/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #32 - Smashing Expectations Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Previous Thread:

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Alita is my wife


Does the berserker body allow for alita to enjoy a creampie?


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When will he tell them the truth about the darkies to prove he's /ourguy/?
When will alita tourists prove they're not tourists?

>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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>walking out of my third viewing
>dude, wife and son walking ahead of me
>dad says "Great movie. Now I want to read the manga"

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is it actually worth watching? I feel is the kind of thing where expectators hype it just because it's a decent delivery, I don't want to have high expectations and be disappointed, as always

You didn’t see that time user’s boomer dad fell in love with Alita?

Answered here But I know I want a sequel. I also want the bluray so I can see happy Alita too.

Sadly, yes. Alita had a hard life.

Google search, page 2, top 3 results

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I wont lie to you, Alitas suffering has barely even begun

Loss and tragedy are part of the humanity which we all share, but these very feelings extend from happiness and love. You can't have one without the other. Dry your tears friend. We all heal, so she will too.

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Look it's not the greatest movie of all time, but it's very refreshing and different from capeshit. It's good scifi. And the graphics are amazing. It's the type of movie you get your money worth at the theater.


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It's a 6/10 story with 8/10 visuals.
Pretty solid routine Sci-Fi action flick.
It's not gonna create a franchise but you could do worse at the cinema.

What were your favorite parts?

I think mine was when she wakes up for the first time. Idk why, but the way she was looking at her hands was giving me feels.

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It's "scene" you micro-cephalic.

saw that based dad.

catching dad watching clips on ipad
wants comics
wants to go again

its worth a shot if you like anime or franlky action of anykind. the movie has a heart even with some noticable flaws.

>I don't want to have high expectations and be disappointed
Well then you should have watched it a week ago, when expectations were low but came out high(er). You only have yourself to blame in waiting this long when people are clamoring about it now.

your retarded


Oh don't you worry about her, she gets to experience many CUTE minutes of joy and peace between being betrayed, let down, tortured psychologically and physically and, of course, literally torn apart.

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just saw it, i wanted more motorball. i could have watched a whole movie just about her playing that game. i think the bad robots where too easy to kill too.

>shill general already has a trip

I won't lie to you. If we get a trilogy chances she'll end being a tree.

i want to finish the manga but i dont remember where I stopped

I guess it was during or after the motorball arc, all the shit in the movie already happened

can anons give me an outline of the arcs so i figure where i left?

So much of this is going to be shit-canned in the rush to wrap it all up with a Zalem climax.
The film just won't do the kind of numbers that would create the opportunity to slow down the story pace for multiple sequels. Even a 2nd-part seems questionable at this point, it was just too expensive to produce for this result.

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why didn't Alita sing a song that would have been cute

Such is life in the 26th century.

They should have not done the animu eyes
That is probably half the budget

the original manga is only like 50 chapters.
just read it all again

Gotta get the sequel funded first, no time to sing

Alita's whole body is CGI, it's not like they could just leave the eyes out and need no other changes.

They should have just done a Makaku/Grewishka and Death of Hugo story.
And used the time to really explore the characters darker sides rather than just have everyone be a one-dimensional Disney trope.
Ido and Hugo are sanitized into super-good guys, and the villains are flimsier than the weakest MCU bad guys. A terrible shame IMO.

Now that they have the flow down for the characters they can probably do a new one for a lot less money.

A sequel would almost certainly have a Big Motorball battle as the first half and a high-tech confrontation in Zalem as the second half.
That would be even more expensive than the first movie.

Or just have the movie be 3 hours like Cameron's original script called for.

>a cute android will never give you this look

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The biggest part of the budget for the first movie was building a full-sized Iron City set. They can reuse that.


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Do retards like this just keep posting the same shit in every thread?

Problem is you really need the motorball it's so much fun to watch, I'm very happy they put those sequences in. The characterization isn't as bad as you make it out. Hugo has a dark side, but does redeem himself somewhat, he isn't one dimensional. Same with Charin, she isn't one dimensional. Vector just wants to be king of hell as he puts it. And we only get hints of Nova who is clearly a layered villain.

I find that relatively hard to believe, the Iron City set looks like something from a Netflix television series.

Well will you ever have a cute android give you that look?


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Will China save the film bros?
At this point they're our only hope.

You make the same complaints in every thread but we don't give you shit for that.

>full sized iron city
Why go through all that trouble, they could just film it in India


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Alita is Boatmans waifu.
Boatman gets to make what he wants, or else he'll just threaten the mouse and take Avatar hostage

>Martians wipe out most of humanity
>Martian android wakes up to finish off the last city on Earth
>we are supposed to root for her because she's cute


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> Fox’s Alita: Battle Angel is down 60% with an estimated $11.1M at 3,802 theaters. Running U.S/Canada total by Sunday will be just under $60M. That’s not good and it means Alita was front-loaded by James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez fans. Men under 25 at 36% are driving business in weekend 2 followed by males over 25 at 28% per PostTrak. The James Cameron production is looking at a $60M opening in China, just under what Ready Player One filed at $61.6M. Remember only 25%-27% of that comes back to Fox’s bank account here in the U.S. deadline.com

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Don't forget to filter all tripfags, Alitabros.

