Twin Peaks

I'm considering watching Twin Peaks. Is it kino? The problem is, I hear it starts off good but gets shitty. Is it worth watching? (I'd of course start with the original series btw.)

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Other urls found in this thread:

First season is kino
Second season is half kino half soap opera lmao
Third season I havent' seen

It stands alone. Get busy.

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All of the seasons are fantastic. Second season gets kinda weird after Lynch leaves but it's still super comfy and picks up at the end.

who the fuck thought this was a good cover

Watch Lynch’s collection of short films from his early career and Eraserhead.

Then watch season 1 and 2. (Quality is season 2 dips but picks back up)
Then watch FWWM and the Return.

Starts off shitty ends right when it gets good also no 4th season ever

don't let shitters tell you season 2 sucks it has some below par storylines but every episode is good

>Second season is half kino half soap opera lmao

Fast-forwarding through James' shit was a smart decision I made. It's all about self-care.

watch the first episode. If you don't like it, don't bother with the rest. Also, you'll have found out whether you're stupid or not.

I skipped season 3 episode 8 on my rewatch, frens. Did I miss anything good

Is it better than True Detective season 3?

Lynch probably.

I actually like season 2 a lot and it's ending is probably the greatest shit in television, I loved the shift towards more paranormal/spiritual themes and aside from James there was a lot less cringe than in the first season and a lot of the humor actually hit. Make sure you watch Fire Walk With Me. It's miles better than the show because it doesn't have the time to meander as much

FWWM is pretty much a season unto itself

is it good. Dougie is ther ewhen you open it up. Kino

is this b8?

>I hear it starts off good but gets shitty
For plebs, maybe.

slowly I began to hate S3. almost as much as Lynch hates his fanbase.

buy my book

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The Return is incredible

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I don't know how you can look at that cover and not understand that this guy is a genius. that thing is fucking terrifying, and I can't even tell what it is

#1 New Release in Women in Art History & Criticism

I thought the original series was fantastic for the most part but I guess if I watched it these days I would just be bored out of my mind with all the pretentiousness and terrible acting

The return is pure crap

>The Return is pure kino

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This is the only blu-ray I've ever purchased. And it's so worth it. People that say Lynch hates his fans are idiots. They just didn't get exactly what they wanted. What we got was a very loving tribute and incredible experience.

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fix your heart or die

Just started rewatching the return. With the exception of 3 episodes, it's uninteresting. the "comedy" is not nearly as funny as Lynch/Frost seemed to think it was. If you laughed at any of the dougie or Mitchem bros stuff, you have no right to call me a pleb.

>fix THEIR hearts or die

heart fixed


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this should give you another laugh, it's fucking hysterical!

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Go sweep a floor, loser

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I think you're imagining a creative intent that may not have been the *actual* intention

oh fuc

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No reason not to now that season 3 exists. You're doing yourself a disservice by not watching it.

First second is amazing. Second season is halfway incredible, watch it up until the killer is revealed, then you can watch a bit more and then if it's not for you skip forward to the last episode which is also utter kino.

Third season is amazing and the best of the series.

Watch it all but keep this in mind

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Season 2 is shit compared to 1, I didn't watch the new episodes so no idea how good they are.

yes, skip all of the development of Major Briggs, an important figure in The Return

It's the second best television show ever made. Briefly drops in quality during the middle of the second season but even then it's never less than watchable. The first season, the movie and the third season are fantastic all the way through.

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)

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Nice bread, OP.
Watch the whole thing, 1,2, FWWM, and the Return. Skip the James stuff in Season 2 as needed, especially the crap with the lady and her husband with the cars.

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Of course. What else would it be?

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It's The Sopranos.

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Cooooper gets his mind back in part FIFTEEEEEN


man i miss /tpg/ threads, they were good.

3rd season is kino btw, don't let anyone tell ya otherwise. The ending is amazing. I'd say the middle is a big of a downturn but thats what you get when you have an originally 8 episode season stretched out cos Im sure Lynch didn't wanna cut anything and Showtime gave it.

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You'll only think Season Three is great if you are a big Lynch fan. If not, you may be taken aback the disjointed plot and long take scenes that have appear to have no connection to the story (but they actually do). You should still watch it, but it's completely different from the supernatural soap opera of the original TP. Coming directly from the end of Season 2 or FWWM into The Return can be jarring, so I suggest you watch Blue Velvet and Mulholland Dr. after FWWM to get a better feel for Lynch's style.

Personally, I enjoyed The Return, but I feel like The Showtime Execs meddled with Lynch's vision of commenting on unnecessary reboots and subverting the modern conventions of drama thrillers and forced him to put in TP fanservice and “make it like the original.” Because of this, IMO, some episodes don't have cohesive tone. Still pretty kino though, even though I prefer the original TP.

