Hands off, pinkskin edition
Pinkskins are inherently inferior.
Why didn't the Federation/Klingons immediately blockade the wormhole after the first Dominion fleet went thru, joined the Cardassians, and attacked the maquis and Klingons?
I mean, each fleet of ships, supplies, and troops they left through just prolonged the war and increased the casualities.
It's too bad they were absorbed into the Federation. Damn it I'm still mad ENT was cut short. Building up to the creation of the Federation would have been some good television.
So what? You can take all the matter outputs of a human body and, given energy and a means of processing it, convert it into useful material.
Imagine giving a flying fuck about ENT.
Miami here. Our malls are thriving and they're building new ones. We have outlet malls, regular malls, and luxury malls. Why have malls seemed to have died out in the rest of America?
The Andorians are probably Enterprise's greatest contribution to the franchise.
They're great in metro areas. They suck where shit is more spaced out and you always have to drive (or when walking is a bitch because of the weather/hills).
Imagine caring about the Dominion wars either. ENT was classic Trek
I liked Enterprise
Well we know it wasn't the Xindi. I think the Suliban don't get enough credit.
>being a trekkie on Yea Forums while living in Miami: ass town of ass
but honestly not as much cocaine everywhere else
dukat dindu nuffin he a good boy
If STD was set in the future we could see the reemergence of the Xindi.
hi bf
This but unironically
Well Enterprise was the earliest series, they could put the Xindi in any series going forward. I just don't know why anyone would want to.
The reptilians were cool
Reminder that your franchise is dead and must be 25% different legally. The Orville is more Star Trek than Star Trek.
/orville/ is waiting :)
uuhhhrrr... uhhmm mmm eeeuuuuhhh.. *drools* hhhhuuurrrnmmm... trek...
Reminder that "Prime" is not canon and you have all been rused.
ooga booga where da trill women at
TOS=TNG>TAS>>>VOY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ENT=DS9=Star Wars
hot take: because the rest of America isnt a literal tropical savannah climate zone full of geriatrics, wealthy expats, and tourists being served by an ample brown underclass. Also, i would be curious how many of those are "destination malls". Those are still surviving, since they're located in tourist areas and anchored by unique casinos, theme parks, and other attractions. It's the common working-class malls that are going extinct and turning into DS9 larp zones.
not sure if i can forgive enterprise for raping the design of my husbando
Are you guys ready to talk about my favorite Youtumor Fedora's Edge? 25%!!!!!!
God imagine leaving all those plants to just fucking die.
Like I'm not a treehugger by any means but something just seems shitty about just turning out the lights and turning off the water on those things after they've grown and been tended for so long.
errr... hhmmm aahhhmmm... *stares* uuuhhhhhmmmm eehhggghh...
Trees don't have feelings, so yes, you are a treehugger if you think you can be shitty to a tree.
Wasn't the original idea for new Trek to be a bunch of Mini-series set in different eras? It would never happen but I've always wanted an adaptation of A Stitch in Time. God I love Garak.
There's an entire In Search Of episode dedicated to how plants are intelligent and Spock proves they grow better when exposed to classical music but are weaker when exposed to heavy metal. You dumb motherfucker, try looking away from your computer screen for once in your life.
Right, but they realized there's more money in being woke
buildings built after WWII are increasingly efficient and "green" and all that shit, but in most places are absolutely doomed if the power goes out and aren't maintained for even a year. For instance, pic related was built with really cool wiz-bang skylights for the original owners to fellate each other over muh "natural light", but it was always dependent on the building being in use. Once the power was cut and winter came, snow built-up on the skylights and instead of melting due to the constant warm interior temperature as was designed, it collapsed the skylights and the rest is history. Most of these suburban shit retail boxes get sold off to foreign "investors" who dgaf or are otherwise in the middle of some kind of commercial real estate fuckery. There are theories that the fag that ran SEARS/Kmart into the ground was intentionally crashing it with no survivors just so his friends could get at all the prime land that these stores sit on, since some have occupied the same spots for literal generations with ungodly value.