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>seen Alita twice
>get a text from a buddy of mine
>he wants to see Alita

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>Problem is you really need the motorball it's so much fun to watch,
They could have had Alita and Hugo watch a Motorball match for the same effect, and even had her being chased by them (and some Arena goons) through the city while on her skates.
Throwing her into Motorball right away was too much, and the crashed Mars ship was too much, fuck even fully explaining her role as a Martian Super-Soldier was unnecessary in the first movie.
This goddamn movie can't let anything be a mystery for more than 10 minutes without going right to an exposition dump or a completely pace-destroying scene like the Mars ship.

The original Manga is good because it takes time to unravel who she is and what's going on.

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It was over 300 yrs ago user, get over it.

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>You make the same complaints in every thread
I think I've been in 3 threads, and this is what, the 33rd?

whats those thingyes under her eyes, and why does she get them, again?

Yes. Cute girls makes anything justifiable.


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Wanted to punch the announcer except when he says she must’ve said something to them they didn’t like before the match

Obsessed by a catchphrase-type gimmick. :/

sounds kino

>humans from mars wipe out most of humanity
>human martian android wakes up with amnesia on earth
>>we are supposed to root for her because she's cute
Indeed, cute is justice.

Is the OVA worth watching? Does it only cover what we have seen on the movie?

I have no idea.

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What the fuck kind of plebslation is this

I want this song return for the sequel's trailer

I always want to punch announcers. : )

more like zoomita

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Minus the Motorball and Nova. It's pretty much what the movie is based off of instead of the Manga.

>Is the OVA worth watching?

>Does it only cover what we have seen on the movie?
Even less, is around 60 minutes long.

its either some Panzer Kunst warpaint because they all have it or maybe a Martian thing cause Zazie has it too

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They're pretty much just warpaint. She bolts them directly to her face later so that she doesn't have to kill a puppy every day to put it on.

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I know, right? Some of the scanlations of this are godawful.

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Mars is now Space Syria so it all evens out in the end

....that's not Zazie.

did Chester Bennington reincarnated into our waifu?


Why does she have the idiot cowlick? Serious question.

I didnt say it was, I clearly left the filename that way too

Moral of the story: WAR IS BAD???? Details later!

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Don't worry baby.
Old Jason will cover you.

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>looks like the fans have a darling with a face of an angel and a body built for battle
>maybe a little motorball will break out in the middle of this fight

It was stupid the last time you posted it, user.

It's like the movie but further compressed into 1 hr, its pretty good animation, but it feels even more rushed, and you don't get any new story.

theyre already making the sequel right?

Gelda, Erica and Alita all have the same facial markings, like they are a unit. Zazie and other Martian soldiers we see either have completely different markings or none whatsoever.

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Yeah I wish there was a teaser with just this song set to the movie.

how old is cameron anyway? will he have the stamina to finish an alita trilogy + 5 avatars?
the whole thing finished without him, right?

Thanks Alitabros

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anime alita is way cuter than hollywood though.

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hes only 64, i think we're safe

Uhhhhhhhh................. NOPE!

so does ALita have a arm cannon ?

I read somewhere Allita needs to hit at least $2.4 billion at the box office to cover cost of creation and advertising. That's just to break even. Guess it won't be happening. Too bad there won't be a sequel. Oh well.

She could originally blast air through a finger and arc it into plasma, but they dashed over that to give her a convenient Martian Sword she energizes or something.

its actually 6 gorilian

It always seemed to me like 5 avatars is a little much. As long as we get Alita conclusion first then it doesn't matter tho

All ALITAS are cute ALITAS

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Its break-even point is about 400 million worldwide. Which it may just stagger to if the Nips and Bugmen really dig it.
Cameron's interest in it has waned since he became obsessed with his blue alien epic.

Are you sure because I read that it's 70 billion dollars AND the entire continent of Australia, and that's just the catering budget.

I literally have no idea how you could even make ONE sequel out something as boring as Avatar but I guess you just have to come up with something when you're offered literal billions of dollars.

Ido says something like "it draws in air generating an arc plasma, probably some kind of weapon"

based and redpilled
>The role of Alita came along at a time when Salazar said she was dealing with her outrage over the 2016 election of U.S. President Donald Trump.
>"I was one of those people who was really hoping Trump wouldn't win," she said. "And I voted, but it's not enough and it was incongruous for me because I am playing a character named Alita, who literally defies everything in her path to help (other people.)"

I am pretty sure its 90 billion, all of Australia.

That's a problem. Lex Luther owns Australia.

Based $700 mi poster

Fuck Rosa though, hollywood ALITA is still cute as fuck.

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Is there a single hollywood actress who isn't retarded?

>his blue alien epic.
avatar sucked anyway
who the fuck will watch 5 of these garbage movies?

Rich Arab oil prince here, if it comes down to it I'll fund the sequel on my own. Don't worry bros


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Afraid not, user. Thinking gets in the way of emoting.

I really feel this project was dumped onto a director who really lacked the enthusiasm for the material, and was just excited to be cashing a big check from an important producer.

I will never get over the disappointment of Cameron leading everyone to believe he'd make this, then tumping it onto Rodriguez.
I was never excited for Rodriguez' Battle Angel.
The result is visually interesting, with Cameron's technical nerds doing good work, but I feel it really drops the ball on story structure and especially characterization.

I'm well beyond the point of betting against movies that James Cameron directs.
He turned a hoary old ship disaster movie into the second highest grossing movie in history.