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inotherwords, YUGE SPOILERS AHEAD, you will like season 3 if you liked the first 2 and the movie.
What other fucking shows does anybody even consider not watching in order? Yeezus

The Return is a fantastic experience.

Try watching it all in one big marathon, perhaps with some marijuana or special K (not a drugfag but I made an exception for TP)

It's a great big journey into the schizophrenic mind of America. It is infinitely memetic and self-referential, while still being so outside the realm of conventional kino that it defies all terms like "postmodern" or "avant garde"

Also, it's just incredible being able to see Lynch do whatever the fuck he wants. Most directors or artists don't actually have a vision like this... It almost feels wrong, to be able to peer into a man's head like that.

twin peaks season 3 might be the best piece of visual media I've ever experienced

>you will like season 3 if you liked the first 2 and the movie

you will if you're not a retard

Would have given you a pass for so many other choices, like The Prisoner, or The Wire, or even Mad Men. But gabagoollians are not welcome here.

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What is this?

First two seasons made me nostalgic for how America used to be.

Pure kino.

The Prisoner, a British show from the late 60s. Also, pretty much the peak of television as a medium. It's like James Bond, written by Franz Kafka.

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they made the series better imo

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If you love TP, you owe it to yourself to also experience The Prisoner (TP)

meant to post this one

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I know I loved it, but I can imagine it tests the patience of anyone else. But I don't care, I got 16 hours of pure lynch.


yeah no one except lynchfags cared about it

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Why is there a scene of someone sweeping the floor for 5 minutes.

to clean your mind

Only season 1 is pure unfiltered kino. The finale of season 2 is pretty good but the rest of the season sucks. The movies shit and not worth watching and season 3 is absolute garbage.

Audrey is best girl and the only innocent girl in all Twin Peaks, the rest are whores who deserve What they get.

Go cry about it

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The majority is pure kino in the grand scheme of things. Even the rougher half of season 2 is still comfy as fuck.

why would I need to cry about having more of mind and more of a soul than you do?

>The Return is incredibl
y shitty

It’s a a neck tie right... right

Honestly when I watched it I was a bit annoyed and felt that it was Lynch sniffing his own farts or being a dick.

Fucking hated FWWM and mid season 2 isn't as great as the rest

that's an easy mistake for a person who has closed themselves off from living to make

> "David Lynch's style is seeped in the visual and auditory. The sweeping of the floor is as balanced and complete as a fine painting. The color pallet is stunning and works to complete the overall composition. The time devoted to the scene suggests much more is at work than appears on at the surface. Floors play a pivotal role and often times foreshadow the shifting sands of the story-line of Twin Peaks.

The bar floor is a solid service and suggests a concreteness is about to develop. Nothing is slipping between the cracks of this surface. The floor is scattered with the litter we would expect--what looks like peanut shells--and would be typical in a road house type establishment. The floor is a pleasing light yellow suggesting an airiness is being introduced."

You just summed up the entirety of season 3 and the movie. Lynch is a brainlet hack.

>Fucking hated FWWM
you absolute fucking pleb

All your opinions and views on the world around you are brainlet tier.

I thought it was inserted for comedy because of how absurd it is. We're all eager to find out the story but Lynch wants us to move at hsi pace, and the longer it goes on the funnier it gets.

No I'm just not familiar with his work outside and heard he had an attitude of intentionally not giving his audience what they want.

here's your (you), faggot

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You literally are incapable of critiquing anything about the painting other than that you don't understand it but find it scary. gg brainlet

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good for you, you've based your opinions of a piece of art off of hearsay instead of on your own experience
oh, yeah, okay, thanks

>he had an attitude of intentionally not giving his audience what they want.

if you think artists shouldn’t work that way you’re a pleb to your very core.


composed a spooky theme for a twin peaks like project thoughts?

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Good for you, you're too stupid to understand what past tense is.

try harder

How do I find and fuck a woman this good looking?

It starts off shitty too. I started the first season and forgot to watch the finale for an entire month. Got around to doing it, and then ten minutes in I realized I literally didn't care. 95% of the characters suck and the mystery is about some dumb crackwhore that got murdered in the woods. Who the fuck cares who murdered her.

a) direct Eraserhead
b (optional) have amazing hair, even at 70
What was the point of "Oh Mr. Jeffries, the shit... It comes out of my ass" line? On youtube comments no one seems to acknowledge that line and everywhere else no one questioned why this line was there. That whole scene is surreal and suspenful I doubt it was there for comedic effect. Literally, what did Lynch mean by this??

it was a deleted scene

Fuck. Never mind. brb kms

It was a love letter to Yea Forums.

