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Other urls found in this thread:

>hates movies
>spends all their time saying dumb shit that they don't even really mean and spouting memes
Why does Yea Forums hate these guys again? They are based as fuck

The newest wheel of the worst was so fucking bad.

>it's a beardfat episode

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>its a josh episode
aaaaaand dropped

why is he so fucking bad

>interrupts everyone laughing at david carradine yelling ''IM GONNA GET DRUNK'' to force his own funny joke in
>tries his best to interrupt the eruption of laughter and joy during the ending of Blood debts just to point out fucking mark's wife name in the credits
anything else?

1st Disney Star Wars
>I loved it. It was everything I hoped it would be.

Every Disney Star Wars thereafter

They're hacks.


>it's a jack episode

Attached: Jack.jpg (231x262, 17K)

The episode itself was average, but the Rem Lezar movie was a great find. I'm surprised I hadn't heard of it.

Well it's a Josh episode.

They did the best they could.

I'd take a Jack episode over a Josh episode any day.

Attached: excited AIDS Moby sips a soybucks.jpg (219x322, 18K)

He also tried to ruin the genius that was juicy shaq meat.

they occasionally take PR money that is conditional on having one of them say a specific sentence like "I loved it" (Mike for TFA, Rich for Solo). but it's irrelevant because their reviews have inherant entertainment value.

How can DCucks ever recover?

Well in the last episode he seemed to have gotten pretty butthurt over the whole satanists video, especially the part where they brought up homos

After years of watching, I finally just became a patron.

I told colin from Canada that he was next after AIDSmoby and that time is entropy and he said oh dear

Attached: 56. Beardwithnomustache Bauman.jpg (3081x2420, 1.78M)

I know the homo agenda and satanist agenda overlap but I don't know the name of it, there is some gay movement manifesto where they mention they will make your children gay and fuck them but I don't think it's related

I also was pretty baffled that they all considered the video to be potentially fake just because Josh was triggered by everything in it.

Jack is like a sweet fun uncle.
Josh is like a neet nephew.

jack is based though

Josh is literally the guy at the dinner table that interrupts everyone to add his take on the conversation he rehearsed in his mind prior and ends up always making everyone awkward.

The only reason it wasn't the case with this episode and they rambled on and on is because Rich is a fedora so they wouldn't shut up, I don't think Mike and Jay even did or say anything relevant in the video.

Why did he shill for TFA?

Jay seemed to be more offended by it. Weird how the faggots that suck his dick love him, but hate Josh even though Jay is more of a faggot at this point

he wanted to prematurely confirm his Plinkett reviews right by judging it under a checklist

I dislike Josh AND Jack though. The kino lineup is Mike, Rich, Jay, and a guest.
Here is evidence of Josh trying to ruin comedy perfection.

Jay was open for discussion, Josh was the one that was screaming out of the top of his lungs and calling it offensive and that it was meant to be destroyed

why do you always post this in every rlm thread

Jay seemed to be in the grey area of getting offended and playing it off. Luckily the video didnt mention anything about rape...

What's your fav Wheel of the Worst episode or bit?
Surviving edged weapons one is the best, if not the best.

the satanists do anal rape maybe then Jay would've been on board with Josh and Rich

I wonder how Mike fell into the group, he seems like an outlier. With Rich I can understand, they both like nerd shit/Star Trek. But everyone is a fedora tipper/close gay.

>it's a Rich talks about some fucking video game during a movie review episode

it was originally only Mike and Rich, as in they were both childhood friends. Then they met Jay and other nobodies trying to get into film, 2008 crisis happens, indie filmmaking dies and they stuck around thinking it's better than if they gave up to work on a toll booth, which going from what happened to say, Garrett Gilchrist, was the optimal choice, for better of for worse.

Why is Mike so effeminate?

Attached: Mike effeminate.png (573x898, 490K)

Why would a guy from Milwaukee wear a shirt with Michigan on it?

>the most popular entertainment medium of our time
>why is he talking about those


wait, they're not the same thing?

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Low Blow was phenomenal.

The little girl from Rem Lezar died in 2017

I still want to know how deep the Rem Lezar hole goes.

>he didn't enjoy Rich predicting the 9/11 plotline

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Oh wait nvm that wasn't the Wheel.

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