/ABAG/ - Alita: Battle Angel General - #31 - Continue Conversaion Edition

This is thread for general discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.
Post and discuss your thoughts on the movie, pics/gifs/webms related and relevant info/rumors/news.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 59% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Previous Thread:

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Just bought two tickets, one for my brother and I for tonight. Gotta add to the weekend numbers, then I'm seeing it again on Tuesday with my sister. Will be my fourth time seeing it. Any money is good money for Alita, even if domestic won't go super high.

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When the cam leak release so i can watch?


Just bought two tickets, one for my FAMILY and I for tonight. Gotta add to the weekend numbers, then I'm seeing it again on Tuesday with my sister. Will be my fourth time seeing it. Any money is good money for Alita, even if domestic won't go super high.

I really wish I saw it in 3d. But as it was, a perfectly fine film. Definitely more appealing than most Hollywood blockbusters of last year

This is my local Cinemark, which I must stress is a prime location heavily visited theater in Florida. For second weekend, this is the XD (IMAX) theater about an hour before showtime. Honestly, not bad. HTTYD3 has around a little more people than it.

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She looks like she fucks black guys

I will see it again.

that dude that lost his face, isnt it just easy to get a new one ?

>Only $10M box office cut in China.


I'm taking each family member individually, so I see it multiple times, thus adding more.

>general down for a few minutes
You fags failed her. Alita confirmed as the biggest flop of the century.

Nobody is stopping you from watching it again, user.

Dance with me bros



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Once again, doomer poster, any source?


Damn. Now I want Gunnm anime series.

I'm seeing it again just to watch it in IMAX

I need the blu ray already fug

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Trolls keep seething. Can't be healthy for them...

Alright, Sunday in China has begun and numbers are already going up. We will see about 63 million US intake from them in about 8 to 9 hours.


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Nah I already saw the anime which I think executed the story a lot better. No point in seeing this again. I support its future endeavors and will probably see the sequel if the right people are involved (Salazar and Cameron at the top of the list)


Projected total cut(23%) is ~$30M.

Alita is dead bro.

Has tv really sunken this low?
Whats the purpose of watching this movie so many times?

holy shit nice

probably had sentimental value. He was, after all, a ricer.

You think I haven't been watching Maoyan like a hawk? I just linked it

idk this movie is being shilled very fucking hard here, its bizarre


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Threadly reminder

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There was a line about him spending all his money to maintain his face so I imagine a big scar would be traumatic to him.
But if there's a sequel he will definitely be involved no question.

'Cause capeshit fucking sucks and this movie fucking rocks.

Just havin a bit of fun m8. Maybe you forgot how to with age.

It's a meme that some autists likely took literally at some point.

There is likely less than a dozen people in these threads who saw this more than once.

We want a sequel. This is no different then when Yea Forums tried to boost sales of the Dredd blu ray because we wanted a sequel for that too

I dont know what the fuck is happenning, a general for a movie, a big budget multi millionaire movie, the mere idea of this happenning is ridiculous

>Whats the purpose of watching this movie so many times?
Here's a hint.

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This is like the first actual sympathetic movie in 5 years or more
Normally I just want every movie to fail so that the people behind them feel as bad as me
I don't want this one to fail

What have you ever done for something you love?

>when Yea Forums tried to boost sales of the Dredd blu ray because we wanted a sequel for that too

i have read a lot of pathetic comments in this hellhole of a forum but that is at least in the top 5 of the most pathetic of them all.

Trolls be btfo,,Commie-style! x')

so cute

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>waifubait movie gets a general in Yea Forums the weeb imageboard
Shocking, right?

Dredd fared far fucking worse unfortunately. It really only made it's production budget in box office. 41 BO on a 45 million budget. Alita is at minimum going to double it's cost with it's current performance. And even then, due to Dredd's positive fan response, a sequel is still being considered by them.

I saw it and your number is wrong. Our cutcut is 25%.

I saw Mad Max, Blade Runner and Alita twice.

Because they're amazing experiences.

I'm not counting cuts yet, yes cuts are a thing, but the original number is also important.

Blade runner > Alita > Mad Max

>a sequel is still being considered by them.

they are making a TV show (mega city one) , KUrban is keen for the starring role.

I see Alita 7 times in imax and i am still insatiable

I'm going to see it tonight with my sister, unironically only because Yea Forums won't shut up about it. So if it is shills, they're at least somewhat successful.