>you will never run a holodeck program where you're a serious superhero with an autistic retard for a sidekick
Why even live, bros?
I'm sure it was considered somewhere in the genesis of the show. Anthology series like that were popular in the 50s and 60s, and I suspect were a convenient way to put pilots in front of national audiences while getting sponsors to pay for it.
Desilu had a productive anthology in their Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse: It directly spun off The Untouchables (ran for 118 episodes over 4 seasons), and is credited with giving Rod Serling a testbed for what ultimately became The Twilight Zone (156 eps across 5 seasons, followed by three revivals in the 80s, 2000s, and starting this year).
where my tripfrens tonight
pic related also has disturbingly narrow boyhips and also played a superhero
Watching old cartoons. Hearing John de Lancie voice Dr. Quest is interesting. He does a good job but I just hear Q.
Sometimes I can't remember what pussy looks like in real life.
I bought a blue sweater earlier today with this gorgeous silver braiding on the sleeves so it looks like a Starfleet uniform! A minute ago I got donuts for the first time in FOREVER and now I'm sitting in my car waiting for a friend to come thru!
Even a seasonal anthology series like is popular the past few years would be exceedingly expensive for canon Star Trek due to the massive overhead in maintaining all the various set pieces, costuming, and sound stages, unless you confined it to one era. nuTrek is conceivably a bit more flexible since they'ld be starting from scratch as essentially an entirely (well, 25% minimum) new IP. I predict there not being much of an aesthetic difference between STD and the Picard show for this reason.
As for actual canon Star Trek, all of the shit they had accumulated over the decades of TV and film Star Trek got liquidated at auction after the CBS/Viacom split and ENT cancellation. It's gone and the people have long since moved-on (to The Orville).
Anthology series were popular in the golden age of TV because they could re-use sets and costumes constantly. TOS had those pants-on-head retarded locations like Earth-like planets, western planets, and "small town USA" planets for a reason. They were essentially bottle episodes. Kirk walks by Floyd's Barber shop from Andy Griffith in City on the Edge of Forever i think. Even as late as TNG, they had shit like the holodeck in no small measure just so they could have stories that utilized existing hollywood sets in a more plausible manner.
9 times out of 10, like a crime scene. Like a sinister wound that never heals.
Yeah that's actually a great point. The whole concept starts falling apart the more exotic the setting becomes. Sets, wardrobe, armory, ship models... and god help you if you need vehicles.
Suggest an episode to watch, preferably a comfy one, from TNG, DS9, or VOY.
TNG: "Home Soil"
Alternatively TNG: "Samaritan Snare"
No, user. That would be S1-Bashir!
VOY: Dragon's Teeth
No, that's not comfy: Riker is so stupid in that one, that it's downright aggravating!
choose one of these:
TNG 1x24 – We'll Always Have Paris
TNG 3x04 – Who Watches the Watchers
TNG 4x11 – Data's Day (MAXIMUM COMFY)
DS9 2x16 – Shadowplay
Actually, TNG "Home Soil" was a great suggestion as well. Basically the first TNG episode that REALLY felt like Star Trek.
>Watching Enterprise on Netflix
>Intro starts
>"Skip Intro"
Fuck you Netflix
Good point. Also, I fucking love the Orville, last episode was absolutely insane and in my opinion the best Trek related thing since Deep Space 9.
Actually both of you are wrong, it´s the FUCKING Vulcans.
There never was a proper explanation why they WEREN´T cold hard selfish bastards towards everybody else.
Compassion and altruism ISN´T a logical trait.
Quite the opposite.
The mystery finally got solved, almost missed due to the shitty Time War/Xindi arc.
>Who Watches the Watchers
Amazing episode. Leland Palmer was excellent.
