Mfw 6 coal-powered ovens were able to cremate 4756 bodies a day meaning they were incinerating bodies at a rate of one...

>mfw 6 coal-powered ovens were able to cremate 4756 bodies a day meaning they were incinerating bodies at a rate of one every 30 seconds if they were working non-stop

Any kinos for this feel?

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werent most jews gassed

the human body consists of 30% fat and guess what fat does - burns well

Not everyone was cremated retard

But oy vey, weren't these prisoners so deprived of nutrition and food that they were just skin and bones??

Are you questioning German ingenuity?

Fuck off kike.

it wasn't one at a time you poltards, also most died of starvation, and a large portion were killed by firing squad

even an emaciated person has fat stores of over 10 percent

Two many variables, calculation taken from thin air not divided by any specific number, definitely not what any historian claims, shit bait,


Where were they buried?

So where are all the bodies?

im guessing you've never heard of the water fast. the body can run as efficiently (if not more) without any food

are /pol/ users mentally ill lads?

>emaciated person
/fit/ broscience BTFO
fuck off polsperg

Your telling me the people who lied about human lamps and human soap are lying about this?

Underground? Wtf, what a retarded question is this?

the human body does not burn without fuel

The areas around auschwitz are very shallow marshes and bogs, any hidden bodies, especially in the orders of millions, would be very well preserved and easy to find.

>6 coal-powered ovens
In 1941 Auschwitz had two double muffle coke fired furnaces built by the German firm of Topf and Sons. An additional double muffle oven was added in the Spring of 1942. Each muffle can be considered an oven, so that there were six ovens in the camp during this time. The six ovens were in the main camp known as the Stammlager or Auschwitz 1.These six ovens were housed in a crematorium known as Krema I in much of the literature. In the summer of 1942 the Auschwitz Construction Agency, known as the Bauleitung, started to build four new crematoria in the Birkenau area of the camp, also known as Auschwitz II. These four crematoria housed an additional 46 ovens. Kremas II and III each had five triple muffle furnaces (15 ovens in each) while Kremas IV and V each had a single eight muffle furnace (eight ovens in each). Like the six ovens in the Auschwitz main camp, the 46 new ovens were built by the firm of Topf and Sons

>cremate 4756 bodies a day
The six Auschwitz ovens could have consumed about 4500 per MONTH

Try reading your link next time

The bigger the lie, the more they believe

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>10% bf

You do know how hard 10 % bf would be to maintain with starvation tier diets?
Wait, what is this? Whats this feeling of doubt ; it feels wrong. Why am I even on Yea Forums I should be on /ck/. Oh fuck

In 2006 a sample of the soap archived at the International Court of Justice in The Hague was given for analysis to Andrzej Stołyhwo, an expert in the chemistry of fats from the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. He concluded that some of the fat in the sample tested was of human origin. The sample of soap had previously been used as evidence in the post-World War II Nuremberg trials, but at the time the technology was unavailable to determine whether the soap had been produced from human fat. The human remains used to make the soap were believed to have been brought from Bydgoszcz and Stutthof concentration camp.[30][31]

What a joke of a site

germans are smart and good at engineering, they're in fact the only people that could pull something like this off at the time.
except for us based americans since we're not evil

>unironically defending the human soap myth

This is bad even for a kike

but* we're not

On the russian side, detailed by the russian reports you refuse to aknowledge for political reasons.

Now this time, try actually forming an argument

Makes me wonder how they kept >1000 people behind a flimsy wooden door. Kraut Wood Magic?

Hitler, that's just not possible.

They were powered by imagination.

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Your comma is misplaced

Your argument is misplaced

where are the bodies then?

>it's another "JIDF shits up the place" episode with garbage pilpul

It's so tiresome

they're destroyed or decomposed you fucking retard

>4500 per month
>150 a day
>6.25 bodies an hour
>1 body every 10 minutes

destroyed by what?
where are the bones?

what's the difference between a cow and the holocaust?
you can't milk a cow for 80 years

Destroyed by gas.