Thank you for putting on a trip btw.

You seem pretty obsessed over it.

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How much will this movie make in Japan?

At best? At worst?

These threads seem less for conversation/discussion of the movie and more for assheads to post the same images over and over and over again.

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I despised those blue furries but if watching furry smurfs ensures Alita 2 then I’ll buy a ticket and bear it.

We will have to watch Avatar for Alita to get a sequel for sure.

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15-25m seems likely
They aren't a terribly big audience to begin with, nor are they hugely fond of their own shit being (badly) Americanized.
Ghost in the Shell couldn't even pull in 10 million there.

Masyaallah brother. May we both find our own Alitas in Jannah

If they were just interested in a big check, it wouldn't have followed source material so faithfully.
They could have easily gone the easy road and made her some kind of a independent stronk womyn who gets together with a nigger in the end.
But that doesn't happen. It's very faithful to the original.

The problem is that the source material isn't all that stellar to begin with.
I mean it's good, but nothing amazing and it has problems with it's pacing. Watch the OVA. For example Hugo gets revived and dies in the span of like 10 minutes in that too.
This movie is an enjoyable 7/10 piece. But visually it's great and as a movie a breath of fresh air in the midst of this capeshit.
Not to mention respecting the source material nowadays is a damn miracle and not exactly a common thing to see.

Pacific Rim: 15 million in Japan

China is the only force on Earth that can carry Alita to break-even.

>If they were just interested in a big check, it wouldn't have followed source material so faithfully.
Are you serious? It's a movie of a 60 minute anime with random Manga elements tossed in half-heartedly.
Anything that isn't in the OVA is horribly mangled.

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"Capeshit" needs to stop living in your brain.

Not this user but I agree with him. This is Cameron's Alita, he wouldn't wait 20 yrs to sell it out. This movie doesn't get made if JC wasn't personally significantly involved.

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Look man I'm desperate ok? I NEED my Alita fix.

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Bullshit. And screw your precious magna. : )

Yes and they could have very easily done completely without any of that stuff. It follows the OVA and has elements from the manga.
By Hollywood standards this is one of the most faithful and less butchered adaptations we're ever going to see.

Yes, if you watch it for its heart (has tons of) and not its brains (it isn't dumb by any means, but neither overly cerebral).

I already can't wait for the BD. It's nuts, I hardly ever feel compelled to do so, but you know this will have tons of extra features. I hope there's a deluxe edition with a art of Alita book.

I think he personally likes the Manga and possibly the Writer/Artist, and didn't want to let him down after promising it regularly all these years.
However, Avatar-franchising has clearly shifted Cameron's enthusiasm and energy away from any serious involvement in Battle Angel.
Doing the movie as the live-action OVA is the easiest way to rush through a Battle Angel movie.

Take the trip off or fucking kill yourself, you piece of human filth. I won't buy a single ticket and wont recommend Alita to any of my friends if I see a single tripfaggot in these threads. I've tolerated all you shills and offsiters because I like gunnm and like discussing it but if you're going to be that blatantly cancerous you will turn me into an autistic hater.

Are you for real? Nobody could work there with the smells.

For like 16 years, Cameron and Alita have always had the question of why Alita. Like you'd see in their wikis about his desire to make a movie and that he licensed it. And this was all a decade before talks about AKIRA, or GitS, or even Robotect/Macross. The Wackos made Speed Racer, but that movie is kind of love or hate.

I own the entire series AND the OVA.
It's about 95% OVA with some motorball thrown in for some visual energy and a boring version of Nova so the audience can have a simple bad guy to hiss at. It transforms Alita into the hero of the Arena and champion of the downtrodden and oppressed, two things she never was.

Jashugan was always the Arena hero, Alita was seen as a motorball outsider. And she never gave any fucks about anyone not willing to fight for their own destiny.

There wasn't enough Desty Nova screentime for him to break out the flan.
I liked the actor reveal though.

Women only have the political opinions the media tell them them to have. Don't be upset with women. Be upset with the Jews.

At least the populace would look unhappy.
They turned the junkie and homeless filled dystopia full of cyber-crazies and gangsters into Belle's village from Beauty and the Beast. It really only lacked a delightful musical number for sanitized heart-of-gold Hugo to sing.

Not him but by Hollywood standards this is literally the most faithful manga/anime adaptation they've ever done. You can tell that they clearly attempted to tell the same story. Details are different, backstories are skipped, but you can see that the broad strokes are all in there. Realize that this is the first time EVER they have tried even that much. Normally they literally make up shit. That one tripfag who is bitching about Nova being in the wrong place is bitching about what is ultimately a DETAIL. Normally Nova would be the rapping black sidekick of Ido Matrix, who's played by Jason Statham, and the story would have fucking nothing to do with the story of the manga. Motorball would be just NASCAR.

fucking 11/10 choice for Desty

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>And she never gave any fucks about anyone not willing to fight for their own destiny.
She ended up caring for and desperately trying to protect a little enclave of innocent scrapyard dwellers.

>most faithful manga/anime adaptation they've ever done.
It's not even close.

And nobody cares about your magna, user. It was churned out on a weekly basis by a Japanese artist trying to keep a roof over his head and buy ramen. It isn't high art.

Cameron had 20 years to decide how to do it right, and he got it right.