I actually wanted to watch this movie but lost interest seeing the shilling going on Yea Forums,it doesnt seem genuine interest that you have for it

Thanks based user.

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i missed mad max but i saw blade runner 3 times and i'm going to my 3rd alita viewing tommorrow morning. these movies are lliterally magic to me. i've never been so addicted to these sorts of feels that they give. i think it's the bittersweetness that they evoke and how the story isn't a nicely wrapped good ending.

I'm going to see this tonight in IMAX 3D. I hope you faggots haven't misled me.

>General - #31

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make sure to post in oen of the generals youre experience. i'd like to see what you thought of it.

Bullshit. : )

name one movie in the last few years that has had round the clock generals like this, especially after having zero pre release hype whatsoever. if you think this is organic you are extremely dumb.

I unironically love the fuck out of this movie. It's such a genuine work of passion that's been missing in so many new blockbusters. Half the reason critics hate it is because it is a product of the 90's, but in a good way. It's almost a throwback film.

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Generals are motivated by one thing: waifus. Just look at /vg/

Gonna go set up a gofundme so little girls can watch this movie an be inspired. Gonna bring some boys to so they can get their first kiss when all the guys are weeping at the kiss scene

Is this the face of a movie that would mislead you user?
You'll be happily surprised by it.

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I wonder why her hair wasn't wet during this, Hugo's hair was clearly wet

god I love her so much

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I miss the 90s. Back when the world was less dark and terrible. Maybe that's why I loved this movie so much.

Me too, user. I dont get why I love this movie so much. Ive never wanted a movies sequel to fail but this movie just grabbed me by the heart unironically. Alita is probably the most enjoyable movie character ive ever seen and Im hoping the trilogy does happen.

>this scene
Was it autism?

9/11 was a mistake.

>80's Throwback

only from back alley doctor- no freebies from edo. will probably look like mr potato-head had a baby with mr johnny five.

This movie looks SO good in IMAX 3d. I've seen it twice in this format (have the regal collectable tix to prove it), and its 100% worth.

>Half the reason critics hate it is because it is a product of the 90's, but in a good way
I'd even dare to say it feels like a 80s action movie (mind Japan is always behind in these things and the manga is from the early 90s), it have action and violence with a relatively simple plot. Except with modern effects.

90's is overrated. Only good thing was the music. Everyday wake up to Ash never evolving his shit. Anime played out like Simpsons.

It was pure lust.

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Saw it today. What a cutie.
My gdx theater has terrible focus, picture was really blurry for my high standards, but still looked nice.

bout to hit the 9:15 in a sec here, already saw the 12:00 and the 4:30 in imax earlier today. fucking love this movie.

Now that I think about it, after 9/11, the world will never be the same.

Maybe I'll watch it a second time in 3d based on this. I haven't watched anything in 3d for years, I thought it was a gimmick that died desu.

9/11, 2012, and 2016 have been the worst years for our culture.

Well, I mean Autism is basically defined as the inability and lack of understanding of acceptable social cues, mannerisms and decorum, so basically...yes. It is autism.

Not him. I just saw it in IMAX 3D today after seeing it in a normal theater last weekend. It's definitely better in 3D, but it's also like double the price. If you do the premium format try and get a theater with a good sound setup too so you get your money's worth.

God, she wanted to fuck him so bad in this scene. Sad she had to lose him, but it's part of her evolution as a character.

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I'll be here for a few hours, can bake next if it gets to 8-9 again.

you're right it's not organic, it's cybernetic

She doesn't have the components to have sex.

Nanotech son

>I'd do whatever I had to for you.
She doesn't, but she felt that urge regardless.

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Don't be getting any ideas, kid.

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Why does Japan always make the cutest robots?

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naether your hand, and that doesn't stop you...

How the hell they got a PG-13 rating I'll never understand.
>Hugo's buddy gets sliced in half
>Zapan gets his face cut off
>people getting BTFO in motorball
>Alita tosses that dude into the trash thing (camera zooming in as he dies)
>Alita nailing that chicks head to the fucking wall
>"fuck your mercy"
>Grewshka gets sliced in half
Seriously, how did Cameron get away with it?

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Don't worry, in 10 to 15 years, there'll be publicly available AI robots made with sex abilities.

>TFW my only imax is closed for refurbishment

still went 2 times VMAX3D , got 12 people to go too, not too bad.

>that one user that got 70+people to go to IMAX as a workplace trip .

robocop doesnt have a dick.