Bones were used to build furniture.

by the incinerators
any other questions?

Try actually reading the link in the OP before posting more garbage

it's already be shown that incinerating 60 million kilos of bones at the rate they'd need to be would be impossible

The gas dissolved the bones and teeth. Did you pay attention in history class?

Where did all the survivors come from?
Now look as the thread falls silent lmao

Why are you doubting German engineering?

Wait, so their explanation for the flimsy door is that the gassings had already stopped by 1943 so they could convert these gas chambers into air raid shelters?
I thought the story was that the gassings started in 1943?
Even then these gas chambers hardly seem adequate to be doing mass executions.

I don't think German engineering can defy the laws of physics.

good thing your polmath is pulled straight from your assholes then

Auschwitz is surrounded by shallow bogs and marshes, they should be well preserved.

Have you ever been stuck in a bog? You can't escape it.

>their explanation for the flimsy door
Is that the door wasn't the door to the gas chamber but to a washroom. This was spelled out clear as day.

why? wouldn't a bog just swallow shit up?

Yes but bogs are great for preserving remains.

Why did they remove the wall? between the wash room and the gas chamber? What bearing did it have on the ability to use the room as an air raid shelter?

that's fucking geodude gtfo

>The six Auschwitz ovens could have consumed about 4500 per MONTH

This is wrong but it doesn't matter because Auschwitz wasn't the only camp, and hundreds of thousands of bodies weren't burned, making Auschwitz math pointless and retarded in the first place. Of course you can't tell this to a group of people who think Auschwitz's setting ponds/water tanks for fire fighting were diving board equipped swimming pools.

/pol/ is so stupid I think it's all just literal borderline retards being manipulated by alphabet agency psy ops departments to discredit any actual criticism of the leftwing/globalists since people with legitimate critiques are now immediately lumped in with faggot alex jones anti-soros types. The funniest thing is /pol/ always likes to harp on about useful idiots of the left when they're the biggest useful idiots of the whole scene.

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What does anyone gain from discrediting the Holocaust?

So why haven’t they uncovered any?

It can increase structural integrity. Fairly useful if you believe your building may come under fire, like in a shelter.

community, makes people feel special and endowed with unique wisdom. same as with sasquatch hunters or flat earthers.

Wait, did the Jewish people lie to us?

Removing a wall can increase structural integrity?

really... makes you... think...

This is the only Tumblr nose I've ever seen irl

It literally says after they birkenau construction they had 52 ovens. Are you too retarded to read your own link?

Doesn't it take 3 hours to burn a human body to ash, thanks to the sheer resiliency of bones? Wouldn't it be easier to just shoot the jews instead of moving them from the ghetto, building a rail system to move them, camps to house them, using various methods of killing them, and wasting fuel on burning the bodies to ashes completely?
What the actual fuck is wrong with you to keep shilling for at least 5 years straight?

Ask the soviets, I don't care. What I've care about and refuted is that the door directly led into the gas chamber, it didn't, it led into a washroom.

And what do people gain from the Holocaust persevering unchallenged?

/pol/ thinks if they can prove the holocaust never happened it'll somehow reverse every political act and social event from 1945. Whites will magically rise up against the Jews and expel or holocaust them for realz, and non-whites will be expelled from western nations, and that every mudshark will magically regain her virginity and all the mixed race mutts will just disappear.

Whether the holocaust happened or not at any scale is competely irrelevant by now and the truth of it wouldn't change anything. /pol/tards just focus on it because theyre stupid lazy conspiracy theorists with pretensions of intelligence desperately searching for the unicorn discovery that will cause normies to wake and rise up so they themselves won't have to risk anything by attacking their enemies. /pol/ and the people who share their beliefs are idiots and cowards and I shit on them.

we finally did it boys, the thing every single historian could not do, we finally proved that holocaust didn't happen. nice job.

