God, this was such a forced oscar bait film

God, this was such a forced oscar bait film.

>all men are bad!

Can't believe you guys got me to watch this.I

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7/10. Looked nice but a total bore of a film and the dad suddenly, who is a doctor, to suddenly stop sending money to his children and then for some reason trying to comfort the maind in the hospital was bat shit stupid.

Alos that nkrd samurai scene was fucking useless.

>and then for some reason trying to comfort the maind in the hospital

I know, that was just so out of nowhere.

Pretty sure she was his domestic worker. He had some appreciation for her.
Would you prefer a film where all the men were good? Some men in the film happen to be bad, what's the issue here?

>Some men in the film happen to be bad, what's the issue here?

No, literally all the men are. Even the guy at the party who wants to fuck the mom is a slimeball. It's so obvious and forced.

I think it says more about you than the movie itself that that is what you took from it.

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And where does it say that the film is supposed to be an accurate account of gender relations or whatever? It's a particular story in a particular time.

>uncaring doctor who cheats on wife and stops supporting his kids so he can fuck a thott
>a stupid murdering ninja LARPing idiot who can't take responsibility for his own children
>creep at party taking advantage of a woman he knows is emotionally unwell

All strong, caring, emotionally mature, self aware, resilient and responsible.

How you did not get this is beyond me. Did you even watch the fucking movie? The only man who got a good treatment was the driver/cleaner of the family who had no lines and was basically a prop.

Damn...when you put it that way...

No, you idiot. I know when I'm watching a dishonest piece of film trying to insert messaging that women don't need men cus they're all assholes.

You sound like a nigger complaining about muh nigger representation. Consider suicide.

The doctor was male

I'd like to sign up for your incel newsletter.

>All strong, caring, emotionally mature, self aware, resilient and responsible.
lol, what movie were you watching?

What did you expect from the brilliant director of Gravity

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Oh, and can't forget about Professor Zovek, the macho strong man whose claim to fame is his muscle and a one dimensional philosophy of inner peace.

>does a rudimentary pose that no other man or person can replicate
>calls it an amazing feat
>only Cleo is able to do the pose in the sea of trained, physically active men


Cleo - brave enough to go into the water to save the children
Mom - Suddenly finds work to feed the family and pay the bills
Grandma - inserts herself into Cleo's life and cares for her like she is her own daughter

Excuse me?

what's it like being a retarded brainlet?

ah, so you're gonna cherry pick moments to make yourself believe you're right? Got it.


mexico won two years in a row for best picture over white america capeshit

Good input. Great rebuttal.

autists have a hard time with abstraction. women who get dumped for a mistress or after getting pregnant happens and this movie addresses this. to avoid triggering autists with rage at females the director should have started the movie with a #notallmen type of disclaimer to diffuse their aimless impotent alienated perma-rage

there's no point, I know where it'll go. I can mention that cleo was just a retard virgin who wasn't brave, just ignorant and lucked out. And the mother wasn't just some retard house wife, of course she would be able to support her family. But lets ignore that she was a shit person that lashed out, yeah, very emotionally mature. Yes yes, very resilient and responsible.

this is what made this movie interesting. not all is black or white therefore it's hard to handle to autists. they liked the maid but were treating her
sometimes as a second class citizen with micro-lack of kindness that she accepted because she was there to do a job. i really liked the taxidermy dog heads displayed on the wall: they lived in the house through decades , were loved but only like one can love a dog... just like the maids in a way. the dog licking the hand of the maid made it look like they were on an equal ground in a way.

You're full of shit. The women are portrayed as being resilient and *powerful* over and over again.

>everyone who disagrees with my willful denial is an "autist"

Being strickt with the help during that time is udnerstadable, she emotionally matured to help Cleo and made sure she knew she wasn't going to get fired.

Resilient, yes, she got a job very quickly and was able to move on from her failed marriage.

Responsible, yes, she stayed back to help her family and even willing to help Cleo's child.

All traits the men did not have.

>I can mention that cleo was just a virgin

She was?

>reddit spacing

breh, this movie isn;t that complicated. Try to focus and actually watch it next time, it wasn't like it was implied, they explicitly bring it up and focus on it.

Good start.

>this movie isn;t that complicated
No kidding.

