films where the protagonist is physically unappealling
bonus points for not buscemi
Films where the protagonist is physically unappealling
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Its bf is black?
Link pls
Can you imagine cutting a hole in the middle of your abdomen and needing to shove that thing in the wound for 2-4 hours a day for the rest of your life to stop the wound from healing?
That sounds like some kind of fucked up japanese torture method.
Barton Fink.
She's has a ponytail and paint over her overalls.
also checked
You're going to get to have sex with me!!! Aren't you happy???? Why aren't you happy!??!?!?!
>700k retweets 666 replies
>films where the protagonist is physically unappealling
My life.
>Can you imagine
Holy fuck is his real? Every episode just seems to get more ridiculous than the last. Like they just wanted to see how much they could get away with and people STILL accept that it's okay and now they're just trying anything to make normies realize how fucked up the whole thing is.
>implying you’re even the protagonist in your own life
What the fuck is a biggest dialator?
Gérard Dépardieu films
In order to stop the body from doing what it naturally does in healing gaping wounds, the post-op tranny has to rape itself with a dialator until it's body gives up trying to save itself
No, wait. It’s not cool. It’s not cool at all! What the hell?!
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
This episode also featured the mom shopping for lingerie.
When I see this image I see the future of the USA and it's beautiful. I am so happy that we spread our American values world wide. This is why we fight.
When God is finished with the USA, it's gonna make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a birthday candle by comparison.
Of course. The show is FULL LIBERAL.
thank you
So does it hurt dilating your neo-vagina or is it just like pressure?
what will the punishment for the elites be when it is determined all this trans gay shit is caused by pollution of the water systems by pharmaceutical waste and industrial waste?
>moral decay is caused by pharmaceutical waste
were there a lot of industrial manufacturing plants in Sodom and Gomorrah?
How much long does she have before she kills herself?
Imagine being this pathetic and transphobic that you have to go on Yea Forums to pathetically insult a transsexual celebrity by implying that she’s not a she.
This shit is getting fucking crazy. Im still hoping it's just big ass satire and jazz is actually really girl instead of tortured boy.
Also Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History
Thanks for the teratoma, Jazz
kek'd and check'd
Fuck off retard
This video really made me feel bad for Jazz. He doesn't deserve this shit. His mother should be in prison.
Chris Evans is definitely not based
I understand why half of them kill themselves now. It must be a relief for everyone involved (except the surgeons).
Glad to have you onboard, chief.
It's just a paycheck for the surgeons.
what if this show is part of some insane conspiracy by some rogue agent trying to show the masses how fucked up it all is disguised at an attempt at normalization
Only until the funeral director gets paid.
>Now this is a story all about how
>My life got flipped turned upside down
>And I'd like to take a minute, just stand by
>I'll tell you how i started fucking a dickless guy
>In West Philadelphia born and raised
>On the playground is where I spent most of my days
>Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
>Shooting some b-ball outside of the school
>When a couple of jews who were up to no good
>Started waving money in my neighborhood
>I got cornered by two who rubbed their hands together and said
>"the Goyim know so keep it undercover"
>"Ahmir we gotta push degeneracy so this tranny needs a black lover"
Why do you think it's on a huge caldera?
Not only unattractive, but dumpy and depressing.
Ughhhh..yeaaahhh.....ummmmmm user....i dont know to trll you this but ughhh... thats gonna be a BASED from me...check em
also why is it that the tranny's BF is always a closest faggot?
i’d fill myself with delicious stovetop stuffing
There’s nothing more satisfying than chopping a little boys pecker off and telling them I will make them into a girl, except maybe stitching a ridiculous looking fake pecker onto some dumb lesbian using her own skin sheets. It’s not even about the money any more, although I make plenty of it. It’s more about my utter disdain for the human race. Thanks TLC, for helping my industry flourish. I know you despise the human race as much as I do.
Quints wasted on this fucking show.
fucking lmao
Apparently you’ve never been balls deep into a transitioned neovagina, back where it’s too difficult to keep it sanitary and where the teratoma peeps out from
the darkness. Face it, user, you haven’t really lived.
Checkin with tranny fists
Neovagina dentata!
He's the antihero at best
pls splain 2 me i am not cool enuff to get it
I can't handle this anymore
How long until they force the nigger to go trans too?
>only 2-4 hours
You wish bro
I don’t have to explain shit, you little faggot. Now hand me that sorry excuse of a pecker so I can slice it down the middle and call you a pretty princess.
Toxic Avenger
Elephant Man
That shit was fucking gross, I never thought I'd feel sorry for a nigger but that poor boy needs Dr. Phil before he make a terrible mistake.
based, I'd put custard in mine and make the nigger eat it out, and do slave roleplay
I wish ChrisChan had his own TLC show
this just goes to show (along with that wheelchair bound gimp with the hot gf) that you can literally always have several suitors as long as you are decently famous, people chase fame to the point that they will do the weirdest hookups
Oh god the spongey part weirds me out so fucking hard i am having a physical reaction
the smell of the fake pussy and custard in the air would make me vomit
this would make a great movie
I'm so sorry user, but it's metastasized into quints
I would become a professional drug mule or super spy
It's fucking barbaric. I'd rather let a pre-op tranny cum down my throat than go anywhere near the necrotic open wound that post-ops have.
