I keep seeing articles pop up in my news feed saying that The Umbrella Academy is not too good

I keep seeing articles pop up in my news feed saying that The Umbrella Academy is not too good.

Thus, am I correct to assume it is actually kino and I should watch it immediately?

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It's fucking great

I'm halfway through. Been great so far.

I just finished, thought it was fantastic. I think some people are upset that it's not as wacky and zany as the poster make it look, for whatever reason.

It’s cape kino besides pages wooden acting

Is Reginald an alien? I don't understand

Is it me, or is Number One the catalyst for everything that goes wrong in the entire series?

It's like the guy can't take one step without fucking up.

The posters make it look like shit but it's actually decent. basically it's just gerard way's league of extraordinary gentlemen.
also the actor who plays hazel also played ed kemper in the netflix mindhunter series, he's fucking good

Basically, yeah. Him and klaus tossing the book in the trash

Why is Pogo so based?

>tfw no Mom mom

>super power is super strength
>can't be an overweight doughnut muncher 1v1

what did they mean by this?

Halfway through it now, it's pretty good, can't wait to get home from work tommorow and finish it

I went in expecting to fucking hate Klaus but he's alright after a while
>tfw we only get to see based Ben in ghost form

He's super strong, not super fast or invulnerable. Hazel is a big guy for you but he's also one of the Commissions top assassins.

the adaption downplays a lot of their powers desu, comic luther is a fucking hulk

I want to have sex with Allison and I don't care who knows it, she's real nice looking

It's horrible and only "looks" good until the cg shows up. All characters are shit. Pacing is shit. Dialogue is shit. Ellen Page is in it which should be a giant red flag. It's so bad I laughed at how stupid it is with the obvious twists that were seen from miles away. It's not even CW tier in enjoyment on any level it's just drab bullshit full of self inflicted drama and stupid characters that I couldn't stand.

It's a waste of time to actually watch I skimmed though the majority of it while laughing and rolling my eyes at how stupid and predictable it was.


I can't decide if the Handler is hot or not

Damn this guy's mad lol.

I tried to hate it because of its retarded dance sequences and ultimately meaningless story, but it's undeniably slick and entertaining as fuck. I don't know how someone can hate it unless they are one of those semen slurping 1950 fetishist "madmen is GOAT" fags. And this is coming from someone who enjoyed Mad Men.

Paternal affability and is probably the most ethically respectable character in the whole show.

In the comic he is, and I believe the one sequence where hes leaving his dying wife takes place on another planet. So yeah, probably.

well she was on zoloft or something

Kate Walsh is fucking unbearable

the time traveling assassins have super powers too.

calm down user, it's actually not as bad as you make it seem

Much much better than anticipated. I'd still argue the comic captures the one better, but completely exceeded my expectations. The cast was actually enjoyable (Ellen Page was a resentful bitch but found it appropriate) and the kid who played Number 5 is going place.

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I thought that was a bit off but hey, whatever. They both got good hits in

I was skeptical when I saw him first cause kid actors are usually meh, but that kid definitely has a future. Hope he doesn't fuck it up.
>that scene where Klaus slaps the fuck out of him in the office.
Klaus and 5 were fucking great.

Holy shit i didnt know that was the same guy
I actually thought he did a shitty job in this tho

I thought all the fight scenes were pretty well done, with the exception of the annoying music they blared during each one.

You are one serious reddit cocksucker. It a disjointed clusterfuck of terrible ideas.

Because of the respect he carries.

He kind of grew on me
I liked the restrained use of Ben it paid off in the finale

If you liked Klaus, the actor plays a similar character in a couple of seasons of Misfits.
My uni flatmate met the actor in a bar. She said he was just like his character in Misfit. Fun to watch, annoying to be around.

>i didnt really watch it

How and when does Luther fucks things up?
Only big thing I can think of is at the end where he locks Vanya in her chamber.

He was one of the reason why I watched this. I loved him in Misfits.
Reminds me of me in an unironic way.
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour ;)

>that ugly nigger completely butchering the fuck out of "Stay With Me"
Christ that was fucking disgusting

what are you talking about?

The ugly nig who plays hazel. She does a cover of the faces's song for the soundtrack and it's fucking awful because she's a worthless piece of shit

They do? From watching the show I couldn't tell. They are just mask wearing gun users.

Is he as flamboyant IRL are he looks?

...Mary J Blige?

>have no idea what the fuck "Stay With Me" is
>it's a fucking Sam Smith song
white people are fucking insane

From what I remember her telling me, yes. Arrogant as all hell, but this was like 8 years ago.

>it's a fucking Sam Smith song
No it isn't you fucking moron

What's with the piece of shit sy-fy tier CGI? Was all the budget wasted on hiring Page?

She played Cha Cha you fucknut

how do people not know who mary j blige is tho
also the two of them had previously pefromed this song live 2gether so...

Umbrella Academy > Coon Patrol

you want her to act chipper with the shit her character was put through? She played a good femcel

googling just "Stay With Me" bring up PAGES of Sam Smith and only Sam Smith

No that was Diego. From the monocle to their mother. He was a fucking retard.

I'm sick of correcting you


>how do people not know who mary j blige is tho
because the 90s was 50 years ago, grandpa

>Klaus and 5 were fucking great.
Fucking damn right

that's not even the song that was covered, it even has different lyrics

this is the original song

and wow, it's sung by, a nigger

holy shit absolutely and utterly BTFO

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Here you go you fucking morons, now gag on my big fucking cock, I'm done talking with actual literal retards

Were you a faggot in school who actually listened to emo music?
Then you'll love it but the problem is you'll still be an emo faggot.

it's LITERALLY in the article that its covered by Mary J Blige in the Lorraine Ellison version

Just learn to admit your mistakes

How did that chimptard live on the moon? Why are there no episodes about it?

>one song is released in the 1960s while the other is released in the 1970s
>the wikipedia article itself says its covered by multiple artists including Mary J Blige
>user spergs out for no reason

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If you actually had a brain you'd watch that video and listen to the soundtrack which is the Faces song. But you're not gonna do that are you chief? That might expose you for the subhuman fat retard you are

Soulless version of a pretty decent comic.

well super strength. in the comics they show that the boy has augmentations too.

It's pretty good but I can't help but feel that this is awfully similar to Dark Phoenix Saga.

>show implies the Jews are behind every tragedy in the world

Absolute redpilled and based Kino boys.

>be a faggot ass druggie
>goes back in time
>joins the marines