So I'm watching this show for the first time, and holy shit. This show is hilariously sexist. Don't get me wrong...

So I'm watching this show for the first time, and holy shit. This show is hilariously sexist. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by it or naything, but Jesus, THIS is the most "progressive" and socially revolutionary thing of it's time? Because I've seen many movies of this era and even earlier ones, and those works aren't nearly as bad as this. There's Mudd's Women, The Man Trap, that one with the immortal man(Requiem For Metuselah) when Kirk screams at Spock "Don't interfere, we're fighting over a woman!" and I just
couldn't stop laughing

God I wish this show was around today, the twitter shitstorms would be so great. Tell me about the moon, Mr. Spock indeed

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dude, you need to watch "Jupiter's Locket," "Emperor Spock!," and "Let the Children Cry," and then get back to us.

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>mfw a zoomer gets his first taste of old-school America and can't believe it

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>This show is hilariously sexist. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by it or naything, but Jesus, THIS is the most "progressive"

Well yeah.

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Kirk and McCoy are basically the Mad Men of Space

What is sexist?
Go on, back up you assertion.

>there is no other way to put this: essentially everything about Popular Consciousness Kirk is bullshit. Kirk, as received through mass culture memory and reflected in its productive imaginary (and subsequent franchise output, including the reboot movies), has little or no basis in Shatner’s performance and the television show as aired.

Requiem for Methuselah and Mudds women were dogshit

Well the show is pretty fresh in my mind as I just pent 50 minutes watching him creepily paw at an android made for sex by an immortal man who was Leonardo da Vinci, and let me tell you, it's not bullshit.

He's Alpha as fuck in many situations though, dude stared down a god in Charlie X without blinking.

Just posting the best film scene from the post-original cast

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>creepily paw
What are you, gay?
She was not made for sex. Go watch the episode again.

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The episode was a turd but Kirk actually fell in love with her he wasn't being a sleaze

Yeah yeah, she was made for "companionship", but we all know what's up. Seriously rewatch that episode, it has some of the most awkward touching I've ever seen. If I had shame I'd be embarassed.

Is she creepily pawing HIM in pic related?

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I adore Patrick Stewart tbqh,

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One can see here that the character was very upset at being "creepily pawed".

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Good God, imagine how you'd feel if they had made love!
Probably you should avoid anything stronger than PG.

Just re-watched "Man! Woman!" and Star Trek was way ahead of its time.

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>t. lesbian who hates men

Dude relax, I'm not trying to shit on your hero, I like him, I'm just saying, he does a lot of shit only a true Chad could get away with. Scotty would've gotten his ass slapped 50 times throughout the show trying to pull some of the shit Kirk has pulled.

Just watched Mirror, Mirror, and I'm shocked at the racist and sexist casting.

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I love these

tea really is the elixir of the gods

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I'm still waiting for you to name something.
I don't care if you shit on my hero if he deserves it, but I'm pretty sure you're buying into a stereotype with no validity, and I'm calling you on your baseless bullshit.
OR you're baiting me & I'm falling for it, in which case 8/10.

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“If I touch you again, Your Glory, it'll be to administer an ancient Earth custom called a spanking.”

How about that?

Loved this.

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She had attacked an ambassador and was raging out of control on the ship.
The captain is the ultimate authority, and he could have thrown her in the brig, but he treated her like a spoiled child, which she was.
A SPANKING? That's your best example of sexism?

>tfw some vulcanfag comes preaching logic and giving up our proud Romulan heritage

Can we just crack these fucker's planet already?

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Women in the show are generally infantilized and treated as emotional and kinda stupid. I don't mind it, but it's THERE, all over the show, and if you can't see it I really don't know what to say.
The problem isn't that he asserted his authority. But today, a Captain would say something like"I'll throw you in jail", not "I'll spank you like a child.

In the first fucking pilot episode, a crew member calls a female psychologist a walking freezer because she doesn't immediately respond to his advances and his colleage on the Bridge shares a hearty laugh. (The Cage, I think, that was).