>Try to focus and actually watch it next time

>it wasn't like it (Cleo's virginity) was implied, they explicitly bring it up and focus on it.
They do?

yes you fucking retard, when the doctor is asking her all those questions.

Why does reddit hate this beautiful film so much bros?

they have shit taste

>OP expects movie about spics to be good.

KYS, Faggot

they have many great movies, why the hate? trump supporter?

it doesn't really fits the definition of oscarbait if there's no SJW pandering or PC melodrama at all
if anything is an intentionally obscure movie: only mexicans from a particular neighborhood, in a particular city, in a small age range will get it

wtf the dad wasn't at the hospital. he was in acapulco fucking a nurse or something

Truth, but as banal and safe as it is to bash men or whites thats what wins you awards, money, and fame these days.


I can't believe you people are this autistic. Worse than plebbit.

Not really. It's his loyal maid and he was being supportive. Your point is completely countered if you actually paid attention to the interaction. He feigns help.

i don't even know what the movie was trying to say.

Babbys first foreign film
Next time watch on half speed so you can sound out the subtitles and actually understand what's going on.

>every movie should spoonfeed its audience with a message
hello kind plebbitor!

Well you enjoy complimenting the emperor on his new clothes.
I'm sure people will respect you because you liked a movie.

>I didn't understand something
>It must just be pretentious

>I'm sure people will respect you because you liked a movie.
I'm sure you're the next Roger Ebert because you criticized a movie.

alright then enlighten my plebeian mind.
Redpill me on roma

two sides of the same coin

>everyone who disagrees with my willful denial is an "autist"

nope . not everyone but the guy who didn't get that movie look like one to me

this place really is the shittiest place to talk about movies. can't believe the discussion would be about addressing some bogus concern regarding an attack on men .... god damn STUPID bullshit dirtying every fucking threads.

the movie is patrician filter.
only pretentious fuckheads like this movie to seem smart and anytime you ask them to describe why they like the film they go right into the technical aspects of it.
Using the same medium wide shot pan over and over again is not impressive if it's literally every shot in the film.

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they are not gonna respond to you

in that poster there's 3 males and 3 females
one retarded female got pregnat, other was neurotic and useless. all male kids are fun, creative, and smart beyond their age

>boys are viewed the same as men

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>muh adult maleeeeezzzz
This is nigger tier whining. Go see a doctor.

Black Panther or this?

you're the one trying to frame as men and boys being the same thing.
You disingenuous nigger

they are in those retarded american kids movies, where little girls are smarter, strongest, and unsufferable in comparison with their male counterparts

unironically black panther, at least that movie is entertainingly bad.

Not every movie has a "message" or "something to say", ergo, the movie did not have a political message, but it definitely had something to "show".
The movie is a window into the political, and socioeconomic climate of the 70's in a upper middle class house hold and nothing else.
It also has a couple of parallels between the life of the maid in the house hold and how she was threated, and... Dogs.
There's no "penis bad" message at all. Cleo, is an uneducated maid and she let herself get preggers by an idiot, that was being trained to be a false flag operator during the 70's Mexican students Rally's against the government.
The mom was also an idiot, and she lashed out at Cleo, like you would lash out at a dog that eats your shoes.
The grandma was also a posh rich bitch, which is stuff that can be lost in translation. But basically, the family helped Cleo to keep a facade of a "good household" to every other shitty posh Mexican middle class family.

>Doesn't have a lot to "say", but it shows a lot about another countries period in time and the interaction between social classes which is still prevalent to this day.

havent seen it, what is so liberal about the movie? is it just because it has non white actors?

You're the one whining about muh male representation. Literally nigger tier behaviour like #OscarsSoWhite only in this case it'd be #RomaSoFemale. The movie is not supposed to be the world and portray your worldview, y'know. It's a very specific situation.

God forbid other countries make cinema. #MAGA.


>we women are always alone
what did she mean by this?

There's not a single political message. Other than maybe against the Mexican government.
This thread is just made by paranoid incels.

did you watched the movie or just the trailer?
cause it's pretty clear chick is crazy and is having a breakdown

it's not liberal, it's just a pretentious waste of 2 hours that ends exactly like how it begins.

If you have seen more than 3 movies in your life that aren't cape shit, you could tell what the last shot of the film is going to be based on the first shot
fucking this

except the rest of the movie supports this narrative long after she is sober.