Just sayin.

>this is the third one I've started

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FFFUUUUUCKK we'll have to wait 15-30 years for robotics to hit this level of sophistication and even then the price range is going to be too high for most people to afford.
Hope that a bunch of autist savants get inspired by this movie and end up working in the industry because of it. Might speed up the process a bit.

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Well, you get one F-bomb in a PG-13 film, Hugo's buddy getting sliced in half is only shown for a couple seconds and not much blood, Zapan's face getting cut off is not gory, Motorball's robots again not gory, etc.

>Seriously, how did Cameron get away with it?
Probably a mix of pretending to be retarded ("is just robots, breh") and bribes.

>he's never seen Robocock

Because they're robots. Samurai Jack got away with a lot because he only killed robots.

Why is the American market such garbage?
Based Asians have far better taste

Don't worry friend. We'll both bone a robot in our lifetime.

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>>"fuck your mercy"
I thought everyone knows PG-13s get one F-Bomb

Just saw this, solid 7/10. I want to fuck Alita. One question, was that doctor killed at the end? Was that her brain in the thingie? What did that guy mean by 'this is the only way to get up there'


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That was back before so many American civilians decided they could be heroes... by hating on other Americans.

I didn't know that: what a weird rule.
Does anyone have those images from the press kit btw?

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These things take time.

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You should see the walking French robot. Much cooler!

she's technically not dead as she's in the box. but the point was nobody actually gets sent up with their body. somewhat of a mental thing or just killed

>15-30 years

Try 150-300 years.

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Imagine one of those fumbling on your knob and twisting it in 90 degree angles

saw it today alitabattle angel more like alita goodle angel because it was good

I assume her brain, eyes, etc. were going to get shipped to Nova. What I want to know is if she was still supposed to be conscious somehow. Her eyes definitely moved and looked back and forth between Alita and Vector.

I think no, and yes. I wonder if Ito will make a body for her.

The main thing is that we need to instill our future robot with a deep seated hatred of humans.

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This was the sweetest thing.

Some tweets from China. The tweets are translated in to English. These guys want a trilogy.

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I'd just like to say that this movie was RETARDED and the only reason you like it is because muh waifu

>huh, look here someone dumped this brain unit and power core in a trash pile
>this powercore is like the most powerful thing in existence but yeh they just dumped it along with the brain unit of the most lethal killing cyborg ever made
>also i got a ROCKET HAMMER!XD

by the looks of it your average chinaman have alocated a good family budget for movies in general.

I think she still was. :(

(and manga trolls complain the movie is not creepy enough)

Dua Lipa has manga Alita lips

30 years is too optimistic for physical lolibots
in the other hand, 15 years is just right for vr lolis, and you'll be able to pirate them

Rocket hammers are so obviously cool... you should be ashamed of yourself.

>not liking the rocket hammer

Imagine having this level of shit taste.
As for the rest it's explained in the comic, though I don't think we'll see the explanation until the third movie.

They never really explained how/whwn she got dumped. It had to have been recently because it's established that her human brain needs nutrients. Which means she was fucking around up there some 300 years after the war ended and her side presumably lost. Maybe the manga explains it.

Why is there a general for this flick?

Is it sponsored or is this some neckbeard sperging over a neofu?

>he doesn't like rocket hammers
So you are a zoomer and homosexual?

Is there anyone stronger than Alita in 1v1 combat in the Alita universe?

The movie really is enjoyable and Alita herself is extremely likeable, she is so transparent and so truthful to her feelings.

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>some neckbeard

Try like a hundred neckbeards.
This is the power of putting a top tier waifu in your movie. Imagine if the Mouse learned how to do this.

Because people like the film.

Based Den.

Thanks user, I'm sure we'll all make it.
The wait sucks.

In 20 years we went from phones being brick sized and having buttons to being able to fold open your phone and conducting your daily business online with it, all the while you're in shower watching movies/porn.
Throwing out time frames close to 50 years when it comes to tech is insane. We don't even know where computers are going to be 20 years from now due to the limits of silicon looming in the horizon.

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It was love.

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Brushing against spoiler territory but short answer is yes
She actually gets bodied quite a few times in the series
Never against anybody "normal" though

He probably hated the chain weapon, too. :/

Finally someone got the screenshot from this moment.

>she is just so happy and in love she can't keep herself from smiling

that scene makes me unironically angry because of how jelly i am of hugo.