>Samaritan Snare
>not comfy
>Data's Day
jesus dude
I want to fuck that vulcan
kek, i fucking love that feature
Her body is so unsexy
Too much stupidity is never comfy.
That because TOS uniforms > ALL OTHER trek uniforms.
I'm mildly ashamed of owning a relatively high quality TOS tunic. Wore it last Halloween and will probably wear it to the Trek convention this year of I go.
Fucking hate her bolt-ons.
>Computer, generate 3 kilos of peruvian cocaine, the dallas cowboys cheerleader squad of 1997 and 20 gallons of cold budweiser
>Disengage safety protocols
You´re gona rock the SHIT out of that Tunic and be proud dong so!
Live long and fukn prosper!
maybe it's another obscure TNG reference. For years, they dressed Mirina Sertis to "highlight" her Guatemalan housekeeper -tier proportions and square butt. Maybe Kelly will get a skirt eventually.
>holodeck controls are offline
>can't just manually cut the power
I think the explanation was always that as the holodeck shut down it'd dematerialize everything in it, including actual people... which didn't make any goddamn sense.
VOY: "The Thaw"
The costume and set design made that episode feel like it was straight out of TOS
Cheers pal. I'd post a photo but Yea Forums seems the worst place to do so. Not obese which helps.
yeah, but in a good way. It was one of those episodes where they made the best out of a tiny budget.
>Harry, I'll let you go if you just do one thing for me. All I want you to do, is to say... the word
Oh, for sure. It wasn't meant to be a criticism.
>NO we want to be #woke and show that the future is good! We need to move away from the sexist shit in TOS!
>the most popular episodes cross over to TOS in some way
That was never implied ever
So are they cold blooded or what?
I am watching right now and wondering if my dick would freeze if I stuck it in pic related
In the very first holodeck malfunction episode, TNG: "The Big Goodbye", it was explicitly stated that if they shut down the holodeck in the wrong way and the program aborted, it could cause everything and everyone inside the holodeck to dematerialize. I'm reasonably certain the same problem was discussed in TNG: "Elementary, Dear Data".
Vulcans, TOS romulans, bajorans and ocampas are the top tier waifus.
Anything else is trash.
Prove me wrong.
You just like the races with women that mostly have short hair.
Yes. And im not going to feel bad for that.
Never watched Star Trek and these threads got me interested, can a /trek/ bro red pill me on what series/movies are worth watching?
Just remember to save it in pain and black your face if you're that worried.
Jeez just fukn watch them in natural airing order like all the other Trekkies.
Just make sure you catch the TOS & TNG remastered versions.
What were they thinking
hello new bro.
This is the patrician way to trek:
TOS>>TNG>>VOY>>DS9>>ENT>>TOS>>>all the movies before JJ gayness>>TNG>>VOY>>TOS>>Movies again>>Dominion arch>>STD
jewish fat ladies. Like fran drescher mom in the nanny. But in space. In 24 century.
Are you a girl?
He was going to be part of the main cast in the next season.
Are we going to wear our uniforms at the meetup?
thanks for the replies bros
kek what
TOS -> TAS -> TMP -> STII -> STIII -> STIV -> TNGS1 -> TNGS2 -> STV -> TNGS3 -> TNGS4 -> TNGS5E1 thru S5E9 -> STVI -> TNGS5E10 thru S5E26 -> TNGS6 -> TNGS7 -> ST: Genesis -> VOYS1 -> VOYS2 -> VOYS3E1 thru S3E10 -> ST: First Contact -> VOYS3E11 thru S3E26 -> VOYS4 -> VOYS5E1 thru S5E9 -> ST: Insurrection -> VOYS5E10 thru S5E26 -> VOYS6 -> VOYS7 -> ENTS1 -> ENTS2E1 thru S2E11 -> ST: Nemesis -> ENTS2E12 thru S2E26 -> ENTS3 -> ENTS4 -> STDS1 -> STDS2
And there you have it. You will have seen everything in Trek. This includes some actual garbage in the latter part. TNGS7 is trash, the TNG films are generally trash, ENT is irredeemable, and STD might as well not be Trek. But VOY has good parts.