An absolutely emotional reaction and thought after a traumatic or defining event in her life. We've all had those. Are you people even humans? Are you alive here in the world right now?

Non Mexicans can’t relate to this so they seethe in rebellion

mexican here
and i think roma

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It ends exactly how it begins because the movie is about mundane things, happening to a mundane family. Everything happens, but everyone acts like nothing happens to keep appearances.
So even tho one suffered and abortion, one was part of the Killing of students, one suffered a divorced, one cheated on his wife, etc... Everyone returned to their normal life's because, that's more or less what happens in reality.

There are multiple things going on that are hard for me to write concisely on. There are so many interesting things going on throughout. You have a character, in the maid, that is a stranger and a part of the family at the same time. She watches TV with them but is made very clear that she is not one of them. It's equal parts- she goes crib shopping with the grandma like part of the family but is also terrified she will be fired when she first reveals she's pregnant. The father shows support for her at the hospital, but it is ultimately only lip service. The first half is very slow but slowly reveals cracks behind not only the facade of the happy family but also of the chaos in the world around them. The director does a good job playing with these tensions revealing small innocuous details that alluded to much more - the shooting the children witness, the boyfriend studying martial arts, the oversized car. He also does a great job juxtaposing scenes creating a surreal feeling- the comical tragic birth, the admired ridiculous strongman. I'm probably articulating poorly but to say that the movie is just shallow and pretentious is pretty silly.

>Someone actually replies to incels with arguments
>No rebuttals

Why am I not surprised?

>movie starts
>5 minute shot of the wet ground with a reflection of a plane flying in the sky.
ask me how i knew what the last shot was gonna be the inverse of that only 2 minutes into the film.
There have been plenty of movies that have done the whole "and the world keeps on spinning" theme far better than this.

I hate movies made where you have to be the nationality or culture to understand or appreciate the film more. It's like I had to be Mexican to be entertained by Roma. I didn't have to be Black to like Black Panther, Black Klansman or Green Book. I didn't have to be American to appreciate Vice A Star is Born. I didn't have to be English to be engrossed in The Favorite. Fuck this spic shit. I want three hours of my life back. And if it wins Best Picture the Oscars are cucked.

how so? the retarded maid would be dead if not by the luck of finding a rich family that takes care of her, and the ineptitude of the rich mother is a recurring joke in all the movie: she clearly needs a rich husband

The whole attack-and-birth sequence is absolutely kino and you're a pleb if you don't like it. Daily reminder.

Name three.

I'm a Mexican and I was not entertained.

>I didn't have to be Black to like Black Panther, Black Klansman or Green Book

i appreciate the effort and appreciate the honesty in your reply but like you said, you probably articulated that kinda poorly because all of that came off shallow and pretentious.

If i were in the room with you i'd look at you after saying that and go

*Vice and ASiB
Oh and a gay fucking Cryptian faggot to like Bohemian Rhapsody too.

mexicans are even more plebs than americans

You can say "aaaaand" to pretty much anything, anything in art anyway, though. Not him btw.

Well I kinda gathered that too. Who wants to be bored by a story that could be told with two less hours? No one in the world except arthouse fags.

But I'm not talking shit about a perfectly fine movie like the incels itt.
Only plebs think entertainment = good movie.


>watching for the plot
Ask me how I knew you're an überpleb.

Si no eres del D.F. no le vas a entender

basically every noire, nihilist or arthouse film ever

Non-Mexico City Mexican here. I liked the film. His best remains Y tu mamá también IMO.

Putting German in front of something doesn't make you right user. The Nazis found that out the hard way.

Remember, the Oscars have never, ever given awards for an actually good movie. They always push agendas, or actors, or directors, or whoever pays the most.
So, if Roma wins is not because it has a political message. It will be because the Oscars committee can go: "look at us helping the poor Mexians, aren't we progressive? Tear down the wall!!".

With that said, I have no problems with arthouse films, and most of the time they always pick a token arthouse film for the best picture nom or the like. This one just happens to be a Mexican arthouse film.

nice "answer"

You haven't named anything.

Name three.

Well cause of the sex. Seriously if Roma had fucking MAYBE it'd be okay, even Oscar worthy. Remember if you can't fap THAT'S A WRAP.

