Never forget that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
Never forget that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell...
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Somebody's gotta take the bump.
Shawn Micheals did it better.
For me? It's Crash Holly
I was 13 and this was similar to 911
Did he die?
post kino themes
i watched it live
I never watched wrestling as a kid, but from any of the commercials and ads on VHS tapes before movies, I always liked Mankind best.
How the fuck is Mick Foley even alive seriously
It's all padded. Practically a bouncy castle.
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
i might be remembering it wrong, but after this match i don't remember him having any really crazy matches like this one
>but after this match i don't remember him having any really crazy matches like this one
he had a few
You have to go back
For me? It's Dean Malenko
Kane is fucking cool, I hope that cringe inducing Crown Jewel match isn't his last.
>Kane will never be your County's governor
rare kino coming through
it was so fucking funny they played his theme when he won
>kane will never teach you Austrian economics
reminder that this actually happened
>And I have the unfortunate responsibility...
God bless J.R.
For me, it's TV's Perry Saturn
>Since WWF cameras were rolling at the time of the accident, footage of Hart's fatal fall exists on tape. This was confirmed in a column written by former WWF announcer Kevin Kelly in May 2013.[1] According to Kelly, the tape sits in the WWE Archive in Stanford, Connecticut with instructions "never to destroy, view or duplicate". Footage from the 1999 match where Darren "Droz" Drozdov got paralysed accidentally is apparently in the archive with the same instructions.
no not my broom! dont slap my broom non existent ass!
For me? It's Steve Blackman
Thats kino right there
Most based theme ever
>Stanford, Connecticut
that's a close second
Never forget that in the summer of 92, Kevin Nash was raped in a back alley and tore his quad trying to escape
>those sam hyde ankles
The Rock is gay
its right beside all the ww1 documentation hoover managed to stealthily remove from war torn Europe
I think we need one of our best to go in there and bring back that footage then upload a best bits compilation
Didn't The Rock hit him with a dozen unprotected and unexpected chair shots to the head? He also did a Nestea Plunge and hit the back of his head on concrete early on in his career.
Owen Hart?
women are going to main event Wrestlemania this year
>"never to destroy, view or duplicate"
Seems kinda pointless
Not to mention he was literally blowing himself up in Japanese death matches
eddie had lots of personality, i think a number of wwe's failures come from trying to fill the gap left by his sudden death
10/10 Promo
maybe they keep it for legal reasons
Are you sure it was only 16 ft?
that was before he joined wwf
unless you want to blame the fans for virtue signalling, you honestly can't blame them
>never forget that white people are violent animals and they beat each other up constantly for the entertainment of other violent white animals
trust us, we haven't forgotten
Fuck off emplemon
>Professional Wrestling
It was extremely painful.
The thing people often don't get about this is Mick was basically lucky. If he had hit a bit different or landed just a bit wrong, he could've been permanently injured. It's amazing that he came out of what he did, not just with this match, but in so many of his matches without permanent injury. Really it was reckless for WWF to even let him do these types of stunts.
thank you shittymorph
nah Roman Reigns is coming back
The women have something the men don't: they're hot. It used to be that the men had something the women wrestlers back then didn't have: talent. But now most wrestlers are equally undeveloped and untalented so the women have the edge.
pretty sure vince tried to talk him out of doing it in the first place
I wont forget, reddit
Camera tricks innit. There was never any real risk.
Vince is the owner of the company. He could have forbidden Mick from doing it, but he didn't. Thus he let Mick do it. He didn't force him of course, but he did let him.
Is that bucket head Wendy's sister?
Reminder that later in the match mankind crashed through the top of the cell into the ring and legitimately was knocked out. Undertaker thought for shure he had just killed mick
he let him do the first one, the second one where he falls through the top of the cell wasn't planned
>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before 2006 and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his WWF comfort even when Ted Turner threw millions at him
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '90s
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '10s
>Tanked the buyrate of King Of The Ring in 2002 so hard the PPV got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of The Brothers of Destruction
>Only the 4th best member of The Ministry
>Only the 8th best member of The Corporate Ministry
>His backstage clique "The Bone Street Krew" was utterly BTFO by The Kliq and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Savio Vega on us
>His biker cosplay was cringeworthy
>His MMA cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEST PURE STRIKER IN DA WWE""""""""
>Shit taste in whiskey
>Shit hairline
>Has his ex wife's tattooed on his neck
>Failed at his first marriage so badly that he resorted to marrying an anorexic bimbo
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a Wrestlemania streak
>Is the wrestling equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 1997 title run that Bret Hart of all people had to take the belt off him
>spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting around in the back and telling one of his no-draw buddies to job to someone who could actually draw dime.
>Voted for Hillary Clinton like the cuck he is
>Despite changing into all his gimmick gear, couldn't draw LeBron James out of his dressing room despite standing around for an hour
You can't camera trick a fall from that height. The only way to do it is if he didn't land on the table but landed on a padded pillow or the like, but we know he hit the table. You can see it afterwards without any pillow or the like on top.
>tfw realize Paul Bearer name is from the word pallbearer
Yeah that bump was bad but the chair falling and hitting him on the head fucked him up.