Movie Nova just spits out rote Evil Mastermind garbage dialogue.
Admittedly remotely through cyber-control, but he comes off as one of the duller James Bond villains.

Nothing would have been taken from that scene if he'd been smugly eating flan.

Name a counterexample if you fucking can you lying fucking nigger.

Her berserker body was running amok with Zappan and she basically told the populace to stop being pussies and go die fighting it.

She was called out for not giving a shit about anyone's life who wasn't in her immediate "family" and couldn't deny it.

This is the only possible.
Damn, one search for legs “right on the manga” would have taken half the film to no avail.

had Ed Norton for an afternoon. Shows the same shot two or three times just in a different color pallet and cuts off the previous two shots before he takes off the glasses. I liked Ed Norton as an actor. he definitely needed more screen time

It's very true to the spirit of the mangas. I think they captured her girlish sweetness + warrior fanaticism very well, if not perfectly. There was a lot of unnecessary shit, like replacing Ido's assistant with a Negress, but they kept that stuff pretty far into the background.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

It is lucky for Marvel that their comic book fanboys aren't as stupid as magna weebos.

The MCU wouldn't exist.

imagine the internet after

"why is that guy eating dessert at the end"

"what does the pudding mean"

But... That's not the canon ending

Ido's assistant was never more than somebody for Ido to talk to anyway. It's not like Gonzu was a deep character.

Gonzu was the one who installed alita into the berzerker body. Ido supervised.

"Canon ending" is like 17 movies away so the tree ending is the one we'll get.

Ido never had an "assistant", he had his veterinarian buddy help him with one surgery while he was injured. The nurse was a terrible non-character.
Chiren is redundant to both Ido and Hugo, having Ido's arc of being cast out from Tiphares and Hugo's "get to Zalem at any price" motive.

The whole "my dead daughter's body" thing was just to remove the last possible edge from sweet niceguy/Dad Ido.
Hugo is completely ruined, he becomes a guy stealing car parts to fund his trip, rather than a fellow crippling people by taking their spines (a Class A death-sentence crime) and staying at it right up until his death.

I finally felt for the Alita meme and went to see the movie. It was quite good.

So, when do I get my cyborg gf?

>"why is that guy eating dessert at the end"
This movie would have absolutely done some needless exposition to explain what Flan is.

And that is absolutely, completely irrelevant. It doesn't fucking matter at all.

>Alita at her debut concert, singing a song dedicated to her lost love

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There was so much of that in the movie already that one more bit wouldn't have mattered. Cameron didn't pander to the normies and it shows in the box office numbers.

I'm sorry he's not raking in trillions for this effort, but labors of love are often commercial flops.

Exactly my point. The forced diversity and other obigitory Hollywood shit was mostly in the background.

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The arc where ido becomes a drunken, jealous, jilted ex-father was completely removed. In the manga he becomes alitas enemy, trying to defeat her on the motorball circuit so she'll give up and come come.

Cameron's name as a Producer doesn't sell huge tickets the same as Spielberg's producer credits.

Robert Rodriguez is not an exciting director of Science fiction.

Do you even realize that everything you listed is fucking side details? The STORY is the same. You're hand-wringing about details and not realizing that normally, when Hollywood "adapts" an anime or manga, they just throw the original story completely in the trash and make up a new one that has nothing to do with the original.

We have been fed on dog food for half a century and now when we finally get a decent steak for the first time in our lives, you're whining that it isn't kobe beef cooked by Gordon Ramsay.

Leaving the kinoplex now, just finished watching it with my kid sister (she said she really liked it, and that she was glad Hugo died, oh and also hi). I thought it was being shilled ironically but it was actually really fucking good. I can't wait for the inevitable sequel. I want to see more of Alita being a badass.

Why is there so much discussion about this movie?

There was a sexual tension in the original story, where Alita and Ido had confused feelings towards one another.
And that basically Ido started out using her as a Pure Doll Waifu too good for this Evil World and basically his pet.
Nope, all of that is tossed out so they can be calling each other Daddy and Daughter by the mid-point.

Any other movies/shows with cute awkward teenage love?

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More than likely they're going to diverge from the manga after this movie considering the changes and how nonsensical some plot and character points are after volume 3. Alita getting into Zalem for sure next film to satisfy the non-manga fan crowds

You have childish taste, that is all.

No audience outside the slasher crowd wants to watch a movie with nothing but unlikable assholes and weirdos.

The story isn't really the same. She was never trying to start some kind of revolution in the manga or felt that the berzerker bodys power was something meant to be utilized.

based and aritapilled

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>Do you even realize that everything you listed is fucking side details? The STORY is the same.

The side details, tone and characterization are what separates dross from riveting movies.
They all end up being the Hero's Journey story against Evil Oppressive Forces.
The detail and atmosphere of Alita's world is what drew readers (like Cameron) to it.
Disneyfied Alita-verse is just humdrum with quality SFX.

Your food analogy is both inaccurate and retarded. James Cameron alone has produced far, far better Sci Fi than this Rodriguez flick.

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>No audience outside the slasher crowd
Yeah, this watered down version is clearly what audiences were clamoring to buy tickets for. Oh wait.

What is the meaning if your research, professor Nova?!

>It needs 200m to break even.
>it needs 350m to breeak even!
>It needs 500m to break even!

