local storage music vs streaming music?
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Streaming is too convenient not to do.
Definitely streaming for music, but local storage for all other forms of media
For music you've already listened to and like and just want to relisten to, physical/local music is always the way to go. But if you even sort of like listening to new albums and discovering new music, streaming is TOO convenient to argue against unless you're arguing under some gay elitist hipster mindset.
For music I really REALLY like, storage in the highest quality possible, for anything else streaming.
FLAC/AAC for the stuff I like, youtube for the disposable shit. Spotify is for subhumans.
I literally never ever stream music
Spotify is best for music discovery. Their auto generated mixes are really good.
I was a local storage man until my computer died and I took the streamingpill
now I use spotify and download whatever I want that isn't on spotify. it was fun to root around on blogs and build a library but at this point I've already done that a lot and Spotify has more than what I could easily store. Plus I have honestly found some good shit from their algorithm.
>for the disposable shit
bro why do you listen to music you think sucks lmao
at my computer, it's always local storage. however, i can't really upload my music to my phone anymore, so i've had to get into streaming for the first time.
the system i'm working with is, i'll check stuff out on bandcamp/spotify/wherever and if i like it, i'll dl it to my local storage, that way i get to keep it (and it also helps me keep track of what i've listened to, it's nice to sometimes browse my library and see an album i haven't heard in ages).
if you're a small artist or somebody local, i'll buy your shit on bandcamp. if i suspect you have a million dollars or it's an album that came out more than 10 years ago, i'll just soulseek it.