Yeah but the second one actually was not as dangerous because all he had to land on was the center of the ring, no weird edges to penetrate into his back like might have happened if he had landed on the table on the edges or if it had broken in an awkward way
>wanna go to the bar downstairs
>also wanna just give into crippling alchoolholism
"Hey APA, Yea Forums is calling Anya a "AYY LMAO" again. They also think Alita is a shit film."
based wrong thread poster
>tfw Eddie brought us the most kino storylines and shoots of the Ruthless Aggression Era
Fuck bros, I want to go back.
the chair knocked out one of his teeth and it ended up in his nose
>that night we won the title
straight kino
Its a reddit meme
>tfw a WWE angle led to the Trump administration
I'm surprised Trump didn't make Vince his VP
I dont get this meem. did someone die?
This made me laugh a lot.
What's the highest resolution video of this event in existence? 480p? 480i? Feels bad man
he couldn't take vince away from the business
This is literally all true. I never rated the Deadman.
I sense a deep hatred from this copypasta
Vince : Wrestling :: Trump : Hotels
>spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
To be fair who they fuck were they tryina push around that time? Heidenreich? MVP? Mr. Kennedy? lol give me a break
I'd think HD on the WWE Network. Only $9.99/month.
i used to love playing as Kane against my pal when i was a kid. good times.
After reading his books I have such a respect for him
>get thrown 16 feet from the top of the cage into a table
>get back up and climb to the top of the cage again
>get thrown through the cage and knocked out (unplanned)
>regain consciousness and try to continue the mach while fumbling around like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time
>still manage to get the bag of tacks emptied into the ring and let the undertaker chokeslam you onto them
jajaja me cague de la risa
so was his theme
APA gonna treat Yea Forums the same way they treated Public Enemy.
That's nothing. This was in a cheaper no name wrestling promotion and was higher and the guy wasn't even a professional wrestler.
When he was pushed as champion WWE had really low ratings.
>i think a number of wwe's failures come from trying to fill the gap left by his sudden death
what gap were those? did he make alot of money for the company?
He was so ashamed he wanted to drop the title, this lead to a domino effect of steroids, over exercise and stress that his heart finally gave out.
For me its shane mcmahon jumping from titantron
>tfw now if American citizens literally did this to foreign invaders at the border the Americans would get arrested and sued and the illegal fucks would get let in and get free education, health care, and welfare
Goddamn wtf happened to the good old USA? Why is your country's law so fucking backwards?
I didn't care about ratings then and don't care now, Eddie was great
Was this the greatest match of all time?
He never really worked as a main eventer. His best days was when he was the Euro champion and was dating Chyna.
Post kino cinematography in wrestling.
I really like the angles in this.
Is that Heenan on commentary?
No. This is.
You'll are a bunch of no good bulbasaurs
no this is
>Ruins the integrity of the IWGP Heavyweight title in your path
How? If anything he's made it more exciting.
If the cage breaking wasn't part of the script what was their plan on going down of the cage ?
Sarah McLachlan wrote the song I will remember for her admiration of the wrestler Mankind.
>Lol let's just put the title on Omega-lite because he left for AEW, even though we JUST put it on Tanahashi
What is this WWE?
Anyone notice how they never call it world wrestling entertainment? Back when it was WWF they would always call it the World Wrestling Federation.
also since he was put on a stretcher once in the night he refused to be put on a 2nd time
Tanahashi is old. White is young and sells the merch. He's the heel the company needs.
>It's a "Yea Forums has a better Wrestling thread than Yea Forums." episode
/asp is far too into the niche oddities of modern wrestling to be able to talk about the larger picture like Yea Forums is
Personally preferred when the Rock and Stone Cold had storylines kept apart so you had 2 superstars to follow
Wrasslers cant have perfect teeth
Match was good but his HIAC match with HHH at No Way Out 2000 was K I N O
That's what made it more special when they finally crossed paths
Modern WWE is just a tarp. A living tarp.
he was just a charming likeable guy
WWF attitude era was so kino. From bottom level to top level every story line was fun and interesting
did he died
Is this the one where he broke his teeth out and had one coming out of his lip?
Say what you want about wrestling being fake, Ive heard how they do that shit, they really do slit their heads open and stuff with a razer blade.
But holy fuck Mick broke his damned teeth out for real and that shits fucked up.
Fucken goat Shawn Michaels
>Chris Candido married to Sunny
>Staying at the same hotel as Shawn Michaels
>Sunny gets money for coke and goes out to score some
>Goes to Shawn's hotel room instead of Chris' room once she gets some
>Next morning in the lobby
>Shawn walks up to Chris Candido and says "Thanks for the blow, Chris"
back when the WWE had actual characters instead of 10 epic beard long haired faggots
For me is the best wrestler ever
That's not even the best Rock Theme
god i wish that were me
So good.
How did they have may young give birth to a hand?
Did you guys cry when he died? Half the locker room did for some reason:
Shane was based and underrated
>that match he put on with Kurt Angle where he was dropped on his head on concrete and put through real glass because someone fucked up and didn't use sugar glass
fake and gay, if you watch the match they never fought over that section of the mat because it was padded for that fall
Honky Tonk mans was overrated
they also left a chair there so they'd know which corner the mat is at