Now look what you're doing you're making ME mad over something I don't give a shit about. Were you the troll all along? Master of 3d chess right here.

Fun fact, Elaan seduced Kirk in this one.

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Good taste, user. Shatner is Yea Forums's official /ourguy/

TOS pretty much redefined the canon when "Pandora Don't" was broadcast for the first time in the sixties. Challenging female and male stereotypes of the time as well as questioning hegemony as a strategy for any civilization was genius at it's best: unique, empathic and fraught with dangers. Sail on, Enterprise, sail on.

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Star Trek TOS did its best to show an egalitarian future, with women in positions of power on the ship.
In fact, in the original pilot, the first mate was a woman, but that was considered too much by the network.
Women are different than men, and men and women have different strengths. This is not sexist, this is reality.
I personally feel that what you are objecting to is sexuality between men and women, as Star Trek TOS is one of the LEAST sexist shows that I have seen, and is in fact a good example of a FEMINIST show.

Yes they are different, generally, but if a woman does make it to her position, we can assume she's equally as competent as a man who would be in that position, so maybe portraying that specific woman as an idiot who talks about how unromantic Mr. Spock is while they're both on a command bridge of a fucking spaceship, is not giving the woman much credit, and maybe that comes from certain prejudices the writers had. Again, I don't care, I'm a man, I don't give a shit about women's issues, but I'm not blind or stupid, don't feed me shit and call it caviar.

Romulan starship captain

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Kirkfag here, Elaan of Troyus was pretty much star treks adaptation of taming of the shrew which is inherently sexist

not that that's bad some bitches need to be tamed

What is a Kirkfag?
Are you Bill?

this show was extremely good OP

i watched it for the first time in 2017. Was watching it to get interested in Star Trek and to get into STD.

And STD ended up sucking ass. Whereas this old ass show ended up being infinitely more based and thought provoking.

Bill left because people kept pretending to be him and he got annoyed

I'm a woman, and I DO give a shit, and I know that Star Trek TOS was extremely progressive for its time and set the standard for futuristic sci fi as far as casting women in positions of power.
For a female character to tease Mr Spock about being romantic is realistic, godammit. Bones and Kirk teased him all the time, didn't they? If Kirk can fall in love, why can't Uhura?
Your ideas of feminism have been corrupted by 3rd wave feminism, I see.

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Sorry, but this is pretty funny.

Reminder that TAS had Uhura taking command of the ship and leading all the women in security to rescue the men from space sirens

it was based

>that episode where Spock yells at and almost hit a female officer for bringing him dinner to his quarters.


Somehow this must be sexist.
I dunno how.
Oh, probably because Kirk is pointing to something, which shows superiority.

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You're a woman? Oh god okay, this explains everything. Look it's cool love, I get it, you're not like the other feminist shrills, you're a cool girl, you can hang with the boys and take the banter.
I agree with you, feminists suck. I'm just saying, the dismissive and unprofessional way in which women are treated in many parts of the TOS is obvious with anyone with eyes. Maybe it really was progressive 60 years ago, but today it's funny.

That's all. It's just funny. It's still a good show

>It's a Bones forces a woman to go through with an unwanted pregnancy and slaps her when she gets hysterical episode.

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You obviously have an issue with it retard

>I don't give a shit about womens issues
>spends hours on a thread calling out a 50 year old tv show that pushed progression boundaries right and left
ya right shlomo no one is buying your shit

Holy fuck I never even thought about it like that, just thought McCoy was doing the right thing and she was being evil for wanting to kill her child BASED

>Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor not a ______!