>Now it needs 1 billion.

Where are these numbers coming from mr.mouse?

A lot of posters like it... and a some magna weeboos resent their holy scripture being turned into a mainstream movie.

>why does a great movie has so much discussion?
I don't know

People are trying to be funny, you simpleton.

>>It needs 500m to break even!
>>It needs 3500m to break even!
>you know what they are lying it only needs 200m to break even! wtf i love china now?
Alitashills COPE is embarrassing

>Why is there so much discussion about this movie?
Embracing audience-rejected sci-fi makes user feel all iconoclast and patrician and shit.
The same exact autism as 2049.

They think they can create Cult Status, when that is created by "normie" audiences to begin with. It's rather sad.

Press F if you have been healed by ARITA

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Plus this faggot and his 12 image attention-starvation.

People ARE buying tickets for it, user.

As much as that upsets you... it is happening.

>James Cameron alone has produced far, far better Sci Fi than this Rodriguez flick.

I don't give a fuck about scifi in general you unbelievable stupid faggot. I'm not comparing this to Terminator. That is not a relevant comparison. I'm comparing this to OTHER ANIME ADAPTATIONS BY HOLLYWOOD. That is the relevant comparison. And anyone who even pretends for a second that this isn't a the best one by a thousand miles is fucking out of his mind. Everything you have said is just fucking whining about some fucking shit that doesn't even begin to matter, all to discredit the biggest success in the subgenre.

Go fuck yourself, you won't stop my love for ALITA.

Chinese aren't "people".
This thing is doing pretty miserably otherwise. It won't displace Pirhana II: The Spawning as the weakest thing with Cameron's name on it, so there's that I guess.

94% audience score on RT is not the audience rejecting the film, user.

Squeal all you like... people who see the film, like it.


You might as well celebrate Mortal Kombat as the greatest videogame movie of all time.
Being the best in a truly awful genre is nothing to write home about.


Mortal Kombat is fun tho, why can't we enjoy fun things user?

Cameron directed and produced Titanic and Avatar. Each was a box office record smasher. He's perfectly capable of producing films that draw crowds.

Have you even been in a theater in a major city lately? Wall to wall niggers. Modern movie audiences don't even know what a producer is.

He can't deny the tone of the story and the darkness of the setting and characters have been completely changed.
Hugo wasn't some kind of dream-boat boyfriend he was a super-violent street urchin who basically ignored alita the whole time.
Alitas body was made from the various body parts of murdered women.
Ido was a superficially nice but also deeply flawed individual he becomes a drunken, jealous wreck who turns against alita to ruin her motorball career and make her come home.
The scrapyard ison't supposed to be some vibrant beaner-city it's a fucking hell hole with streets covered in needles, garbage, dead people, blood and guts.

>94% audience score on RT is not the audience rejecting the film
Them not buying tickets to see it is the audience rejecting the film.
I know you children are excited about your ability to move RT's audience scores up (or down), but it means nothing. The bought ticket is the vote that people care about.

Post the chink poster

Looking for feedback. Due to the limitations of Soul Calibur VI, I can either fully cover Alita's arms OR put the blood marks on her face.

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>Cameron directed and produced Titanic and Avatar.
Thanks for illustrating my point.

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>someone probably has this doll at their house right now

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I left the theater feeling a lot better than when I went in.

>The story isn't really the same

Yes it is. Girl is found in the trash, girl is repaired by future Gepetto, girl learns to be a person bit by bit, girl steps on toes, toes step back, girls moves from stepping to stabbing, girl looks at the goal hanging above her in the sky which she won't reach until much later. The places, characters, motives and events are 99% the same. Only variations are ones that were probably necessitated by the format and/or the practical realities of the production (such as replacing all Asian characters with white people and spics), or justifiable stylistic choices.

Meanwhiule look at the previous one, ScarJo-GitS. It copies some visuals. Couple characters. Pays a little lip service to a theme or two. And then it just runs off and does something unrelated to source material for the length of the movie. That's what they normally do, AT BEST.

Kino poster

No one gives a fuck about your comic book for Japanese children, weeboo.

They fucked up the mouth. She looks like a fish now.

I think I prefer this way even if I miss the face markings. In the other screen I put on those big armored up arms to cover the skin tone on half of her arms. With this method I can do the fingerless gloves she wears.

I still could add some other stuff like a coat or something, and there is a hair that is closer to the big hair of the manga.

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>girl looks at the goal hanging above her in the sky which she won't reach until much later.
Alita never once wanted to go to salem. She only wanted to go with hugo.

>The places, characters, motives and events are 99% the same
The boyfriend is changed from a desperate and rather vile criminal to a hooligan mixed up with the wrong crowd.
They make a bizarre and insane anti-villain into a rote Hollywood Evil Boss.
This movie is 60% true to the inferior Anime, and maybe 40% true to the inspired original work.

>The places, characters, motives and events are 99% the same
more like 50%

he improved it

Pouting ALITA is cute.

not gonna lie. first body > second body

>No one gives a fuck about your comic book for Japanese children, weeboo.
Now you sound exactly like the fans who don't read comics but squee for the MCU as the "true" version.
Congrats, you've become the faggot that you despise.

Nothing is proven. Modern audiences don't care who directs or produces a movie. They're just attracted to brands. Which is why capeshit is huge. No one thinks those directors are anything special. Most have no idea who they are.