Go to eastern europe and overpower a woman who's alone.

This will actually work? Nvm not kms brb buying plane ticket.

love yourself, my dude
if mel ferrer can become an eternal, so can you

Awesome- never heard of it but will look it up.

it's the only show as good as TP. I hope you have a good time with it, man.

But it was still filmed and despite being deleted, it is a very important scene for twin peaks lore. I'm just baffled that such a ridiculous line even made it to this scene, it's just so out of place

it fits Lynch's sense of humor, but it didn't fit in the movie as a final piece. It isn't dissimilar to the boxing match that they also cut out. It's like, imagine you're making a mixtape for somebody, and you realize that the Spike Jones song you love doesn't fit inbetween the two '90s R&B tracks you've also put on it. There's no betrayal of yourself in deleting it, there's just an awareness of what serves the overall "momentum" of the composition. The Missing Pieces is just a happy bit of loose end repair for those of us who already love FWWM, not something that is irrevocably connected to understanding what Twin Peaks is as a whole; it's pretty much a session outtake, like out of some Miles Davis boxset. :)

Just watch the debut and stop there. The whole thing is a mess

oof maronne, chrissy was a FED? That slimy COCKSUCKA!

the packaging is pretty cool actually

just fyi to everybody, take a look at absurda, it's only a couple minutes long

Best television event in my memory. Best experience on 4 Chan too. tpg rocked.

>The Wire, or even Mad Men
What made you choose these two over gabagool? The Wire is objectively inferior and Mad Men is around the same level of quality, but less fun.

Twin Peaks is an excuse for Lunch to film surreal shit and jerk off to it
that's it. He's no filmmaker.

so true O keeper of the gate

Season 1 is a masterpiciece

Same with season 2 episodes 1-10 which covers the murder of Laura Palmer. Rest of the season is mediocre but the finale is Lynch at his best making the whole season worth watching.

Fire Walk With Me is a great movie which is finally getting the respect it deserves.

Season 3 is amazing and doesn't rely on nostalgiabaiting like a lot of shows that return after a long time. It's pure unfiltered Lynch.

I hope this helps.


Windom definitely saved second season

First season is great. It's weird, funny and dark. Might be a bit difficult to get into at first because it's kinda got that 90's television feel that haven't aged that well, but it's really great once you get into it.

Second season is a weird experience. As Lynch isn't involved as much the weirdness is toned down a bit and it gets a soap opera feel in a couple of episodes. But not in a bad way, I still enjoyed it. And it get's better towards the end

The movie is fine, I didn't love it and didn't hate it, but it's a must watch for season 3.

Season 3 (The Return) is crazy good. I think it might be the best thing I've seen from Lynch. It's got great comedy, crazy weirdness and an intriguing story.

This confuses me. S2 Episode 10 wraps up the whole arc with them catching the killer. it was a memorable classic episode. What's sketchy about it?

What's the overall plot of the show?

Girl is murdered
Cooky FBI agent invesitagates in a town where everyone has secrets
Paranormal shit happens
More mysteries happen
Ever person in the town is odd in some sort of exaggerated way
Cherry pie is delicious

Sounds pretentious.

As opposed to?

Nothing Lynch does is pretentious. It's straight forward and all deeper means are left for your interpretation.

>tfw thought the ending was mediocre after a god tier build up

I thought fwwm ended the laura palmer thing, i didn't honestly want mire of it this time. And the show BARELY features it, until it turns around at the very last second and i just didn't care at that point. I thought all the new stuff was more interesting.

You're thinking of Bates Motel which tried to copy TP's formula.

>The Major
>The Fireman
>The Arm
>The Cowboy
>The Mystery Man
>The Winkies Man
Yeah someone who lives outside the dream of space and time and whose first name is The totally isn't important

Laura is essiantly the angel that balances Bob's evil. Without her, it wouldn't be Twin Peaks.

• Something you don't see happens some time after 11:16 am ARG
• Elecricity
• Jeffries does a Pullman
• man has voided bowels
• maid is coming out of epileptic seizure

That's the timeline. Is this type of mystery for you? What happened before we get there? Hint: BOB's teeth

Yeah Bob takes his face off like Laura. Bozo

Can we all please agree that this is the kinoest thing ever filmed?

How dead inside would you have to be not to be entertained and just smile at the Dougie stuff? I'm not even mad, I just feel bad for you. You could unironically use a little Dougie in your life, he cheers everybody up.

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scene related is funnier than anything I've seen out of a comedy show in the past 10+ years. The Return made me laugh more than shitty cynical television shows of the 21st century.

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Is there a proper sequel/explanation to the s2 ending? That's what I last saw.
Thinking of watching the movies now but Im scared of Bob bros hold me

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That's what I love about Lynch. It feels like he makes great weird shit for himself, not to show off how smart and above the audience he is. He ain't Cronenberg.