Just watched the latest STD.
It was okay except;
>they took a big fat shit on the Prime Directive
>I get the feeling that the writers just look up shit on Memory-Alpha and Memory-Beta and then just regurgitate it without knowing what it really means because they don't actually watch Star Trek...
>I get the feeling that the writers just look up shit on Memory-Alpha and Memory-Beta and then just regurgitate it without knowing what it really means because they don't actually watch Star Trek...
I mean that's honestly how I handle DS9. Shit is fucking unwatchable.
Rolling acres is a pile of rubble now.
DS9 did a reeeeeeaaaally shit job of making bajorans likeable
fuck off satan, you are a deciever. Shittiest way possible to watch trek you posted.
I know you're b8ing, but DS9 shared most of the same writers with the rest of the franchise (TNG, VOY, ENT). STD's writers are all no-names who never watched Star Trek and clearly have no interest.
>Trees don't have feelings
They actually do. They remember fags who've hurt them and react positively to soothing noises, negatively to harsh noises.
Vegans and Vegetarians are just fooling themselves into thinking that plants can't feel.
If you wouldn't fuck this woman, you have the gay.
guys, im in distress.
there is a qt who started working in my job.
she is fun, qt and chill as fuck.
We get along in a really awesome way and at least, we spend 4 or 5 hours a day just talking about anything (yeah, we do shit in our job)
I dont know what the fuck do.
So... help me. How would Kirk, Piccard, Neelix, spock and geordi do in my situation?
The scary thing is it's not bait. Whenever my parents (who are avid DS9 fans) talk about the show, I open up memory-alpha and randomly insert commentary based on a quick skim of the synopsis. It fools them every time.
>falling for whore trash when you lurk the same board as loyal and faithful Bashirfaggot
who trek this
>Darmok and Jalad
The showrunners monitor our threads. Keep posting this, and it just might happen.
What makes you think that?
I'm so glad they keep giving Jeffrey Combs big supporting roles. One of the finest unsung actors of our time.
hi,, nw
What's the deal with trekkies being kiddie diddlers?
no bul pls
I think they should have a very late abortion.
He has a right to post.
Yeah they've talked about that before. Problem is I cook like a gourmet chef. Food trumps Trek, every single time.
I'm not impressed. You honestly sound quite trite mate
Come on. He's generating traffic. We need all the content we can get.
I'm getting sick of how fake /trek/ has become and you're the worst enabler of the lot
I'm creating an accepting and tolerant atmosphere to mirror the message of the show.
What good is fancy food, if you can't enjoy other good things in life?
I can cook well and appreciate almost all Trek DS9 is best though
You're just shitposting and ruining the quality of the general chap
Oh shut up. Go to /who/ if you can't handle it here.
You just complain and vent anger. That's pretty mean.
Posting the same memes in every thread isn't thread culture it's thread survival. You need to take a long look into the mirror at your life mate trek is about exploration not repetitive stale pastas
>trek is about exploration
Then why does most of DS9 deal with sitting on ass around a wormhole?
I'll tell you why: DS9 isn't Trek.
Show me what you cook and I might be impressed mate otherwise you're just shitposting
Try and stay positive and constructive.
If you can't take it here, then you might think about a transport ship. There's a lot less pressure there.
Look bloke even if I call you a faggot you'll defend me because I'm contributing content do you see how useless and pathetic that is mate
rice with tuna, corn and hamburgerdressing
If there's no content, there's no thread. Ever think of that?
>Show explores ideals, perspectives religion, new gray areas and entirely new quadrant
>Why don't they find a planet that's just like some earth historical period or has someone with bad intentions on it
fuck off, fag
Pics or it didn't happen sorry mate still not impressed
Make me
no pleasing some anons
Captain, I just took a warrior's shit. I had been constipated for the last four days so my shit had compacted into a rock-hard lump twice the size of my dick, nearly the size of my forearm. I'm pretty sure I ripped my asshole because there was blood around the log in the toilet bowl and my ass still hurts. It was a dry wipe. There was much honor in the experience.