Alita doesn't have a huge brand. And it didn't have astroturf internet marketing other movies do. This is why it's not a box office success.

How to Train Your Dragon 3 is blowing Alita out of the water right now. You think anyone who watches that movie knows who directed it?

Why can i filter "Top Critics" but not "Top Audience"?

>tiny eyes


He literally thinks his precious manga is divinely inspired! x'D

Why don't you trot back to Yea Forums, instead of coming here to whine?

>Modern audiences don't care who directs or produces a movie.
There are a goodly number of directors who sell movies successfully simply because they are directing it.
What manner of moron are you?
I mean, are you this stupid or are you just willing to bullshit this hard to "win" an argument on the internet? People don't really care about Producers, at least you are correct there.

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So who won the war? Earth or Mars???

I liked the second body best because her thighs just got to the perfect thickness state on that, the engravings of the first one are cool though.

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The MCU is the true version. Marvel isn't going to get bogged down by all the crap they churned out over the last sixty years.

The only jackass on this thread who thinks comic books are holy scripture is you.

Who knows. In the source there is no war between earth and mars. only terrorist attacks and proxy wars.


She's fucking cute as shit

The absolute state of Yea Forums

You can only select from a few different faces and adjust nothing. It's the biggest weakness of the creator.

Who's real?

Who's the final boss if Nova is secretly a good guy?

Her first body is akin to that of a blooming 12-14 year old girl, naive but hopeful and optimistic. This reflects on her body and the shape it contours under her clothes. After her metaphorical death and rebirth into her berserker body, she now looks aged up to that of a 16-18 year old, still young, a little wiser but still learning. This also reflects in her body as well as her mental state which is now more resolute as she begins to understand her place in the world. Also she looks sexier.

Its absolutely terrific symbolism done well.


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Of course there are going to be tone differences. They want the ratings and the tone that will allow them to appeal to the widest audience, while still trying to keep faithful to the original.
While being taken from an obscure source material as far as the masses are concerned, this wasn't really meant for a total niche market. It was far too expensive to do that.

The point here is that this is probably the first time the basic story hasn't been thrown out of the window to a painful extent.
It's like if there was a story about exploring the Antarctica to find resources that was being adapted. Hollywood would probably make it about some guy getting lost in the Amazon rain forest while trying to find his lost wife.
Tone differences such as we saw get a pass from me, because the basic story is very much there and obviously followed. This is a retarded amount of dedication by Hollywood standards.

The two situations aren't really comparable. marvel has dozens of different authors and canons with gunnm there's only one.

I saw Alita in the Aurora theater where James Holmes did his Joker impression. When he shot it up in 2012 audiences at that venue were still 60% white. Now it's down to like 10%. None of those people know who the fuck the directors of the films they watch are. Most can't even read the credits.

Real life ain't your autistic image board where, while dumb as rocks, the majority have still absorbed basic information about film production through osmosis. The average moviegoer these days barely qualifies as sentient.

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>They want the ratings and the tone that will allow them to appeal to the widest audience
That has completely failed.
I can't believe Yea Forums posters are advocating making sci-fi stories into PG-13 broad appeal family films. Truly stunning.

>This is a retarded amount of dedication by Hollywood standards.
Not really. watchmen almost uses the comic as a storyboard. plus they didn't fuck up all the character designs.

I am a little dissapointed ALITA bros.

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But I am sad.
But it is better than usual.

>This is your shriveled up brain on /pol/.

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From how she describes it, seems that yes.

Erf. Earth got fucked but managed to form a space UN while Mars was reduced to a proxy war-ridden shithole (think Syria but in space)

It remains to wait for Cyberpunk 2077

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Would you buy a Remote Interactive Alita interface?

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>manga series is $100 on amazon
wtf no
where can I read all 9

comics are garbage
manga number 1

>Author says its amazing adaptation.
>but weeb autists obvously know better.

Fuck off. Salem was the implied goal of the manga for the entire length of the manga (before LO obv). It was present in almost every outdoor frame, reminding the reader that it's still there, and that's where she'll end up. And she did, in the very end. It was great.


Annnd......it flopped. Of course.

Only weirdoes are into Watchmen.

Space yoganigger

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Autists are autists and throw a screaming fit if their shampoo bottle is on the wrong shelf. Sensible people appreciate that the bathroom is tidy and clean.

>muh pozzed zoomer comics no one even buys
>non argument
Thanks for proving my point, dragon master.

But that's the comic canon (and Last Order at that).
So completely unreliable.

why you know like small eye?

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>Salem was the implied goal of the manga for the entire length of the manga
You're projecting. Hugo wanted to see salem, you wanted to see salem, alita didn't give a fuck she never once expressed and interest in salem whatsoever. She LIVED with someone from salem and never once asked about it. She had an operator living IN salem hooked into her head and she never once asked about it.

why does it have a beard?

I see you haven't kept up with the author's current (unpopular) work.
He'd suck Cameron and Rodriguez's cocks for residuals and sales bumps to his old work.

Watchmen is not a manga or an anime.

>user explains the visual symbolism to you
>you start taking about character motivations

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Comic... canon. Pathetic. Simply pathetic.