Just watched it. Plot was pretty simple and clichè but goddamn it the action scenes were great. I wish I had an IMAX near me in this shithole of a country. Also, Alita a cute!

Hugo's hair is wet through the whole movie

Found an old Abatab image and updated it.

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I can't wait until biocunts are obsolete

Have you thanked China yet?

Well guys, off to see the film again. Third time so far. Taking the brother this time. See you later!

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If we're gonna do some movie analysis one of my favorite small points of development for Alita was her picking up eyeliner (which really stands out with the CUTE eyes) as a sign that she's more comfortable as sentient being. It clearly demarcates (along with the Berserker body) the line between her as a child and her as an adult. She's still an emotionally immature adult but she's an adult nevertheless. Roberto knows the value of his small details.

I think we´re all just so fed up with the feminazi capshit, everything else will do.
Even robot QT waifu that can rip your dick right of and with gigantic ayylmao eyes to boot.

godspeed bro. i'm going tomorrow morning just for the hell of it. i want to see her eating chocolate again.

Thanking them for a 64 million op weekend, but will praise them when and if it gets 150 to 200 million. They really love it so far, so is likely.


I sure did, I saw Wandering Earth! (good movie)

Literal newfags spics discovering waifuism.
I'm confirming everything that Tamaki Saitō said in "Beautiful Fighting Girl" in this these threads.

Where did you see it?

It's a product of a time before the crazed political/social polarization that has been happening in the west for the past 10 yrs.

I almost thought you were in my theater, but its XD screen is 10.

Manhattan. 42nd Street AMC.

no, it's being 100% committed to your feelings toward somebody. Love is a risk and that shit is gay as fuck and it resonated with my gay ass. You can't hold a part of yourself back when you care about somebody. All or nothing, otherwise what's the point of being involved with somebody?

anyway I'm seeing it again for the fourth time fuck

Haven't seen this movie so I don't understand Yea Forums's obsession with it.
How is this movie not another 'SJW strong woman' flick and why do critics not seem to like it while audiences do?

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Fuck... I hadn't paid attention to that, good catch nigga. Yeah, it is amazing how fast she developed within the movie.

I am kind of worried though, if we do get a sequel, are we gonna have sad/vengeful Alita only? I loved how happy she was... I love her smile but by the end we see that is gone.

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Imagine the average Asian having an extra $10 to drop on movie tickets while the average American is too poor and in debt to watch a waifu movie.

tactical use of that 'fuck' too, gottem

its being memed/shilled hard

saw it today, its okay but nothing fantastic. bout the same level of story/vfx as current comic book movies

China Town? It's not out anywhere I've seen

I'm gonna go see it tomorrow since it's sunday and there's less people to make fun of me going alone

how does it feel that we'll never have that? i personally have considered shooting myself multiple times in between viewings.

Vector dies a slow death from Alita's sword, and you see the (red) blood pooling at her feet.

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alita to go on reflectivedesire NOW

How much they paying you to keep this up?

Her second body ruined her.
She was cute and innocent, like a little doll, then she became busty and started using makeup and clothing with weird sleeves, like a thot.

What was the scene that made you realize you were watching pure kino? For me it was the Motorball fight.

happening only has one "n" in it retard

Alita predates Political Correctness, and Cameron has been planning this film for over 20 years.

Alita is a cute, feminine, Japanese-style fighting girl, not a feminist role-model.

Nah, she was still 100% pure and cute with the new body.

Nobody at the movies makes fun of lonely movie goers, user

Jashugan the Motorball champion beats her decisively.
Den of Barjack
Caerula Sanguis of the Stellar Nursery Society
Toji the Space Karate Master fights her to a draw in their first battle, where Alita has a strong ally.
She only beats Sechs because her Imaginos body is so OP against Sech's old tuned frame.
Possibly Zekka
Erica seems to be roughly on par with her.

Attached: Sechs.png (813x1200, 371K)

Alita is a cyborg, not a robot.

Close to Times Square. The movie was subbed.

How? The Chinese recite Shakespeare with a single "ching ching ching ling long lan wan" line

>How is this movie not another 'SJW strong woman'
because despite having a stupidly powerful cyborg body she makes mistakes, has to learn and develop and accepts help and doesn't make a big deal out it.

The relationships are pretty basic- family, and civilian vs military.