Anyone ever take a massive shit and then your tummy feels loose and empty?
Query: If Data is fully functional, does he ever poop? If not, why hasn't he ever expressed a desire to experience that VERY human behavior?
Probably since he has never eaten either.
I think he just meant either his dick, or that he can perform all the activities a human could.
>he can perform all the activities a human could
Pooping is an activity.
>that one ds9 episode where bashir fucks the wheelchair alien and we never see her again
was his dick too heavy? did it crush her body?
>implying DS9 is trek
i pretty sure he said something about eating or drinking because he could and that it lubricated his insides or something
>everyone else treks to DS9
wew bud
Trips, so replying.
Canadian investigators found most child porn users were Trek fans. I am a Trek fan, but would not fuck a kid.
t. broken and bent
I make a lot of content, not all of it is Trek.
Get to know me, though...
dear god
Bless you, content generator.
Have this...
>I am a Trek fan, but would not fuck a kid
but you sure are damn annoying
He's just a poster. Let him be.
What are some Treks about spooks, vamps, wolfies, creatures of the night and such?
What are some Treks about sociopathic women who destroy peoples' lives?
>my shitposting is content
the one with the deamon girl that rules a planet
Fat whore wretch pig.
I will keep annoying you until you go away, or become one of us
Better than your bitterposting.
DSC is canon.
There, I said it.
I believe that you might be GAY.
I'm starting to like MKULTRA.
What are some Treks about the Whore of Babylon?
Thank you. I want to be kind.
>later episodes directly references past episodes despite the show not having a huge overarching narrative other than "explore new shit" every week
Ah yes, this makes me have the big penis.
Reminder that it is now PERMANENT CANON that Sarek falcon-punched Michael Burnham out of his consciousness.
/trek/ has been nominated as the home of the most autistic posters on Yea Forums
wow, didn't even credit piss and shit as a honorary tripfag even though he doesn't have a trip?
also when the fuck did we get a discord?
>look up Tuvix threads on reddit
>the overwhelming majority of the posters agree with Janeway's decision, talk about Tuvix like he's some kind of abominacion or accident and make absolutely robotic utilitarian arguments in favouir of his death
the worst thing about trekkies is their sanctimoniousness desu... nerds who've never read a book on ethics in their whole life but think watching epic pop culture sci-fi sludge brain trash tv show makes them smart and "cultured"
How do you know about piss and shit but not the discord?
Literally the only thing wrong with it
>thread about who the most autistic posters on Yea Forums are
>anons asking if tripfags are working with mods
>valley forge gets mentioned
>threads get deleted
VF confirmed for mod?
what thread?
It's not even a theory because it's pretty much entirely true. The CEO of Sears is directly involved with a real estate group (Seritage) that bought up a ton of the land that Sears used to own. Sears actually pays to rent and lease that property, which he then profits from because he owns something like half of Seritage's partnership units. On top of that, he wanted to turn Sears into a data mining operation, which is why he kept pushing membership schemes to sell their customers' consumer/market data overseas.
The whole thing is sketchy as hell, and it's not the first time shady shit with big companies goes down to line a few pockets. Just look at what happened with WAMU and JP Morgan Chase. It's real fucking shady.
I left around the time piss and shit was active and only really just came back lol
the one that just got linked
yall ever just take a cold shower in the dark on all fours and groan pleasurably pretending you're a wet rhino on the african savannah during the first rain in years then watch some trek
>captain, I've taken the liberty of putting all of the onboard jews into an oven on the holodeck with the safeties off
>t. pol
>t. pol
oh you clever, clever bastard
About to watch Star Trek 6, the finale of TOS. What am I in for besides a kino title?