I'm not advocating for it.
I'm just commenting on the product we got.
To expect any kind of a faithful adaptation of the source material from Hollywood is one in a million chance.
What we got was surprisingly good. It's not a perfect movie and neither is the original source material. The OVA was basically a TV tier movie with it's own problems.
But this was an adaptation that's free from blatant agenda pushing and it follows the original product more faithfully than 99.9% of anything we get from the mainstream movie industry.
It's a win in my books and the movie was enjoyable.

That's one hell of an exception user, not a rule.

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This. She literally had to be blown up and carried in fragments to Salem.

>I'm just commenting on the product we got.
What you are doing is bending over backwards to make apologies for it.

>free from blatant agenda pushing
There was still a lot of it. Especially in the first thirty minutes. But I agree it was very good compared to what we can expect from modern cinema.

> if Nova is secretly a good guy

Nova has never been a "good guy". He sometimes helps people, even helps Alita once or twice, but it's all just him manipulating karma. Nova is a near-constantly present massively disruptive element whose actions usually result in destruction and loss of lives, even if it's indirect.

He's kind of like if Joker had 200 IQ and seven PhDs and a stack of technological superpowers, but didn't directly try to kill Batman.


(that should get rid of them)

That would have never flown, I can see the journalists now.

>That's one hell of an exception user, not a rule.
And what is Sin City?
Another "exception"?
Or 300?
Alita won't come close to 300 numbers at triple the budget.

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>There was still a lot of it
Please elaborate?

He was talking about the story arc. Not the protagonists' motivations and interests.

Why is this board so full of brainlets?

...Crying Freeman, maybe?
Alita is super faithful to the source material, though.

So he is the personification of chaos.

You ought to know that Yea Forums cares not a fig for this sort of anime, and no one posting about Battle Angel is from Yea Forums.

Alita is super cute!

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If the protagonist isn't interested or motivated to go to zarem then it's obviously not the goal. Only in his own mind.

Sin City flopped, too. Same director as Alta, by the way.

When EVERYONE is idiots, the idiot is probably just you.

well he did name his son kaos. hmm

I love how outlets are now starting to change their tune and go "Why we actually love Alita!" because it's doing well above expectations and got such high audience praise.
Shows that reviewers and outlets are largely cliquey as fuck and will actually review a large part on what they think will flop or succeed when it comes to blockbuster action movies. They do this because if they say like, Capeshit movie is fucking garbage and audiences actually love it, then they will lose credibility and readership, so a large part is just predicting the trends and appealing to what they suspect audiences will like, you saw this with Discovery vs Orville as well in initial reviews and then the narrative flipped once it turned out Discovery was dogshit and audiences hated it and Orville was popular and great, amazing seeing the same happen here as well.

Yes, which is why I groaned when I heard Cameron dumped his movie in RR's lap.

I didn't, what happened?

are you okay, user?
Dont worry, the manga is still going on!
Theres lots and lots of Alita to read!

Sin City made 4x its production budget back.
You realize that Alita has to make almost 700 million dollars to accomplish this?

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I am ok user, gonna watch ALITA for the fourth and last time tomorrow, not sure what I am gonna do with my life once the airing is over.

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I'll take a guess: spazz posting about another sci-fi waifu?

Anyone else ordered this? I had mine arrive yesterday but I've been too busy to read it at all. I think tomorrow I'll take a good look at it.

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where can I read the manga

No I'm not.
Because I was never expecting these guys to get even remotely close to what they delivered.
They exceeded my expectations by thousand fold with this movie. It's the most faithful anime/manga adaptation they've put out so far.

More outliers.
You can name a few movies here and there, but don't pretend that the hundreds pieces of shit they put out inbetween them don't exist.
It's not the norm to keep the original story with adaptations in Hollywood and to mainly mess with the tone. That's rare as fuck.

It's production budget was next to nothing. Rodríguez is famous for shooting on the cheap.

And it showed.

>That has completely failed.
Because the audience is accustomed to comic book poop, and critics are waiting for DIFFICULTIES, regardless of whether the author sets such a goal or not.
We live in dark time, and Alita is one of the few stars in our sky.

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It can take a long time for me to fall in love with another character, last time it happened was with Aisaka Taiga some years ago.

Use those cartoon tattoos on the face.

desty nova is the story arc, not the city in the sky

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buy her manga ofcourse.
And her merchandise.
and her figures.

Theres tonnes of Alita figures on their way, both amercian and japanese brands



>Because the audience is accustomed to comic book poop
Which Rodriguez tried to reduce Alita to to SELL to those audiences. THAT is the problem.
They ground off all the edges to make this mass-appeal, and ended up with Disney's Battle Angel Alita and no one gave a shit anyway.

>see it 4x alone
>drink beer or hard liquor each time
>still have a good time with my good frens here after each viewing
>my only regret is that I can't do it every day

>sin city


The statue by PRIME1 is awesome but too expensive.

And I know these things don't really fill de void, I am even selling half my collection.

Attached: alita prime1.jpg (800x450, 56K)

You can only use 4 stickers on the skin, and it takes up all 4 slots to cover her arms well.

If there was a makeup option that was under-eye lines it would work.

It was all in the texture of the urban scenes. The burger king kid's club that was Hugo's gang. The throwaway lines about multicultural mass immigration to Iron City that which diverged from the manga's plot for no discernible reason. Swapping out Gonzu for a black lady.