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Season 3 is pure kino. S1-s2 is a mix of kino and shit so be advised (first episodes are kino and final s2 episode is kino)

Dont be scared. Bob is total dudebro in that movie.

Getting angry at Dougie is the hallmark of idiocy. We were lucky that they let lynch just follow his artistic aims.

how would you react if a man appeared out of thin air in a blinding electrical flash?

You would have to be somewhat brain damaged to like the return. 1/10 I liked the brothers.

>the mystery is about some dumb crackwhore that got murdered in the woods. Who the fuck cares who murdered her.

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I think the books do that.

>tfw no new season until at least 2021

>mfw I will ignore the Oscars in favor of rewatching 9-10-11-12 of The Return, then FWWM to honor Laura Palmer on the 30th anniversary of her dea...mysterious disappearance.

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The real weak point of the Return is [Spoiler]Gordon, Albert, Tammy & Diane spinning their wheels in Buckhorn, SD[/spoiler]

Well, now I've spoiled that for everyone.

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I just finished Twin Peaks Season 2, and am watching the movie released in 1992 next. However people are calling Season 3 "peak David Lynch," and I've noticed that has been his last major release. So, I'm wondering if I should watch his movies released in the between time before I move on to it. Any opinions? I saw that Naomi Watts is in both Mulholland Drive and the Season 3 cast, are they the same characters?

I actually considered skipping Season 3 because I loved the ending of Season 2 and I didn't want it soured by a cheap reboot, but then I remembered Laura saying 'see you in 25 years' and that convinced me enough that it's not a typical cash grab.

The Return makes minor references to Mullholland Dr., Lost Highway, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, INLAND EMPIRE and Eraserhead* (the series plays like a summation of Lynch's career) but they are not necessarily required viewing for The Return. Naomi Watts plays a different character.

The Return is radically different from the first two seasons of TP and is paced like an 18 hour movie instead of an episodic series.

*There are even several shots that remind me of Dune.

This post is more confusing than the entirety of twin peaks.

Mulholland Drive is Twin Peaks. Same universe. One is about Twin Peaks and one about Mulholland Drive.

Lynch shot over half the footage as a Twin Peaks side project. People can claim it's not now because ABC didn't pick it up. But they're wrong, Silencio conceived and shot after 1999. Laura Palmer in the audience with Ronette. Lynch never talks about his work so people get away with false claiming no relation

Lost Highway is the Pullman reference. His character not only Jeffries out at the end but also Richard's himself in a desert

well, it's not.

Last thing that happens to Watts in Drive is The Cowboy tells her it's time to wake up then is somewhat dismayed to see she's blown her fucking brains out and thus is denied sweet by and by entry

It’s not required viewing, but season 3 might be offputting if you aren’t familiar with David Lynch’s films. There’s several stylistic similiarities to all of his films in season 3. I don’t know if I’d explicitly call them references, but a lot of similar visuals, design-work, themes, and concepts to earlier Lynch films.

Season 3 isn’t a cashgrab at all. I don’t think all in all they made very much money off of it. The direction they go in is in the same spirit as any other work of art Lynch does.

Lynch Cinematic Universe nuts fuck off

No it’s not. That’s an idea they had early on that maybe the television show would be about Audrey Horne instead of Betty Elms, but very early in the creative process they made it a new thing entirely. Lynch talks about it in his book.

Thank you for your responses, you guys gave me exactly the information I was looking for. I have a chronological list of around 100 movies and 2 television shows that I'm still in the 1990s with, but normally I skip the line for sequels. For example, 1980 to 1984. However 1992 to 2017 is pushing it, but I was going to make an exception since it's a television show. But in this case of still having some movies outside of the show to watch for the ideal experience, I'm going to continue the natural order of watching by release date and getting to the show once I finally reach the year 2017. This method has the benefit of being left to sit with the ending of season two for a while, just like the initial audience did. As well as giving some incentive for a rewatch where I can go through everything back to back someday.

if you skip James' episodes you're not allowed on Yea Forums any more

False but it is probably the closest to Twin Peaks in terms of themes and tone than his other works so I do think it's a must watch for Twin Peaks fans.

no, but it's good and weird in its own way. It's not comparable at all.

>it has some below par storylines but every episode is good
This is the truth. Its somewhat frustrating because you can't skip any episodes without missing either vital plot points or just good scenes. I actually started doing an edit of the episodes, cutting out scenes from the horrible plotlines (james, nadine the highschool hulk) but ended up giving up because without decent video editing software it was a massive pain in the ass and took forever.


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How can something be simultaneously so absurdly cringey yet also so fucking kino?