One thing that has been bothering me is all the crying in Discovery recently. I don't mind characters having emotional moments; Picard, Trip, The Doctor, Kirk, Sisko etc all had moments where their emotions took a toll on them and they just broke down. On Discovery the crew feels overly emotional because for several episodes in a row someone has had a scene where they are crushed by the weight of their emotions. Doing that shit so much makes the crew feel less like best of the best professionals and lessens the impact of pretty much every emotion driven scene.
It is a fantastic send off for the TOS era
actually, yes
What can you expect when you're watching Gilmore Girls in space.
Kino pretty much everything. Also an alien trap.
I'm not some tacticool-wank no-emotions-core guy but there is a serious lack of professionalism in Discovery's Starfleet, especially on its supposedly most important experimental vessel and military asset. It's not just people being stressed in the heat of the moment, they're having soapie grudges and catfights and going catatonic and shit. Reminds me of how in XCOM sometimes members of your squad will have a meltdown and curl up in a ball if they get shot or someone dies. WTF? lol. These are meant to be the elite of the elite pruned from the world's best spec ops or some shit, not conscripts suddenly thrust into the trenches.
Fuck off
>be section 31
>cry everyday
Formerly /r/trek
Amazon. Its the rest of the world not just the US. My towns main street and all but one mall are completely gone. We’re moving into an age where only groceries are purchased in brick and mortar stores.
There's no holodeck on the Enterprise NX-01, retard.
>watching ds9
>robert picardo appears
am i in for some kino today?
'CA̵U̡SE ͠I͞'V̵E G̷O̷T̸ F͡AITH̨ O̴F ́T̷H̡E ́HE͜EEA̸A̸AÀA͟R͜T͢,͢ ͡I'͝m going wh͠e͝re my ͟hea͞rt wi̡l͠l̢ ta̸ke̸ me̵, ̶I͢'͡V͝E͜ G̶OT̸ ͞FA͢I͡T͟H̢ ́TO͘ ͢BÉLIĮII͞I̛EE͜E̶E̡EEEVE,͞ ̵I c̀an͟ ̴do an̨yth̸įńģ, I'V͟E ĢOT̨ S̡TRENG͟T̷H ͝OF TH̨E ̀S̀OOOO̸OO͜O̧ŲUUUU̴U͝U͘U̕ÚU̴L,͡ ̛n͜o̴ ̛on͡e̷'s ̶gonna͡ ̀b͟e̶nd o͟r br͡eak ̕m͝e,͠ ͜I̡ C͞AN REA̛CH̷ ANY͡ ST͢AAAAAA̡AAAAAA̡R͡, ̵o͘h͟ ̷I'v̶ę ̸got f̢ait̨h́ ̨(I͢'v̡e ̀g̴ot I'v̀e ̴g͝ot͞ I'̡v͟é g̸ot͝)̢, I̸'ve ̵g͢ot͜ ́fai̸aìaia̷ia͠i̷t̕h̢, f͝a͡it̵h ̀of̡ ͜th͢e h̀eaęaear̶t̸!
>watching DS9
I personally guarantee you are not in for any kino today or any other day
My favourite TNG episode is The Inner Light
Shit hits me hard
Everyone but Saru acts very casual like it's an office job or something. You can have one officer do that but having every character act like that undermines the drama because either the situations they get in aren't really that dangerous or they are all fucking idiots acting so damn cavalier all the time and why should I care if a moron snuffs it because they made dumb decisions?
is that Ed Harris?
>blocks your path
>wah picard was just like me in TNG: "Inner Light", his whole wife/kids/grandkids thing was a fantasy. right in the feels!
A great villain, a Christian Slater cameo and a good mystery plot.
Yes lol
No dickhead. The feels in the episode come from the fact that Picard gets to experience a life he thought be never wanted, but realises through living Kamin's life what he has missed out on.