Why did they need to wash before being gassed?

I have been fully unplugged from the matrix and now I just want back in so fucking bad. How are we supposed to live with this pain? Cypher did nothing wrong.

If he had won just imagine how many galaxies we'd be exploring and how many planets we'd be on right now. Instead we have this.

What do people gain from correcting people who think 2+2=5?

that doesnt seem that unrealistic

its not like they put them in one by one and set the oven on they killed loads of them at once then burnt the bodies

Instead we have memes. Better than dead planets if you ask me.

glad i live in a country where these issues can be discussed openly

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So their body was dry due to the lack of water, guess what burns well? Stuff that's dry

>the body can run as efficiently (if not more) without any food
Imagine actually believing this

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Masturbation machines milked millions of jewish men to death

imagine burning americans

What if people have been believing 2+2=5 for decades and there are people directly benefiting from that? As in they had the creation of a new country for their people financed because of it in addition to making billions of dollars of the equation every year?

Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

>middleclass americans still think usa was the good guy
>completely overlooks the cancerous law enforcement system that abuses the population daily
>thinks death is worse
>doesnt realize slavery benefits malicious leaders more
>hitler was actually the good guy and taking him down had nothing to do with anything other than money and power

seething imgurtranny

>be shit posting on 4channel for 3 months
>see stupid pol post shoved into the tv board
>decide to trigger retard holocaust deniers
>search funny Auschwitz swimming pool on google images
>use 3rd pic that comes up
>/pol/tard immediately assumes anyone using the most popular meme picture of the Auschwitz water tanks is the same person

Yep nothing slips by you big brained Myrmidons. Your time is limited globalists! Day of the rope is coming any time now!

>the evil goyim nahtzees started gassing the six gorillion near the end of the war when they thought they were losing
>but what about this flimsy door?
>w-well clearly they stopped gassing those poor children near the end, stupid goy!

It’s all so tiresome.

What? My wrong equation analogy described those who think the holocaust is fake.

So let me get this straight, the "father of holocaust denial", wasn't a mentally ill, Jew-hating neo-nazi, but a pacifist activist, member of the French communist party, who under German occupation refused to collaborate and instead joined the resistance, helped smuggle Jews and allied soldiers to safety, denounced the communists for being just as bad as the nazis and condemned both equally, got condemned to death not by nazis but by communists as a result, survived due to raids that led to him getting severely beaten up by nazis and deported to the Buchenwald and Dora concentration camps, where he endured physical abuse by the SS but also witnessed corruption within the ranks of communist prisoners that led to high death rates, and when he started denouncing the inaccurate, one-sided picture that was being painted by the victors after the war, contradictions with certain gas chamber stories, as well as the manipulation of public opinion for the interests of Zionism, he was sued by "various organizations" (who?) but acquitted, since justice couldn't find any ground to condemn him, and some of his theses got confirmed by third-party researches conducted decades later?

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The second one is legitimately taking documents then writing fan fiction about them and using assumptions to suggest how they could mean something different.
How is stuff like that going to convince anyone?

None of what you spewed makes any sense.

I really don't take deniers seriously after my last discussion with one of them.
He seriously suggested they would have to kill 30,000 per day.

Yes, but what if the equation had always been wrong and there were people gaining from it being considered right?

How many would they have had to kill a day?

interesting, maybe he was a commie-nazi

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>an average body is 30% fat

For an American, maybe.

Truth does not fear investigation.

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>it's the Israeli paedo spammer again

Has anyone else been to Auschwitz before? I went there on a school trip a decade ago while living overseas, was a pretty surreal experience. Although I had awful food poisoning so I kept throwing up around the property, sorry Isreal

They lie so fucking much Yea Forums. You have no fucking idea how bad it really is.

not the entire population of the camp literally every day, that's for sure.

