Fuck ProtoGen edition.
/Expanse/ General
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I would fill her rumpus with goof juice if you see what I'm getting at
same face my wife makes when she's getting it in the ass from her boyfriend
Deep down you know They were right
Earth must come first.
i know
oh ok hey, "hey there hoss"
All he accomplished was to become space trash
How could they just nuke their moon
Season 3 suffered from the apparent desire of the producers to shoe horn in more stronk female characters. The expanded role for the belter captain was fine. But the preacher and girl upset with daddy dragged down every scene they were in.
Its material adapted from the books, how are they shoe horned in?
whose face is that she has a fun face
they're both in the books and neither of them were shoe horned in. anna was introduced early in the season and they changed her character background a bit. she was worse in the books anyway, total bore
Season 3 was absolute sci-fi kino. Tight, focused story telling.
Why did she do it?
When is s4?
Just a little justice.
Oiyeh Boss mang.
End of 2019 they say.
Later this year, Q3 probably 4-5 months in post
postin in an amazon shill thread
reminder that all the mutts + nonwhites are larping as white people in this show and space racism is the reality of the future
I wish the blonde survived instead of the mutt
i wonder which ivan is trying to derail this thread?
The gook looking one
>Not enough white people in my sci fi fucking mutts ruin everything
Expanse is so good that it transcends the diversity shit, at least for me.
further cements my opinion that CC is fags
>actually liking smoky mclung cancer
I could put up with the show being fully poz'd but all the shitskins are terrible actors too.
>he doesn't like strong persian grandma
shit taste
reminder that she used to be a top tier qt
also she's about as persian as spics are spanish
10/10 as far as arabs go
I wish Mars wasn't so Mutty. For the degenerate UN-led Earth and Belters it makes sense.
Mars should be like the Helghast though
worst part is bobby desu, really shows fiction meeting reality. She's supposed to be some hulking wammen and we get a chubby fupa with fetal alcoholism
Based race realism perspective, take that hijack shit back to
I agree.
She's a big girl
she's 5ft11
Strangely I like Bobby. I guess Polynesians just don't yell "forced diversity" to me.
I also didn't like that one ginger martian with the pony tail. That shit isn't professional
She grew on me.
Thats a giant among actors
No one likes gingers