post your favorite torrent site for movies
Post your favorite torrent site for movies
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nice try fbi
what's torrent?
Thepiratebay. Com
the pirate bay, OP! totally safe!
that wont work here bud
when will they learn?
magnet links! HOW DO THEY WORK?
Use qBittorent and download all of the plugins which search the various torrent sites
No homo.
theres always that guy who says that. op here im aware of the stupid trolling garbage crap the janitor had to do in every torrent site thread to be a jerk. i dont need a new torrent site because there arent any new sites just malware clones of old ones and the piratebay thats pretty much it. just wanted people to talk about torrents in general so id appreciate it if you just posted some yify meme copypaste or vlc media player pasta to make me laugh at least.
I've been waiting for my invite for months now.
>there arent any new sites just malware clones of old ones and the piratebay thats pretty much it
RARBG is fine for me atm, though TPS is home for me, has most movies or music I would ever want.
>private site
pretty sure im right
Suit yourself.
you got that one 133x or whatever it's called . rarbg is nice but how long is that place going to last really it's being hit to hard now. to well known. better off using idm and downloading from streams . fmmovies openload movies .the crap video sites that do work but have a jillion popups everytime you click anywhere on the page
well alot of them do work. i mean they do function as a torrent site . but they arent by the original owners and have more ads then you can shake a stick at
Torrenting seems to be in a really bad place right now. You either have to use shit tier trackers infested with malware ads or waste months trying to get into a private tracker only for it to get shut down soon after.
there needs to be a revolution in the piracy scene. things are to stale right now. it's not booming like it use to be
>that time when a clique on /g/ got banned from PTP for asking two different recruiters for an invite
piratebay hasn't failed me yet
which one is the real pirate bay now?
get a streaming service you poorfags
most of us do, Netflix and Hulu barely have anything good though.
the one that works
tparser was a goldmine but it's gone now. been looking for a replacement for awhile but nothing's really come close.
>kat is littered with malware
>piratebay just doesn't have anything
>yesmovies keeps getting worse and has horrible load times
>putlocker has and always will be the worst when it comes to
worst timeline...
Learn to pay for things kid
I used to be on PTP.
Then I got caught fake-seeding back when my country had shitty internet. 100% my own stupid fault I left it going at a ridiculous speed overnight.
Fast-forward a few years and we have decent speeds, but PTP is so nazi, it's impossible to get another invite
it's a bit fucking bizarre how the police spend so much resources on cracking down on movie piracy when actual criminals walk around scot-free.
They're getting more and more segmented. I already have Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu just for TV and movies. So if I want to watch Doom Patrol I'm not going to sign up for another fucking $75/year service or whatever it costs.
All the torrent sites I used to use are gone, I don't even know where to go anymore.
really good try CIA
rutracker for obscure shit
>All the torrent sites I used to use are gone, I don't even know where to go anymore.
thats what happens when all the focus is on social issues political issues trump etc.
i miss when there were an infinite amount of blogspots with mediafire links to the most obscure music ever
imagine not using Python. embarrassing.
Streaming is becoming so cancerous I'm tempted to start buying DVDs and Blu Rays again.
What sites are those?
theres a billion torrent sites, streaming sites, openload search sites that work.
just use a search engine that isnt called Google who likes to censor information.
The piracy scene itself is fine. You're really just asking for an improvement in the websites that spread scene realises e.g. public trackers/streaming sites. The problem is that running these sites cost a lot of money and the audience they're catering have no intention of spending any so they resort to shady ads. So really you deserve to have this horrible piracy experience if you can't put in the effort to get on a private tracker or spend less than $10 a month for usenet.
Press F to pay your respects to TParser
>blu-ray rips and popular TV shows from DDL sites
>everything else is on pirate Bay
I truly don't know how people manage to fuck up pirating or rely on private trackers, unless they have reallllly obscure shit that you can't find anywhere.
rarbg, rutracker, kinozal
torrenday if I need something new really fast, like a new episode of True detective.
It's true that private trackers are highly overrated but they do typically have better speeds/more seeds than public trackers, especially on older torrents. Also depending on the site you get releases a little earlier than most. My setup is automated so torrents & usenet are preferable to me.
nice try CIA nigger
kat is absolute trash now
barely any torrents, the search function is fucked up, I don't even know if you can sort by dates/seeds