I'm spectulating same as you, but I was thinking her antimatter heart can keep her brain alive at the pure sustinence level (no higher thought or motor function), and her heart functions for 100s of years. So maybe she was lying in a trash compactor for years and just fell to Iron City recently.

bar fight when she says you do not deserve that weapon

goosebumps were had





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Is Rosa /ouralita/?

>How is this movie not another 'SJW strong woman' flick
Because she's flawed. Even though she's seemingly the strongest and most capable fighter around, she's still essentially a naive teenager with no life experience who makes shitty emotional decisions all the time.

>why do critics not seem to like it while audiences do?
Most critics seem to be complaining about the story being dated, which it is since it's based on a manga from the 90s. There are also a fair share of people who simply can't get past her big eyes.

>The role of Alita came along at a time when Salazar said she was dealing with her outrage over the 2016 election of U.S. President Donald Trump.
>"I was one of those people who was really hoping Trump wouldn't win," she said. "And I voted, but it's not enough and it was incongruous for me because I am playing a character named Alita, who literally defies everything in her path to help (other people.)"

it's ten maximum samefags MAYBE

Or someone recently dropped her down, deliberately.

Never read the magna, just a guess.

If Ido and Chiren were from Zalem, why the hell did she have a human brain when Vector showed it to Alita?
I can fanwank that Vector found the Zalemite MiB chip and kept it for himself while using some other brain to go with her other body parts. It's not like you can trust Vector.

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who knows. maybe it will start with her being asomber tsundere and when she finds love again she'll turn bubbly again. at least that's the hope right?

Punished Alita is gonna give us all kinds of feels and maybe Hugo somehow survives?

I just want more Cameron / Rodriguez brilliance so sign me up for whatever.

Robot gore, same reason Bay got away with face pulling and spine removal in Transformers

Besides the fact it's based on a manga and japs don't like or understand sjw garbage

>How is this movie not another 'SJW strong woman' flick
>and why do critics not seem to like it while audiences do?
To answer your second question first: Because it's not one.

And to answer your first question: Because Alita is adorable. She is not designed with the goal of making men feel bad, and that makes all the difference in the world. Alita is shockingly cute and fun to look at and root for, and never even once does the movie imply that men are pigs, or white people are bad, or heteros should hang. The most political notion ABA brushes against is a vague idea of "rich people are jerks", which given that this is a cyberpunk dystopia is kind of expected. Comes with the genre.

If you just read a synopsis it really does sound like a typical feminist bullshit movie - special snowflake womyn beats up everybody everywhere and does whatever crosses her mind - but it's not one, and the fact that the internet blue-hairs are complaining about it, while all the regular people like it, proves it. It's all in the execution.

>How is this movie not another 'SJW strong woman' flick
Because Alita is actually cute and feminine. Also no political message.

>why do critics not seem to like it while audiences do?
Because Alita is actually cute and feminine. Also no political message.

Anti-Trump is fine. I don't like him that much now that he has become the swamp.

I really don't care what actresses think... they usually aren't too good at it. ;)

did she deserve her end?

yeah I noticed that today, she does wear eyeliner when she gets the new body (and not before).

>They never really explained how/whwn she got dumped
She didn't get "dumped", she fell from Zalem during the attack.
In the Manga, she's caught after a solo infiltration into the city atop the Orbital Elevator atop Zalem/Tiphares, and then cast out as punishment to burn up in orbit.
She's less of a soldier and more of a terrorist in the Manga, nor does she have an antimatter heart or a berserker body to begin with. She survives primarily because her unique brain had been reinforced with some sort of super-polymer material that protects it.

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so that was ed norton at the end right?

Do women enjoy watching Alita?

Skim by the boards on this site and see how many fucking waifu threads and generals full of waifu posting there are.
You severely underestimate the power of love user.

>Can't go see it again because
>it's dark out,
>it's raining, and
>I lost my wallet at the first viewing

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Uh, user...

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Yes. I thought he looked like James Cameron when he had the glasses on.

Someone said Disney was buying the movie, is this true?

at one of the showings i went to a girl literally yelled out WOOWW SHE'S SOO PRETTY! and in another girls wouldn't stop giggling everytime she was with hugo. I think it was pretty well recieved by those age groups. I do wonder what MILF's thought about it though.

This thread alone has 78 unique IPs, and they're not going to be all awake at the same time.

Out of all the times I saw the movie, it was the women who seemed to like it the most.

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>She didn't get "dumped", she fell from Zalem during the attack.
Did they specifically show it or did they just show them battling on one of the factory lines? I didn't think they conclusively said that's how she ended up there.

