He's a terrible person and so obviously full of shit. Why do people who watch the Sopranos often end up rooting for him?
How can anybody sympathize with Tony?
Other urls found in this thread:
He liked animals
He ate lots of Gabagool
Small hands, that was his problem.
He's the protagonist, without him there's no show faggot.
Same reason people root for tony montana or henry hill, people are inherently evil. Society keeps people on the straight and narrow and crime movies allow people to act out their antisocial fantasies.
Because the real Sopranos were the friends we made along the way
Even though Tony is obviously full of shit, as you have said, he at least demonstrates some ability and talent for his work. He can be clever, merciful, decisive, violent when need be, and he can be kind too occasionally. Why wouldn't you at least sympathize with him a little bit? People like Tony (mob bosses, etc.) were once children, they once had mothers they loved or fathers they admired, once wanted to be good at something, and they had to grow up and get tough or get fucked. I respect Tony for trying to succeed in the world he was born into.
Tony didn't really become completely self-serving until S6
Real main character coming through
>they had to grow up and get tough or get fucked
this rationalization is explicitly rejected by the show, though, even if it's what Tony believes.
because everyone around him was a piece of shit too.
This is very absurd and dim witted question. You wouldnt say that about deniro as travis bickle in taxi driver?
Would you?
You probably would cause Your a finnook
No one sympathizes with him, you just enjoy watching his character, dipshit.
>No one sympathizes with him
Kill yourself 90s born queer
I seriously think of Weinstein every time I see this pic
Why have you forsaken us 90's folk?
Did someone fuck your girl in the 90's or something?
He is right though, might be a cocksucker but user is right, stop taking it up the ass ya faakin queeer
the only sympathetic thing about him is how he was raised by a deranged woman that permanently fucked him up. i can't think of much else that is actually sympathetic about him
You blow your dad with that mouth?
Because he's charismatic, smart and would have been capable of doing better things had his upbringing been different
>No one sympathizes with him
alas user, they did
You missed alot of the points, then.
I dont have time to spoon feed toddlers either
mommy issues
90s born queers were a mistake. There's a disconnect between them and every previous generation, it's like shared history ended with them. Feminised, indoctrinated human garbage obsessed with made up genders and fake outrage, proud of their ignorance. Balding, fat already, a decade before their time, they are a disgrace.
90s born queer here, can confirm
No one does. The fat fuck got what he deserved. Except for the cringe few who worship him
tony montana was literally a criminal with a good heart you retard lmfao why is he in your list. he didn't kill anyone innocent
I rooted for Ralphie
>think Tony is a complete piece of shit
>don't enjoy the sopranos
>think Don is a complete piece of shit
>enjoy mad men
I don't rightly get it but it's how I feel.
he killed innocent civilians by illegally selling them cocaine.
>No one does.
>Except for the cringe few who worship him
Why are zoomers so fucking stupid?
i dont know desu
at first i felt kind of sympathetic bc he seemed to struggle with a lot of weighty decisions and honestly do his best
but then i quickly hated him so much i had to stop watching
i dont understand how people can 'hate' characters or very much dislike them, on a emotional level and still contiue to enjoy the show
i keep going back on forth as to whether this is me being a brainlet or most people being actually okay with self serving asshole characters bc they live like that
Fuck off back to redd it nigger loving cock sucker