
Attached: 5F49A57E-A9B5-4935-981F-0BF4B40117F9.jpg (640x864, 134K)

Other urls found in this thread:


2006 was 34 years ago, what do you want user. People age.

2006 was 43 years ago you fucking retard

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Attached: avgn_stare2.png (377x311, 197K)

It's crazy how different wetmovie1 (awful nickname) looks now, he went from McDonald's to Auschwitz

Attached: avgn_stare8.jpg (480x853, 49K)


Attached: avgn_stare7.jpg (531x532, 306K)

Attached: avgn_stare6.png (453x539, 319K)

Attached: avgn_pretty-lady-right.jpg (265x462, 80K)

>Remember how futuristic the year 2000 seemed? My whole childhood, it seemed like every movie, every video game, it was always 2000. It sounded so high-tech and so far away. But now fuck that. It's the 10-year anniversary of the year 2000.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 24K)

James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

Attached: file.png (1300x800, 771K)

Attached: avgn_pretty-lady.jpg (265x462, 21K)

Attached: avgn_the-betrayal.png (509x768, 220K)

It’s crazy how autisticly obsessed people are about avgn.

Attached: avgn_revelation.jpg (1440x2960, 935K)

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How many times are you going to post this shit you fucking autist

Attached: tvautist.png (2121x1157, 316K)

Reading this feels dirty, James should've never gotten anyone else involved.

Attached: 1508248088330.png (441x636, 390K)

Shame about Bob.

Why on Earth is Joe sending in scripts to Cinemassacre? Game Sack is incredibly comfy.

Attached: joe.png (1280x800, 1.39M)

Then he should have actually continued to do work. He stopped and stays at home with the kids all day.
And hired other people to make his videos.

Mike and James wrote those classic AVGN episodes from 2005-2010

Because cinemassacre gets 20 million views a month and they get 500k views a month.

Mike did most of the gameplay then too.

Yea I get that but still have some self respect. Ryan is the man in charge.

that onions stare

Attached: correct.gif (480x446, 3.03M)

At least James isn't a fat disgusting slob like the Screenwave crew

Where did the hair go though?

they look like if you put They Might Be Giants through the Brundlefly machine with that pigman from the Frank comics

Attached: 0aca24f352dc7bb6fd75a3fdd3b5d0b6--art-is-jim-orourke.jpg (736x556, 134K)

this dude ages and dresses like hes been inside making shit videos for the last ten years.

Attached: avgn_bootsy.jpg (1280x720, 579K)

Attached: avgn_rollin.jpg (2048x1536, 496K)

what is that, some kind of movie review lizard?

Attached: avgn_today.jpg (1024x768, 115K)

If you'd told me it would be this easy to see pain being displayed by an inanimate object, I'd have called you a liar

are those dwarves or goblins?

Attached: avgn_disco.webm (792x820, 1.95M)

lol hes wearing those walmart brand "work shoes" from the looks of things

Attached: avgn_welcome.png (573x623, 308K)

FFS that hairline isnt this guy rich? buy some hair products or do a surgery or something that look so bad either go bald or use a wig

Attached: avgn_bootsy-baby-man1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.13M)

shoes for crews?
had to wear those when I had a job at chik-fil-a
he is definitely not rich. I feel like he's just barely getting by.

Attached: avgn_mike-on-adderall.jpg (263x153, 12K)

Attached: avgn_shoes.jpg (1124x708, 58K)

these things have really deep, criss-crossing treads, and come with a stiff plastic comb for scraping gunk out of them with. I used to have to spend fifteen minutes after every shift gouging around five ounces of compacted chicken and grease out of mine.

ah yes another good reminder of who's really calling the shots now

Attached: heil on the fatties.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

this is honestly exactly what I look like, only with a bigger beer gut. right down to the outfit.

That info should used for the ad.

you can buy his old games?

Post yourself recreating the dance

I think if you stepped on a dog turd while wearing them, it would just be completely absorbed into the sole

Attached: 1550616365044.gif (320x240, 968K)

Attached: donald dance.gif (360x360, 3.23M)

You look more like James's bull, not him.

yes, I know thats Mr. Milos


My gf bartends and hates the damn things but its hard to spend more when they get covered in beer and shit and fall apart in 2 months. ive always been lucky to be able to wear leather workboots which if you spend the money dont leave you with shit feet and back pain
the games his fans send him. all the dupes and ones with torn labels

Attached: avgn_mike2.jpg (1877x1055, 325K)

Attached: avgn_mike.jpg (724x696, 325K)

Attached: avgn_mike-ryan.jpg (698x530, 93K)

it's such a weird thing that these guys are so famous. They really aren't very smart, talented, or funny. They just got there first. That's the way it always goes with business models.

Fuck every single person involved with Cinemassacre besides James himself.

lol ill never understand how the cling to their meal ticket as well as they do

Attached: avgn_ryan_greasy_boy.png (250x268, 96K)

Uncle gubsy

Attached: avgn_slob-zombie.jpg (443x701, 184K)


Attached: avgn_autism.webm (720x404, 325K)
