coach says this is your new catcher
wat do
coach says this is your new catcher
wat do
start pitching
your bat is wrong your uniform is wrong and you are not the right age to play with adults please leave the field
Let her play catch with my balls, if you know what I mean.
throw a cumball at her
Throw a fastball at her face
>you are not the right age to play with adults
I think she's just about the right age to play ball with adults, if you know what I mean.
> "We wanted to go on a team HIKE, not get a team BIKE. Jesus, coach, get your shit together."
if there is grass on the pitch PLAY BALL
What did Piper mean by this?
the absolute madlad
she wants to touch it she's curious but nervous and shy
>man makes a accurate remark
>normies are suddenly mad and making death threats
throw it high and inside because shes crowding the plate
why do little girls make me so happy bros
This genuinely perplexes me, when did it suddenly become the worst crime in the world for men to find beautiful girls beautiful?
>day 4 nofap
>piper's gams
how do I become a titeness tester at Russian cunny factories?