Lol the trans got mad
What's dilation?
What's teratoma
Teratoma is when a wound is so severe and infected that the body has no fucking clue what tissue to replicate in order to heal it, so you can end up with a veritable jambalaya dish of teeth, eye tissue, brain matter, and other fun surprises.
never watched this show. Everything I know about it is from this general that I skim over occasionally because of how fucked up this whole thing is.
I keep seeing tertoma coming up recently.
Did this dude actually get one after his surgery
dilation is when m y cock goes inside your asshole lmoa
based intellectual virgin
Imagine typing this with a straight face
Jesus christ...
>A teratoma is a tumor...
So you don't know what you're talking about
What's that black dudes deal?
/jazz/ predicted all the complications from the surgery. I wouldnt be surprised at a teratoma but would the show disclose that?
They will do anything to fuck a (((white))) """girl"""
>crushing the frantic penguins
Is it really for life ?
vaginas are never beautiful
this is why every famous artist loves the aesthetic penis
Any film your waifu starred in.
How can an operation like this possibly be safe? How do they stop the body from trying to heal itself? Do they really have to stick that thing in the wound every single day? I don't understand the science behind this. I just imagine the body would treat this like any other open wound and try to close it up.
>How do they stop the body from trying to heal itself?
They can't, that's why dilation is lifetime, because the wound never stops trying to heal.
Dilation means reopening the wound.
I don't think a teratoma forms from only wounds.
A few years ago, one of my old middle school friends became trans - I knew they were trans because I saw some of my Facebook friends liking their photos and what not. I actually bumped into them a few weeks ago and we sat down to talk at a quaint little cafe. A few minutes into our chit chat, I was informed that they had gotten the surgery. I brought up these Jazz Generals as a reference for how most people view the surgery and the life that follows it. I asked if the surgery increased happiness or was worth doing. They said "Imagine waking up every morning in a pile of goo the color of honey mustard, but with the consistency and texture of molasses, knowing your own feces are leaking out of a wound that will never stop hurting". Even though that statement revealed the obvious, I asked if it was worth doing or increased their happiness levels at all and they just shook their head in defeat. In case you're reading this now, Hello Aileen.
Jesus that sounds pretty dangerous. I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of these people end up getting horrible infections.
The ultimate irony would be her getting knocked up by some welfare black, not the ending the mom wanted I bet
Everytime i see this nig he's looking at the floor or just in the opposite direction of where jaron is. Last pic jaron uploaded on insta nigger was also looking away. Hehe, faggot wrote in that post "ahmir wasn't in the mood for a picture, but i look pretty in it". He deleted like an hour later
I think I won
can someone explain to me what is dialation and without trolling pls ...
That's the thing, everything you worry about actually happens.
They get infected all the time, it hurts like hell, and since their "vagina" is mostly the skin around their dick, which produces hair, every once in a while they need to dig out a hairball produced from those hairs, because otherwise it'll get infected even more.
It's a man's body, it's simply not meant for that.
>thoughts that never seem to cross a tranny’s mind
Redpill me on jazz's mom
dildo goes in vagene hours every day for life so body does not seal the vagene shut. like an earing. must wear earing or body will seal hole. the body views the fake vageme as wound so try heal. must dilate vajen to stop body proces
They kill themselves before that.
Damn, that's fucked up if this story's real. I just feel bad for these people. I can understand them dressing and talking like the opposite sex, but taking it to the extreme of removing your genitals and inhibiting important hormones in your body is just hard to wrap my mind around. The worst part is that it's considered socially wrong if you disagree with people getting these operations. It's all fucked.
More and more this shit just sounds like another excuse to blaspheme god
They should make a law that trannies can’t buy guns.
Maybe you’re just ugly?
fake and gay
based morally outraged centrist
Those are a literal monsters
why? trannies aren't killing other people, just themselves. Nothing wrong with punching your own time card. Especially after fucking yourself up beyond repair.
Sounds like something the (((soviets))) would do
Fuck, there has to be a better solution than this. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone where it's socially acceptable to turn your dick inside out and pump your body full of hormones that your body isn't designed to regulate in such high amounts. The next 20 years will be interesting. These people are basically guinea pigs.
Who is the protag of I Am Jazz, if not Jazz?
Observe her “son”. Then observe her nose. Now consider the fact that they’re both on tv. Now, do a simple analysis of your findings.
Fucking checked.
>there has to be a better solution than this
Probably supplying testosterone for the ones who claim to suffer gender dysphoria, but since the medical industry is a goddamn mafia, they pushed for this surgery to be a thing since they can make a fuckload more money from it.