In other words you're self-inserting because you didn't get your waifu and family at the ripe old age of 21 and think because of that you're like Picard. Oh the feels must hit you SO HARD.
It's no ST:V though. Now that was kino.
Cope harder you weird cunt lol
I think he drinks special android motor oil for that.
You're angry and wrong, but I forgive you.
is tuvix supposed to be liked? i liked him, but according to this guide from here, he isn't as favoured
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that Tuvix was an individual. He was not. Tuvix was an amalgamation of two people, nothing more. No one was "killed" when Tuvix was separated.
Picard's breakdown in Family had a great impact because he was always in control, the one character who kept his cool while the rest of the crew went apeshit. Sarek doesn't count because they weren't his emotions.
Sisko did a lot of shouting but it was all a bit bland. The rest of the cast were much better, especially the bad guys. Dukat, Damar, Weyoun and the space pope bitch were kino.
t. No faith of the heart
It's been 20 years since Deep Space 9 ended and we've had no real follow up. I miss it all so much.
This guy gets it. Have a marshmellon.
How did the uhura 57 year old fan dance make everyone feel? turned me on honestly
I want to cum inside ai uehara so much
He would still be a person distinct from either individual made from the sum of their experiences.
I mean there's a transporter clone Riker in the series so it's not like all 3 characters couldn't theoretically exist.
So I just finished TOS, TAS and all the movies. Gotta say was expecting more from the movies, Spock and McCoy were on point but did Kirk feel a bit off to anyone else? A bit too jokey, not sure if that was the movies themselves though. He just doesn't seem to have as much gravitas except for certain scenes, movies seem to treat him like he was rash in TOS or something which he wasn't at all
>Tuvix was an amalgamation of two people, nothing more
Not in his opinion. And, if that opinion wasn't shared by Tuvok and Neelix, whose opinion was it?
i just wake up and this is the first post of my day. I hope you all have a nice day frens.
Thanks fren
The movies mostly feature Shatner trying REALLY hard to get relevant and build his career up again. After TOS ended he was reduced to starring in shit like Kingdom of the Spiders. So he was super insistent that he had to be the big star of these movies and have a whole bunch of control over the portrayal of the character. Another way to think of it is that on the show Shatner was directly competing for attention with Nimoy; he wanted to be respected. In the movies Shatner was the big star without doubt, and now he wanted to be liked.
I think it broadly works pretty well even if it does not quite feel the same as series-Kirk, for the simple reason that the actor's situation informs that of the character: Shat, like Kirk, is a man confronting his age. The sense that his youth was irresponsible and wild, but also the best he would ever have it. The sense that he doesn't know what to do as an older man, that the age-appropriate social roles like father and mentor don't come naturally to him. Ultimately the sense (in Undiscovered Country) that he is something of a relic who will no longer be relevant in the age to come.
whats happening in this image? is she dead?
So many questions...
I need to know more about this guy
>The sense that his youth was irresponsible and wild, but also the best he would ever have it. The sense that he doesn't know what to do as an older man, that the age-appropriate social roles like father and mentor don't come naturally to him. Ultimately the sense (in Undiscovered Country) that he is something of a relic who will no longer be relevant in the age to come.
I got that and its fine but what bugs me is Kirk wasn't irresponsible or wild in his youth at all, it acts like he was some loose cannon
Jax got dabbed on. Symbiotes cant handle the shame and pass out.
one thing are the responsabilities of a captain in uncharted territory and another thing is being an altmirant in an office.
He never knew how to live outside the adventure. Thats the main thing in the movies.
He also lost the opportunity to rise his kid, he is old, and only have his crew and friends.
Realising that could be a heavy blow for any man.
Hours later and you're still mad. Hours and hours and hours and hours. It's one of the slowest threads in /trek/ history because nobody gives a shit about Enterprise.
