Good movies to cure depression?

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Movies can't cure depression. Go see a doctor


You mean exacerbate?

yes, it really doesn't matter honestly.

Disgusting. Most doctors are charlatans and therapy is a scam. I’d say the films of Bunuel, Bergman, Mizoguchi, Tarkovsky, Lean and Bresson have such a powerful cathartic effect it could even potentially cure physical illness’ better than any ‘butcher’ (“doctor”)

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Nothing can cure depression, you can only halt its progression.

You either develop mechanisms and habits to cope with the symptoms or become progressively more hollow until you stop bothering to live.

depression isn't real get over yourself

Can I watch this if I've never seen Blade Runner?

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this movie was kino

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Yes, but they're both great so you might as well watch both

my friend did (i still shit on him for it) but he liked 2049 a lot despite never having seen the original. so i guess it's doable

which movie?



Paddington 1 & 2

this. its a choice

It's environmental you brainlet faggot.

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you know what to do, pete

You can, but you won't be able to appreciate 2049 as much as you would be able to having seen the original.

The bleakness and sterility of 2049 is much more effective when juxtaposed against BR's urban rot and decay, great environmental storytelling in both movies that 2049 expands on wonderfully.

It's a neurological disease caused by chronic stress.

It's long overdue, Pete.

This, everybody is depressed. Some whinge more

Mind Gane (2004)

retards like you spreading falsehoods deserve literal death.
depression can be overcome on a surface level but it will stay with you forever. it's like if you get physically addicted to a drug or become an alcoholic. you can beat the addiction and come clean, but deep down there will always be the gnawing temptation to do it again.
depression never truly goes away, it can only get caged and put under the floorboard

kill me pete

kill me, pete

The Tree of Life

Any kinos about depersonalization?

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its a choice

Batman Begins, and Pumping Iron

Foundation 1 Start lifting

You do feel like doing push ups after Begins


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Angel A

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Kill me, Pete.

Come on peter

"depression isn't real" and "everybody is depressed" are two very different claims my dude

Can we call it something else besides depression? Like rage repression or life is gay and you’re gay for thinking it isnt

Not that dishonest piece of slog shit that was BR2049 OP


stop slurping Ryan Gosling and you might stop feeling like such a pathetic loser

American beauty always seems to cure me, user. Go watch it you will feel better maybe.

any Michael Haneke movie
any Abbas Kiarostami released during the Persian New Wave period
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)

Did you mean to say "cause"?

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There's no chemical solution to a spiritual problem

We are nothing but chemicals

Finish it.