Someone post that tranny vagina that was posted in the general a while ago, literally looked better than most actual vaginas
>like an earring.
Stealing this analogy.
You disagree? I can understand why someone does something and not agree with it at the same time. I'm just saying that dressing like the opposite sex is way more tame than getting your dick turned inside out. Doesn't mean they aren't still mentally fucked regardless.
trannies should see pics of Hope Solo's beef roast and understand their neo vaginas will never even look that good
Analysis completed.
children of satan
Yes, it's for life, but after the first months the frequency of dilations significantly lowers.
Once it's set, you only have to do it like once in a week for half an hour.
I wonder if a study has been done on the testosterone and androgen levels of people who "have" gender dysphoria before they start taking any hormone shots.
Fucking gold.
The white men of this board must do something otherwise satan will take over. Start a shooting or something, you are Jesus (Trump) only hope.
Outrageous sodium content.
Get on the healthy train w/ me user.
simply don't do it, I know a bunch of ftm trannies and they all never did the genital butcher surgery
>Dilation means reopening the wound
no, it just prevents to body to slowly reoccupy the space inside the pseudo-vagina
You are an utter faggot.
>knocked up
nigga are you retarded
No, a teratoma is a special kind of tumor, you braindead retard.
What if Jazz decides to become a man later in life, and gets one of those overgrown vienna sausages for a cock? Is there a name for a trans trans person? Sexual unassignment surgery?
>not shooting trannies on sight
Coward. So many whites died so you could protect Jesus. Think of the crusades. Deus Vult.
It's gender reconfirmation surgery you bigot
the only thing missing from these generals is neoposter
He wants to be famous
It would be one of the best comedy shows ever.
this guy had some flicks
easy now, glowfriend
holy fuck
You and Jazz don’t have the balls to post THAT image.
/I AM BLACKED/ general.
>tfw parents mutilated my dick when I was 6 hours old because the jewish doctor needed my foreskins for his stem cell ritual
I feel like if I was born now they wouldn't hesitate to put my on hormone therapy because some jewish doctor told them I was the wrong gender.
That's a dude??
The fate of all wh*te males. When trained to submit to BBC subliminally they naturally become feminine and then are open to estrogen and eventually surgery
is the bf getting paid to do this?
atleast condoms stay on your dick, my foreskin fucks with how they sit
yes, and it shows from certain angles
You look at “Jazz” and tell me it’s a real girl, you just can’t
Fuck i almost forgot today he'll release the first of the remastered versions of his videos to mark chris birthday
Why does Jazz always cover up with a blanket? Does he always smell like neosporin or something? Do any trannies lurking ITT smell like rotten meat? I bet you do.
he's going to be president someday
That's sort of funny and sad at the same time.
At the moment, transgender therapy as a whole - not just the surgery, I mean the entire treatment method surrounding body dysphoria - is similar to lobotomies. It's attempting to treat a poorly understood MENTAL condition with PHYSICAL means, causing permanent changes (with hormones) and irreversible harm (with surgery) to the patient that they're meant to be healing.
Dumping a kid full of puberty blockers, hormones, then performing a penis inversion because they feel uncomfortable in their body is the equivalent of sticking an ice pick into someone's frontal lobes because they're hearing voices in their head. Even if it works, there's still lingering side effects and society as a whole will never really accept them.
The thing that makes me really mad is the fact that psychologists and medical professionals are pushing most of these patients into this particular treatment with its 40% suicide rate, because the shit that actually works - seeing a proper (non transgender) therapist, prescribed anti-psychotics, etc - is frowned upon by society.
What ever happened to the Hippocratic Oath, let alone common sense?
If you’re gonna post this in every thread just do it at the start, stop mass replying you cuck
I usually pop in these threads just to see what fresh hell is happening.
I love the slow shift from Lynchian horror/humor to straight Cronenbergian shit.
Ironically enough Perlman is far from the most grotesque person in this film but is quite enjoyable in spite of the majority of the cast being a horrific goblin.
Based black man
Aren't there already laws restricting the mentally ill from owning guns?
I wonder what kind of "surgery center" those 40 jews established
The problem is that trannies don't think they have a mental illness, and are lobbying to try and make their delusions a reality.
Trees Lounge
Rest in piece Jarron Bloshinky's genital area. You were not meant for this world.
Just found another one shilling for lowering the hormone treatment age.
>The next 20 years will be interesting.
We'll either perfect transitioning so that the individual is indistinguishable from their preferred gender by anything less than a DNA test, or society will have collapsed.
*3 times a week for up to two hours
>the symbol for a shekel is literally two hands rubbing together
I thought a teratoma could only be caused by fuck ups with stem cell surgery
Thank god im not a doctor
We already know, it was done 75 years ago and they haven’t stopped whining since.
>newfag discovers ancient findings