That movie was gay as fuck. Can't believe I got memed into watching it.

mexican here
I tought this was over rated as fuck and people its just sucking its dick cause its from a mexican director but desu I tought this movie sucks ass, specially its photography.

How often do you guys jack off? You need to do it more. You'd be less angry.

It's a film that is marketed towards certain crowd. It's basically made for people who digest only capeshit,a24 and other trash that the masses praise. This is exactly in the same vain and I hope it wins all the Oscars it can so it can cement its place as forgettable dreck

If what I asked was so hard for you let me rephrase:
How did you know the last show was gonna be the inverse of that only 2 minutes into the film? And if you are gonna compare it to other movies, please name 3.

The cinematography was one of the redeeming qualities. You just have shit taste, mexifag.

>great acting
>fantastic cinematography
>decent story
everything that nu-Yea Forums that loves Alita hates

At least the Nazis had good taste.

This is probably the most retarded post I have ever seen in this place. And that's saying a lot.

sure thing zoomer

Not enough explosions

Another movie for white people about brown people

I guess the Mexicans are the new Jews and Italians in Hollywood. Jews won for the obvious reasons and Italians won for mob connections (NO MIA SORVINO AND MELISSA TOMEI DID NOT DESERVE A FUCKING OSCAR). So does the Cartel have an Academy member's family hostage or something?

fucking chinatown, the road, seven, true detective, the dark knight, apocolypse now, bladerunner,

Go Jack off to alita some more.

Hugo Boss sure. Everything else, not so much.

They don't look like gyppos

Probably. I mean, I think it has more to do with the fuck Drumpf retoric, but a cartel hostage situation could be possible too.

The last shot of those films is the opposite of the first one? Are you aware lf what you're saying?

>God, this was such a forced oscar bait film.

As much as I detest the term oscarbait this is pretty fitting and Cuaron is a prime material along with Innaritu to fit the term dishonest.

It's a competently made film but everything about it is calculated to such an extreme it's impossible to feel anything. It's like he made up a checklist black and white? yup. panning shots? yep. tracking shot at a chaotic event? check. It's middlebrow trash and I pray it wins best picture.

How long will the butthurt last in here when this wins best picture, best director, best foreign film and best cinematography? I give it a week at most

>Roma wins or we skin your wife alive gringo

you are asking me to name other films with the same theme as "life moves on/the world keeps spinning"
Do you know how many films have those underlying themes?


Holy fuck are you actually serious?
How many of those start and end with the same shoot.

Certainly music and art, too. Better than pasty burgers at that time, anyway.

Not any of the above posters but how are these movies anything like Roma?

nobody mentioned Alita before you did numbnuts.

>hurr if he doesnt like X he must like Y

both are shit one happens to be a blockbuster and the other a netflix export for the masses

The absolute state of schizoid retards from Burgerland. You faggots never cease to amaze me.

>blade runner


see if you are literally asking for an example of the last shot being tied or the inverse of the first shot.
You are going to be disappointed to find out roma din't invent the concept or execution of that either

I don't think there's any doubts awards wise desu. Even the people who disliked it stand firm in the belief that it's obviously gonna sweep.

But then again look at the nominations this year, Oscars are usually garbage but this year takes the cake.

First of all, you were the first person to bring in other and better movies with the same underlying theme.
I'm just asking you to name three of those.
Do you know how to read? Do you know to count to three?

You are an even bigger retard than I initially thought.

Hey if Roma sweeps awards at least it's not one of the nigger movies. And don't shittalk me, all you bros think the same too.

The first shot of the Dark Knight is a heist and the last one is Batman riding his batvehicle. How are they related yet opposite in the same way as Roma's?

Literally never said Roma invented it, retard. You schizoid burgers sure love your straw men.

There were too many snubs this year. Also Vice, Black Panther and Bohemian are a waste of space

The bad guys are committing crimes and no cops vs an innocent man not committing crimes being chased. They use a bus and Batman uses the opposite, a bike. Also first is shot during the day, indoors. Last scene is night outdoors.

Well Black Panther doesn't deserve to be nommed in the top spot. As capeshit goes it wasn't even that great. At least with Dark Knight while it wasn't a great Batman movie it was a pretty good Nolin film in contrast. I can't even remember who directed BP?

Nobody is saying Roma was the first you fucking mouth breather.

