>NYYYYEEEAHHHH. Why can't we have some meat?
Every fucking time, this ruins my immersion.
NYYYYEEEAHHHH. Why can't we have some meat?
tchk tchk
These orcs were the best thing about the movie. Each one felt like an actual person. Comparing them to the cgi clones of the Hobbit is revolting.
What about them?
Ooohhhh they look tasty
I think in the book there was a detail about the group of orc and Urk-Hai that had Merry and Pippin were made up of both Isengard orcs and Mordor orcs. That was the reason why they ended up killing each other so easily.
are you fucking kidding? the orcs in lotr were great. it was jackson who thought they were to gobliny but needed a bigger contrast with the mutant-like uruks.
the orcs in the hobbit are complete shit hulking cgi blobs seemingly designed for a ps4 game
gobliny orcs>>>>>>>hulk monster orcs
how do they know what a menu is???
did these guys occasionally stop in the isengard cafe before war???
prancing pony has menus stupid
>melodramatic pulls back her sword
>melodramatically yells
>thrusts sword forward showing how hard she stabs
that's not how tolkien intended though, they're just supposed to have sallow skin and slanted eyes to represent the waves of mongoloids from the east
how did the orcs know what a menu is?
They're hungry bois though
braised hobbit with an ent-water-based sauce and succulent locally-sourced tubers
Really quite unforgivable that they ever took that off the menu.
In fact, why was meat taken off the menu in the first place?
A contamination with the meat supply? A supply crunch leading to outrageous prices? Saruman going vegan?
I'm a big fan of this commentary that talks about how Orcs are actually good guys trying to bring about an industrial revolution and how the good guys are just trying to enforce a profitable cartel of hobbit pipe weed
Yeah, orcs were always violent and would constantly fight amongst themselves. It was even worse when Sauron wasn't there to control them.
Why does everyone remember this scene and its dialogue so distinctly?
Because pro-meat messages are rare, beloved, and salient.
Really think. When was the last time you had something as inspirational as "meat's back on the menu, boys!" that wasn't Reddit-tier bacon memeing?
so orcs were negro cockney brits, right?
Couple reasons
>great movie
>orc scenes are rare
>costume designs are perfect
>pippin and merry storyline grabs attention
>extremely meme able dialogue
Because it's true to life. Orcs (niggers) will turn on their own quickly and for any reason.
I can relate to being hungry
Ethically sourced hobbit too. They're allowed to roam free range with a renewable amount harvested every winter. I know a lot of orcs are excited about the glut of cheap man-flesh after the sack if Osgiliath, but it's not sustainable really.
i thought it was why can't we have some eats.
All 3 movies were filmed at once, why did the original Uruk Warband that ran out of Isengard in Fellowship suddenly also have Mordor orcs around in TT? That's what broke some immersion when I first watched it.
There's literally a scene where they meet up with the mordor orcs in the beginning of the second movie
not in the theatrical cut.
many years ago, when Yea Forums was still free and beautiful, lets say 2010, but it was probably even before, this board used to be obsessed with the IMDB message boards. One topic that came up frequently there were tolkien purists who hated the almost universally beloved LOTR movies. A flaw of the movie to them that they brought up almost every time was how gimli in one scene mentions burying his axe in an orcs "central nervous system" and that this was somehow anachronistic or immersion ruining. and then there'd be a 900 page arguement over it. pedantic nitpick nerd shit.
some genius Yea Forums poster made fun of this tendency by making the same complaint but about an even more minute, obscure, and overlooked scene with the orcs mentioning a menu. everyone found this so funny it became a meme.
Really? I have the Extended versions but TT is my least favorite of the 3 so maybe I forgot that scene.
Just had to look that scene up, that definitely should've been left in, decent scene. Not sure what the fuck they were pouring in Merry's mouth. If it was booze he should've been grateful. Kind of looked like they were feeding him septic water
Iirc the Uruks are from Isengard bringing the hobbits to Saruman and the other orcs are from Lugbúrz/Barad Dur who want to take the hobbits to Sauron
That is how Tolkien intended, he wanted to re-write the books to give them more character
now Yea Forums is the pedantic reddit nerds...
Why did Saruman criticize Gandalf partaking in the halfling's leaf if he keeps stores of it for himself?
This scene shouldn't drag you out of anything; It illustrates and highlights the differences between traditional Orcs and Uruk Hai. Without this scene, the scene later where they turn on and obliterate each other in that tower in Mordor would just seem bizarre and stupid. Why would they fight each other to local-double-genocide over a shirt of Mithril, if they're all equal and on the same side?
Thinning supply lines/Saruman taking advantage of the Orcs' more diverse palatable food options to feed them on the cheap.
Rules for thee not for me
And they call it a meme. A MEME!!!
Shit taste op they where the only good change hackson made
Saruman is and was a hypocrite even before he betrayed his brothers
This isnt a meme... Its a shitpost
Looks like eats back on the menu, boys.
This aint a meeeeeme it's a ga. da. shi. post.
We cannot get out...we cannot get out.... braps... braps in the deep... they are coming
The dwarves sniffed too greedily... And too deep.