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nice, Don and Roger=Kirk and McCoy, they did both have that sort of dad/older brother dynamic going on

Feminists don't suck.
3rd wave feminists suck. Revisionists suck.
People like you, patronizing hipster s*yb*ys, suck.
Your analysis of Star Trek TOS as being dismissive and unprofessional towards women is laughable and uninformed.
Look. I get it. Your teacher told you all about how unenlighted people were before the last 10 years or so when _ thank god_ sjws came along to save us from ourselves.
I live in the real world, where my mother and grandmother were feminists, and where most people have been decent people becoming more and more enlightened for a long time. In that world, Gene Rodenberry and the cast and crew of Star Trek were breaking barriers of racism and sexism 50 years ago.

it's just revisionist history written by some minimum-wage millenial soiboi writer, Kirk was always either making the moves on space babes or knocking them out with one punch, pay it no mind

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We watched I Claudius in high school and when Patrick came on the entire room erupted in laughter at that stupid whig.

I thought people would find it funny, didn't really expect anyone to disagree. Then when that girl did, I kept arguing because I don't fucking lose arguments. Especially not to a girl.

To be fair, she slapped him first.

>i was just kidding guys, really

The only really dismissive part is Number One getting removed by CBS because they knew she was fucking Gene.
What passed as banter in the 60s is a hate crime now. That's all that's changed.

>forces a woman to go through with an unwanted pregnancy

what part of the non-interference directive do you not understand ? Earth people may think its a 'right' for females to terminate fetus's on a whim but other planets might not be the same.

This is one of the few sane poeple in the thread. Kirk was a Chad, deal with it. That's part of what made him cool. You wanna suck Rodenberry's cock, go right ahead. Stargate was better anyway

Can you fucking imagine this episode getting made today? Sure they'd love the "defeat the nazis at all costs" message but they sure as hell wouldn't appreciate how those costs are paid.

>I was merely pretending

Chad =/= sexist

Objectively wrong

Does every thread on this site descend into political bullshit nowadays. I dont remember it been like this. I rarely browse these days though.

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>Does every thread on the internet descend into political bullshit nowadays

Just the ones that start out by incorrectly calling a show sexist. Just those ones.

No, I meant everything I said, the show is sexist. It just doesn't offend me, but I'm not going to let someone tell me it isn't then pretend like I agree with them. What are you even trying to say?

That's because the entertainment industry itself is less about entertainment and more about shoving political bullshit down people's throats nowadays

Right, like, let's take Supergirl, is anyone gonna tell me Supergirl isn't sexist? All the men are morons. SUPERMAN is an incompetent moron.
Star Trek is kinda like that, in reverse.


Well, you got me. To you, and to you alone, I will concede my loss.
You guys have fun, I've gotta go on a date. Who am I kidding, no one will believe that, I gotta get to work.

No take backs.


>Chad =/= sexist
who knows if this is true or not (it's probably just semantics really) but I feel confident saying that there would be a hell of a lot of overlap on a Chad/sexist Venn diagram

>I'm a woman
Opinion discarded

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It puts it nicely into perspective how deeply down the communist toilet our current (((woke))) culture has been flushed.

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Yes, TOS was a revolution for that time and even today.

The current Star Trek Discovery brings nothing new, it's a bureaucratic boring show
The costumes are so blaze, they brought a gay couple and they think this is revolutionary
Couples like this exist on tv for decades
But they think that this is innovative for the franchise
And years ago the producer Damon Lindelof apologized for the Alice Eve bikini scene in Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek: Damon Lindelof apologizes for Alice Eve. Really?

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Kirk fell in love for any pussy who appears in front of him at the show

>men are morons. SUPERMAN is an incompetent moron.
>Star Trek is kinda like that, in reverse

Even the enemies.
They´re just not stripped of their femininity and turned into smaller weaker yet magically better men, like everywhere else in current media-lala-land


>racist and sexist

You have no idea what you're talking about.

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>but if a woman does make it to her position, we can assume she's equally as competent as a man who would be in that position
We really can't.

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I was being sarcastic.

>Feminists don't suck.
yeah they do. women should never have been allowed to vote.

>>Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor not a gaynigger from outer space!!!FACT!!!

It's just that bitches don't give a shit because Chad makes them wet.
If an ugly guy did the EXACT same shit a Chad does, he'd be branded a creep and brought up on charges.

