The greatest golfer in the world getting a selfie with Tiger Woods.
I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast
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Tiger will win this years Masters.
Macdonald is a good actor.
Is that the WWE guy?
Which one?
Vince McMahon
Nah dude.
You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?
>we need an 90s style villain
>say no more senpai
He is, and he’s looking great for his age.
Whatever happened to the "you eat pieces of shit" guy who would always post at 3AM EST?
oh nooooooo
Maybe at one time, but he's really just been phoning it in the last 20 years or so. He also has a drinking problem and has multiple DUI's.
What a great picture of the Greatest golfer of all time, plus Tiger Woods.
i liked him in stargate universe
and pissed they killed him off just like T-1000 in atlantis pilot
just a coupla aging alcoholics
hey that's pretty funny
who are you, his parole officer? what business is it of yours to say that? prick
Loved him in Boardwalk Empire