There's a difference between the plot intents of the author, and the intents of a protagonist created by that author. It's almost like you believe the plot is a sequence of real life events just unfolding haphazardly.

Desty is an antagonist who brings the existential questions to a head. And he's not even the only main antagonist. Have you actually read any of the comics? The arc of the story is her literal physical ascent up the spire and into space.

Or you actually are a moron who's chosen like-minded company.

that one Wes Anderson one

Do you think the plastic one is any good? The one for $251?

Name one film that’s made 600+ million where the “good guy” characters are violent psychopaths that kill just because they enjoy it

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Failure to slavishly reproduce every fine detail of the manga is not why this movie is not making a lot of money.

>And what is Sin City?
Not a manga or anime.
>Or 300?
Not a manga or anime.

You keep making wrong comparisons. The original claim was that out of Hollywood manga or anime adaptations it was the most faithful of all. Stop bringing up things that aren't manga or anime adaptations if you want to keep arguing.

Desty isn't really what I'd call an Antagonist. All he really does is empower people with extreme personalities to see what happens.
He spends almost as much time helping/enlightening Alita as anything, and they really only come into direct conflict because the MIB (actual antagonists) send her on a mission to grab him. He saves Ido and even revives Alita from death at least once.

Black Lady Nurse isn't even the approximation of Gonzu. All she does is spit out a couple lines and stand around making "mmmhmmm" faces at everyone. She doesn't even serve Gonzu's role in the story.

That is the HotToys one, it looks good but articulated figures will never look as good as statues, specially if you care about small details like her thigh actually looking thick in the statue version.

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>reduce Alita
Complain to HBO
You look like the Lord of the Rings purists.

Make sure to share with us tomorrow :)

Nice strawman argument you have there. I suggest you respond to yourself and beat that Strawman the fuck up!
They failed to capture the basic essence of grungy, awful despairing scrap city lorded over by uncaring overlords.
Iron City is a nice place where Hugo has a nice bike and nice friends and a nice park to play in and cheap 2lb choco bar vendors. With a few bad eggs that bounty hunters beat up. And where Zalem takes a pretty personal interest in everyone's goings-on. And where the mystery of an amnesiac girl's past is dumped out with zero effort within a half hour (and her mentor even knows it from the start of the movie).

Attached: Alita.jpg (394x508, 33K)

But for being made of plastic, is $251 a reasonable price? Her face looks kind of off too, despite her body looking ok there.

I hate to be the one to break it to you bub but the audience for Alita gives no fucks about the details from the magna that tossed in the trash. Only magna snobs care and they don't make up enough of the audience to care about.

Most hot toys are made of plastic only, save some few exceptions. That is usually the price they go for, it is a high end articulated figure but of course, a good portion of those 250 dollars go to the licensing.

>he can’t
Do you honestly think Alita would be a bigger box office hit if her character was named “Gully” and she was named after a dead cat and had the body of a dead hooker?
You really think you know what audiences wanna see better than Jim “2 billion” Cameron?

But I'm the audience for Alita. I went with 3 friends who had also read the series (through me) and were let down by the changes.
Clearly by the box office numbers, they didn't find a larger audience than sci-fi nerds and manga snobs.
They gained absolutely nothing by losing the dark tone of the original works (and the Anime, to be honest) for this sanitized, bloodless feel-good shit.

Attached: Alita3.jpg (420x612, 28K)

Hmm. I want to get it, but I always have this paranoia of decay when it comes to plastic, especially cheap plastic. I fear 20 years from now any investment I would make into plastic toys or whatever, they'd be all crumbly or something due to age. I don't know how much of my paranoia is justified though. I get there's a innumerable amount of types of plastic, but I just get this fear. I always prefer glass or metal or porcelain if I can for many things.

>Do you honestly think Alita would be a bigger box office hit if her character was named “Gully” and she was named after a dead cat
Oh look, another Strawman! How good you are at this! It must be your special move for winning internet fights!
If you pause at it, we might have a discussion, if you are capable.

Just because you and your buddies went doesn't make you guys the target audience. Mainstream consumers are the target audience. People that just want a fun two hours of whatever gets them pumped. They don't come out of Alita bitching about missed details and loss of its edge in Alita.

Modern "collectibles" will never be worth shit, unless they are so limited edition as to be out of your price range to begin with.
Buying mass-produces "collectibles" for their future value is a terrible idea.

>They don't come out of Alita bitching about missed details and loss of its edge in Alita.
The numbers suggest they didn't go in to begin with. There were exactly the four of us in our 7pm Sunday showing.

It's not about their future economic or monetary value, it's about it simply lasting to time. I value craftsmanship highly, and part of that includes the material.

It never fails to amuse me that you piss on the MCU for appealing to the mainstream, and then they go full-MCU for Battle Angel to appeal to the mainstream, and you celebrate it as the right thing to do; even as the movie tanks.

It's impressive levels of cognitive dissonance.

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Plenty of persons the world round have gone besides and will go besides you autists. Its way more popular is China and Japan too then in the west. Don't forget after its out of theatres there will be the bluray release and streaming release. That is where a big chunk of the audience from the US will be viewing Alita, Just saying Alita is not all about what manga fans like you want. Alita is intended for a much larger audience then that.

I think they are made to last a very long time, probably more than one lifetime.

>the fucking detail on this PRIME1 ALITA
