Great sea urchin ceviche
Great sea urchin ceviche
Hmm looks delicious
El Stabbo Americano...
they don't serve this at my local cinema anymore
nah i can't do i have a reservation at dorsia
>Basically 2 bites of rice
>$300 + tip
I hate food culture
What are you, poor?
Jazz Jennings thread? Don't mind if I do.
sea urchins shouldn't be that expensive
here's your vomit pile
Rich anons, does this shit even taste good?
food is the best thing to waste money on.
prove me wrong.
this is for sex
>food culture
more like elite culture, high end restaurants have small portion sizes because its about the execution and novel experience than getting full.
not rich but ive had "fancy" food before and its shit house
I laffed even though I shouldn't have.
Not sure about OP thing, but sea urchin is awesome. It's sorta like the the creamy tastiness of butter without the fat, kinda like rich egg yolk.
I've had it in pasta, sorta substituting for sauce, and was pretty awesome with some cherry tomatoes and bit of shrimp.
Thing is ceviche uses acid to cook the shrimp or seafood, so it would probably overpower the other flavors like what look to be the roe/fish-eggs plus the sea urchin, so it's like someone just tossed together some expensive ingredients just for the sake of being pompous.
Sea urchin gonads do, not sure about that dish though.
I much prefer chili and sea bass.
not really
I've tried escargot, caviar, and sea urchin and none of it has impressed me.
I get the feeling it's more the cost and rarity and preparation of such foods.
Maybe it's just my tastes but nothing beats a nice cut of tender beef, cooked rare or medium rare.
The only exception is truffles. That shit tastes like fucking heaven.
its kinda wierd ripping open an animal and eating its innards; shit, asshole and all
>he doesn't eat the needles
I'm not rich and I've had sea urchin. I had it in Japan. It was mushy texture that tasted of the sea, if you know what I mean. It wasn't bad. I didn't even know what it was until after. I was just eating courses as they were served to me. It wasn't the best one of that meal.
>escargot, caviar, and sea urchin
none of those are really rare or exotic foods, caviar is only expensive but hardly exotic