What is he going to do next?

What is he going to do next?

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Turn into his fa

Already Dunn.

>Whatever the *sneed* I want.

>be a piece of shit your whole life
>start paying for it
>poor guy

>What is he going to do next?
an hero.

Triple bypass. Just you wait.

Preform my cameo I just paid $55 for calling Yea Forums a bunch of cucks

I appreciate this


sky rocker

washed up faggot. anyone following his crazy on instagram? He's ranting about Novak unfriending him and blaming his mother for letting him do nothing but drink for a few years.

Im hoping for an hero

Die of diabetes.

i know the cum boys are trying to get him to come on cum town

What makes him a piece of shit?

Honestly this. To my knowledge the rest of the Jackass crew knew when to hang it up, Bam didn't. He was a rich spoiled kid trying to party every day, and now it's all catching up with him. Doesn't help that Ryan's unfortunate passing sent him further into a spiral.

Everything he's ever done.

How much of the retardation did Vito fake on the show?

Having a big party April first making Novak take out a loan to buy a Mercedes which he is going to bash or else Novak gets the karma police.

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Stunts? Skate?

Don't do hard drugs, don't smoke, don't drink a lot, drink a lot of water, and don't spend all day in the sun
And you won't age like this.


Raab and Dico and Ville Villo or whatever no longer talk to him either. wised up to his shit

its a podcast called cum town and the hosts are called the cum boys. They did a joke a few episodes back where it was jackass but instead of stunts they just said racial slurs in public. They confirmed bam had heard it and liked it and they're trying to get him on the show.

spend the rest of his $50mil and fuck his Finnish supermodel gf. and probably drugs

I think Bam has some sort of disorder or hyperactive shit going on. Everyone would come together for Jackass, both show and movies, but ultimately would go "okay that's enough, lets calm down and heal". Bam on the other hand couldn't because that was his entire life. His reality show, that wedding shit, Jackass, he needed the spotlight. After people stopped paying attention he became even more self destructive

he's always just been a spoilt faggot. He rode on coat tails his entire life.. with cky the funniest bits are brandon dicamilos ..Bam's parents just had the house that they all hung out in.. and he has a good enough skater to go pro but as a pro was mediocre there wasnt anything great about his skateboarding.. his boards sold because of cky and jackass and his reality tv..

The fans he had have grown up and now look at him as pathetic because he is.. he hasnt grown up.. they feel sorry for him.
It's the same thing with the band Green Day they're all pushing 50 and dress like teenagers and only appeal to teenagers. Billie Joe comes out as bisexual and throws temper tantrums to stay relevant.

They're embarassing as fuck

>unfortunate passing
>Sped drunkenly in a souped up car endangering others

Would you consider that not unfortunate?

It's fortunate he got what he deserved.

Hey I don't speak ill of the dead

No it's called bringing it upon yourself


you are simple

sunk phils dink

That is a nice lamp.

>Jackass re-union
>Bam is now fatter than Preston
Would be great honestly.

Die of betes

Stop talking shit about him

c'mon Bam you got shoe polish all over my dunk

>a 40 year old man who blames his mother on instagram for letting him make bad decisions
>stop saying mean words about him

Shut the fuck up.

>Ryan Dunn is dead
>Bam is an obses alcoholic and multiple divorcee
>Don Vito is now a registered sex offender
>all the other guys from the show barely speak with him and had to get real jobs after MTV cancelled it

Damn, though it was just a fun show.

Human who has never faced rules or hardship now has to face rules and hardship.

c'mon bam...

Mom's gonna FREAK!!!

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viva la bam?

>Whence things have their origin,
>Thence also their destruction happens,
>According to necessity;
>For they give to each other justice
>And recompense for their injustice
>In conformity with the ordinance of Time.

don vito is dead bro

Post the assfucking doodle the middle aged "man" did like he was still in middle school.

die most likely

>dumb redneck who got rich and famous young with parents who have never been able to control him

it was always gonna end well

Tony Hawk is much better, I remember hating this prick in the game.

Did he ever build that skate park?

He is going to an hero out of boredom

Post some BamKino

First man through!

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>Thank God Nicki wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up with a black guy and probably went to jail. She has a big mouth
What did he mean by this?

This looks so fucking fake. They should have put way more of these things in there to actually have them touch it.

The tasers didn't touch them?

>what have I become?
>my swedish friend

did you actually watch any of the old cky videos?
how about any of viva la bam?
He did unfathomable property damage, to others and himself as well as bodily harm.

If he was so fucking great in your mind, where are all of his friends?

Why they fuck are you retards shilling Brandon Cole "Bam" Margera on Yea Forums?

>Andrew Stranberg is an Earth Rocker.
its been 3 years
will we ever know literally who the fuck he is talking about

i just noticed his "the neverending story" necklace. it makes this way better.

please don't forget to buy his shitty merch

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>C'mon Bam, get my fucking dick out your mouth! I ain't tryin' to get my dick sunked.

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What the fuck is on his face at the end and why does the drone footage turn into a PS2 game?

>where are all of his friends?
>these trips
Truly god speaks through this user's posts. There's too much wisdom in this.

Why does he act like his parents beat the shit out of him as a kid? That documentary showed his parents let him do about everything without punishment and supported him.
Which I guess is the reason why he's a fuck up.

link to docu or name atleast?

Why does everybody always say he’s a spoiled rich kid? April was a hairdresser and Phil worked in a supermarket, they lived in the crappy house were don vito lived in during viva la bam. Which was right across a sewage plant. He was poor white trash growing up, he only started to make money when he turned a pro skater as a teenager and he bought the viva la bam house from his own money. This is all common knowledge

kill yourself faggot

It was part of the Epicly Later'd series (((vice))) did

ah i saw it. thank you though ill probably watch it again.

Pretty sure the part about phil and april talking about his upbringing is somewhere at the beginning if that helps.

probably the mosy pathetic video I ever watched

Fuck. That realism.

Black eye. He's talking about a fight you faggot.

the rich part came later dumbass

He both is and is like a great piece of shit. You enjoy it while its coming out. But then it's there and its huge and smells fucking terrible so what are you gonna do? The turd will get flushed soon enough

Something bad I hope. Bam is the worst

You're a funny guy.

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You're forgetting about how he was an unrepentant, petulant, abusive asshole to everybody around him all the time

what the FUCK did i just watch? did he do this sober and what was the point of the drone panning out at the end?

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Pretty sure this guy still thinks it’s the late 90s early 2000s.

The oblivious, adolescent narcissism here is just astounding. This is a grown man

I didn't forget, I was just waiting for someone to word it properly.

The scariest thing is that I've been living on the internet since I was 16. I'm terrified I'm going to wake up one day and realize I'm just like that

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>Bam convulsing at the end
It doesn't look fake to me. Erin is a 100% certified robot, so everything he does looks very contrived

as much of a dick he was, it kinda breaks my heart seeing him get fat just like his dad. he is not aging into it like phil did either, he is gonna be a sad fat dude thats drunk all the time

>board dedicated to kino
>spending any segment of time on bam margera
>and not dico

name one thing dicamillo has done that isnt kino

saying his raps were freestyles

eat a bunch of stuff

fair enough

While im here, does anyone happen to have a source for jackass season1? mtv sold it on dvd but they cut out 90% of the material and made it an hour long. I remember watching the first episode the first time it aired.

So turn into Phil?

you were wrong for assuming hew grew up rich, faggot



unironically great

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i just found the holy grail.


fucking dicam