This, but unironically.

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Where is this?

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I will not stand by in the presence of evil

Yes, when you come down to it.. There was no way she didn't know her pet cyborg was killing those women.

She conspired in the trade of body parts, and wound up that way.
Hugo robbed cyborg of body parts, and wound up a cyborg.

Lots of karma in the film.

You mean Jeru ?

Out of all the alterations to the original story, either to adapt the Anime or just to cram shit in, the only one I've been unable to forgive is how badly they've misused Desty Nova. Movie Nova is just a generic mash-up of MIB Chief Bigott and Councilor M'Badi from Last Order.
Such a fucking waste.

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She's from a different age, all or nothing love. And Hugo threw it away for nothing

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>She's less of a soldier and more of a terrorist in the Manga
One man's soldier for country and freedom is another man's terrorist.
A Martian Soldier is a terrorist to Earth.
(And then you have filthy belter scum.)

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Oh shit nib I want one of those. Not to mention I love those teas as basic as they are. Hits the spot sometimes.

too bad Arizona tea is trash

hope not. disney corporative culture is just detrimental to movie quality

pretty much the fucking start when ido raises her up in the sunset

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Bullshit. Terrorists are just street criminals. : )

Stop being a faggot. Go see it in the theatre while you can. GO RIGHT NOW FUCKER!

Going today for my third viewing, bringing 6 friends as well for more tickets. Keep supporting Alita anons

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Seeing it on every forum I frequent. It's the new marketeering strategy - getting the people who will already go to see a particular genre film to go back repeatedly - maximising the return from the existing fanbase. It started with DC's lame attempts to get the few fans JL had back in the seats: "6 for the Six!" and now everyone's doing it. Now that all sense of shame has been removed from such blatant pandering Marvel is also in on it with their "buy more tickets so your underprivileged black/female/asian/transhermaphrodite acquaintances can see the film!!", and so on.

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Atilla is a nigger and so are you

Or Ketheres, yeah. She infiltrates Ketheres as part of a mission where the Martians are hired to sabotage the Earth's deep space colonization efforts, on behalf of either Venus and/or The Jupiter Union. She installs some malware that fucks their AI master computer up and gets captured by a superior fighter.

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This is the one where I have to agree and hope they fix that in the sequels. Manga Nova is one of the best villains of all time and it's a horrible missed opportunity if they don't milk him for all he's worth, especially when they got an Oscar actor to play him.


I'm technically white(as we're classified as caucasians by even noncucked countries) so you're wrong

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Good taste user, bar fight scene was definitely my favourite on the second watch. I thought it was a bit cringe the first time but the whole thing fits her character so perfectly.
> I do not stand by in the presence of evil

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She begins in the traditional female hero archetype. One which inspires the men around her, Ito, Hugo (stops ripping parts), Hunters (who should be protectors of the city, speech in the bar etc.). When each fail her she is left to stand up alone, not in vengeance but as a hero. These are powerful themes that inspire the audience.

I'm not sure why critics have such a problem with it. But I know why audiences like it.

Attila was a Mongol, silly!

that scene its Last Order OC in the original run she is defeated by an in flames covered grin man.

>One man's soldier for country and freedom is another man's terrorist.
Except rather than fight other soldiers, she just kills some security guys and causes sabotage that kills hundreds of thousands of civilians.

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Same for me.
At that point I realized that the CGI was going to be great, the movie looked good and Alita herself was adorable.
They really nailed the start of the film.

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I've seen it 2x now alone (3x total). When you go alone you can focus more on the movie. Don't let that bother you.

>Manga Nova is one of the best villains of all time
Indeed. The flan stuff is probably too goofy to work in a real movie tho.

With robot dolls, you can literally make them look like full sized anime figures, big eyes and all. I'd have anime elves, like a Elf Sukebe no Mori version of Misery.

That line two. Out of all her lines the delivery of those two was fantastic.I was the same and though thtey were cheesy the first time around but the second rewatch they really settled in my mind.

Going to the movies alone is comfy as fuck, you can focus on it 100% and just enjoy yourself, treasure that alone time.

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Yes, in the original (rushed) ending, her team is going to sabotage the orbital ring physically to topple it. In the (canon) Last Order, she infiltrates Ketheres and installs malware that causes a catastrophe.