Everyone was asking him to name another example where that happens. Maybe I want to watch better movies than Roma, and because the previous post said there are movies that use the same concept but better, I asked for an example?

i'm talking about movies with the same theme, not movies that end with a reversal of the initial shot.

>Everything happens, but everyone acts like nothing happens to keep appearances.
>Everyone returned to their normal life's because, that's more or less what happens in reality.
my reply
>There have been plenty of movies that have done the whole "and the world keeps on spinning" theme far better than this
his reply
>Name three.
ect ect the list of movies i replied with

> They use a bus and Batman uses the opposite, a bike.
Jesus Christ. Sure, if you make it all that broad any movie uses this parallels technique. Pinocchio is a dead piece of wood at the start of the film yet a living human at the end lmao

Was the snubs due to backlash from metoo and Harvey Weinstein's black hole? Kinda surprised more A24 or Blumhouse films didn't get added.

It might also be politics, it's easier for the bigger studious to run oscar campaigns/for your consideration for their work as opposed to someone like a24

Coogler directed BP. Anyway, the film felt like any other marvel shit so the director’s presence seems small.

are you asking for an example of movies that tackle the concepts that roma does but better or films that end with a reversal shot of the first?
Because i was specifically talking about themes, not movies that end on similar staring shots.

The movie hits all the same notes as Gravity: beautifully shot and painfully boring. Cuaron can't write people for shit.

Yah that was the joke

Tha dark Knight?
Apocalypse now?

Not one of those movies have the same theme as Roma. I'm gonna give you Chinatown, because it more or less do, and I think is a better movie.

I think all his movies lack sex and I don't mean it in the vulgar way like in Y tu mamá también, but in a Steve Jobs kind of way. Life. Dark stuff. Action. Creativity. I like him still, though, but I prefer Del Toro.

god fucking crybaby

Explain how this theme applies to Blade Runner and Seven please.

more or less nothing changed, the world still goes on where the next sick serial killer will go on to commit another disgusting act against humanity and the world will act all surprised that something like this could happen then shrug it off and pretend everything fine.
The only thing that changed was the characters. The world/setting still remains the same and life just goes on.

You said you knew it was gonna end how it started 2 minutes into the film.
Then said there are better movies with the same mundane, slice of life, nothing happens theme.
I asked you to name thee, and you still haven't done that. Because none of the movies you listed are mundane.
Also, if you didn't have examples of movies with begin/end shot, maybe, you shouldn't have mentioned it as part of your retarded argument.
I'm done with you because the movies you listed are completely plebeian, and you can't read, and can't count.

So I guess all crime thrillers have this theme?

blade runner and seven are both films where the setting despite the toll or ambitions of the characters are ultimately irrelevant and mundane in the larger scope. life goes on those worlds without even batting an eye to the suffering or achievements of the characters. The world remains unchanged.

Yes every star director they get feels like Feige just tells them what to do. Just get him to direct since they all look like the same guy directing the same movie for the last 20 years.

Unrelated question but what was the name of that one Mexican film released like five years ago where the dad was a sex addict and the baby was being stalked by the devil? I wanna say Sin Nombre but I think it's something similar?

But not a single part of that is implied IN the movie, THATS NOT THEME OF SEVEN.

While Roma:
>Dogs die, we hang their heada on the wall, and we get a new one.
Nothing happens we keep acting as normal

>Students are causing problems on the streets.
That's everyday here nothing happens we keep acting as normal.

>Students get killed by paramilitar forces
That's everyday. Nothing happens we keep acting as normal.

>I had an abortion
I have to work, nothing happens we keep acting as normal.

Almost every single one of those examples is explicitly talk about in Roma.
You can hear it on the radio, in the conversations between characters, it's literally part of Roma's plot.

Everything you said about Seven is not part of the plot, is just a straw man argument to try to prove your point.

You never once asked for three movies where nothing happens and it's mundane.
But whatever.
Enjoy your slice of life, high art, admittedly mundane piece of pseudo non fiction you fucking pretentious faggot, no one will remember roma a year from now you insufferable fuckstain.

That's retardedly broad. Antagonist died. Protag now a murderer. Protags wife is dead. That is change. Not everything has to be colossal world level change

I'm glad I could prove you are a fucking retard.

alot of movies examining humanity and our environment have.

