Is he a queer?
Is he a queer?
Looks like a gay hobgoblin
>he got to bang her
Rich has had sex with a woman and has flat out said that if he can do it anyone can. Mike is dating that one chick that used to be on the show. Jay is gay. Canadians are dating each other.
he looks like he fucks spirit guys
>hurrr if you hate fags you're a fag
>hurrr if mike the kike killer stoklasa planted released sarin gas in a gay nightclub he's a fag
I miss her a lot.
>Jay is gay
he's not gay he's just secretly a serial killer
poor fella
No, Mike is based
I bet rich would be one of the greatest people in the world to snuggle with (if he doesn’t smell)
I think he’s just stunted intellectually. He never finished high school.
more like >had to
>never finished high school
>is a millionaire
sounds extremely based to me
in that picture, yes, in the bigger scheme of things, no
>Me idolise dumb dumb man!
crying myself to sleep every night thinking about how I'll never fuck jay and caress his crooked teeth with my tongue
i jelly. i jelly for real.
If he is he is a selfhating one, he makes so many gay jokes its obnoxious
its probably just that he isnt a very good comedian though and relies on calling Rich gay as a crutch since he is a hack
he would be but he knows ghosts are watching him
Why are these threads so cringy?
New episode of the dudebros wen
He did, he went to college and flunked out.