What is a Mary Sue?

Feels like you guys are using it as catch all term

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It’s used because sexist males are scared of competent females. They want to see women as inferior but it reminds them that they are largely unsuccessful incel neets and that there are women that are superior to them

your list is retarded and a Mary Sue just means an obvious self-congratulatory insert character by the author there is no codified list of traits and again your list is retarded and you are probably also retarded

No, a Mary Sue (or male version of a Mary Sue) is a character that has no flaws, great at everything, and everyone loves them.

It’s just bad writing.

Originally it stood for an idealized self-insert of the author, over time the definition has grown to cover characters in media that are "perfect"/without any real flaws.

A Mary-Sue is a self-insert flawless character whose only real negative character traits are actually positives (she's TOO brave, she's TOO kind, she's TOO caring). They can be male or female. There's a difference between a Mary-Sue and a powerful character just by virtue of intention.

More or less.

>You guys

You have to go back

Right because male protagonists never have these traits. Youre a fucking idiot OP, this is not the definition of a Mary Sue. You're missing context and intent of the character.

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Most people use it wrong, yes. Sometimes you might even like a Mary Sue, then you'll deny that they aren't one with respect to the story.

Perfection in characters is boring. Stories need conflict and characters need flaws. The flaws can be detrimental or create conflict. Maybe at the end of the story the flaws will be overcome and the character will change into a new person.
Maybe the flaws will lead to some sort of disaster that creates tension.

Feminists just here the word "mary sue" and see it as an attack on their identity because they are fucking retards. The male equivalent is called a gary stu.

Pol tards make awful bait threads like this because they see it as apart of their identity to make shitposts.

None of them actually know or care anything about writing.
They are caught up in a never ending culture war that helps divide the proletariat against each other and that benefits the rich.
They are morons, easily manipulated by life style marketing in which they demand the ablity to exercise their identity through the purchase of commoditties.

All while the public infrastructure and thier lives crumble around them

>that list
Literally describes every traditional hero character men idolize.

good explanation and breakdown of mary sues and gary stus

There is a difference between a powerful character and a Mary-Sue. Dunno why this needs to be explained to people, it's all about intent. Mary-Sues also rarely ever have any actual struggle in their stories besides very brief emotional dramas they quickly get over and rarely have to earn what they have, they are just naturally flawless. Powerful characters like, say, Conan the Barbarian still earn their extreme power via relentless struggles that they don't always overcome.

Non-self inserts and even flawed characters can be mary sues too.

if you're retarded and have no grasp on simply poor characters versus commonly understood terminology, then yes absolutely

Yeah no shit. That list says nothing about intent, just lists a bunch of context-less character traits that people across gender lines tend to like in their heroes. Not like we need our top clinical psychologists on the case to figure out why the fuck human beings generally like their heroes to have positive traits.

if you use that list as the definiton of a "Mary Sue" then don't cry like a fucking faggot about evil lefties when people complain about misogyny. the problem is you. the term mary sue isnt misogynistic, you're too stupid to argue the definition of mary sue without resorting to misogyny.

not you specifically but whoever made that dumbass OP image.

No the sine qua non for Mary Suedom is self insert bait. That's fundamentally what it is. If it's not self insert bait then it's not legally a Mary Sue.

it's a meme for virginal dudes that want to whine about how they're upset that their kid's movies have not-useless grils in them, without having to acknowledge that.

It went from being an obscure fan fiction concept thing to being THE go-to talking point for unfuckable nerds in 2016.

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it more has to do with the fact that the empire or whatever evil orginazation in a movie is should be at least a little scary when some girl from the back woods of nowhere with no skills or tallensts should be able to topple without breaking a sweat or losing a limb

>Rey isn't a mary sue

>rey wasn't conceived and designed by comitte to attract little girls to self insert as her and buy Star Wars merchandise because Disney felt totally secure that they'd get nerd money anyway
I do think she's a Mary Sue because I do think she's one of the most cynical corporate embodiments of the trope. The black Star Trek chick is one too for similar reasons.
But the term is overused just to refer to bad characters. The intent for self insertion is paramount.

Impressive teeth

I'm glad Rey is a "Mary Sue." Adult males who enjoy capeshit and nu-wars deserve to be punished with forced diversity and feminist fantasy characters. That's what you get for having faith in these dumb franchises.

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>it stood for an idealized self-insert of the author
Right. Hell, they don't even have to be likable in any conventional sense. I'm sure plenty of edgelord have written self-congratulatory fantasies.

>hey arnold isn't a mary sue
>james bond isn't a mary sue
>saber isn't a mary sue
>sauske isn't a mary sue
>lily isn't a mary sue
>magical girl protagonists aren't mary sues

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Most based post

anything that makes incels feel inadequate

"Flaws" like being clumsy or having scar on an otherwise handsome face. Things that are meant to be endearing or cool.

Forgot to add Mari from the Eva remakes, it's even right in her name.
Characters with "flawed" personalities (i.e. being too mean/bitchy) can also count if every other character treats them like god/goddess and if they rarely get called out on their behavior.

She is so talented she is talented