Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
lana rhodes or any whore on legal porno
colostomy bags are 100% reversible
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
how do I ask my doctor if I have crohn
Pornography needs to be curbed. We should have healthy expressions of eroticism in art expressed in our culture
Surprised no one posted ur mom xd yet
I got a hard time imagining what she did to ruin her intestines to the point of having her wear a colostomy bag
>Daily Shitter, m8
I want British cunts to leave right now. Outlaw British and Australian IPs today.
That sounds about right. Sluttyness of a British girl, arrogance and entitlement-complex of an American girl, stupidity of a Canadian girl, all mixed into one. I don't why people rate Australian girls, they are down-right awful once you get past the funny accent.
Rough anal sex
There was a girl I went to school with who told my friends brother to "fuck her in the ass as hard as he could". She ended up in the hospital in the wee hours of the morning bleeding heavily. I still wonder if she can shit properly without screaming in pain.
How do pornstars do it then?.
I imagine they are not fucking dead after those gangbang scenes.
Imagine the smell.
There is only one correct answer to this question.
>tfw you remember she was a mother and her kid died
Yikes. Looks like an ugly tranny.
Get fucked cunt
Australians are so cringeworthy.
jesus fuck humanity
Idris Elba
has anyone actually figured out what it is that supposedly destroyed her anus. i've seen porn chicks do the craziest shit and their asshole looks normal after, wtf did this roast do??
I've known 3 chicks with colostomy bags who all WISH they could have anal so I guess life evens out
Double penetrated by Chad and Tyrone
maybe someone stuffed a bottle up, shoved it around, mangled her rectum beyond repair
Based colostomy bag poster
probably just a lazy surgeon who tacked her rectum instead of doing actual repairs.
you'd be surprised how poor clinical outcomes are linked more to certain providers than the actual prognosis of what the fuck is wrong with you.
That girl probably didn't lube up.
still waiting for Dating Daddy part 2
isn't there an operation for this?
I bet it was a Poo In Loo doctor. How ironic would that be.
This is the "group anal" girl.
>has anyone actually figured out what it is that supposedly destroyed her anus.
group anal sex
Could have also been an infection, maybe even nosocomial.
doctor i think i have crohns disease
Are you serious? Who is she
Yeah I bet you got a hard time ;^)
God I wish I was a cute 4"9 girl
feels good man
they wear a buttplug for up to 10 hours before the shoot in preparation. dont anyone say this women dont suffer for their art. this one probably just went for it with no stretching or breathing exercises
still doesn't answer the question. did they go in dry?
This is why I can never wank to her
Piper Perri
Her boyfriend took her two year old son, put him in a sack and threw it down some stairs while she was across town shooting a scene
Fuck up cunt
>Bleming online porn for this
Sure, it might have been a factor, but the real cause for blame is bad parenting and a degenerate reprobate society that has abandoned Christ and chose to walk after their own lusts.
>women can't be method act-
She wont d(eb)ate you Ben
lmao and you are only here to do research for your gospel
They do legit anal training. They slowly stretch out their holes over the course of days. Then once they're stretched they stay like that.
oh man I thought you meant she miscarried or something.
at least he never had to learn his mother was a porn star.
fake, i have bbc gangbangs every month or so and i'm fine
>mfw she's only 23 now and this was a few years ago
what a waste of life
work their way up from one dick to several
Why are Canadian actresses so lewd?
What the fuck. Goddamn. Thank you for posting this user
I always feel disgusted seeing any sort of pregnancy porn. Like those 8 month preggers sluts getting fuck on camera is just...so off putting
That kid would seriously have a fucked state of mind if he learnt his mom get gangbanged on the reg for money, on camera no less.
For me it's Sheena Shaw
jessie roggers
Anal is something you actually need to prepare for if you want to do it right. If you go for anal spontaneously in the heat of the moment you're gonna have a bad time.
shes from North Dakota dingus
Are you saying she shit herself, user?
all of what the anons said, plus copious amounts of drugs.
poppers, ex, coke, heroin. loosen's the hoes holes right up, plus they can imagine they're not getting fucked in the ass for money for a little while
Yep. Anal sex inevitably leads to shitting yourself if you do it enough.
was it a nigger?
Her anus is... so beautiful. And the fact that she's only 1.57m makes me dream.
A girl I went to college with was forced to wear a colostomy bag after she was roofied and anally raped. If the sphincter in the anus tears badly enough you have no control over your bowel movements.
Elsa's daughter seems fine
this wasn't a white dude, was is?
oh no
Thank you. As someone with a scat fetish, this is a great mental image.
Didn't she get HIV?
>that nose
>forced to use colostomy bag for the rest of her life after sex
These punishments these sharia courts keep handing out are getting really weird.
What a shitty situation for her.
Fucking disgusting.
first they cut off arms, now they cut off anus
Oh, dear.
she apparently had that kid before she got into porn, I don't know if that's better or worse.
As others have said, simply getting used to it is one thing, but the biggest thing by far - and this is coming from a man who has actually stuck things up his ass - is being relaxed. You have taken shits thicker than most men's dicks, you can handle the stretching already, you just have to be comfortable and relaxed, ready to take it the other way.
So Yea Forums.how would you have prevented your 16 year old from doing this?
Legal porno is some drugged up, soulless shit were they must really be damaging their bodies. Ria Sunn is so pretty but gets cummed on by 60 guys in one scene