Why do you hate him, Yea Forums?

Why do you hate him, Yea Forums?

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Because he's a normie beta faggot.

I don't, his attitude is good, and he delivers results. He's a great model character for anyone in the workplace, never get too personal, speak softly, and deliver on your product.

jim get ipad

Hey Jim instead of marrying some ugly bitch why don’t you get back to work

Shut the fuck up Ryan.

home wrecker

I don't, I like to use him as "smug satisfaction"

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he's a prick that thinks he's better than everyone at the office when in reality his entire life revolves around it and pam.

Because he's the typical turbonormie asshole who thinks he's too cool for the room. Anything you do will be considered lame by him, but then he'll be doing the same shit 5 seconds later while hypocritical pretending its just a joke for him.

I don't get why they casted this dude. In the british series he was this beta underdog who we are supposed to self-insert as and root for. So why the fuck did they cast this muscly sexy dude in the American show? We already knew he would be knee deep in pussy before long.

>swap the office with Yea Forums

He's funny to watch, but if you have ever worked with someone similar to him, you get sick of their shit real quick.

He bullies the mentally handicapped

Attached: The.Office.(US).S03E22.Beach.Games.720p.WEB-DL.X265.mkv_000806536.jpg (1280x720, 405K)

Chip on their shoulder. Jim's not actually that cool though, he's kind of a weak-willed faggot, to comedic effect.
Him and Pam do become annoying towards the end though.


He reminds me of the bully's I knew in high school. I was never bullied and I never bullied anyone( I never did the right thing and stood up to bullies either). But Jim reminds me a lot of the people who I saw teasing weird kids or people with autism.

Dwight, Michael, and Andy in particular remind me of the "eccentric" kids who were just a little off because of mild autism, social awkwardness, or too much energy. Watching people make fun of them or be rude to them always annoyed me. Jim is the guy who makes fun of vulnerable kids who have poor self awareness in front of the other kids and gets rewarded with sex from the popular/hot girls.

Constantly "pranking" Dwight was cruel, but the worst thing he ever did was when he hid Andy's phone and
was basically tormenting him. I get it, some people are annoying, but you don't have to go after them like that. Watching that seen really made me upset.


So basically everyone on Yea Forums(el)

the only major thing that annoyed me about Jim is that he didn't get completely destroyed by Dwight every time they had a physical altercation

Dwight had a black belt, was part of the neighbourhood watch and performed hard physical labor on his farm all the time

Jim did... some sports, occasionally?

he should have been destroyed every time, but I guess that wouldn't have been dignified enough for the cool, tall, funny "normal" guy to get his ass kicked by the weirdo aspie

One trick pony


Because he's a beta who's afraid of trying and he'll steal your girl when she's vulnerable.

In retrospect I feel real sorry for Andy here. Jim is basically twisting the knife after Andy got rejected, how the fuck is that funny?

I think you just automatically identify with the characters you view as more pathetic. Take Dwight, for instance. He’s definitely odd and most likely on the autism spectrum, but he’s also an asshole most of the time. Throughout the show, he does far worse things than play pranks on people.
Also, it’s not as though Jim would prank someone just because they’re an easy target or they’re different. He messes with insufferable cunts because they’re insufferable cunts. How do you not get this?

Jim's the insufferable cunt with no talent, no drive, no interests, no hobbies, no virutes, steals someone else's fiance, and is rude to everyone at his work place.

Yea Forums is just jealous of him

The only thing I didn't like about Jim was him bitching about working at Dunder Mifflin, it's the best job you could have.

I think the better question is, what if Toby was a girl?

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the muscles are a recent development, he was scrawny for pretty much all of the show

because only Brits can relate to a scrawny self insert, Americans need someone with a commanding frame to insert as.