>"and the world keeps on spinning" theme
is not the same as this
> with the same mundane, slice of life, nothing happens theme
You are the one who can't read you goalpost moving shitheel.

And jokes on you, I didn't like Roma very much, and I don't care if its forgotten.
I'm just not a fucking retard to see is a competent movie, with a motif. And not a politically driven movie like the incels on this thread claimed at the beginning.

Post Tenebras Lux?

i never said it was a politically charged movie, and i never said the movie was bad or incompetent.
All i said was outside of the technical aspects of it the movie doesn't offer much in terms of theme other than the whole cynical outlook of the cycle life we live.

I literally asked you in the first reply for three movie. You were a big enough of a retard to not answer.
Excuse me for trying to dumb down the theme of the movie to your level with the hopes you would actually answer with three fucking movies. And the irony of the moving the goalposts comment, because I still haven't gotten the three movies with the same theme as Roma that are better.
And no retard, the Seven argument is retarded and I'm not the only one who has called you out for that.

>Like the incels on this thread

I didn't said: "like you said in this thread"

Once again, you can't read. Or you think you are an incel.

and i gave you a list of movies where the theme is
"and the world keeps on spinning/life moves on as if nothing ever happened"
I'm sorry i can't find movies as mundane as Roma

i never said you were saying that, i was merely clarifying that i am not one of the people who call the film a "man basher".

Lol those people claiming manbashing are just as retarded as the sjw retards wanting rah rah gurl pwr

Agreed. It needed more Asian and LGBT representation.

i didn't think roma had a political agenda, i just think the movie was boring and pretentious.

Like I said, not one of those movies have that theme (Except for Chinatown).
Sure, if you want to over analyze the shit out of them you can find it. Your Seven example is basically a headcannon of what happens after the ending. So it's not valid because not one of those movies explicitly show you the world going back to normal and acting like nothing happened, like Roma did with the shit Cleaning Cleo.

That's your call. Why pretentious tho?

This movie will win precisely so they can have some Hollywood elite who got a private limo from their mansion in their private gated WALLED community go up and make a speech about how 'no human is illegal', and how 'these walls are like totally just like the walls my ancestors were behind at Auschwitz', and how the poors need to move the fuck over because the field needs more cattle. It's so fucking predictable.

Such boring trash

anything that makes me stare at the same floor with nothing happening for 5 minutes and is black and white is.

I'm gonna give you an example of your listed movies arguments, just to show you how invalid they can be:

Ratatouille follows the same theme as Roma, yes hear me out:
In the end Remi gets his restaurant and does what he loves, but in the end, there's still food reviews wandering around, and the restaurant will get a bad review and it will be all downhill from there, but at the end of the Day, theres gonna be another restaurant by someone that does what he loves, and everything will happen again. And the wheel keeps spinning in the high dinning wheel...

There's some dogshit cleaning happening there.

I agree, while you could call del Toro many things, nobody could claim his movies are lifeless or lacking in creativity

alright well agree to disagree.
He literally says at the end of the film that the world is still a shitty place,
I still said chinatown, the road, apocalypse now, bladerunner, and true detective.
All narratives where the theme applies here.

but the focus of ratatouille was never about the setting or the cycle of the characters lives.

So b/w with some slow scenes? Avoid Kurosawa friendo

oh cmon man, it's not slow scenes i am not a fan of.

and kurosawa is great, cauron is not.

Yeah! Thanks brah that's it. 10 thousand internets have been deposited into your account.

I'm mexican, I was memed into seeing it and I think it was boring and the ugly maid can't act at all.

Y Tu Mamá También is much better.

This. Why didn't they cast her as Penelope Cruz instead? The maid had barely any range of emotions.

Dont watch movies wile shitposting here next time, you bimbo.

You are shallow and pretentious, thats it.

Lindos digitos mijo

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>Not every movie has a "message" or "something to say"
Yes they do, every story has a point, otherwhise there's no reason to that story existing ergo it's objectively a bad story. Read Rober McKee you fucking brainlet.

>all men are bad!
>Can't believe you guys got me to watch this

Like you were ever gonna need prompting.

Attached: fissures&piles.jpg (500x375, 91K)

>i-it's good b-because it's foreign and black and white and n-nothing happens

>the raison d’être of every movie is telling a story
hello r*ddit

>narrative movie
>raison d'être is not the story

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>raison d’être

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