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>based niggers don't exis-


>you can western union me cause I don't have my papers
unironically support shilling these based black men

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Nah, fuck niggers. White nationalism and ethnostate means white only.

A niggers thee
are a niggers three
but god be a nigger based see

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Do you know he turned up to the police station still wearing the noose around his neck? If someone put a noose around your neck are you going to walk to the station when it's still on?

That is what those things mean, but fortunately that's a fantasy of yours

>just a fantasy

Keep thinking that, mudskin

keep living in niggerland usa
you will die in a country with even more niggers and spics in it that now lmao

>the most well armed populace and military veteran dense group in the country will just go down quietly

Lel keep thinking that mudrace

damn, that was more based than I was expecting

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lol delusional 56%
You town is less white than it was 5 years ago kek

u r a cat

From the beginning the police had raised eyebrows, you'd think an actor would know how to pull at least an effective appearance.

Why do you get to spam your video on this board? That is some bullshit.

We will see.


Nice accent game too.

Good thing you'll be safe in your room, huh


Haha considering what a piece of shit Empire was, maybe he just wasn’t in touch with reality.

contrary to what faggots on Yea Forums think, lots of black people are bros

t. cuckold

baste 4 really

actually pretty funny

We will. 3 years, and the government is filled with more shitskins than ever, and so is the country.

He probably thought it would sell it better since he had no injuries to his neck. Which is really strange for a lynching.

Yeah he said he kept it on to show proof.

My fucking sides.


Those arent niggers, those are black people

learn the difference it could save your life