He was a bit irresponsible. I get what you're saying because this is an element of Kirk's character that gets exaggerated constantly in pop culture (look at Zap Branigan or Pine's Kirk). But movie Kirk started this change in perception of Kirk, because Shatner plays this role as a guy who desperately wants to get back to his youth, and shows that by overdoing it. Shat is outshatting himself. It's a midlife crisis thing.
I see. It's a shame because these movies especially six are so close to greatness but this shit just bugs the hell out of me.
I really love old Kirk in some moments but ugh, I don't know. I'm confused right now.
I think Enterprise is fuckin great
Its called empathy you fucking aspie cunt.
chill out, sisko. damn.
I want to see that wall in HD
Persona is a great game franchise.
So now that I've finished TOS/TAS + 1-6 do I watch generations now or TNG? I think TNG comes first but I kind of want to finish off Kirks story
TNG. Generations doesn't "finish off" Kirk's story in any meaningful way, and it's not much of a crossover film. It's mostly a TNG film with a few scenes in the TOS film timeline and then a meeting of the captains in the Nexus. The general consensus is that the TNG films are defacto non-canon, anyway. I would treat them as supplemental extras after you're done with TNG.
What is he thinking?
"Wow her head is huge"
what does toilet taste like
"*sniff* hmm, I need to get closer"
die trek die
what a great episode
mods are awake
Based Ayyliramo.
>internet was kill yesterday and I couldn't shitpost on /trek/
what is a Trek episode with this premise?
It's all but confirmed now, since those threads last week where every single meme was getting deleted but VF was allowed to shill for STD and post disgusting TOS cos play and some clown user kept trying to "warn" people about their behaviour.
depends. did you make a loli your Number One? If so, TNG "Disaster"
"Hard Time"
this pic actually makes me sad bros
why fren?
the smiles on their faces, they seem like friendly ppl
who needs fans when you have each other
confirmed for autismal that cant into human emotional signals. They are the STD fags handlers. Behind the smiles are extreme anxiety and self-consciousness that they are embarrassing their client and someone is taking a picture.
this is absurd
Shadows is a pretty rad movie excellent taste user
Sub Rosa is the most kino spooky trek
If you are a janny you have to deny being a janny, it's one of the rules.
fren they are but fans need to get autographs of older actors who might not be around much longer.Am sure moments later everyone from new show had fans queuing aswell.
STD is gay lol
If I were janny I'd just say so. Imagine all the delicious (you)s.
That doesn't change the fact you aren't allowed to say you're a janny
if I were janny I would delete your posts
You know, this image is constantly reposted but I really don't think it's as bad as implied. STD was barely out of the gate when this image was taken. Why would you expect an autograph line for people who had barely any exposure? Honestly, it was ridiculous for those new Trek actors to even be put there so soon.
>posting twitter-tier memes
Even worse; it's a Reddit image.
You already do
it's from the Marvel Shieldposting on fb and was inspired by someone using a Peter Parker alt
why would anyone openly admit to using facebook for memes on this website
is the orville /trek/?
while it may possess the 'spirit' of star trek, it ultimately does not belong due to not being part of the franchise
I can change the filenames if that's what's bothering you user
Aren't they all the same person?
it's almost as if namefags have no regard for the norms of "this website"
Good tripfags:
Bad tripfags
>Valley Forge
>Nordic Wonder
Valley Forge oscillates between being super chill and a raging bitch but I'm not so sure he's one of the "bad" ones.
ok I'm ready for the next thread
Blando is not good
well, fill up this thread then, user
Why don't you like Blando?
>another thread destroyed by self obsessed tripfags and beta orbiters
degenerate STD shitposter
Thank u fwend!
Don't complain.
hi vf
Blando rocks!
let me fix that for you:
>Valley Forge
>Nordic Wonder
If you don't reply to tripfags, then they lose
If only people were able to follow this simple rule.
unfortunately, the tripfags are also samfaggin hard
Another thread ruined
get a new one started. chop chop
make a new one
I'll wait for the CBS one and make a true thread
Give me an episode of Voyager to watch.