Who is your favorite cute and talented actor? What kinos have they made?
Question of the thread: where do you see their career going in the next 5 years?
Who is your favorite cute and talented actor? What kinos have they made?
Question of the thread: where do you see their career going in the next 5 years?
Lucas Jade Zumann
Up, up, up
Ezra Miller
Definitely winning an Oscar
Is Lucas going to be in any upcoming films?
Yes, "To the Stars" which premiered at sundance, and "Dr. Bird's Advice For Sad Poets". Very exciting!
Any idea about when To the Stars is getting a general or limited release? I know it just premiered at Sundance last month but there's no release dates listed anywhere that I can see
Only reason to watch jurassic world
Who dis?
Nick robinson u fool
SHIT sorry I realized it soon after I posted that
I'm a retard
It’s ok fren
Kill yourself faggot scum
reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers
Kill yourself, faggot.
I don't know, sadly
Kill yourself faggot scum
That's a bummer
Kill yourself faggot scum