That makes no sense. You're suggesting living in a bluepilled world forever?

illness got a bunch too (but I swear the numbers total are bullshit)

I'm not sure what you're suggesting then. To get the numbers that are cited what amount of people would need to be killed daily? If it's less than 30,000 how many was it and over what sort of time period?

No, I suggest you re-read what I said and what should be considered 2+2=5.

why don't "holocaust truth seekers" try to pick holes in other war atrocities like pol pots actions in cambodia? why fixate on ww2 and the jews?

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>truth is malleable
No it isn't. Jews profit from the truth. Well so be it then. Shouldn't have tried to exterminate them then.

Because the holocaust is the new religion and jews still rule over us and Israel is the center of the NWO you dumb fucking goy cattle

it's not in jewland, asshole

because jews hide behind holocaust to deflect any criticism of them clearly abusing their power to push anti-white policies.

What holes specifically?
Not many other atrocities seem to have the amount of holes that the Holocaust has, nor is there a large industry devoted to them or deniers pursued as furiously.

There's no killing fields class for third graders. No one milks it for pity points. It's immaterial.

where are the bodies /pol/ niggers

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>truth is malleable
No, it's not. Which is why people have so many issues with the "truth" about the Holocaust.
>Shouldn't have tried to exterminate them then.
Perhaps, but I'm not particularly convinced that ever happened.

A letter, dated June 28, 1943, was sent by Karl Bischoff, the head of the Central Building Administration in Auschwitz-Birkenau, to Hans Kammler in Berlin. It summarized the ideal cremation capacity for the 52 muffles in a 24-hour period (including down time for cleaning and maintenance):

Crema 1 340 persons

Crema 2 1,440 persons

Crema 3 1,440 persons

Crema 4 768 persons

Crema 5 768 persons

Total per 24 hours 4,756 persons

Bischoff arrived at his figures by assuming that each of the 52 muffles could cremate four bodies an hour, which by definition required multiple cremations at one time.[2]

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We had a school field trip at Auschwitz as well to make us feel guilty and traumatised us at a young to make us very pacifistic or whatever. Teacher keep talking about how not repeat the same mistakes yada yada melodramatic bullshit, girls won't stop tearing up but me and the other boys were just screwing around and laughing and making fun of the crying girls.
Good times.

Ask the Russian government. See if they try and imprison you for asking.

What? Stop being obese

Okay let me just humor you for a bit you Holocaust Denier: Here’s a little biology lesson for you. The human body is 99.9% water. When humans are cooked in an oven they mostly evaporate leaving just the skin behind. So uh YEAH I think they were able to do that mmkay?

>oy vey, trust the russians, goy.
>stalin would never lie about nazis for political gain

no it takes 80 minutes at most

>Which is why people have so many issues with the "truth" about the Holocaust.
They wouldn't have if they educate themselves about the matter. Seriously, we live in an age with a vast pool of free information everywhere. There is no excuse to be willfully ignorant anymore. Anyone can find out what happened and see what merit deniers' supposed arguments hold. Namely none.

The point is that these people, even in face of shockingly crystal clear evidence presented, still refuse to understand.

Because the entire post world order was built upon the myth of the holocaust
because Cambodians aren't running the US government into the ground
i could go on

not Auschwitz, but i've been to Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg

*young age

The evidence isn't shockingly crystal clear. It some cases there are large discrepancies and outright lies. If there weren't I never would have started to question.

Interesting, my teachers didn't really say much about it and just let the tour guide do the talking. Although we had to do "community service" at the camp which meant raking leaves, and like every young kid we got told off for fucking around

Beautiful grounds though, much larger than I anticipated

i mean even one of their most powerful films "night and fog" has several out-right blatant lies in it.

Holocaust deniers are like moon hoaxers. Just outright embarrassing.

Not comparable faggot. Slav peasants starved in their homes, and could reasonably be buried in their back yards. Six gorillion were killed at about 6 """death camps""" over the course of 5 years. If 200000 people died in one place every year for 5 years, where are the mass graves?