>one accident proves women cant fly

desu most aviators would have trouble recovering from losing an engine the second they were given the abort at that point. Plenty of male pilots have ejected on failed landings, she was just unlucky and her ejection delay killed her.


Go take your pills, Lindsay.

>one accident
>Capt. Zoe Kotnik, the first female pilot to head the F-16 Viper demonstration team, was relieved of command Monday. Col. Derek O’Malley, 20th Fighter Wing commander, relieved Capt. Zoe Kotnik from command Feb. 11 due to a loss of confidence in her ability to lead and command the Air Combat Command F-16 Viper demonstration team,” said Col. Allen Herritage, director of public affairs at ACC
>when "The Real Life Captain Marvel" is forced to resign command after nearly killing her squad, twice.

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she stalled her own engine nigger.
and she didn't abort, her co-pilot had to abort both of them because she was still trying to power out of a stall and would've killed both of them.

>when the pussy pass for feminist points kills 3 sailors.

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REMINDER: Womyn are the weaker sex and DO NOT belong on the battlefield.

It got less sexist as it went on. But had a hilarious relapse in that final episode.

The Khan episode was pretty good too. The female crew member was overcome by Khan's manliness and forced to commit treason.

moot should have nuked /pol/ and stormfags when he had the chance

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He doesn't age, but he has also looked 60 since he was 40.

>Star Trek TOS did its best to show an egalitarian future, with women in positions of power on the ship.
I recently watched the ep. where Kirk's ex body-swapped with him. She was desperate to not be a woman any more so she could have a 'male' career.

when /n/ was purged they all migrated to other boards
when /new/ was purged they all migrated other boards
>if /pol/ was purged...

*smacks lips

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Oh he DOES age.
Basically looking like a walking corpse now.
The botox didn´t help AT ALL.

Yes we know you're retarded and have problems with pattern recognition.

OP, I seriously hope you're just a troll.

people that actually have this mindset on the world should actually die

I love how in the very first episode the captain snaps at a female officer and then apologizes, stating he isn't used to women on the bridge.

You look like you stole my tendies.

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>creepily paw at
Literally only women talk like this.

Why do we even have the word "sexism?" Anything woman can do, they can only do because we allow them. We let them vote, we let them have good jobs. Can't we get a thank you every once and a while instead of constant whining that we don't give them enough? What is "sexism?" When a man takes what he wants? Why shouldn't he? If he can take it he deserves it. This is the way of nature.

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Don't forget the random hot woman who brings Kirk his coffee.

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what a cunt, fuck this stupid generation, amazon/ google robot uprising when?

>So I'm watching this show for the first time, and holy shit. This show is hilariously sexist.

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thanks, lady

people who claim trek "has always been progressive" are usually idiots who never watched the show

Sexism=horseshit boomer morality

McCoy is a good ol boy in space; I don't know why people find this so hard to accept. The show is 50 years old - people who criticize it clearly haven't seen any contemporary media. It's totally innocuous by the standards of the day.

The civil rights movement was a new phenomenon when this stuff first aired. MLK himself was a chauvinist pig in private too; are we going after him now?

As he damned well should. Bibi Besch's character was a revelation - a real human being in a universe hitherto peopled by archetypes - and 25 years later, they used her for T&A. JJ's whole gang should be crucified for being so tone deaf.

The whole point of progressive is that it makes progress. Given the stances of the period it certainly did that.
First interracial kiss on television, first gay kiss on television, women and minority represented competent, a russian (during the fucking cold war) as one of the recurring good guys... I'd say those were all progress in the "right" direction.

I love TOS, my roommate who's "non binary" or some shit is a huge Trekkie but ignores the "offensive" stuff that's in TOS. I think TOS was more progressive or whatever than all other trek material. They had the fucking first white guy to kiss a nigger on TV ever.

Not to mention Khan, the perfect human, was a Mexican warlord.

Trek actually didn't do the first interracial kiss on American TV, and the one they did do was not depicted as consensual (it did give S&P headaches nevertheless). The multicultural cast is what really distinguished the show.

>recommends Let the Children Cry but not Time and Time Again