-angel-estonian-movie-poster.jpg (500x707, 135K)


Troll all you want, I liked it better the second time than the first time I saw it.

Attached: 1550664448961.png (1815x968, 361K)

stay safe, cyberpupper

Wrong. Cameron owns rights to Alita. Fox is only distributing it. The mouse will never get its filthy hands on our waifu.

I'm not trolling, I was making a meme.

I'll go see it again tomorrow to confirm.

I would give ANYTHING for some Alita brap porn.

>when they get shredded off-screen by the known rapist with polonium fingers

Attached: IMG_3716.png (640x632, 312K)

I mean, I have the clip right here. Can confirm he says that.

Attached: nothings clear.png (1280x536, 1.12M)

Gotta go see Varsti KINOdes.

stay safe cyberpupper

Alita's height changes

Attached: 20190224_012436.jpg (4032x1960, 1.89M)

What language is that?

They get better.

imagine the smell

But is it [varsti]kino[des]?

true alitafag channel

Airlita: Brapper Anal?

I think its from Estonia so whatever they speak I guess.

Oh fuck you, you just gave me something I want to see I didn't know I needed, damn it.

Attached: 1474145346340.jpg (300x222, 17K)

Holy fuck this nigga is absolutely obsessed
Based as shit

Okay so tonight at my seventh viewing, I noticed that the Burrito DOES disappear - but that the cuts were times so it can easily be explained away as it got mushed by the centurion and stuck on the bottom of one of it's feet.
Also to the fag that kept complaining about chocolate bites in a previous general, you're full of shit. I made sure to pay attention to when Alita was biting the chocolate, and she does take bites. There's obvious crunching sounds as she does it, it's just that she takes really small bites (small shavings basically) so it only looks like she's not actually biting off parts of the bar.

Movie is really rewatchable for Alita faces and lines, and being rated R (for cyberbodies)

Why do Americans only watch movies with niggers and mutts in them?

>Seventh viewing

Attached: 1549912365581.png (953x1282, 753K)

>tfw Christolph Waltz isn't my dad

Attached: 1529502889675.jpg (1080x732, 118K)

>Alita grows taller, thinner, and bustier with the Berserker body

I think maybe she kicks it out of the way when I analyzed the (complete shit) camrip, but I would need to see it again (would be time #4) to confirm.

She sets the burrito on the ground when she picks up the dog

Is Alita: Battle Angel the first American live action waifukino?

whats the point of seeing this when the same shit is in horizon zero dawn

his name was Rakan.
>mfw his backstory

Attached: 145.jpg (492x349, 18K)

I think so.

Attached: woah.png (1280x536, 1.04M)

Looks like Alita is going to be a Yea Forums classic
33 bump limit threads can't be wrong


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>Playing Horizon Zero Dawn
Literal trash post, you should be ashamed.

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>tfw no Alita RPG Maker game

>Hey dad, dodge this!

More like a general classic/cult classic, this film is hitting hearts on all levels. Except journalists, they have no hearts.

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>Alita fangirls are gonna get their hands tattooed like this

Attached: 1856473654.jpg (600x600, 40K)

>Alita fangirls are gonna get cyberbodies
>And Mexican Obamacare is going to pay for it

Yeah. He deserved it.

So does the hardcover deluxe edition of Gunnm on Amazon cover everything? It looks like it only has 5 books to it, but wikipedia lists that there are 9 volumes. Are they just doubled-up in each book? Wiki also lists some other series, like Last Order and Mars Chronicle. Are those included in the deluxe edition also? I'm so confused about where to start here.

Doesn't matter. Everything is sold out right now.

thanks :)

stay safe, cyberpupper

I like how Alita changed her clothes durin the movie several times. It's not just one cg-model that they used through all screentime, they thought that she's as character should have different set of every day clothes.

The Viz translation's use of Tiphareth and Kether as names for Jeru and Salem is quite inspired in relation to the raising of the Shekinah from Malkuth and her function as unifying the Tree.

The manga alone is like 20GB, get on my level

stay safe cyberpupper