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Sort of. Disney is buying Fox, who distributed the movie, so they'll probably own distribution rights for it in the future. However, James Cameron bought the movie rights himself years ago. This means he's free to make sequels with different studios if he so desires. It wouldn't be the first time something like this happened. I believe all 3 Evil Dead movies are owned by different studios.

>Alita getting diced by Grishka's chainclaws too.

It's all robot on robot violence though. Very little organic damage.

When I saw the choreography in the fight vs the 2nd bandit (the woman). I knew right then that this was gonna be kino.

Do they have creative control?

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These humanoids aren't from Yea Forums

Seeing motorball for the first time.

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she was defeated by the vampire chinese lady

Well ill shill for it and im doing it for free cause its a good movie cry more capeshit faggot

last order feel like fanfic to my standards many fans agree with me.

I kind of understand why they did what they did. Compressing the story. We're never realistically going to see Commander Supernegro at this rate (he'd be in like the fifth movie), and Chief Bigot (subtle fucking name btw) is much less interesting than Nova. Nova is the cool one, visually and otherwise. So if they only have a couple 2-hour movies to tell the story from start to finish, let's keep the cool one out of the three and let him handle the roles of the other two. I get why they did it. It's the kind of thing that really only bothers people who have read the manga anyway.

But since Nova is so fucking cool, I want them to do him justice and not just dilute him into a normal generic mastermind character.

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I don't think anyone has ever had creative control over James Cameron's works. He's simply gotten too big, like Spielberg, to answer to execs.

>cute and righteous waifu

I loved how she is the stereotypical "hero" but not letting go of her feminine side, this is so rare nowadays for heroines, they all just act like men while treating every men in the movie in a passive-agressive manner.

This is the reason the critics didn't like her, also the thing that she fell head over heels for the "dude in distress".

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first shot of the movie

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I regard Last Order as essentially an official fanfic. The original ending was fine and satisfying to me, even if the fact is clear that it was rushed.

That look she gives once the Panzer Kunst kicks in. I wasn't totally sold until then and I realized Cameron wouldn't fuck this up.

I feel like Robby Rod is more a unit director, like the man hired to do the grunt work. It's obvious all of the creative control is Jim's.

>he hasn't seen the loli real doll threads on Yea Forums or even the ones posted on Yea Forums

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That time where she trains some Panzer Kunst moves by the mirror

I'm afraid you're right, who knows how they will take it, but she's not going to be blissfully happy Alita anymore.
She's still standing up to evil and fuck your mercy, and she will surely love again, but who knows if she can ever give her whole heart or if Hugo left her permanently scarred.

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They don't own the IP, so no. It is possible however that whoever funds the sequels gets to have a degree of creative control, though I suppose Cameron could self-fund the sequels if he wants to avoid it. Shyamalan did this with Glass and Split, he funded 100% of the budget just so he didn't have to answer to executives when it came to the story.

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What? Wasn't Zalem just a (floating) city of Earthlings? Why wouldn't she have a human brain?

>and Chief Bigot (subtle fucking name btw) is much less interesting than Nova.
They made Nova into Bigott and M'Badi. He's a bad mish-mash of both characters with none of the mad renegade scientist elements of the original.
His illicit support of creeps like Grewishka makes zero sense in the context of the movie, he could get all the biological samples he wanted from criminals. Fuck, he runs Factory Law, he could just put a bounty on someone and claim them through "legit" bounty hunters.

Nova in the movie is both the Evil Super-Authority running the government AND the hidden crime-lord, which is really kinda dumb.

They've completely negated any chance of Barjack/Tuned in sequels. Now what's left is a "Beats Jashugan, fights in Zalem" sequel that is pretty much it's own original creation.

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That isn't a picture of you mother user.

I gotta say that it's probably the one armed handstand with the new body it was just beautiful.

muh face. muh FACE! MUH FACE!!!

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>$700 mi in China and Japan alone

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Shhh big spoilers ahead

Tiphareans have computer chips in their heads instead of brains

If only they dropped a bit of backstory for the normalfag audience giving a reason why Alita's eyes were oversized. I don't think the flashbacks were enough to show all the soldiers have oversized eyes because they were from Mars.

Why didn't the black guy bleed when he was sliced in half?

It's not been established in movie canon. (They didn't show her falling in the flashback on the tube)

Huh. Well apparently the movie canon is different.

I still think they should end with Alita and Nova going up to Jeru only to end with Mbadi standing there welcoming them and looming over them. End on the note that there's always a bigger fish.

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This is a Cristian movie, user.

Whatever helps you cope user.


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Anyone catch what she (Charin) says to Ido when he's removing Alita after the bar fight? I've seen it 3x now and I can't catch those words.
It's something like you can't replace us?

Must have disappointed Alydoll that his real doll doesn't have a body as good as Aly's.

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It's hard to say what Movie Zalem is supposed to be, they imply it's the last surviving of many "floating cities".
In the Manga, there's an orbital ring around Earth linked to the surface by two space elevators on opposite sides of the globe. Atop the one over North America is a high orbit city called Ketheres, and at the bottom of the elevator in what was St. Louis is Zalem/Tiphares. It is actually physically connected to the surface until their supercomputer disaster, which is why the bottom of it is wreckage-looking.

The people in Zalem think they are an elite in a paradise, but they are actually a living experiment by the upper government of Ketheres that really runs the Earth (off-handedly). Everyone in Zalem/Tiphares has their brain replaced by a chip.

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You think governments never have connections with organized crime, user?

Not even in Latin America?

Takes one to know one.

He did, but you only see a puddle of blood for a split second because of the PG-13 rating. I didn't even notice it the first time I saw the movie.

His total dialoge was all of 30 seconds in the movie, so they can basically go in any direction they want (haven't read the manga, and he wasn't in the OVA that I can recall).

Heroines still being a hero while also keeping their feminine side is rare without it being seen as toxic femininity. The part at the end with Hugo was pure.

Nanomachines son.

Probably the last original bit he had left.

I wish they had held on that shot with the music another second or two, the cut to him on the stairs is a bit abrupt.

Here you go user.

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i prefer this kind of heads instead. realdoll, and all american brands are usually kinda ugly

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If Yea Forums is too much for you to handle you can leave anytime you want newfag. I hear infinifaggot chan is nice this time of year. Maybe give that board a shot. You'll probably find it more to your taste.

Thank you based user. I recently moved to a new city so I can't go with the usual friends I'd go see this sort of movie with. I'm considering trying to pull some new friends along without letting slip that I've already seen it two times by myself.

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>They've completely negated any chance of Barjack/Tuned in sequels. Now what's left is a "Beats Jashugan, fights in Zalem" sequel that is pretty much it's own original creation.

Nah. They're going to find some way to finagle it in. The whole thing with Den and Barjack waging war on Zalem is far too kino for Cameron to allow it to not be filmed.

When will he tell them the truth about the darkies to prove he's /ourguy/?

not to mention that the Barjack arc in the desert will be somewhat cheaper to produce

How do you fuck this?

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>You think governments never have connections with organized crime, user?
>Not even in Latin America?
Zalem running a crime syndicate over it's own people would be like Kim Jong Un running a shakedown on his own vassals. Zalem has complete control. No one can have a gun, the populace slaves to provide them with goods, technologies are restricted.
The idea that they would also run an Underworld is rather stupid. It only exists in the movie because they are trying to resolve contradictory elements of the Manga and the Anime and rush to Nova being the Big Villain, which he never was.

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very carefully

unsurprising, critics aren't human so they can't process why a girl acts like a girl even when she can crush steel with her hands

damn the camrip looks like shit

>tfw my little sister’s name sounds like Alita
>tfw she unironically self-inserts as Alita during the movie
James what have you done?



ty user

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When she wakes up and looks at her hands. Idk why, but they way they did that gave me some feels.

Its a big budget movie so they may have hired some shitters to advertise on the usual social networks to build up a fake "applause." On top of that, it might also be attracting the usual sjw crowd who want to see women lead in movies not fail.

So there really are vested interest in seeing this movie not fail. We all know its a failure.

In my opinion the movie is total trash, the 3d graphics is trash tier. Along with her eye direction.

Alita will be forced to stop them because the attack they plan will cause a shitload of collateral damage to iron city and achive zero becuase of Zalems defences.

You can do that. You can self-insert as Alita and want to emulate her. Harder to do that with Captain Haggard.

Imagine being one of the many faggots that blow off seeing Alita in the theatre, watch a shitty cam rip instead and think they got the full experience. Just imagine.

may as well do the burrito and chocolate while you're at it.

Zalem has complete control over Scrapyard, but do we know that Nova has complete control over Zalem? The underworld thing makes sense if Nova is trying to keep it secret from other Zalemese. Maybe he's not supposed to be doing that.

Why are you so obsessed with Alita's eyes?

He is in love with them.

How did they get away with full body nudity like this?


No puse